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Festivals in Sri Lanka

Festivals in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious country with a history of 2500 years. The country has
a rich artistic tradition and, cultural and religious festivals in Sri Lanka are blended with creative
forms that encompass music, dance, and visual art. Sri Lankans celebrate various aspects of life
during these festivals with unparalleled enthusiasm. Sri Lankan calendar has 25 public holidays,
including festivals like New year, Vesak, Christmas, Ramadan and so forth.
Here are some of the biggest festivals celebrated in Sri Lanka.
1. Sinhala and Tamil New Year
Sinhala and Tamil New Year, also known as “Aluth Avurudda” is the grandest cultural festival in
Sri Lanka, which is celebrated by Sinhala and Tamil community during the month of April.
Sri Lankans have the belief that the Prince of Peace, “Indradeva”, comes down to earth to bless
the people with happiness and peace and thus, this is also the time for the change of thoughts.
Since this is celebrated to mark the end of the harvest season, Sweets and other traditional
foods are abundant during this season. The date of the auspicious new year gains its
significance through astrological calculations.
2. Vesak
commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha, Vesak is celebrated
by in a grand yet religious manner throughout Sri Lanka but on a larger scale in Colombo.
Displaying Vesak Lanterns, singing of Bhakti Gee or devotional songs, distributing of free food in
roadside stalls, known as “Dansal” are some unique ways Sri Lankans celebrates this festival.
3. Ramadan
Ramadan fasting month of the Muslim calendar in Sri Lanka is eagerly awaited by all Muslims,
children and adults alike This is a time of relaxed work hours for Muslims in and more
traditional life compared to the rest of the year.
In a Muslim home for breaking fast is a special occasion every day, special snacks are prepared
like Pakoras, Samosas and a special soup called “Kanji”. Kanji is a kind of gruel/soup prepared
from rice, which is usually made and distributed by the Sri Lankan mosques to Muslim
4. Christmas
In Sri Lanka, Christmas is celebrated by Christians and shared even by non-Christians in true Sri
Lankan style. The festivity spreads through all shopping centers all over the island. Even
the small wayside boutiques throughout the country come out with their small festive
decor. Christmas trees decorated and lit up are a common sight in shopping complexes
and every Christian home. The festivity spreads through all shopping centers all over
the island. Even the small wayside boutiques throughout the country come out with their
small festive decor. Christmas trees decorated and lit up are a common sight in
shopping complexes and every Christian home.
In Sri Lanka Christmas is called “Naththala” and Santa Claus is called “Naththal Seeya”.
Apart from these festivals, there are numerous other vibrant festivals in Sri Lanka such
as Thaipongal, Katharagama Festival, Kandy Esala perahara, Vel festival etc. if
someone is looking forward to the stereotypical good time in a country like Sri Lanka, a
land of traditions, the festivals will give a better glimpse of their idea of happiness,
culture and history.