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Sample Course Outline Entrepreneurship BUSE 617

BUSE 617
Entrepreneurship Development
2nd Semester 2020-21
Faculty of Economics and Administration
King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Basic Information
Faculty Member
Contact Info.
Contact Info
: Dr. Mohammad Tahlil Azim
: Office – FEA Building 121, Room # 496
: 2nd Semester 2020-21
: Entrepreneurship Development (BUSE 617)
: tahlilazim@yahoo.com
Text Book
Main Text:
Neck, H. M., Neck, C. P., & Murray, E. L. (2019). Entrepreneurship: the practice and
mindset. SAGE Publications, Incorporated.
Reference Text
 Entrepreneurship (2017) (10th ed,) by Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P. Peters, & Dean A.
Shepherd., New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education
 Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, (Sixth Edition), (2019)
Global Edition, by Bruce R. Barringer & R. Duane Ireland.
 Azim, M. & Hariri, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship Education and Training in Saudi Arabia.
In Entrepreneurship Education and Research in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-90394-1_11
Course Details
Course Objective
This course is designed to help students evaluate the business skills and commitment
necessary to successfully operate an entrepreneurial venture and review the challenges
and rewards of entrepreneurship. Students will learn about themselves, their decisions,
and their goals to determine how entrepreneurship can play a role in their lives.
Students will also be introduced to entrepreneurship from an economic perspective and
the concepts of environmentally sustainable practices and social entrepreneurship.
Description of module content:
The course is an introductory course intended to provide students with knowledge of
entrepreneurship and the vital role played by entrepreneurs in the national and global
economy. To achieve this, this course focuses on the creation of new ventures, the skills
necessary for success in an entrepreneurial venture, and factors associated with new
venture success. Entrepreneurship is interdisciplinary so this course provides students
with the opportunity to draw together elements of other disciplines such as finance,
economics, management, marketing, and so forth, showing how these must fit together
to create a whole organization, rather than viewing these as a series of unrelated
components. This course also mixes theory with practice. Students will be challenged to
Dr. Mohammad Tahlil Azim
EMBA - King Abdulaziz University
apply principles, concepts and frameworks to real world situations, particularly on
assignments including the business plan and on exams. This course will help students
determine if they want to start their own ventures or if they prefer to operate as
corporate entrepreneurs working within an existing organization. Companies
increasingly want and need employees who can identify problems and opportunities,
exercise initiative and develop creative solutions, and build support while
implementing their ideas. The concepts and skills emphasized in this course should be
useful whether starting a new business or innovating within an existing organization.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
 Understand the context, concepts, and process of entrepreneurship
 Grasp the entrepreneurial mind-set and be motivated to adopt the mind-set.
 Think in a creative way and recognize unexploited business opportunities
 Plan for starting a new business
 Learn to exploit resources for the entrepreneurs
 Acquire skills to develop network of relationships and create marketing
 Manage legal and financial aspects of a small business
 Identify and assess sources of support for small businesses and entrepreneurs,
particularly in Saudi Arabia.
Method of Teaching and Learning
Class contact hours will include both lecture and seminar discussions. Group working
and discussion is central to our sessions where issues related to entrepreneurship are
analyzed through case studies, exercises and assignments. In addition to published case
studies, current examples are used to illustrate learning points. Students will be
expected to make use of online learning resources and published material.
Assessment Method
Course assessment will take the form of written examination,
assignments/homework, and Business Plan writing. The distribution of marks is as
1. Mid Term
2. Final Exam
3. Case Study
4. Biography of an Entrepreneur
5. Business Process Mapping and documentation 10%
6. Business Plan & Presentation
7. Class participation
Dr. Mohammad Tahlil Azim
EMBA - King Abdulaziz University
Expectation about Exam, Case study and Presentation
Whether it is the case study project/group presentation or the examination you
should bear the following points in mind:
 Credit will be given for the use of conceptual constructs applied during the
execution of the given piece of work which aids analysis of the issues under
 Wherever appropriate, relevant examples should be used to illustrate the
main points or arguments being made. Examples help illuminate and give
depth to arguments propounded. Examples may be taken from textbooks,
lecture notes, journals and newspapers, or from your own experience, if any.
