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Financial Management Notes: Key Concepts & Scope

Fin Man is about preparing, directing and managing the money
activities of a company such as buying, selling and using money to
its best results to maximize wealth or produce best value for
money. Basically, it means applying general management concepts
to the cash of the company.
- Everyone should know fin man (like how to manage your own
Taking a commercial business as the most common organizational
structure, the key objectives of financial management would be to
create wealth for the business, generate cash and provide an
adequate return on investment bearing in mind the risks that the
business is taking, and the resources invested.
Personal Finance deals with an individuals’ decisions concerning
the spending and investing of income. It includes the answers as
to how much of their earnings should they spend, how
much should they save, and how should they invest their
too high may cause the business to starve of funding to
reinvest in growing revenues and profits further.
Financial management has a wide scope. It includes the following five A’s as
stated by Dr. S.C. Saxena:
Anticipation – the financial needs of the company are being
estimated. That is, it finds out how much finance is required by the
Ex: before putting up a business, this method is
Acquisition – it collects finance for the company from different
Ex: collection/completing your money for your business.
Business Finance involves same type of decisions focusing on
how the firms raise money from investors, how to invest money to
ear a profit, and how to reinvest profits in the business or
distribute them back to investors.
Allocation – it uses this collected or acquired finance to purchase
fixed and current assets for the company.
Ex: allocate the money for each items needed.
There are three key elements to the process of financial management.
These are the financial planning, financial control and financial decision
Appropriation – it distributes part of the company profits among
the shareholders, debenture holders, and some are kept as
Ex: distribution of profits
Assessment – it also means controlling all the financial activities
of the company. It checks if the objectives are met. If not, it
determines what can be done about it.
Ex: continuation of control, for you to change if there’s
Financial Planning
- Management need to ensure that enough funding is
available at the right time to meet the needs of
business. In the short term, funding may be needed to invest
in equipment and stocks, pay employees and fund sales
made on credit. In the medium and long term, funding may
be required for significant additions to the productive
capacity of the business or to make acquisitions. This links in
with the financial decision-making process and forecasting.
(such as putting up a new branch)
Financial Control
- Helps the business ensure that the objectives are being
met. Financial control determines if assets are secured
and being used efficiently. It also identifies if the
management act in the best interest of shareholders and in
accordance with business rules.
Financial Decision Making
- The key aspects of financial decision-making include
investment, financing and dividends. Investments must
be financed in considered, which will depend on the source,
period of financing, cost of financing and the net present
returns generated. The key financing decision is whether
profit earned by the business should be retained instead of
distributing to shareholders via dividend. Dividend that are
need to be changed.
The following are the major areas in the field of finance:
1. Financial Service – the one concerned with the design and
delivery of advice and financial products to individuals,
businesses, and governments. Career opportunities: within the
areas of banking, personal financial planning,
investments, real estate, and insurance.
Managerial Finance – concerned with the duties of the
financial manager working in a business. This encompasses the
financial planning or budgeting, extending credit to
customers or other credit administration function,
investment evaluation and analysis, and obtaining of
funds for a firm. Managerial finance is the management of the
firm’s funds within the firm.
Career opportunities: financial analyst, capital budgeting analyst,
and cash manager.
The recent global financial crisis and subsequent responses by
governmental regulators, increased global competition, and rapid
technological change also increase the importance and complexity
of the financial manager’s duties. Increasing globalization has
increased demand for financial experts who can manage
cash flows in different currencies and protect against the risks that
naturally arise from international transactions.
The following are the professional certifications in finance:
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) – a graduate-level course
of study focused largely on the investments side of finance.
This is offered by the CFA institute.
Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) – this program requires
students to pass a single exam that is focused on the
knowledge and skills needed for those working in a
corporate treasury department.
Certified Financial Planner (CFP) – students should pass a 10hpur exam covering a wide range of topics related to
personal financial planning in order to obtain CFP status.
American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM) – this
administers certification programs for financial professionals
in a wide range of fields. Their certifications include the
Charter Portfolio Manager, Chartered Asset Manager,
Certified Risk Analyst, Certified Cost Accountant, Certified
Credit Analyst, and many other programs.
Professional Certifications in Accounting – include Certified
Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant
(CMA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and many other
There is ease of organization compared to corporation. In partnership there
Sole Proprietorship – owned by one person who’s legally
responsible for the debts and taxes of the business.
