Pharmacology of Drugs Homework - 10 points The purpose of this homework is look at the chemical structure of a drug and the chemistry or mechanism of action. A good place to find the information required is: This site is sometimes a little slow to load even with a fast connection so be patient. Look through the top 150 drugs on the bottom of the home page or type in the name of one that you know about. For full credit find the following information: 1. Brand name, generic name (if any), complete chemical name. 2. Find the chemical structure of the drug using: ChemFinder. Type in the name of the drug in the search box. This should give you the chemical structure in a condensed form. Please write it out in a more expanded form showing most of the carbons, hydrogen's, etc. If you scroll down the page, you may find some interesting links. List all of the functional groups that are present. 3. On the site, click on the CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY button to find the Mechanism of Action for the drug. In other words, how does the drug work? What natural chemical is mimicked or blocked. What enzyme is blocked? Or what nerve receptor is mimicked or blocked? Is there one type of isomer that works better than the other? Try to give as much detail as you can understand. 4. In the Pharmacokinetics section of the Clinical Pharmacology, what is interesting about absorption or solubility or metabolism which is the breakdown and excretion of the drug? 5. Next look in the INDICATIONS and Dosage button. What is the drug used for? 6. Synthesis of the drug. You can try to search for a synthetic method to make the drug. Try the name of the drug followed by the word synthesis as your search words. What you get is not guaranteed to yield anything useful, but I want you to give it a try anyway. Try to report on any reactions that might relate to those we have discussed in the course. If you are unsuccessful, please report that as well. You may do a second report for 5 points of extra credit.