 Do not regurgitate the lecture notes when answering a question. You are
expected not only to simply show an understanding of the problem but also
synthesize, prioritize and analyze the material at your disposal in relation to
the problem set and in so doing provide logical solutions.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Behavior
that violates these standards is not acceptable. Examples are the use of unauthorized
material, communication with fellow students during an examination, attempting to
benefit from the work of another student, and similar behavior that defeats the intent of
an examination or other class work. Cheating on exams, plagiarism, and improper
acknowledgement of sources in essays shall be grounds for disciplinary action.
Chapter Plan & Class Activities
Socialization and Introduction to the course
Topic 1: Entrepreneurship: A Global Social Movement
 Debunking the Myths of Entrepreneurship
 Types of Entrepreneurship
 Entrepreneurship as a Social Movement
Task: Team Formation & Brain Storming
Topic 2: Practicing Entrepreneurship
 Two Main Perspectives on Entrepreneurship
 Prediction and Creation in Action
 The Five Skills Most Important to the Practice of
 Entrepreneurship
Tasks: In class case study
Dr. Mohammad Tahlil Azim
EMBA - King Abdulaziz University
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Topic 3: Practicing Entrepreneurship
 Entrepreneurship Is More a Method than a Process
 The Practice of Entrepreneurship: An Introduction
 Eight Components of the Practice of Entrepreneurship
 Using the Practice to Achieve Ongoing Success
 The Concept of Deliberate Practice
Tasks: Selection of Business for planning
Topic 4: Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset
 The Mindset for Entrepreneurship
 Passion and Entrepreneurship
 Entrepreneurship as a Habit
 The Self-Leadership Habit
 The Creativity Habit
 The Fear Factor
 A Creative Mind
Topic 5: Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset
 The Improvisation Habit
 The Mindset as the Pathway to Action
 Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intentions
 The Role of Mindset in Opportunity Recognition
 Stakeholder Relationships and Trust
Tasks: Assignment on “Biography of an entrepreneur” due on
6th February 2021.
Topic 6: Generating New Ideas
 The Entrepreneurial Mindset and Opportunity
 Innovation, Invention, Improvement, or Irrelevant?
 The Myth of the Isolated Inventor
 Seven Strategies for Idea Generation
 Two Pathways to Opportunity Identification
 Opportunities Through Active Search and Alertness
Tasks: In class case study
20 February 2021, Saturday
Topic 7: Planning for Entrepreneurs
 The Trim Framework
 Plans Take Many Forms
 The Business Plan
 Summary of Different Types of Plans
 The Business Plan Debate
 Tips for Writing Business Plans
Task: Assignment on Business Process Mapping and Legal
Documentation Due on 5th March 2021.
Dr. Mohammad Tahlil Azim
EMBA - King Abdulaziz University
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 9
Topic 8: Building Business Models
 The Four Parts of a Business Model
 Different Types of CVPs and Customer Segments
 Types of Value Propositions
 Building Business Models
 Types of Customer Segments
 The Business Model Canvas (BMC)
Topic 9: Creating Revenue Models
 Different Types of Revenue Models
 Revenue and Cost Drivers
 Income Statement
 Pricing Strategies
Topic10: Bootstrapping for Resources
 Bootstrapping or External Financing?
 Bootstrapping Strategies
 Crowd-funding Versus Crowdsourcing
Task: In class Case Study
Topic 11: Support services for entrepreneurs in Saudi
Task: Business Plan Presentation due on 19-20 March,
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Dr. Mohammad Tahlil Azim
EMBA - King Abdulaziz University