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NVQ Diploma: Working with People in Business

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Updated date:May 11, 2020
Working With People in a Business Environment: NVQ Diploma
Livingsta shares her positive experience in business administration, customer service and
NVQ Certificate: Working With Other People
This is a Group B optional unit at Level Three with a total of four credits. Upon completing this
unit, the candidate will understand how to support an organisation’s overall mission and
purpose, how to work as a team to achieve goals and objectives, communicate as part a team,
deal with problems and disagreements, be able to work in a team to achieve goals and
objectives, deal with problems in a team, and be able to share feedback on objectives in a team.
They will also understand the contributions of team members and the purpose of feedback
when working as a team.
I have also written a personal statement about how to give and receive feedback, which I
thought would be relevant to this unit. Please have a look at the link below!
Giving and receiving feedback - A personal statement.
Another relevant personal statement for this unit.
Please do not copy anything here. This article is meant help you gain an understanding of what
organisations expect. Relate this advice to your own work area and organisation. Thank you for
your co-operation.
1.1 Explain How Your Organisation Works.
My organisation is an equal opportunity employer. My organisation considers the values, beliefs,
attitudes, and behaviours shared by all the employees and works with neighbouring
1.2 What Is Your Organisation's Mission and Purpose?
My organisation’s mission is to serve the people with respect for the economic, social, and
environmental well-being of community.
1.3 How Does Your Organisation Work With Other
My organisation is one of the _______________________ (deleted for confidentiality purpose).
As such, my organisation works closely with other organisations and takes into consideration
the values, ethics, and beliefs of employees and people. It makes internal adjustments to adapt
to and integrate those values, ethics, and beliefs.
1.4 What Are Your Main Responsibilities? How Do
These Fit in with Your Organisation's Structure?
Explain How Your Responsibilities Contribute to Your
My main responsibilities as a team administrator are to facilitate smooth running of various
administrative procedures in the office. I also manage certain departmental administrative duties
by helping my locality manager and the Head of Services. I deal with the processing of
purchase orders for all of the ____________, thereby avoiding any late payments or overdue
accounts. I prepare, present, and distribute panel requests for care packages, which facilitates
the business support and finance teams in carrying out their duties and ensures that clients
receive their funding on time. I also help my team and my senior with other administrative
duties, of which IT plays a very important role.
I also help with typing, mailing, archiving, filing, data management, arranging meetings, and
taking minutes.
I cover reception for tea and lunch breaks, taking calls from clients and connecting them to the
correct department.
1.5 Describe the Policies, Procedures, Systems, and
Values of Your Organisation That Are Relevant to Your
Strategy development is the overall process of establishing where we are now, where we want
to be, and how we are going to get there.
I follow various strategies to manage deadlines, time, and stress every day in my work life.
Policy-making requires a clear position on a function, service, or issue to provide a framework or
set of principles that determine decisions, actions, and approaches to those matters.
As an employee of this organisation, I strive to abide by the policies and procedures of my
A plan sets out a method of progressing from the current situation to one or more desired
In my day-to-day work, I plan everything with the SMART objective.
A procedure sets out a series of related steps to accomplish a specific task or carry out a
particular activity. The steps are the precise description of the what, when, who, why, and how of
any particular activity
I follow organisational procedures in all that I do at work.
I feel that good strategy and policy development is key to improving services and outcomes for
local people. The demands on the Council’s limited resources are significant. It is important,
therefore, that I am clear where I and the employer want to be and how to focus resources to
achieve the vision and strategic objectives and improve outcomes for local people.
1.6 When Is it Appropriate to Seek Guidance From
Others When You Are Unsure About Objectives,
Policies, Systems Procedures, and Values?
It is appropriate to seek guidance from others when I am unsure about the objectives, policies,
systems procedures, and values because that way I avoid errors and the possibility of slipping
away from conforming to the organisation’s aims.
2.1 What Are the Purposes and Benefits of Working
With Other People to Achieve Agreed Goals and
An effective team is much more than a group of people who are put together to accomplish a
The purpose and benefits of working with other people to achieve agreed goals and objectives
are as follows:
Team Building
Team building is a process that requires several development stages to avoid troubles and
The teams need to spend some time exploring and understanding their purpose and vision.
They then need to set goals and objectives so that they can stay focused on their objectives.
Managing Conflict
Conflict is an inevitable consequence of working with other people. Different opinions, values,
and styles can lead to disagreements within the team, but all disagreements should be
considered carefully. This care will help the team run effectively.
