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Beaconhouse Hybrid Learning: Teacher Orientation

To enrich teachers experiences during testing
times of COVID – 19 pandemic era
Hybrid schools apply what some educators refer to as “blended learning,” where
students get to mix traditional school attendance with home instruction. Hybrid
schools share some of the following distinctions:
Students attend school in a classroom setting, usually 2-3 days per week.
The school chooses the curriculum that will be used.
Teachers provide the primary instruction and assign grades.
Parents are highly involved, facilitating learning on the days students are at
Physical schooling is scheduled to be from Monday to Thursday on
alternate days as a part of Hybrid Model 1 whereas Fridays will be
for online classes.
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am to 1:50 pm
Friday: 8:00 am to 12:30 pm
Division of Classes into two groups
Each section will be divided into 2 groups; Group A & Group B.
Each Group will attend school physically on alternate days e.g.
Group A will attend on Mondays and Wednesdays and Group B
on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Group A and Group B will attend 2 synchronous online classes
together as a class not as separate groups On Friday
Keeping the whole class together on Friday will ensure that the
pace of learning is the same for all the students.
It will also provide the opportunity for students to connect
virtually with all their classmates
There will be 8 forty minute periods in a school day with10 minutes in the
morning for registration and 20 minute break.
Students will remain in class during break
There will be 16 F2F periods for a Group per week
For the school timetable it would entail 32 F2F teaching lessons in a week
periods in a day; as each group will attend school on two days, this totals to 16 periods
of F2F teaching & Learning for each group
 16
F2F for Mon & Wed
 16 F2F for Tue & Thur
On days when there is remote learning there will be
2 online 40 minute synchronous lessons in addition to other asynchronous learning
which will cover the remaining 6 periods of the day from home (this applies to remote
learning from Monday to Thursday)
On Fridays there will be 2 synchronous lessons planned in the timetable
the rest will be asynchronous
On Fridays Group A and B will attend the online synchronous lessons
together as a class
Hence there will be 4 online lessons per group during a week excluding
the two online lessons that will be conducted on Friday for the whole
class (not for separate groups)
In total, for each group in a week there will be:
16 F2F, 4 online lessons from Monday to Thursday, and
2 whole class online lessons on Fridays; a total of 22 periods/week/group.
In a school's weekly timetable the consolidated total for the two
groups A and B will be:
32 F2F periods + 8 online periods from Mon to Thursday and 2 online lessons on
Friday = 42
Attendance will be marked for both F2F and online classes
While grouping students schools need to ensure that siblings are in the
same group (coming to school on the same day)
Travel history for staff has to be declared in the designed Travel
History Form to be filled before school opening. SH will share a link
with the staff. SH will share a link with the staff.
Staff will enter the school premises with masks and will keep wearing
them throughout the day.
Staff must maintain a distance of 3 feet from each other at all times
Staff have to follow a strict no-touch policy. No handshakes, hugs or
any physical contact is allowed.
Staff would be strongly encouraged to bring their own food and
drinks from home.
Staff will use common areas like staff rooms, labs and washrooms
with caution and keeping the 3ft social distance intact.
Teachers and staff will wash/sanitize hands before entering the classrooms
or interacting with the students.
Teachers will follow the seating plan designed such that students are sitting
at a distance of 3 feet; identified by the marking on the floor (stickers).
Teacher will not touch the student
While talking, the teacher will ensure the use of facemask so that there is
no transmission of droplets.
Teachers to report student SOP violation to SH
Teachers to immediately report student(s) with symptoms and follow the
infection detection process
Fill and submit the travel history form
Self assessment for symptoms
Stay home & report to school if you feel any symptoms
Self temperature check
Sanitizing station outside the classrooms is fully stocked and ready
Your own high-touch surfaces have been sanitized
You have washed or sanitized your hands
Desks, tables, centers & pods are arranged for appropriate
Materials for the day have been identified, disinfected and prepared
Students’ personal kits are prepared as appropriate
Class ventilation is good. Windows and doors are open
Your facemask is on
Classroom door has been propped open
Remind students to wear mask at all times especially during
Remind students to use hand sanitizer as they enter classroom
Remind students to maintain 3ft. distance
Remind students to avoid physical contact
Ensure the students are seated when you give them a go ahead
Ask them to sanitize/wash hands before starting
Masks are off for a brief period when they are eating
Make sure that there is no sharing of food or drinks
Once lunch is finished, the lunch boxes are back in bags
Students are advised to wash/sanitize hands after the meal