- Most common form of business
Simple, and the owner has freedom to make all decisions and
enjoy all the profit
Minimal legal restrictions and government regulation.
It can be discontinued with great ease and tax rate is
relatively at the minimum.
Owner has unlimited liability
Owner has limited availability of outside financing.
Partnership – owned by two or more people and operate on an
agreement called Article of Co-Partnership.
- They are legally responsible for the debts and taxes of
- Partners must agree upon amount each partner will
contribute to the business, percentage of ownership of each
partner, share of profits of each partner, duties each partner
will perform, and the responsibility each partner has for the
partnership’s debts.
Typical partnership includes those:
Medical and Dental Practices
Architectural and Law firms
Corporation – entity created by law.
- Have the legal powers of an individual in that it can sue and
be sued.
- Make and be party to contracts
- Acquire property in its own name.
- Publicly or privately-owned business entity that separates
form its owner and has a legal right to own property and do
business in its own name.
- Stockholders are not responsible for the debts or taxes of
- Governed by BOD in case of profit organization or BOT in case
of non-profit org.
Combined talents
More available brain power
Managerial skill
In terms of available financing, it can raise more capital for
the firm than a sole proprietorship.
Unlimited liability for general partners and limited life for the
Partnership is dissolved when a partner withdraws or dies,
and it is difficult to liquidate or transfer partnership.
Two or more heads may be better for the firm.
Limited liability of stockholders and perpetual life.
There is ease of transferring ownership, expansion obtaining
resources of financing.
Relatively bound more government regulations/restrictions
and maybe expensive to organize.
All forms of business entities are considered separate
entities. However, the corporation is the only form of
business that is a separate legal entity.
Economics – study of choice
- Social science that deals with individual or collective
economic activities such as production, consumption,
distribution and transfer of money and wealth.
- This is based on the fact that our resources are scarce and
need to deliberately and systematically allocated.
Finance – study of financial allocation and answers
questions like where to put your money and why.
- Form of applied economics
- Firms operate within the economy and they must be aware
of the economic principles, changes in economic
activity, and economic policy.
- Marginal Cost-Benefit Analysis – primary economic
principle that is being used in managerial finance.
This principle reminds the decision makers to choose and
take actions only when the firm will have a net advantage,
which means that the added benefits exceed the added costs.
Accounting – accountants generally use the accrual
method while in finance, the emphasis is on cash flows.
- Accountants recognize revenues at the point of sale and
expenses when incurred regardless on when cash will flow
into or out of the firm.
- Financial manager focuses on the actual inflows and
outflows of cash, recognizing revenues when cash is
collected and expenses when actually paid.
Decision rule for managers:
Only take actions that are expected to increase the share price.
This rule means that whenever the financial manager decides or choose
between or among alternatives, after assessing the risks and the returns,
only actions that would increase share price shall be accepted.
Otherwise, the alternative/s shall be rejected.
The goal of a firm, and therefore of all managers, is to maximize
shareholders’ wealth. This can be measured by share price. An increasing
price per share of common stock relative to the stock market as a whole
indicates achievement of this goal.
Given the following opportunities, which investment is preferred?
Earnings per Share Year
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Based on the information provided, the choice is not obvious. Profit
maximization is not consistent with wealth maximization. It may not lead to
the highest possible share price due to the following reasons:
1. Timing is important. The receipt of funds sooner rather than
later is preferred.
- Project B is expected to provide the higher overall increase
in earnings, thus, is the more profitable project.
- But, since the goal of the firm is to maximize value, and
therefore, timing must be considered to determine
which project is superior.
- Profit maximization may lead to value maximization, but it is
not an absolute case.
2. Profits do not necessarily result in cash flows available
to stockholders. In finance, cash is king.
- It is not unusual for a firm to be profitable yet experience a
cash crunch.
- They might have so much profit but less do not have enough
cash to continuously run the business.
- The most common cause is when expenses have a shorter
due date than expected revenue.
In such cases, the firm must arrange short term financing to
meet its debt obligations before the revenue arrives.
3. Profit Maximization fails to account for risk. Risk is the
chance that actual outcomes may differ from expected
- Financial managers must consider both risk and return
because of their inverse effect on the share price of the firm.
- Increased risk may decrease the share price, while
increased return is likely to increase the share price.