Roles and Structure
Each member of the team works and thinks differently. These differences, when put together on
a team, can maximise team performance if the right people are employed in the right role.
Team and Member Development
No matter what role a person plays on a team or what tasks he or she has been assigned, there
is almost always room for personal improvement. When the individuals on a team are
functioning at high capacity, the team itself flourishes.
Understanding and Cooperation
On a successful team, all members work in the same direction towards a common goal.
When priorities and goals differ or diverge from what is required, unnecessary stress and
tensions will appear within the team. Cooperation and sharing a goal are important for the team
to be successful
2.2 Give Examples of When You Have Worked With
Others to Achieve Positive Results.
There have been instances when the team received deadlines and my manager and I teamed
up to finish the job at the right time. This happened several times and the end results were
fantastic. Our team's overall performance improved enormously each time.
2.3 What Is the Purpose and Benefit of Sharing Work
Goals and Plans When Working With Others?
Generally, we are working towards the same goal for the success of the business. Within a
business, we all have our own tasks to perform and goals to achieve. If we are all aware of each
others goals, then we can offer support. Team-work means we are all working towards the same
end, but we can only do that if we know what we can expect from each other and where we are
each heading
By working with others, I will develop a better understanding of how to work with other people to
achieve shared goals. I will learn how to:
● figure out what needs to be done;
● discuss and decide who will handle which task and be clear about what everyone is
● decide on timescales and resources to get my tasks done on time;
● get together and talk about how I’m progressing—what went well and what didn't;
● agree with the others on ways I might be able to improve;
● find ways of working together that work;
● support my team mates;
● take on different roles;
● deal with difficult situations and relationships;
● know where to go to for help.
By working with others, I can use the skills of my whole group to get a job done successfully. I’ll
be able to share my skills and learn new ways of working from other people. I'll also get to share
and receive new ideas.
2.4 Describe Two Situations in Which Other Team
Members Have Needed Support.
I remember twice when I had to cover the duties of a different area: Once when the team
member was for three months, and once when there was no admin at all for more than a month.
It helped me understand how capable I was and how I could cope with and manage almost
double the amount of work.
There have also been a few instances when I trained new admin staff in different areas. I have
remained available to support and advise them over the phone, personally, or via emails.
2.5 Describe at Least Two Occasions When You
Provided Support. Describe How You Helped.
The first occasion I can remember is when I helped my head of services with some data
collation relative to panel. He had to go in for a meeting with the assistant Director. I collated a
year's worth of data in two hours and presented it to him in a neat format (month-wise) to
present before the meeting.
The second occasion is when I assisted my senior in a data cleansing process. This
collaboration helped our team improve its overall performance.
2.6 Explain the Purpose and Benefits of Agreeing
Upon Quality Measures Within a Team.
Quality measures are agreed upon within a team to keep the organisation's standards high. This
process will then reflect on the company's image.
Every member of a team works differently. When a team sets quality standards and goals,
everyone in the team will have to work toward producing that result. The team members will
constantly communicate to know what is going on and what has to be done to finish the work.
This process helps to avoid repeating any tasks and wasting resources.
3.1 Describe Times When it Was Essential to
Communicate With People on Your Team.
One situation when I must communicate effectively with my team is whenever meetings are
re-scheduled, training dates are cancelled, or venues change for meetings or training. To avoid
complications, I cannot delay in communicating this information.
There have also been instances when I have had to communicate information to the team and
entire department. I made sure that the details were accurate and free of errors, as this can
affect the smooth running of the organisation.
3.3 What Are the Benefits of Effective Communication
Within a Team?
The foundation of a good business team is regular and complete communication. Confusion and
conflict arise when communication is poor. The team must also be open and honest to be a
successful team.
The benefits of effective communication are:
Productivity depends largely on communication. By communicating properly and effectively,
confusion can be avoided, which will help people achieve their goals.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer happiness is a high priority. Communication with customers will make them feel
respected and valued.
As a team, we should always be ready to communicate honestly and openly and to listen to
each other. Every member should be valued and respected, as everyone possess valuable
skills and talents. When put together, these steps will help to produce an efficient team.
Identify a Range of Communication Methods.
Verbal communication is anything spoken directly. This type includes statements, meetings,
presentations, and feedback and it is the best way for teams to understand one another and be
Nonverbal communication can work best when ideas and input must be gathered, but meeting
in-person is not possible.This type of communication saves resources, time, and finances.
However, nonverbal communication can produce confusion and misunderstanding if it isn't
consistent with verbal communication.
