Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 6087–6090 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Materials Today: Proceedings journal homepage: Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between acriflavine and CdTe quantum dot Santanu Chakraborty a,⇑, Syed Arshad Hussain b a b Department of Physics, NIT Agartala, Jirania 799046, India Thin Film and Nanoscience Laboratory, Department of Physics, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, 799022 Tripura, India a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 27 December 2019 Received in revised form 11 February 2020 Accepted 16 February 2020 Available online 14 March 2020 Keywords: FRET CdTe Quantum dot XRD a b s t r a c t In this report we have studied Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer between Acriflavine (Acf) and Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) quantum dot. CdTe quantum dots were synthesized by hydrothermal method. Spectroscopic characterizations revealed the formation of a FRET pair consisting of Acriflavine (AcF) as donor and CdTe quantum dot as acceptor having energy transfer efficiency 39.5%. Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Third International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS2020). 1. Introduction Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is an electrodynamic phenomenon describing energy transfer between two light sensitive chromophores [1,2]. It is a distance dependant phenomenon. For successful FRET pair to exist some inevitable conditions must be met, such as donor and the acceptor molecule must have strong electronic transitions in the visible or UV region of the spectrum, close proximity between donor and the acceptor molecule is a must, sufficient spectral overlapping between the fluorescence spectrum of donor with the absorption spectrum of the acceptor, relative orientation between the donor and acceptor transition dipoles should not be very small and of course the donor should have high quantum yield [3]. The process of energy transfer can be of various types depending on the distance between the donor and acceptor. Within the limit of 1–10 nm distances between donor and acceptor, FRET is very sensitive whereas at large distances radiative energy transfer occurs and at distances less than 1 nm Dexter type energy transfer predominates. So the above conditions must be fulfilled for a successful FRET pair to exist. FRET has found enormous applications in different dimensions of science and technology such as mercury sensor [4] nanomedicine [5] cholesterol sensor [6] chemosensor [7] ion sensor [8] light harvesting systems [9] DNA sensor [10,11] etc. Now a days ⇑ Corresponding author. quantum dots have found numerous applications in analytical chemistry. Because of their highly tunable properties, QDs are of wide interest. Sizes of quantum dots are nano-dimensional due to the quantum confinement effect. This imparts some unique optical properties to them such as high quantum yields, spectral properties depending on tunable sizes, high fluorescence lifetime, excellent photostability and broad excitation spectrum [12]. Quantum dots has found wide applications in virus detection [13], arsenic sensor [14], molecular cell imaging [15], drug delivery [16] etc. All the properties mentioned above makes quantum dots a promising candidate to act as a donor molecule in a FRET process [17]. However, quantum dots are found to be poor acceptors when combined with donor molecular fluorophores [18]. This is mainly due to the availability of lower number of molecules in the ground states. Owing to this despite of good overlapping between the absorption spectrum of quantum dots and fluorescence spectrum of donor molecules energy transfer efficiency is less. There are few reports of quantum dots as acceptors in FRET systems [19– 21]. So, efforts must be given to identify new FRET pairs involving quantum dots as acceptors and try to increase the energy transfer efficiency in such a system by optimizing the various parameters such as experimental conditions, different synthesization procedures, tuning the quantum dot sizes etc. to trade off the optimized condition. Here in this work we have reported the FRET process involving Acf as donor molecule and CdTe quantum dot as acceptor molecule and found that the energy transfer efficiency is 39.5%. E-mail address: (S. Chakraborty). 