CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter contains the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in this study. The various results are presented on the succeeding table. This study aimed to determine the relation of English Proficiency and Job Readiness of BEED students. Table 1. Frequency Distribution on English Proficiency in terms of Vocabulary Range of Scores Frequency Percentage Description 21 - 25 14 22.58 Proficient 16 - 20 26 41.94 Satisfactory 11 - 15 19 30.65 Average 6 - 10 3 4.84 Fair 1-5 0 0 Poor Mean = 17.06 SD =4.53 Table 1 reveals that the majority of the respondents are satisfactory in terms of vocabulary. The frequency of the students is 26 which is equivalent to 41.94%. Overall, it has a mean score of 17.06 and 4.53 for standard deviation. This means that the students have enough vocabularies. Table 2. Frequency Distribution on English Proficiency in terms of Reading Comprehension Range of Scores Frequency Percentage Description 21 - 25 1 1.61 Proficient 16 - 20 10 16.13 Satisfactory 11 - 15 23 37.1 Average 6 - 10 19 30.65 Fair 1-5 9 14.52 Poor Mean = 11.26 SD = 4.54 As shown in Table 2, majority of the respondents are average in terms of reading comprehension with a frequency of 23 which is equivalent to 37.1%. As a total, it has a mean score of 11.26 and 4.54 for standard deviation. This means that the students are good in reading comprehension. Table 3. Level of Students’ Job Readiness in terms of Communication Skills Foundation Skills Communication Skills a. I can write formal letters Mean 3.48 SD Description 1.11 Seldom(Replace this with correct description) b. I can speak and deliver messages clearly c. I can read and understand texts without difficulty d. I can listen attentively 3.27 0.96 Often 3.24 1.04 Often 3.69 1.12 Seldom e. I can use language appropriate for work environment Grand Mean 3.39 1.06 Often 3.41 0.06 Seldom Please take note that you are describing the READINESS of the students. It is wrong to say that the students’ readiness is seldom. Thus, discuss the every result as regards their level of readiness not as “often”, “seldom” or what. Since you are using the MEAN, it is no longer acceptable to say “majority of the students” or what. It is about “on average” what is their readiness level? Are they very much ready, much ready, ready, moderately ready or not ready at all? Always go back to your research question? Answer them properly. You should have mean range or interval in Chapter 3 under Statistical treatment to interpret when the computed mean is on this range or that range. Ex. 4.20 – 5.00 (Excellent – The students are very much ready), 3.80-4.19 (Very satisfactory – The students are much ready.), etc. Look at other completed studies as your model. Do not solely rely from asking questions. Ex: As shown in Table 3, the readiness of the students in terms of communication skills is satisfactory (M=3.41, SD=0.06). This means that the students are… Table 3 reveals that item C got the lowest mean score, which is 3.24 with a 1.04 standard deviation and described as “Often”. This means that most of the respondents find it difficult to read and understand texts. On the other hand, item D got the highest mean score, which is 3.69 with 1.12 for standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. This means that, majority of the CTE students are attentive listeners. As a total, the grand mean for communication skills is 3.41 with a 0.06 for standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. Table 4. Level of Students’ Job Readiness in terms of Critical Thinking Skills Critical thinking Skills a. I can use knowledge and information from job to solve workplace problems. b. I can apply my reasoning and analytical thinking in the workplace c. I can make decisions efficiently in a short period of time d. I can draw conclusion based on relevant data, information and personal knowledge and experience 3.63 1.15 Seldom 3.56 1.10 Seldom 3.19 1.04 Often 3.47 1.20 Seldom e. I can easily gather and interpret data in the workplace Grand Mean 3.47 1.13 Seldom 3.46 0.06 Seldom As shown in Table 4, item C got the lowest mean score, which is 3.19 with a 1.04 standard deviation and described as “Often”. This means that majority of the respondents are having trouble making decisions efficiently in short period of time. On the other hand, item A got the highest mean score, which is 3.63 with 1.15 for standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. This means that, most of them can use knowledge and information from job to solve workplace problems. As a total, the grand mean for Critical Thinking skills is 3.46 with a 0.06 for standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. Table 5. Level of Students’ Job Readiness in terms of Technical Skills Technical Skills a. I can use technology to encode and decode information b. I can use digital tools in the workplace (MS Word, Powerpoint, Excel, etc) c. I can communicate and interact online 3.77 1.09 Seldom 3.98 1.14 Seldom 3.84 1.16 Seldom d. I can do basic video editing and 3.45 1.15 Seldom podcasting e. I can manage and secure data in a 3.66 1.25 Seldom computer Grand Mean 3.74 0.06 Seldom Table 5 reveals that item D got the lowest mean score, which is 3.45 with a 1.15 standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. This