A less common type of team communication is the presentation. It is easy to get the point
across to several people at the same time. This type is best when processes and procedures
need to be explained to a group or when a smaller group within the team collaborates to create
a report for the larger group.
Debate is a healthy form of team communication that encourages members to disagree and
challenge norms. It helps people to voice their ideas and concerns. This type is best when team
members need to explore new ideas and brainstorm. Debate provides time for expression,
feedback, and healthy change.
Feedback helps team members to receive constructive input and helps individuals and the team
to improve.
4.1 What Is the Purpose and Benefit of Acknowledging
the Strengths of Others?
Acknowledging people for “just” doing their jobs has two great benefits:
1. They are reminded, or perhaps see for the first time, that their work matters and that the
results of their actions are helping to solve a problem, save money, and fulfil obligations.
2. They are reminded that they have a choice in what they do and that when they choose to be
of service their employer, customers, colleagues, and suppliers appreciate it.
4.2 What Is the Purpose and Benefits of Respecting
Individuals Working Within a Team?
Everyone needs and deserves respect. There are some specific advantages of showing
appropriate respect in the workplace. One is that employees begin to accept their mistakes in
the right sense and strive to rectify them. Employees who feel respected strive for the well-being
and the success of the organization.
Showing respect in the workplace helps the organization to function in unison. Thomas
Jefferson said, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they
are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are Life,
Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..."
5.1 Explain the Types of Problems and Disagreements
That may Occur When Working With Others. Give
The types of problems and disagreements that may occur when working with others are:
● Differences of opinion: Sometimes these differences are not easy to resolve, especially if
neither answer is right.
● Incompetence: This is another hard one to resolve. An incompetent person may not
realise that they are not effective. Often additional training can help.
● Dishonesty: This gives the person a bad reputation
● Disagreements about workloads.
● Problems/disagreements over lunch breaks, annual leave, holidays, etc.
● Difference regards to work style.
Disagreements often arise from not minding your own business. It is best to follow the rules of
your employment.
5.2 Give Two Examples of Problems and
Disagreements That may Occur When Working With
Others. Include Ways to Resolve the Problem.
The best way to resolve any problem or disagreement is to compromise, be as flexible as
possible, and seek the leaders' mediation.
People need to be held accountable for what they say, either by writing and signing accusatory
statements or keep their mouths shut.
Problems can be overcome by assigning roles for different members and talking the issue out.
Face-to-face discussions involving management and grievance procedures can also help
resolve issues at work.
6.1 Explain Why it Is Important to Give and Receive
Feedback. Give Examples of When You Have Done
Constructive feedback is important as it helps the employees do their work more efficiently. It
also helps the team and the organisation do their jobs.
To feedback effectively, try to make it a positive process and experience.
● It has to be timely. The closer to the event I address the issue, the better.
● Feedback has to be regularly given.
● I have to prepare my comments before giving feedback.
● I have to be specific, telling the person exactly what they need to improve on.
● Always find a safe and private place to give feedback,
● Feedback should be limited to specific issues, rather than several.
● Be very careful to include positive feedback too. This helps the person feel confident and
motivated to improve.
● Make sure you inform the person what needs to be done to improve the situation and give
useful suggestions.
● Feedback is given to improve performance, so be sure to follow up.
Receiving Feedback Effectively
Very similar to giving feedback, it is very important to receive feedback too. No one is perfect!
● We have to make sure we ask for feedback from our team members and manager as we
always do not see our mistakes. I always ask for feedback from my manager during my
● When receiving feedback, stay calm and listen. It is for your own good!
● If you do not understand something, stay calm and ask the person giving feedback to
rephrase it for you.
● While receiving feedback, ask for examples and suggestions to avoid misunderstandings.
● After the feedback session, sit down and reflect.
6.2 How Do You Use Feedback to Improve Individual
Work and the Team as a Whole?
Feedback can be used in several ways. It helps you realise and identify how members of the
team and other departments feel you can improve. Critical feedback is useful. It can be helpful
to ask for feedback from a few other people on the same issue to see if everyone feels the
same way.
A team can use feedback to introduce common ways of working together to achieve targets.
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for
informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or
professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on March 22, 2016:
Aww, dear Erorantes, thank you for your encouragement and support here. I am so pleased that
you found a few of my hubs here useful. Have an awesome week ahead :-)
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on January 05, 2016:
Hello Sabina, you're most welcome. I am so glad that this has been helpful for you. Take care
you too and all the best! :)
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on January 05, 2016:
Hello tsanihakim, thank you for reading and the feedback. I am glad that you found this good to
read. Have a great 2016!
