Journal Journal of Applied Horticulture, 14(2): 110-113, 2012 Appl Effect of dehydration on keeping quality of white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus Lange (Sing.) M.P. Singh, H.S. Sodhi, A. Singh* and P.K. Khanna Department of Microbiology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, *Department of Processing and Food Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India. E-mail:, Abstract Key words: Agaricus bisporus, cabinet drying, microwave-oven drying, color index, texture index, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids Introduction Complementary Copy White button mushrooms, Agaricus bisporus (strains U3 and S11) were dried in cabinet at two temperatures (45 and 55°C) and microwave oven at 380W for 30 minutes. Dried mushrooms were subjected to physical (color, texture, rehydration ratio, dehydration ratio), biochemical (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) and microbiological (total bacterial count) parameters after three months of storage period. In strain U3, carbohydrate content was highest in 0.1% KMS treated mushrooms dried at 45˚C, protein ranged between 3.43 to 3.89 g/100 g of fresh mushrooms, lipid content ranged between 0.06 to 0.30 g/100 g of mushrooms and the total bacterial count ranged between 1.48 to 2.07 log cfu/g which was within the permissible limits of dried fruit products while in microwave oven dried mushrooms there was no significant difference in two strains in terms of carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents. Bacterial count was found to be within the permissible limit of dried fruit products (1.85-2.17 log cfu/g). The weight of dried mushrooms remained almost constant throughout the storage period of 3 months. However, cabinet drying was preferred for most of the color and texture index parameters. Springiness was maximum for microwave oven dried mushrooms of S11 strain treated with 0.1% KMS, followed by the unwashed mushrooms. Resilience ranged between 0.23 to 0.33 in all the treatments. Cohesiveness was maximum in unwashed mushrooms of U3 dried at 55˚C, followed by cabinet dried mushrooms of S11 strain (55˚C) both unwashed and 0.1% KMS treated. Chewiness and gumminess were also maximum for cabinet dried unwashed mushrooms of U3, followed by microwave oven dried 0.1% KMS treated mushrooms. A. bisporus was most acceptable in cabinet drying for 0.1% KMS treated U3 strain at both 45˚C and 55˚C while in case of microwave oven drying, total color difference (2.88 for U3 and 2.58 in S11) was minimum and rehydration ratio (1.91 to 3.06) was found to be maximum for U3 strain. drying had been combined with conventional hot air drying to reduce the drying time, optimize energy efficiency and improve product quality (Zhang et al., 2006). Pretreatments of mushrooms before drying by, washing in water, KMS, sugar, salt either alone or in combination help in checking enzymatic browning, stabilizing color, enhancing flavor retention and maintaining textural properties (Singh et al., 2001). The optimum conditions of drying were established by Kar et al. (2004) on the basis of rehydration ratio and sensory evaluation. Drying at microwave intensity of 400 W with pretreatment of blanching in boiling water for 3 min., followed by steeping in solution of 0.1% KMS + 0.2% CA + 6% sugar + 3% NaCl at room temperature for 15 min. yielded an acceptable dehydrated product in about 45 min. The rehydration ability of the dried product is a critical parameter indicating the degree of damage caused by physiochemical treatments (Krokida and Marinos, 2003). Present investigation was undertaken to study the effect of drying by different methods on color, texture, biochemical and microbiological quality parameters of the dehydrated white button mushrooms. White button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) is devoured by mankind for its characteristic aroma, texture and nutritional value (Arumuganathan et al., 2003). Dehydration appears to be a promising and cost effective method of mushroom preservation for the Indian conditions as it is easy to transport the dried product compared to canned, pickled and frozen products. The dehydrated products, apart from the increased shelf life, offer an advantage of decreased weight and volume with a potential for saving the cost of packaging, handling, storage and transport (Amuthan et al., 1999). Dried mushrooms, packed in airtight containers can