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Economics Assignment: Human Development, Globalization, WTO

Assignment – 1
1 Which of the following economists developed the concept of Human Development?
O Kailash Satyarthi
O Muhammad Yunus
O Paul Streeten
O Mahbub-ul-Haq
2 The World Wide Web was developed in the late 1980s by
O Michael Porter
O Tim Berners-Lee
O C. Freeman
O Steve Jobs
3 Which of the following measures can be applied for controlling erosion and
restoring the productivity of eroded lands?
O To regulate over-grazing and shifting cultivation practices.
O Efforts to prevent gully erosion and control their formation.
O To disseminate education among people with regard to the positive benefits of
contour bunding, contour terracing, regulated forestry, cover cropping, mixed
farming, crop rotation, etc.
O All of these
4 What are the two most important aspects of economic globalization?
O Reduction in import tariffs and internationalization of financial transactions
O Financial trading and supplying capital
O Socio cultural development and control of imports
O Increase in employment opportunities and increase of import tariffs
assists in the reconstruction and development of territories of the members by
facilitating the investment of capital for productive purposes.
O World Bank
O All of these
6 Privatisation can be achieved by
O Both Franchising and Leasing
0 Leasing
O Franchising
O Cross holding
7 Which of the following industry/industries is/are exclusively reserved for the
public sector?
O Atomic Energy
O Railway Transport
O Both Atomic Energy and Railway Transport
O Defence Equipment, Atomic Energy and Railway Transport
8 'Privatization' implies
O access to the resources of the Public Sector Enterprises
O promotion of role of MNCs in the Indian economy
O a change in the ownership resulting and promotion of collective ownership
O a change in the ownership resulting in a change in the management.
9 The most favoured nation (MFN) clause under the WTO regime is based on the
principle of
O Non-discrimination between nations
O Favouring the neighbouring nations
O Differential treatment between locals and foreigners
O Uniform tariff across commodities
10 What is the main objective of human development?
O Poverty eradication
O Ensure productive employment
O To enlarge people's choices and empower them
O Contribute to sustained growth
11 Among the following options which is not the objective of the WTO?
O To promote free and fair trade
O To provide aid during the Balance of Payment crisis of the member countries
O To settle trade disputes
O To enlarge production and trade of goods
was replaced by
on 1st Jan 1995?
13 Which of the following are the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals?
O Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
O Reduce inequality within and among countries
O Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
O All of these
14 Patents are often referred to as a type of
of levels of _
, and patent activity is an indicator
O "industrial" property, innovation
O social property, innovation
O government property, research
O public property, research
15 Which of the following is not a key area of human development?
O Access to resources
O Quality of Health
O Access to lead a luxurious life
O Access to educational opportunities
16 Measures to globalise Indian economy include
O Removal of quantitative restrictions
O Reduction of import tariffs
O Removal of export duties
O All of these
17 Which of the following was an extension of the Industrial Policy Resolution of
Industrial Policy Statement 1973 and 1980
Industrial Policy Statement 1973
Industrial Policy Statement 1980
Industrial Policy Resolution 1991
18 Unilateral transfers of Balance of Payments comprise of
O gifts from Russian government to Gol
O remittances from Indian worker's employed in Dubai
O all of these
O transfers from Gol to embassies in China and Canada
19 Schedule B of Industrial Policy of 1956 comprised of
0 17
0 12
0 14
is called as economic constitution of India. It for the first time gave a broad
and detailed framework of industrial development in India.
O Industrial Policy Resolution 1956
O Industrial Policy Resolution 1948
O Industrial Policy Statement 1980
O Industrial Policy Resolution 1991
21 The genesis of IT revolution began just after
O Second world war
O First worldwar
O lndo-Pak conflict
O Iran-Iraq conflict
22 TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) agreement is
administered by:
O United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
O United Nations Organization (UNO)
O World Trade Organization (WTO)
O World Bank (WB)
23 The 1950s saw the commercial development of mainframe computers,
spearheaded by?
0 Wipro
0 Apple
24 The computing technology, the Internet was a product of military research, the
first network dating from
0 1979
0 1959
0 1969
0 1949
25 The present WTO system is based on the
O Paraguay Round Agreements
O Uruguay Round Agreements
O USA Round Agreements
O Argentina Round Agreements
26 Both foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign institutional investment (FII)
are related to investment in a country. Which of the following is incorrect regarding
FDI and FII?
 Both FII and FDI bring capital into the economy
 The restrictions on the entry of FDI are lower than that on FII
 FII invests in technology-oriented enterprises, whereas FDI invests in
traditional business set ups
 FDI is considered to be more stable than FII.
27 As a part of the liberalization announced in 1991, industrial policy measures were
initiated by the government to liberalise the
O Railways
O Arms and Ammunitions sector
O MRTP regulations
O Small Scale Sector
28 Balance of Payments deficit can be removed through?
O Devaluation of currency
O Export promotion
O Import substitution
O All of these
29 The major objective(s) of Public Sector Enterprises is/are
O Creation of employment opportunities and economic growth of the Indian
O Promotion of exports and imports of India
O Redistribution of income and promotion of imports
O All of these
30 A new approach to the public sector was visualized in the Industrial Policy
Resolution of
0 1973
0 1991
0 1980
0 1977
Assignment – 2
1 Industrial licensing constituted the key element in Government of India's
industrial policy from
O 1951to 1981
O 1951 to 1987
O 1951to 1991
O 1991 onwards
2 Patents are often referred to as a type of
of levels of _
, and patent activity is an indicator
O "industrial" property, innovation
O social property, innovation
O government property, research
O public property, research
3 The Industrial Policy Statement of 1956 comprises of
O Foreign direct investment (FDI) up to 51 per cent foreign equity in high priority
O Import of advanced technology
O Foreign equity up to 51 per cent in trading companies primarily engaged in
export activities
O Classification of industries into three categories.