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on January 05, 2016:
Hello Ziuby, you're welcome. I am pleased that this was helpful! All the best
Ana Maria Orantes from Miami Florida on March 17, 2015:
I like your hub on the business plan working as a team. Your article mention important things
and conduct to follow during working as a group or alone. Thank you for sharing what you know.
You are generous and brilliant. You did a great job.
tsanihakim on October 03, 2014:
Well, complete explanation, good to read, thanks.
Sabina on July 02, 2014:
Hi, thank you for posting as it really helped me understand what to write according to my job
role as i was quite stuck at times, didn't understand some questions. This has helped a lot.
Thank you so much, take care.
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on June 21, 2014:
You're welcome Luke, all the best :)
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on June 21, 2014:
Hello Calm,
You're welcome. I am pleased that this was of help to you :) All the best.
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on June 21, 2014:
Hello Pedro, you're welcome. I am glad this was of help to you. All the best :)
luke on February 28, 2014:
Very informative and helpful, Thankyou
calm on February 18, 2014:
Seriously, thanks so much for posting this. You've given such good framework and helped me
with my NVQ. you're a life saver!
pedro on January 22, 2014:
thanks for this, i have used your articles as a point of reference for much of my NVQ, it has
been an essential tool to enable me to understand the requirements for the content of my
answers as well as the length. I can't thank you enough
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on June 10, 2013:
Hi Fern, thank you for stopping by and for the feedback. I am glad that this was useful.
This unit is a Level 3 unit with learning outcomes up to 9. As you can see in the Unit itself,
Learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 must be assessed using methods appropriate to the
assessment of knowledge and understanding. So these inculde written questions, which I have
published here.
For learning outcomes 7 (7.1 to 7.12), 8 (8.1, 8.2) and 9 (9.1 to 9.3) it states that assessment
should be planned to maximise the opportunities for the candidate to demonstrate their ability to
work with other people in a business environment. So these will be assessed based on
observation of your performance at work, examination of work products, questioning,
professional discussion, witness testimony (a manager or a colleague will write this), personal
statements (you will write this), communication with colleagues, observing your performance
development review or appraisal, observing you taking minutes in a meeting, discussion about
how you solved problems that were reported, feedback from manager/colleagues and many
more depending on where you work.
Your assessor would be able to advise you on these, as the assessment criteria vary depending
on where you work and what job you do. These sections do not need to be written down as
answers, as these are not knowledge based assessments, but based on your ability to work in
your office/business environment.
Hope this helps! Please feel free to ask any other questions that you have.
All the best :-)
Fern on June 10, 2013:
This is so much help!!! I was so tuck on some units and this just helped me understand how to
answear them, obviously my NVQ has so many more units so i was wondering you had 6.2 and
upwards? great help, fantastic!! :)
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on April 29, 2013:
Hello Shannon, thank you. I am glad it was helpful. All the best!
Shannon on April 29, 2013:
I can't even begin to explain how helpful all of your work is for note taking and guidelines!
Thank you very much.
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on March 30, 2013:
Thank you Juanita, I'm glad it helped :-)
Juanita on March 30, 2013:
This is what I looking for! Thank you!
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on February 07, 2013:
Thank you Krisyy!
Krisyy on February 07, 2013:
You're actually a hero!
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on January 23, 2013:
Thank you Laura, I am glad it helped and also thank you for understanding!
Laura on January 23, 2013:
Very useful thank-you, but yes it does need applied to your own work ,otherwise if you copy, it
won't make sense to your workplace!. I found it very helpful for me to understand what I should
be writing. Thanks again
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on November 17, 2012:
Sorry James, for not being helpful.
Copy and paste! I have mentioned not to copy, as each person will have to write down answers
relevant to their job. You can feel free to point out any errors here. Thank you for your feedback!
james on November 16, 2012:
copy and paste job all of that was seems you completely missed the point of the questions on
livingsta (author) from United Kingdom on November 04, 2012:
Wow, that's great, thank you so much Ryan. While preparing for my NVQ, I did understand the
difficulty and thought that I was sharing this for the people, and also thought many will benefit. I
am glad it helped you!
Ryan on November 04, 2012:
Thank you for this great article, it helped me out a great deal with this unit and gave me a push
in the right direction on the points where i wasn`t too sure how to go about answering. Once
again thank you
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