have a shelf life of above one year (Bano et al., 1992). Mushrooms could be dried to a moisture level down below 10% at drying temperature of 55˚C to give the end product with the desired qualities of texture, color and rehydration. At a drying temperature of 55-60˚C, the insects and microbes on the mushrooms would be killed in a few hours, which give the dehydrated final product of lower moisture content with longer shelf life. A cabinet drier with proper air circulation has been reported to be superior by Mudahar and Bains (1982). Materials and methods Microwave oven drying is an alternative way which generates very rapid heat and mass transfer resulting in quick drying of mushrooms. It offers the product with good organoleptic and nutritional values (Sahni et al., 1997). Heating of foods by microwave energy sources are instantaneous. Microwave-vacuum Two strains S11 and U3 of A. bisporus, were harvested from the Mushroom Research Farm, PAU, Ludhiana. Half the sample of mushrooms (500g) from each strain was treated with 1% KMS for 10 minutes in order to inactivate the enzymes and improve its color characteristics while other half was left untreated as Effect of dehydration on keeping quality of white button mushrooms Cabinet drying: Mushrooms were dried in cabinet tray drier (Kilbron Oven, Macneil and Magor Ltd.) where mushrooms were kept in series of trays and warm air temperature of 45oC and 55oC was passed with air velocity of approximately 1m / sec. Weight of tray was noted regularly. Readings were taken at an interval of 2 hours till 7-8% constant moisture was achieved. Microwave drying: Mushrooms were dried in microwave [Electrolux (250-700)] at 380W for 30 minutes. The dried mushrooms were packed in airtight polyethylene bags of 150 gauze. The observations were made on wt. loss (%), appearance, color, optical density, dehydration ratio, rehydration ratio, biochemical and microbiological properties in comparison to the unwashed mushrooms as control. Rehydration was done by dipping weighed sample (5g) of dried mushroom in distilled water. Dehydration and rehydration ratio was calculated using the formula of Ranganna (1986). Color and texture analysis: The color of freshly harvested and stored samples was measured by using Miniscan XE plus Hunter Lab Colorimeter (Burton et al., 1987; Gormley, 1974). L, a, b values for samples were obtained in triplicate. From these values of ‘L’, ‘a’ and ‘b’ total color difference was obtained using the formula: ΔE =√ΔL2 + Δa2 +Δb2 Where, ΔL, Δa and Δb are deviations from L, a and b values of the fresh sample. ΔL = L sample - L standard; + ΔL means sample was lighter than standard, -ΔL means sample was darker than standard. Δa = a sample - a standard; +Δ a means sample was redder than standard, -Δa means sample was greener than standard. Δb = b sample - b standard, + Δb means sample was yellower than standard, -Δb means sample was bluer than standard. The hue (H), chroma (C) and browning index (BI), which represented the purity of brown color (Polou et al., 1999), were also calculated according to the given equation: Hue= tan-1 (b/a), Chroma = (a2 + b2)1/2 BI= 100(x - 0.31) /0.172, Where, x= (a + 1.75L) / (5.645 + a-3.012b) The textural behavior of the whole mushroom was estimated in terms of the texture profile analysis (TPA) curve. The parameters of brittleness, hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, chewiness, springiness and gumminess were calculated from the plot of two cyclic compression text performed on mushroom sample of about 5 mm thickness using an aluminium cylinder known as P/75 cylindrical probe having 75 mm diameter. The conditions set for TPA were: Load cell: 50 kg, Test mode: measure force in compression, Pretest speed: 10 mm/s, Test speed: 5 mm/s, Post test speed: 10 mm/s, Time lag between 2 compressions: 2s, Test strain: 75% of sample height, Trigger force: 0.05 N, Data acquisition rate: 200 pps, Probe: SMS P/75 cylindrical probe, 75 mm diameter. Total bacterial count: Total bacterial count (cfu/ g fresh mushrooms) was determined by standard method of serial dilution and plating. Biochemical analysis: Estimation of total sugars was done by Dubois et al. (1956) method. Extraction was done by taking carbohydrates from dried samples of A. bisporus. Estimation of proteins was done by method given by Lowry et al. (1951) and extraction and estimation of total lipids was done by Folsch et al. (1957) method. Results and