2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Third International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS2020). 6088 S. Chakraborty, S.A. Hussain / Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 6087–6090 2. Experimental The dye AcF was purchased from SigmaChemical Co., USA and used as received. The chemicals, high purity Cadmium Nitrate (Cd(NO3)2, 99%), Tellurium powder (Te, 200 mesh, 99.8%), Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4, 98%), Mercaptopropionic acid (MPA, C3H6O2S, 99%), and Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich, USA and used without any purification for the synthesis of CdTe quantum dots. Distilled water was used as solvent for the synthesis. The MPA capped CdTe Quantum Dots was synthesized in a three step procedure using hydrothermal method. The details of the synthesis procedure are reported elsewhere [22]. Crystal structure of the as prepared quantum dots was characterized by XRD using Bruker D-8 Advance with copper Ka radiation (wavelength 1.54 Å and 2 hstep of 0.02°. Spectroscopic measurements were carried out using absorption spectrophotometer (PerkinElmer, Lambda 25) and fluorescence spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer LS 55). Table 1 Calculated values of ‘d’ and ‘a’ along with the (hkl) planes. Peak position (2h) d (Å) hkl a (Å) 24.5 38.20 44.11 63.58 77.18 3.6328 2.3561 2.0529 1.4634 1.2360 111 220 311 331 511 6.29 6.66 6.80 6.37 6.42 the literature [22]. Band-gap energy of the CdTe quantum dots was found to be 3.65 eV from the Tauc plot (Fig. 2(b)) using the equam tion ahv ¼ A hv Eg where, a is absorption coefficient, A is optical constant, Eg is optical band gap, h is Planck’s constant, t is frequency of the incident light, m shows the type of transition, here m = 2 as CdTe is a direct band gap material. The estimated size of the synthesized CdTe quantum dot was 2.8 nm, obtained using Bru’s equation [23] Eg QD ¼ Eg BULK þ 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Structural charaterization Fig. 1 shows the XRD pattern of the synthesized MPA caped CdTe QD. The obtained XRD pattern agrees well with the JCPDS data sheet (2) of CdTe. The 2 h peaks and corresponding assigned planes (hkl) are marked in the Fig. 1. All these confirm the cubic zinc blende structure and the lattice is face centred. Intensity of XRD peak indicates crystalline nature of CdTe quantum dot. The XRD data interplanar spacing (d) between atoms is calculated using Bragg’s law 2d Sin h ¼ n ak; where n = 1 and k = 1.5481 Å wavelength of CuKa. From ‘d’ and (hkl) values, lattice spacing ‘a’ is calculated which is given in the Table 1. According to JCPDS data sheet the ‘a’ value for CdTe quantum dot is 6.14 Å. However, in our case some deviation (0.1 to 0.4 Å) from the JCPDS data sheet is observed which may be attributed due to the change in orientation by the presence of capping agent MPA. 3.2. Size estimation Fig. 2(a) shows the Uv–Vis absorption spectrum of the CdTe quantum dot having a broad peak around 465 nm, consistent with Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of CdTe Quantum Dot. 2 h 1 1 1:786e2 þ 8r2 mþe mþh 4pe0 er r where: EQD is quantum dots band gap (eV), EBULK is bulk semicong g ductor band gap (eV), r is radius of quantum dot (nm), me* and mh* are the effective masses of electron and hole respectively, e0 and er are the absolute and relative permittivity respectively, e is the charge of electron, h is planks constant, for CdTe ðCdTeÞ = 1.475 eV, er = 7.1, me* = 0.11 mo, mh* = 0.35mo, where EBULK g mo is absolute mass of electron. However, the actual size of small crystals is smaller than that obtained from Bru’s equation. In our case the estimated size 2.8 nm is well below the Bohr exciton radius of CdTe (7.3 nm) showing the synthesized CdTe quantum dot is well within quantum confinement region that is of interest for various optical applications. 