PERFORMANCE REVIEW SUMMARY 2004 CORPORATE PERFORMANCE RATING SCALE LEVEL 5 PERCENTAGE 112 – 120 % 4 104 – 112 % 3 96 – 104 % 2 88 – 96 % 1 N/A 80 – 88 % Not Applicable DESCRIPTION EXCEPTIONAL The position holder is regarded as a unique contributor SUPERIOR Exceeds performance expectations COMPETENT Copes with the position as expected LEARNING Some aspect of performance needs improvement INADEQUATE PERFORMANCE Use this when you are completely unsighted on a particular measure SUMMARY OUTPUT WEIGHT % PERFORMANCE % COLLECTED FUNDS 25 110 WEIGHTED PERFORMANCE 27.50 PAID BENEFITS 10 100 10.00 INVESTED FUNDS 10 97 9.70 MAINTAINED LEGAL ENVIRONMENT 10 102.5 10.25 STATUTORY DOCUMENTS 5 105 5.25 MEMBER DOCUMENTS 5 102.5 5.12 ORGANISATIONAL IMAGE 8 106 8.48 PUBLICITY CAMPAIGNS 7 80 5.60 BOARD REPORTS 5 100 5.00 CONTROLLED EXPENDITURE 15 105 15.75 OVERALL PERFORMANCE 102.65 OUTPUTS WITH RATINGS AGAINST CRITERIA 1. COLLECTED FUNDS Definition: Income received from employers either received directly or collected through compliance activities and banked during the period 1 January 2004 to 31st December 2004 Weight: 25% Criterion % registered employers % payment on time Funds banked Supporting information Compliance action Cost of collection Total income 80% Performance Level 90% 100% 110% √ 120% Comment Require more accurate data Change criterion 2005 √ Require more accurate data √ √ Require more detailed data √ Performance = 110% 2. PAID BENEFITS Definition: Appropriate benefits paid to qualifying members and beneficiaries according to prescribed rules Weight:10% Criterion NPF posting period NAPSA posting period Accuracy of payments Customer service 80% Performance Level 90% 100% 110% √ √ √ √ 120% Comment Refine criteria Refine criteria Change criteria Refine objective at corporate level Performance = 100% 3. INVESTED FUNDS Definition: Funds invested in accordance with decisions of the investment committee to achieve optimum return. Weight: 10% Criterion Investment income Kb Investment decision time Income=inflation rate+ 80% Performance Level 90% 100% 110% √ √ 120% √ Comment Review criterion Change criterion Broaden criteria Refine output Performance = 97% 4. MAINTAINED LEGAL ENVIRONMENT Definition: Legal status of the organization maintained. Legal provisions of the Act enforced. Legally required payments calculated, recorded and delivered. These include: Income tax on employees, Value Added tax, etc. Suppliers of goods and services paid in accordance with agreements. Weight: 10% Performance Level Criterion 80% 90% Timeliness, √ accuracy Supplier payments Claims against √ NAPSA Tax returns Legal claim success Staff integrity Staff awareness of law Legal professionalism 100% 110% 120% Comment Change criterion √ Rewrite criterion KS+ LC V √ √ √ √ Need measurement Add “DEFENDED LONG STANDING CASES” Performance = 102.5% 5. STATUTORY DOCUMENTS Definition: Legally required documents compiled and delivered. These include: Statutory (audited) financial statements, actuarial and statistical reports on economic and demographic trends in relation to the pension industry to inform or assist in decisionmaking. Weight: 5% Performance Level Criterion 80% Timeliness Accuracy Currency of information Relevance Use of standard formats Completeness Legal conformity Within fee structure 90% √ 100% 110% 120% Comment √ √ Clarify criterion √ √ √ √ √ Performance = 105% 6. MEMBER DOCUMENTS Definition: Statements of contributions made by members compiled and delivered. Membership cards supplied. Weight: 5% Performance Level Criterion 80% Cost of production Timeliness Accuracy Comprehensibility Time to issue/replace √ Chance of fraud 90% 100% 110% √ 120% Comment √ √ √ √ Review criteria Performance = 102.5% 7. ORGANISATIONAL IMAGE Definition: An image of NAPSA and the Pension Fund scheme created through publicity and contact with entities and individuals. Weight: 8% Criterion Perceptions of honesty Nature of publicity Social responsibility Customer satisfaction Overall perception 80% Performance Level 90% 100% 110% 120% √ Comment √ √ √ √ Require scientific measurement of criteria Performance = 106% 8. PUBLICITY CAMPAIGNS Definition: Campaigns designed to educate and influence individuals and entities in the benefits of the fund. Campaigns designed to educate members and employers in their rights and responsibilities in relation to the fund. Weight: 7% Performance Level Criterion 80% Registration of attendees √ Correct return forms √ Attendance √ Informative/ interesting √ Use of media √ Focus of message √ Cost benefit √ Performance = 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% Comment 9. BOARD REPORTS Definition: Reports on the activities of the Authority compiled from scheduled Director reports, special reports and ad-hoc reports and designed to provide information on the progress of the Authority. Weight: 5% Performance Level Criterion Clarity/timeliness Conformity to reporting standards Relevance Storage User satisfaction Follow up 80% 90% 100% √ √ √ √ √ √ 110% 120% Comment Performance = 100% 10. CONTROLLED EXPENDITURE Definition: Total expenditure (1 January 2004 – 31 December 2004) contained within predefined boundaries through prudent management, observation, monitoring and appropriate action. Weight: 15% Performance Level Criterion 80% Recurrent expenditure Capital expenditure Performance = 115% 90% 100% 110% √ 120% √ Comment