Uploaded by Amber Rhodes

BIO 112 SI Session Plan: Ecosystems & Cell Biology

SI Session Plan
SI Leader: Amber Rhodes
Session Date & Day of Week: 2/11/2021 (Thursday)
Course: BIO 112
Course Instructor: Dr. Hannah Henson
Content to cover:
(2-4 min.)
Why study science
Collaborative Learning Technique
Group share
Strategy to be used:
share, turn to a partner
Please provide a DETAILED BREAKDOWN of warm-up activity OR attach corresponding document(s)
Have students think about why they study science
Introduce myself and state my reason for studying science
Ask if any students want to share
(2-4 min.)
Content to cover:
Recap on the lesson,
energy travelling
through an ecosystem
Collaborative Learning Technique
Notecard survey
Strategy to be used:
Exit ticket
Please provide a DETAILED BREAKDOWN of cool-down activity OR attach corresponding document(s)
Ask students to send in the group chat privately to me:
How does energy travel through an ecosystem?
One thing they understand better
One thing they want to understand better
Something they want to see in SI
Transferring Energy (in an Ecosystem)
Energy enters ecosystem in form of sunlight and exits in the form of heat
SI Session Plan
Content to cover:
(44-46 min.)
Collaborative Learning
Strategy(ies) to be used:
Ordering units of life
Working together
term sort
Differences between
prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells
Three domains of life
Venn diagram
Scribe on word doc
Compare and contrast
Concept map
Big Ideas of Biology
Popcorn read
Ionic bonds, hydrogen
bonds, covalent bonds
Sorting discussion
Scribe on expo board
Please provide a DETAILED BREAKDOWN of workout activity OR attach corresponding document(s)
Ordering units of life
Atoms: Neutrons, Protons, Electrons
Molecules: CO2, H2O, H2, O2, C6H12O6
Organelles: mitochondria, chloroplasts, nucleus
Cell: epithelial cells, muscle cells, neurons, red blood cells
Tissues: connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue,
nervous tissue
Organs and organ systems: heart (cardiovascular system),
kidney (renal system)
Organism: compilation of the organ systems (human, bird,
Population: group of organisms of the same species in an
area (humans in Jackson, TN)
Community: multiple populations of different species in an
area (the humans and the birds in Jackson, TN)
Ecosystem: all living things and all non-living things
interacting in an area (weather & soil interacting with birds
& humans in Jackson, TN)
The biosphere: the sum of all life on earth and all the
relationships (Earth)
11 terms
Have these on the screen and students in
breakout rooms must put them in order
from least complicated to most
Each student must give a simple definition
of their term and an example
SI Session Plan
Differences between
Prokaryotic cells – no nucleus, smaller, simpler, no membranebound organelles, circular DNA in cytoplasm
Both – DNA, organelles, life, etc.
Eukaryotic cells – nucleus (with DNA in chromosomes), larger,
membrane-bound organelles
Characteristics of the three domains
Eukarya – Eukaryotic cells, (plants, animals, fungi,
Archaea – Prokaryotic cells, similar morphology to Bacteria,
similar DNA to Eukarya, extremophiles (Thermophiles—heat
loving, Halophiles—salt loving)
Bacteria – Prokaryotic cells, small, no nucleus, no membranebound organelles (E. coli, Staph)
Big Ideas of Biology:
 Interdependent relationships characterize biological
systems, and these interactions give rise to emergent
 Cells are a fundamental structural and functional unit of
 Living systems have multiple mechanisms to store,
retrieve, and transmit information.
 Structure determines function
 Life requires the transfer and transformation of energy and
 The diversity and unity of life can be explained by the
process of evolution.
Venn diagram (in word with screen share):
class can call out things to go on the Venn
Once group has no more suggestions, ask
guided questions if there are aspects
Compare and Contrast: ask each student to
come up with something to say in the chat.
Once every student has done that, ask if
there are any more that students would
like to add.
Ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, covalent bonds:
Ionic bonds- attraction of two ions of opposite charge, (cation
and anion) intramolecular force, strong, (NaCl table salt)
Hydrogen bonds- easy to break, partial negative/positive force,
intermolecular force, usually between Hydrogen, Fluoride,
Oxygen, and Nitrogen, intermolecular (water)
Covalent bond- the two atoms share electrons, very strong
bond, only nonmetals, strongest, intramolecular (O2 the air we
Van der Waals- very weak, uneven distribution, induced dipole,
nonpolar molecules, intermolecular force (Geckos sticking to
Emergent properties of water:
Cohesive behavior
Cohesion – water sticking to itself
Adhesion – water sticking to other things
Ask students if they can name the different
types of bonds and as they name them,
type them up on the document
Talk the students through the material,
asking guiding questions like, “What do you
know about ionic bonds?” etc.
(intra/inter, definition, related vocabulary
word, example)
Go through and talk about each one, see if
there is anything that people would like to
add to them
Popcorn read: go around the room and
have a student read, then have the next
student say it again in their own words,
then a discussion of the topic
Have students go into breakout rooms or
assign each student a different force and
SI Session Plan
Surface tension – it is more difficult to break the surface of a
(water being pulled up a tree’s roots)
Ability to moderate temperature
Water can absorb or release a large amount of heat with only
a slight change in its own temperature
(water can easily cool something really hot)
Expansion upon freezing
Hydrogen bonds forming and reforming and as it gets colder,
the hydrogen bonds become more permanent and create a
lattice structure
(Ice cubes in a cup)
Versatility as a solvent
Water can dissolve many substances: “The Solvent of Life”
(salt water, sugar water)
have them list important info for each