CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED® BETA INCENTIVE PROGRAM AWARD Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® announces the National Activities Scholarship Program. Under the Program, scholarships will be awarded to 4 (four) Beta members of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated 2 (two) to attend Leadership Summit and 2 (two) to attend Boule’ Conference and Education workshops. Available Scholarships: Leadership Summit 2020: Two (2) scholarships are available Boule’ Conference & Educational Workshop 2021: Two (2) scholarships are available Program Guidelines & Priorities: Beta member is financially current and will remain current during award year. Documented active participation in chapter activities. Applicants must have a minimum GPA acceptable to their current accredited nursing program. Applicants must have the endorsement of their Beta Sponsor on their application attesting they are a qualified fit for this scholarship program. Application deadline for 2020 Leadership Summit is March 31, 2020 by 11:59 p.m. Application deadline for Boule’ 2021 is March 31, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. Late applications are not accepted. Mail one copy of a completed typed application package & supporting documentation to: Nadirah Keith, DNP, FNP-C Dean of Sponsors, National Activities Scholarship Program Mailing Address (see directory) Or Email to: (This includes application with signoff by Beta Sponsor, essay, 2 letters of recommendations, resume, and school transcript.) The applications will be reviewed and recipients will be selected by a committee. The scholarships will be awarded in May 2020 and May 2021 preceding each national activity. Winners: Need to be in attendance the entire time of Leadership or Boule’ and participate as pages during plenary sessions. Please submit any questions to: CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED® SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS SECTION V BETA INCENTIVE PROGRAM AWARD Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® established the National Beta Incentive Program. Under this program, incentives will be awarded to a Beta member to attend Boule′ and/or the Leadership Summit Conference and Education workshops. The incentives will be awarded in May preceding each national activity. 1. Beta member must complete the Incentive Program application. POLICY 2. Beta Sponsor must submit completed Incentive Program Application. STATEMENTS: 3. Beta member must be active and financially current. 4. A 250-500 word essay shall be written by the Beta member. 5. The essay title will be announced by the National Dean of Sponsors on behalf of the Supreme Basileus. 6. Two (2) incentive awards are available: Two (2) to attend Boule′ Two (2) to attend Leadership Summit 7. Two recommendations letters are required. One from Beta Sponsor and one from a Faculty Advisor. 8. Late applications, letters and other supporting data will not be accepted. 9. Recipients of National Beta Incentive Program will actively participate in planning and execution of Beta activities during the awarded conference, under the direction of the National Dean of Sponsor. 10. Recipients of the National Beta Incentive Program will be prepared to present during the awarded conference. Presentation topics to be approved by the National Dean of Sponsors. (Presentation topic examples: study abroad, student research, service projects, or expand and present essay submitted for this award). 11. Recipients will be awarded incentives to include full conference registration, up to $500.00 for travel, daily meal allowance reimbursement of up to $40.00 per day while at conference, and double occupancy lodging. 1. Obtain and complete the required application. (Refer to National website or PROCEDURES: request from the National Beta Sponsor.) 2. Document active participation in chapter programs and projects and any other community activities. 3. Document any offices and/or committee positions held. 4. Request and submit a cover letter from the graduate chapter Beta Sponsor and Faculty Advisor. 5. Application deadline for Boule′ and Leadership Summit is March 31st. 6. Applications submitted after March 31st will not be accepted. 7. Applications will be reviewed and recipients selected by a designated committee consisting of members of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated®. 8. The National Dean of Sponsors will notify the Supreme Basileus and Regional Director of the Beta recipient and discuss the designate award. 9. The National Beta Sponsor will notify the graduate chapter Beta Sponsor of the winner(s). Effective: 2018 CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED® SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS SECTION V CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED BETA INCENTIVE PROGRAM AWARD APPLICATION 1. Last Name: Region: 2. Address: First Name: Chapter: City: State & Zip: 3. Daytime telephone # Email: 4. Date of Birth: M/D/Y Gender: ( ) F ( )M 5. National activity you are applying for: ( ) Leadership Summit (Month/Year: ______) ( ) Boule′ (Month/Year: ______) 6. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): (On a 4.0 scale) Attach proof of GPA. Your most recent school transcript is required (Unofficial transcript acceptable). 7. Name & location of school of nursing attending: 8. (If your resume or activities sheet answers question 8, please attach and skip to Question 9.) A. List any academic honors, awards and membership activities while in high school/college: B. List your hobbies, outside interests, extracurricular activities and school related volunteer activities: C. List your non-school sponsored volunteer activities in the community: 9. On a separate document please write an essay (250-500 words) answering the questions below. Describe how volunteer or community service has shaped who you are today and what community service has taught you. Also, discuss in your essay about any challenges or obstacles you have dealt with and overcome in life and how this will help you succeed in college and beyond Effective: 2018 CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED® SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS SECTION V CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED BETA INCENTIVE PROGRAM AWARD STATEMENT (For Beta Member to Read & Sign) I hereby affirm that all the above stated information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also consent that if chosen as an incentive winner my picture may be taken and used to promote the Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® National Beta Incentive Program. (Winner may waive photo due to unusual or compelling circumstances.) I hereby understand that if chosen as an incentive winner, it is my responsibility to remit to the Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® the appropriate information for my incentive to be awarded. I hereby understand I will not submit this application without all required attachments and supporting information. Incomplete applications or applications that do not meet eligibility criteria will not be considered for the incentive award. Signature of Beta applicant: ________________________________ Date: ________________ ****************************************************************************** STATEMENT BY BETA SPONSOR I hereby affirm that this application meets the criteria set forth by this incentive program and that I support this application to Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® and this Beta’s attendance to a National activity. Contact information (email & phone):_______________________________________________ Beta Sponsor Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________ Chapter: ___________________________ Region:____________________________ Beta Checklist IMPORTANT NOTE: All documents submitted to the Beta Sponsor on __________. ___ Application Date ___ Essay ___ Resume/Activity Sheet ___ Beta Sponsor signature (Chapter Beta Sponsor cover letter included.) ___ School Transcript ___ Letters of Recommendation (Beta Sponsor & Faculty Advisor) BETA SPONSOR MAIL COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKET TO: National Dean of Sponsors Address/City/State/Zip Code or Scan/Email to: National Dean of Sponsors & Chapter Beta Sponsor REMINDER: The deadline for this application must be received by: MARCH 31st Effective: 2018