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Code of Conduct

Code of conduct for all students taking AB0601 or AB0602
This code of conduct governs the actions of all students, who are enrolled in or audit either
one of the two undergraduate communication management modules (AB0601, AB0602)
offered by NBS.
The seminars of AB0601 and AB0602 offer ample opportunities for students to practise their
communication skills in a supportive learning environment. Seminar members and their
tutors form a learning community built on mutual trust and respect, which must be protected
and nurtured.
As such, it is not considered acceptable behaviour to publish on the Internet video
recordings of student presentations. NTU holds the copyright to all video recordings created
by its students and/or instructors for learning purposes and, unless authorised by the
university, the publication on the Internet of such a video clip, whether it is a recording of
one’s own presentation or that of another student, constitutes a copyright infringement.
Breaching this code of conduct may result in sanctions and/or disciplinary action being taken
against the offenders.
Please sign below (for hard copy submission) or put a tick in the box (for online submission)
to indicate that you have understood and will adhere to this code of conduct.
Yaw Qin Chang
(for hard copy submissions)
☑ I have read and accept the above.