discussion Biochemical and microbiological analysis: Fruit bodies of A. bisporus strains S11 and U3 were subjected to cabinet drying (45˚C and 55˚C) and microwave oven drying (380W, 30 minutes) followed by their biochemical and microbiological analysis. In strain U3, carbohydrate content was highest in 0.1% KMS washed and mushrooms dried at 45˚C followed by mushrooms received same pretreatment and dried at 55˚C. The protein content ranged between 3.43 to 3.89 g/100 g of fresh mushrooms whereas lipid content was 0.06 to 0.30 g/100 g of mushrooms (Table 1). The total bacterial count ranged between 1.48 to 2.07 log cfu/g which was within the permissible limits of dried fruit products (less than 2.7 log cfu/g, non pathogenic). In microwave oven dried mushrooms, there was no significant difference in two strains in terms of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids contents and bacterial count was found to be within the permissible limits of dried fruit products (1.85-2.17 log cfu/g) (Table 1). The weight of dried mushrooms remained almost constant throughout the storage period of 3 months. Dehydration ratio for all the treatments ranged between 9.25 to 13.78 with lowest for 0.1% KMS treated mushrooms (S11 and U3) dried in microwave oven. The rehydration ratio for all the treatments ranged between 1.91 to 3.06 with highest in 0.1% KMS treated U3 mushrooms dried in microwave oven (Table 1). Complementary Copy control. The mushrooms were then cut longitudinally into pieces, blanched and dried in cabinet drier and in microwave. Five replicates for each set of experiment were observed and analyzed statistically for ANOVA at P= 0.05. 111 Color index: The mushrooms from two different strains received different pretreatments and dried by two different methods along with control were compared for color index for L, a, b, ΔE, hue, chroma, browning index. In each treatment, L value for 0.1% KMS treated mushrooms was better with highest value of 41.45 L for U3 strain. There were no significant differences in a value for different treatments. ΔE value was lowest for microwave oven dried mushrooms in comparison to cabinet dried mushrooms. The hue index showed increased value from 0.1% KMS pretreated to unwashed mushrooms of S11 strain in cabinet drying whereas contrast was true for mushrooms of U3 in cabinet drying and both S11 and U3 for microwave oven dried mushrooms. The browning index for cabinet dried unwashed mushrooms of S11 was higher whereas it was low for unwashed U3 mushrooms. However, there was no significant difference in browning index in microwave oven dried mushrooms (Table 2). Texture profile: The texture profile of dried mushrooms indicated adhesiveness ranging from -1.57 to -6.98 for all treatments. In cabinet dried mushrooms, maximum hardness (texture) was in 0.1% KMS treated mushrooms from U3 strain. In microwave oven dried mushrooms, maximum hardness for both 0.1%KMS treated and unwashed mushrooms was in U3 strain. Springiness was maximum for microwave oven dried mushrooms of S11 strain treated with 0.1% KMS, followed by the unwashed mushrooms. 112 Effect of dehydration on keeping quality of white button mushrooms Table 1. Physico-chemical and microbiological properties of dried A. bisporus using different techniques Drying Strain Treatment Temperature Carbohydrate Proteins Lipids Bacterial Change in Dehydration Rehydration type (g/100g of (g/100g of (g/100g of count wt. during ratio (x) ratio (x) mushrooms) mushrooms) mushrooms) (log cfu/g) storage (%) Cabinet S11 0.1%KMS 45˚C 2.04 3.79 0.06 1.70 7.24 13.47 2.39 Unwashed 2.89 3.58 0.12 2.07 6.66 9.93 2.22 drying 0.1%KMS 55˚C 2.47 3.61 0.21 1.61 15.75 13.78 2.76 Unwashed 2.50 3.52 0.30 2.0 5.5 12.63 2.56 U3 0.1%KMS Unwashed 0.1%KMS Unwashed 45˚C 55˚C CD (P=0.05) Microwave S11 Unwashed 380W(30min) oven drying 0.1%KMS U3 Unwashed 380W(30min) 0.1%KMS CD (P=0.05) 4.39 2.17 3.02 2.01 0.73 2.48 3.64 3.89 3.43 3.77 NS 3.80 0.06 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.35 0.10 1.48 2.07 1.31 2.0 0.17 2.17 4.32 6.20 4.51 12.61 0.34 -13.0 11.32 11.42 11.80 12.13 0.34 10.22 2.48 3.03 2.25 1.91 0.35 2.41 2.50 2.13 2.14 NS 3.63 3.50 3.43 0.38 0.13 0.10 0.08 NS 1.91 2.07 1.85 0.12 -.0015 12.01 -28.70 1.63 9.25 11.12 9.25 0.37 2.61 2.70 3.06 0.18 NS= Non Significant in all the three table Resilience ranged between 0.23 to 0.33 in all the treatments. Cohesiveness was maximum in unwashed mushrooms of U3 dried at 55˚C, followed