Name: _____________________________________Grade level: 1 Standards Ratings: 1 — 3 (see key below) Poise Energy is calm and clean, without showing nervousness. Gesture & Enthusiasm Facial expressions & body language show a sincere interest and an appropriate enthusiasm in giving details or information. Volume Voice is loud enough to be heard easily but is not too loud. Pitch & Tone Pitch (sound) & tone (vocal attitude toward your speech) are emotionally appropriate. Voice has natural (not overly-practiced) energy, enthusiasm, and inflection (rise and fall). Clarity Pronunciation is as clear and easy to understand as possible. Pace Pace is appropriate: is not too fast and not too slow; and is steady. Eye Contact Eye contact reaches everyone in the room in a regular, calm, and controlled way. Preparedness Delivery and content show signs of good rehearsal and planning without sounding memorized, avoiding “umm’s” and gaps. Content & Organization Speech provides plenty of interesting details and information about oneself. Wording Wording is smooth, interesting, and appropriate. Time 1:00 – 3:00 minutes: ____________ Scoring Key 1 = Needs Improvement 2= Good 3= Excellent Final Grade: _________ / 30