means that most of the respondents find it difficult to do basic video editing and podcasting. On the other hand, item B got the highest mean score, which is 3.98 with 1.14 for standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. This means that, majority of them can use digital tools in the workplace (MS Word, Powerpoint, Excel, etc). As a total, the grand mean for communication skills is 3.74 with a 0.06 for standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. Table 6. Level of Students’ Job Readiness in terms of Workplace Attitude Workplace Attitude a. I can arrive on time for work, take and return from breaks on time, and call supervisor prior to being late b. I can practice personal hygiene and dress appropriate for workplace c. I can strive to meet quality standards 3.93 1.20 Seldom 4.23 1.12 Always 4.18 1.08 Seldom d. I can respect diversity in race, gender, and culture and work collaboratively with others. e. I can exhibit integrity and honesty 4.53 0.90 Always 4.55 0.90 Always 4.28 0.13 Always Grand Mean As shown in Table 6, item A got the lowest mean score, which is 3.93 with a 1.20 standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. This means that majority of the respondents are having trouble arriving on time for work, take and return from breaks on time, and call supervisor prior to being late. On the other hand, item E got the highest mean score, which is 4.55 with 0.90 for standard deviation and described as “Always”. This means that, most of them can exhibit integrity and honesty. As a total, the grand mean for Workplace Attitude is 4.28 with a 0.13 for standard deviation and described as “Always”. Table 7.Overall Level of Students’ Job Readiness Foundation Skills Grand Mean Grand SD Description Communication Skills 3.41 0.06 Seldom Critical Thinking Skills 3.46 0.06 Seldom Technical Skills 3.74 0.06 Seldom Workplace Attitude 4.28 0.13 Always OVERALL MEAN = 3.77 SD = 0.60 Table 7 shows that grand mean for communication skills is 3.41 with a 0.06 for standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. For critical thinking skills, it has a grand mean of 3.46 with a 0.06 for standard deviation and described as “Seldom”. In terms of technical skills, it has 3.74 for the grand mean with a 0.06 (standard deviation) and described as “Seldom”. And for the workplace attitude, it has 4.28 grand mean and 0.13 for standard deviation and described as “Always”. Overall, it has 3.77 mean score with 0.06 standard deviation. This means that the students acquired necessary skills and job ready. Table 4. Correlation of English Proficiency and Job Readiness of CTE Students n r p - value Remark English Proficiency Job Readiness 62 0.31 0.015 * p<0.05*(Significant) Table 4 shows the correlation between level of Job Readiness and English Proficiency of CTE students, with r= 0.31 which describes a moderately low correlation. A p-value of 0.015 is lesser than the 0.05 level of significance which means that there is a significant correlation between Job Readiness and English Proficiency of CTE students. Thus, the null hypothesis, which states that there is no significant relationship between students’ English Proficiency and their Job Readiness, was rejected. According to Jyothi (2012), a person is considered employable only when he gets the necessary qualification, experience, interest, learning attitude and expertise in the field where he wants to seek employment. One of the reason why English Proficiency has significant relationship with job readiness is because English is the most commonly used language in the world; the knowledge of English is one of the important employability skills. According to a study of Pandey and Pandey in 2014, enhanced communication skills in English can result to not only an improved social life, but also better job opportunities in the future. From job interviews to the actual professional world, communication skills are very crucial, and being proficient in English means being able to communicate clearly and effectively. In job interviews, most interviewers conduct interviews in English. Interviewers quickly make judgments and give great importance to first impressions. Poor skills in the language can mean smaller chances of landing a job. On the other hand, being proficient in the language can help one leave a good first impression, which means higher chances of getting the position one, is applying for. English is the most commonly used language in the business world. Most job interviews are done in English. Most business contracts are written in English. Handling international business deals require effective skills in English. English is the preferred business language because it is an exact language. So in order to have an increased competence in the professional world, one should have a very good grasp of the English language. According to Rao (2016), English is a compulsory ingredient of a successful personality. It is very clear that English language plays an eminent role in globalized context. It is widely acknowledged as a valuable life and employability. English proficiency is a key factor for employment success and advancement as English language is the window to the world and it is widely accepted as the formal medium of communication.