by cabinet dried mushrooms of S11 strain (55˚C) both unwashed and 0.1% KMS treated. Chewiness was also maximum for cabinet dried unwashed mushrooms of U3, followed by microwave oven dried 0.1% KMS treated mushrooms. This lot also indicated maximum gumminess (Table 3). level of moisture content in the end product (Table 2 & 3). Observations after three months of storage indicated that cabinet drying at temperatures of 45 and 55˚C gave best results particularly in 0.1% KMS treated mushrooms of U3 strain. The drying temperature of 55˚C in the plenum chamber gave the end product with the desired qualities of texture, color and rehydration (NRCM, 2008). Pre-drying treatments had a significant effect on whiteness and color change of the dried mushroom slices. Whiteness is reported to be high in blanched mushrooms compared to other treatments but it gave very low rehydration ratio (Nour et al., 2011). In present study, cabinet drying gave superior results with respect to color and texture index, while microwave drying required lesser time for drying to achieve same Table 2. Color index of dried A. bisporus using different techniques Drying type Strain Treatment Temperature L Cabinet drying S11 0.1%KMS 0.1%KMS Unwashed U3 0.1%KMS Unwashed 0.1%KMS Unwashed C.D (P=0.05) Microwave oven drying b 5.27±0.22 -1.10±0.96 22.04±0.68 4.27±0.16 6.18±0.64 55˚C 34.99±0.61 6.41±0.13 5.20±0.25 30.02±0.62 39.47±0.47 32.02±0.15 41.45±1.16 34.46±0.39 3.13 28.80±1.67 30.49±1.67 5.41±0.12 7.27±0.18 5.81±0.07 8.00±0.34 6.59±0.01 NS 6.5±0.12 8.18±0.14 6.20±0.21 8.42±1.06 2.51±0.16 6.39±0.59 3.49±0.21 0.94 4.53±0.15 3.53±0.15 45˚C 55˚C U3 Unwashed 380W (30 min) CD (P=0.05) Color index ΔE a 28.66±0.83 S11 Unwashed 380W (30 min) 0.1%KMS 0.1%KMS Use of cabinet and microwave-oven drying for the dehydration of A.bisporus (strains U3 and S11) suggested that, in cabinet drying, out of two strains, 0.1% KMS treated mushrooms of U3 strain gave good results for most of the parameters at both drying temperature of 45˚C and 55˚C while in case of microwave oven 45˚C Unwashed Complementary Copy Singh et al. (2007) also showed that button mushroom samples dehydrated at 50˚C gave better quality. They reported diffusivity of 1.05x10-08 to 7.48x10-09 m2/s and it increased with drying air temperature. Drying using microwave oven has been reported as non satisfactory mainly because of lack of temperature control and high time of exposure resulting in charring of mushrooms particularly at the edges (Walde et al., 1997). However, the time taken for drying from 7.5% (db) moisture to 2% (db) has been reported more for cabinet than for microwave oven drying (Walde et al., 2006). A comparative new technique ‘Microwave-vacuum drying’ had resulted in 70-90% reduction in the drying time with better rehydration characteristics as compared to convective air drying (Giri and Prasad, 2007). HUE CHROMA BI 9.890 -11.79 5.38 8.91 55.35 7.51 46.05 5.16 39.09 8.25 28.64 48.89 49.19 23.37 38.62 27.91 0.47 34.87 23.34 8.22 11.12 6.33 10.24 7.46 0.57 7.92 8.91 35.45 36.58 20.64 29.99 23.81 0.19 32.60 30.64 9.62 7.69 2.58 30.15±0.04 6.7±0.02 5.68±0.09 40.28 8.78 36.12 32.15±0.02 8.53±0.05 4.68±0.09 2.88 28.75 9.73 33.90 NS NS NS 0.20 NS 0.77 Effect of dehydration on keeping quality of white button mushrooms Table 3. Texture profile of dried A. bisporus by different techniques Drying type Strain Treatment Temperature Adhesiveness Hardness (g x mm) (g) S11 0.1%KMS U3 C.D (P=0.05) Microwave oven drying Unwashed 0.1%KMS Unwashed 0.1%KMS Unwashed 0.1%KMS Unwashed 45˚C 55˚C 45˚C 55˚C S11 Unwashed 380W (30 min) 0.1%KMS U3 Unwashed 380W (30 min) 0.1%KMS CD (P=0.05) Resilience Cohesiveness Chewiness Gumminess (g x mm) (g) -3.89 10562 0.68 0.27 0.03 281 411 -5.00 -5.33 -5.30 -6.98 -2.08 -6.79 -3.42 0.36 -1.57 -1.99 -4.93 -4.02 0.19 12274 14487 14400 197140 35485 170870 88010 628626.0 44550 44965 109876 103921 47.64 0.78 0.94 0.90 0.42 0.61 0.001 0.40 0.16 1.00 1.10 0.14 0.15 0.22 0.29 0.31 0.25 0.33 0.24 0.32 0.28 0.37 0.23 0.24 0.29 0.30 NS 0.02 1.96 1.80 0.07 0.75 0.80 2.18 0.17 0.57 0.75 0.07 0.09 0.19 195 26851 23509 6044 16450 226 77033 13.84 25616 37657 1239 1573 0.60 250 28396 25920 14391 26862 137550 191863 3531.0 25393 34039 8438 9997 0.60 drying, L Value and rehydration ratio were highest for mushrooms of U3 strain (0.1% KMS treated and untreated) as compared to S11 (0.1% KMS treated and untreated). 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