3.3. FRET study Fig. 3 shows the normalized absorption and fluorescence spectra of AcF and CdTe quantum dot solutions. Fluorescence spectra of AcF and CdTe were obtained by exciting the corresponding absorption maxima. The absorption and emission maxima of AcF are centered at 449 nm and 502 nm assigned due to AcF monomers [24]. On the other hand the absorption and emission spectra of CdTe quantum dots are characterized by peaks centered at 465 nm and 525 nm respectively. Fig. 3 reveals a sufficient spectral overlap between the fluorescence spectrum of AcF and absorption spectrum of CdTe and also both are highly fluorescent fulfilling the prerequisite for FRET to occur, justifying the selection of the FRET pair, AcF as donor and CdTe quantum dot as acceptor. Now, to investigate FRET between AcF and CdTe, we have taken the fluorescence spectrum of pure AcF, pure CdTe and AcF–CdTe mixture (1:1 vol ratio) in solution with excitation wavelength fixed at 420 nm to avoid the direct excitation of the acceptor molecule (CdTe). Fig. 4 shows the fluorescence spectra of Acf (1), CdTe (2) and their mixture (Acf–CdTe) (1:1 vol ratio) in aqueous solution. From figure it was observed that the fluorescence intensity of AcF (curve 1) is very high whereas that of CdTe (curve 2) negligible when excited at 420 nm. This is because at this excitation wavelength direct excitation of CdTe was avoided. However in case of AcF–CdTe mixture (curve 3), the corresponding fluorescence spectra is really very interesting. Here the fluorescence spectrum of AcF decreases and that of the CdTe increases with respect to their pure counterpart. This may be due to the transfer of energy from AcF to CdTe via FRET. In order to confirm this we have also taken the corresponding excitation spectra of AcF - CdTe mixture with monitoring emission S. Chakraborty, S.A. Hussain / Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 6087–6090 6089 Fig. 2. (a) Uv–Vis absorption spectrum of CdTe quantum dot. (b) Tauc plot of CdTe quantum dot. wavelength at 502 nm (emission maximum of AcF) and 525 nm (emission maximum of CdTe) respectively (Fig. 5). Here, both the excitation spectra were found similar to that of the absorption spectrum of AcF. This confirm that the origin of transferred energy in case of AcF–CdTe mixture (as observed in corresponding fluorescence spectra of figure) is AcF, not the direct excitation of CdTe molecule. This justifies the energy transfer from AcF to CdTe via FRET. With the help of Förster Theory [1,2] we have calculated different FRET parameters viz spectral overlap integral 7:62 1015 m1 cm1 nm4 , energy transfer efficiency (39.5%), Förster radius (6.32 nm) and donor–acceptor distance (6.82 nm) Fig. 3. The normalized absorption (1 and 3) and emission (2 and 4) spectra of Acriflavine (Acf) and Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) quantum dot in solution respectively. Fig. 4. Fluorescence Spectra of Acf (1), CdTe (2) and their mixture (Acf–CdTe) (1:1 vol ratio) in aqueous solution. Fig. 5. Excitation spectra for Acf–CdTe quantum dot (Qdot) mixture monitored with emission wavelength at 502 nm and 525 nm. 6090 S. Chakraborty, S.A. Hussain / Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 6087–6090 to quantify the energy transfer from AcF to CdTe. The detail of the calculation procedure is mentioned elsewhere [3]. ref. No. EMR/2014/000234 and also grateful to UGC, Govt. of India for financial support to carry out this research work through financial assistance under UGC – SAP program 2016 4. Conclusion References In this work we have shown that FRET is possible between AcF as donor and CdTe quantum dot as acceptor and the different FRET parameters quantifying energy transfer was also calculated. The said quantum dot was synthesized by hydrothermal method and was found to have a size of 2.8 nm which is in the regime appropriate for quantum confinement that is crucial for small crystals to display various optical applications. XRD analysis reveals highly crystalline cubic zinc blend type lattice structure of the CdTe quantum dot. Details about the variation of different FRET parameters with the variation of sizes of quantum dot will be reported in near future. CRediT authorship contribution statement Santanu Chakraborty: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Visualization, Investigation, Supervision, Software, Validation. Syed Arshad Hussain: Writing - review & editing. Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Acknowledgement The author S. Chakraborty acknowledges the Department of Science&Technology, Government of India, for providing UV-Vis NIR measurement facility through FIST program (SR/FST/PSI196/2014). The authors also acknowledge the Central Research Facility (CRF) of NIT Agartala for providing XRD measurement facility. The author S. A. Hussain is grateful to DST, for financial support to carry out this research work through FIST – DST project ref. SR/ FST/PSI-191/2014. 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