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Rounding Numbers Lesson Plan for Grade 6

Approximation & Estimation
Rounding Numbers
Week 3 - Grade 6
Day 1
Learning Outcomes
Date: 24th August, 2020
By the end of the session students should be able to:
● Recall place value of real numbers up to the given degree
of accuracy
● Round the given numbers according to the given degree of
● Solve the given questions using estimation and rounding
Previous Video Key Points
Date: 24th August, 2020
Note: Share this video link in the google classroom as homework
for the weekend to watch and take notes according to their
Ask students to share the key points they understood about
rounding after watching the video before coming to class
Date: 24th August, 2020
Watch Video
Watch the video and discuss the important points with the class and
answer questions to clarify students’ concept
Date: 24th August, 2020
Practise Now
Attempt the Practise Now Questions on page 60 and 61 in your copy
Reference Book:New Syllabus Mathematics 7th Ed. (D1)
Exit Ticket
Date: 24th August, 2020
Day 2
Learning Outcomes
Date: 25th August, 2020
By the end of the session students should be able to:
● Recall place value of real numbers up to the given degree
of accuracy
● Round the given numbers according to the given degree of
● Solve the given questions using estimation and rounding
Date: 25th August, 2020
A rounded number has about the same value as the number you start
with, but it is less exact.
For example, 341 rounded to the nearest hundred is 300. That is
because 341 is closer in value to 300 than to 400. When rounding off to
the nearest dollar, $1.89 becomes $2.00, because $1.89 is closer to
$2.00 than to $1.00
Rules for Rounding
Date: 25th August, 2020
Here's the general rule for rounding:
➢ If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9,
round the number up. Example: 38 rounded to the nearest ten is
➢ If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4,
round the number down. Example: 33 rounded to the nearest ten is
What Are You Rounding to?
Date: 25th August, 2020
When rounding a number, you first need to ask: what are you rounding it to? Numbers can
be rounded to the nearest ten, the nearest hundred, the nearest thousand, and so on.
Consider the number 4,827.
4,827 rounded to the nearest ten is 4,830
4,827 rounded to the nearest hundred is 4,800
4,827 rounded to the nearest thousand is 5,000
All the numbers to the right of the place you are rounding to become zeros. Here are
some more examples:
34 rounded to the nearest ten is 30
6,809 rounded to the nearest hundred is 6,800
1,951 rounded to the nearest thousand is 2,000
Class Work
Date: 25th August, 2020
Attempt Questions of “Practise Now” on page 61 in your copy
Solve Q1, Q.2 on page 62 of Exercise 3A in your copy
Reference Book:New Syllabus Mathematics 7th Ed. (D1)
Home Work
Date: 25th August, 2020
Solve Q.3 & Q.4 of Exercise 3A on page 62 in your copy
Reference Book:New Syllabus Mathematics 7th Ed. (D1)
Plenary- Exit Ticket
Date: 25th August, 2020
Exit Ticket
Ask students to answer the
question shared, on a
sticky note, and paste it in
their copy
Round the given numbers to the nearest 100:
1. 768410
2. 35490
Round the given numbers to the nearest 1000:
1. 548910
2. 491257
Round the given numbers to the nearest 10,000:
1. 32908176
2. 87192305
Day 3
Rounding Significant Figures
Learning Outcomes
Date: 26th August, 2020
By the end of the session students should be able to:
● Recall place value of real numbers up to the given degree
of accuracy
● Round the given numbers according to the given degree of
● Solve the given questions using estimation and rounding
Date: 26th August, 2020
Rounding Significiant Figures
Reference Book: New Syllabus Mathematics 7th Ed. (D1)
Page no. 64-65
5 Rules to Identify Digits which are Significant
All non-zero digits are significant.
All zeros between non - zero digits are significant
In a decimal, all zeros after non - zero digit are significant.
In a decimal, all zeros before non - zero digit are not significant.
In whole numbers, the zeros at the end may or may not be significant. It
depends on how the numbers are approximated.
Day 4
Rounding Significant Figures
Learning Outcomes
Date: 27th August, 2020
By the end of the session students should be able to:
● Recall place value of real numbers up to the given degree
of accuracy
● Round the given numbers according to the given degree of
● Solve the given questions using estimation and rounding
Date: 27th August, 2020
Watch Video
Watch the video and discuss the important points with the class and
answer questions to clarify students’ concept
Class Work
Date: 27th August, 2020
Attempt Practise Now 4 on page 66 in your copy
Solve Q. 1, Q.2 and Q.3 of Ex. 3B on page 70 in your copy
Reference Book: New Syllabus Mathematics 7th Ed. (D1)
Home Work
Date: 27th August, 2020
Solve Q. 1, Q.4 and Q.6 of Ex. 3C on page 76 in your copy
Reference Book: New Syllabus Mathematics 7th Ed. (D1)
Date: 27th August, 2020
Exit Ticket
Answer the questions of Exit ticket on Google Form shared in
Google Classroom before leaving the class
Day 5
Rounding- Reinforcement
Learning Outcomes
Date: 28th August, 2020
By the end of the session students should be able to:
● Recall place value of real numbers up to the given degree
of accuracy
● Round the given numbers according to the given degree of
● Round the given numbers according to the given degree of
● Solve the given questions using estimation and rounding
Practice Link
Date: 26th August, 2020
Rounding Whole Numbers:
Rounding Significant Figures:
Note: you can explore the quizzes whichever you think suits your class,
ask them to attempt that
Class Discussion
Date: 28th August, 2020
Discuss students’ problems related to Rounding Whole numbers
and Significant figures
Date: 28th August, 2020
Exit Ticket
Self Assessment Questionnaire to be filled by the students
individually to assess their own understanding of the topic