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Syllabus Operations Management Fall 2020

Brooklyn College
Operations Management (3 Credits)
Course Aims/Description:
Study in managerial decision making to solve a wide range of operating
management problems. Topics covered include: planning, evaluating, and control
of operations; forecasting and inventory management; scheduling; project design
and management; resource allocation; queuing models; quality of the work
environment; and technological change. Design and implementation of
management strategy will be emphasized through computer simulation, problems,
and cases. (Not open to students who are enrolled in, or who have completed
Mathematics 3606 (73.2) or Economics 31.4.)
Required Materials:
Text: Quantitative Analysis for Management 11th edition
Render, Stair and Hanna
Prentice Hall
Grading Policy (Might vary):
Weekly On-Line Quizzes:
Problems and Discussion Questions:
Written Exams and Final:
Operations Management Outline
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Table of topics and dates
Availability of
Chapter Review
Question Quiz
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 16
Introduction to Quantitative Analysis and probability
Decision Analysis
Forecasting (first part)
Inventory Control Models – basic EOQ
Linear Programming
Project Management
Queuing Theory
Statistical Quality Control
Within 2 days after
we complete
the chapter
Final Exam
Some of this course will be on Blackboard (see below).
If you are having problems with the site you may contact ITS at 718-951-5861 but it is
likely due to congestion and I suggest that you simply give it some time and re-log onto
blackboard later.
Operations Management Outline
Page 2
The course is set up on chapter by chapter schedule – see the table on page 2.
On a weekly basis you will have to do:
1. Readings: Read the chapter(s) and review the slides listed in the table above
2. One Problem on the Discussion Board: See below
3. Chapter On-Line Quiz: Take the open book quiz on Blackboard. (Available after we finish the
Chapter – for 2 days.)
The grade will be the number of questions you got correct. All questions get equal weight
Practice: Work out the solved problems and self-test on your own and check your
solutions – (the solved problems are worked out in the chapter and the self-test
solutions are in the back of book).
We expect to have a Midterm and Final that will cover all the chapter in the table but this is
Please note that it is possible that proctoring software may be required to be installed on
your computer when you take online exams.
Discussion Board and Chapter Problems:
Ever week you should choose one problem in the back of the chapter. Each problem has
one, two or three dots near them indicating its difficulty. Only choose problems with one or
with two dots (skip those with 3 dots). It is up to you which problem to choose but at the
end of the semester at least half of those you chose should have 2 dots.
Work out the problem on paper. Scan and upload your worked out solution as an
attachment to a new thread in the chapter discussion board. Other students may
The discussion questions and quizzes are open book and can be taken anywhere you
have computer access; at home, the library, the WEB building... The questions, multiplechoice and T/F, are random and are given one question at a time with no backtracking.
Click save or submit after every question.
Make sure to take the quiz when it is available!
If there is an emergency and you cannot take the quiz when it is available email me.
My email address is yarmish@sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu If you email me, your subject line should
be: Operations Management <your name> - <the topic>
Operations Management Outline
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