4 Which of the following is not a key area of human development?
O Access to resources
O Quality of Health
O Access to lead a luxurious life
O Access to educational opportunities
5 A new approach to the public sector was visualized in the Industrial Policy
Resolution of
0 1973
0 1991
0 1980
0 1977
6 The international product life-cycle model, was put forward by
0 Raymond Vernon
0 Heckscher-Ohlin
0 Eli Heckscher
0 BertilOhlin
7 Indian rupee was devalued in 1991 to resolve the
O Balance of Payments crisis
O Budgetary Deficit
O Global crisis
O Slow Growth of industrial sector
is called as economic constitution of India. It for the first time gave a broad
and detailed framework of industrial development in India.
O Industrial Policy Resolution 1956
O Industrial Policy Resolution 1948
O Industrial Policy Statement 1980
O Industrial Policy Resolution 1991
9 Unilateral transfers of Balance of Payments comprise of
O gifts from Russian government to Gol
O remittances from Indian worker's employed in Dubai
O all of these
O transfers from Gol to embassies in China and Canada
agreements are legally binding on the members.
O World Bank Group
11 Which of the following are the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals?
O Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
O Reduce inequality within and among countries
O Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
O All of these
12 'Privatization' implies
O access to the resources of the Public Sector Enterprises
O promotion of role of MNCs in the Indian economy
O a change in the ownership resulting and promotion of collective ownership
O a change in the ownership resulting in a change in the management.
13 The most favoured nation (MFN) clause under the WTO regime is based on the
principle of
O Non-discrimination between nations
O Favouring the neighbouring nations
O Differential treatment between locals and foreigners
O Uniform tariff across commodities
14 When a country has trade deficit it means that it
O Purchases more goods from the rest of the world than it sells
O Purchases more stocks and bonds from the rest of the world thaniisells
O Sells more goods to the rest of the world than it purchases
O Sells more stocks and bonds to the rest of the world than iipurchases
15 The Human Development Index is developed by
O United Nations Development Programme
O United Nations Development Policies
O United Nations Development Project
O United Nations Organisation
16 WTO negotiations produced general rules that apply to
commitments made by the governments.
O all members, individual member,
O individual member, all members,
O individual member, some members
O few members, all members,
17 Both foreign direct investment (FOi) and foreign institutional investment (Fii) are
related to investment in a country. Which of the following is incorrect regarding FOi
and FlI?
O Both Fii and FOibring capital into the economy
O The restrictions on the entry of FOi are lower than that on Fii
O Fii invests in technology-oriented enterprises, whereas FOi invests in traditional
business set ups
O FOi is considered to be more stable than Fii.
18 The computing technology, the Internet was a product of military research, the
first network dating from
0 1979
0 1959
0 1969
0 1949
assists in the reconstruction and development of territories of the members by
facilitating the investment of capital for productive purposes.
O World Bank
O All of these
20 Which of the following was an extension of the Industrial Policy Resolution of
O Industrial Policy Statement 1973 and 1980
O Industrial Policy Statement 1973
O Industrial Policy Statement 1980
O Industrial Policy Resolution 1991
21 Economic growth is a subset of
O Human resource model
O Human development model
O Union development model
O All of these
22 The present WTO system is based on the
O Paraguay Round Agreements
O Uruguay Round Agreements
O USA Round Agreements
O Argentina Round Agreements
23 Objective(s) of disinvestment programme in India is to
O achieve efficiency of enterprise
O provide fiscal support
O achieve efficiency of enterprise and provide fiscal support
O none of these
24 The major objective(s) of Public Sector Enterprises is/are
O Creation of employment opportunities and economic growth of the Indian
O Promotion of exports and imports of India
O Redistribution of income and promotion of imports
O All of these
25 Which of the following measures can be applied for controlling erosion and
restoring the productivity of eroded lands?
O To regulate over-grazing and shifting cultivation practices.
O Efforts to prevent gully erosion and control their formation.
O To disseminate education among people with regard to the positive benefits of
contour bunding, contour terracing, regulated forestry, cover cropping, mixed
farming, crop rotation, etc.
O All of these
26 Anti-globalists believe that MNCs
O exploit the labour employed by them in different parts of the world
O do not sell technology to host countries
O collaborate with domestic companies
O impose foreign culture
27 Which of the following industry/industries is/are exclusively reserved for the
public sector?
O Atomic Energy
O Railway Transport
O Both Atomic Energy and Railway Transport
O Defence Equipment, Atomic Energy and Railway Transport
28 Laissez Faire policy is adopted in
O Socialst Economic system
O Capitalist Economic system
O Communist Economic System
O Mixed Economic System
29 As a part of the liberalization announced in 1991, industrial policy measures were
initiated by the government to liberalise the
O Railways
O Arms and Ammunitions sector
O MRTP regulations
O Small Scale Sector
30 Among the following options which is not the objective of the WTO?
O To promote free and fair trade
O To provide aid during the Balance of Payment crisis of the member countries
O To settle trade disputes
O To enlarge production and trade of goods