Financial managers administer the financial affairs of all types of businesses
such as private and public, large and small, profit-seeking and notfor-profit. Typically, he handles a firm’s cash, investing surplus funds when
available and securing outside financing when needed. He also oversees a
firm’s pension plans and manages critical risks related to movements
in foreign currency values, interest rates and commodity prices. The treasurer
in a mature firm must make decisions with respect to handling financial
planning, acquisition of fixed assets, obtaining funds to finance
fixed assets, managing working capital needs, managing the
pension fund, managing foreign exchange, and distribution of
corporate earnings to owners.
The two key activities that the financial manager does as related to a firm’s
balance sheet are the following.
1. Investment Decisions
- The finance manager defines the most efficient level and
the best structure of assets.
- Investment decisions deals with the items that appear on the
asset section of the balance sheet.
2. Financing Decisions
- The finance manager determines and maintains the
proper combination of short- and long-term financing.
- Also, he raises the needed financing in the most
economical manner.
- Financing decisions generally refers to the items that appear
on the liability and equity section of the balance sheet.
Corporate Governance
- A system of organizational control that defines and
establishes the responsibility and accountability of the
major participants in an organization.
- Shareholders, board of directors, managers and officers of
the corporations and other stakeholders are the major
participants included here.
- More detailed responsibilities would be established within
each part of the organizational chart.
Business Ethics
- Are the standards of conduct or moral judgment that
apply to persons engaged in industry or commerce.
- Violations of these standards in finance include, but not
limited to misstated financial statements, misleading
financial forecasts or projections, fraud, bribery, kickbacks,
insider trading, excessive executive compensation and
options backdating.
Bad publicity generally results to negative impacts on a
Ethics programs seek to reduce lawsuits and judgment costs,
uphold and preserve a positive corporate image, build
trust and confidence of the stockholders, and to gain
the loyalty and respect of all stakeholders.
The expected result of such program is to positively affect
the firm’s share price.
Shareholders are the owners of a corporation, and they
purchase stocks because they want to earn a good return
on their investment without undue risk exposure.
In most cases, shareholders elect directors, who the hire
managers to run the corporation on a day-to-day basis.
Because managers are supposed to be working on behalf of
shareholders, they should pursue policies that
enhance shareholder value.
Also, to achieve this goal, the financial manager would take
only those actions that were expected to make a major
contribution to the firm’s overall profits.
When managers deviate from the goal of maximization
of shareholder wealth by putting their personal goals
above the goals of shareholders, this results to agency
problems and issues.
This kind of problems increases agency costs.
Agency costs are the costs borne by shareholders due to
the occurrence and avoidance of agency problems.
Both cases represent a reduction in the shareholders’
The agency problem and the associated agency costs can be reduced with the
Properly constructed and implemented corporate governance
- This should be designed to institute a system of checks and
balances to reduce the ability and incentives of
management to deviate from the goal of shareholder wealth
Structured expenditures thru compensation plans.
- This maybe the most popular way to deal with the agency
problem but this is the most expensive one.
- It could either be incentive or performance plans.
- Incentive plans tie management performance to share
- When the managers take actions that maximize stock, they
could be given stock options giving them the right to
purchase stock at a set price.
- This incentive plan may not be favorable because of
market behavior that has a substantial impact on share
price and is beyond the control that’s why performance plans
are more popular today.
In this plan, compensation is based on performance
measures, such as earnings per share and/or its
growth, or other return ratios.
- Managers may receive performance shares and/or cash
bonuses when the set performance goals are attained.
Market Forces
- Such as shareholder crusading from large institutional
- Institutional investors hold large quantities of shares in
many of the corporations in their portfolio
- The power of institutional investors far exceeds the voting
power of individual investors
- Managers of these institutions should be active in the
monitoring of management and vote their shares for the
benefit of the shareholders.
- This can lessen or avoid the agency problem because
- It pressures on management to take actions that maximize
shareholder wealth.
- They may use their voting powers to elect new directors
who are aligned with their objectives and will act to replace
poorly or non-performing managers.
Threat of hostile takeovers
- It occurs when a company or group not supported by existing
management attempts to acquire the firm.
- Because the acquirer looks for companies that are poorly
managed and undervalued, this threat provokes
managers to act in the best welfares of the firm’s owners.