Uploaded by Martin Rodriguez


Instructor Information
Office Hours:
Office Phone:
Course Description:
______________________ offers high school students advanced coursework at the
secondary level. Chemistry is designed to help students grow and push through
the ceiling of their own understanding. As a general rule, college students will
spend 2 – 3 hours outside of class working on assignments for every hour spent in
class. The expectation in Chemistry is for students to spend at least an hour a day
when completing work/lessons. This coursework may require students to put in
extra time when completing work. In the end, the skills developed in Chemistry will
help the student become more college and career ready.
Please note that in order to remain in high ability Chemistry courses, a student
must earn a grade of D or better. Those found struggling to pass, maintain pacing,
and/or grasp concepts will be placed in an intervention to improve skills. It is our
ultimate goal to have all students be successful in this course.
The pace for this class is swift and labor intensive. During the next 18 weeks,
students will be exposed to a wide range of texts and activities designed to aid in
the development of the understanding of how chemical elements and processes
interact and influence the natural world. Because collaboration and teamwork is an
important skill at the college level and the greater community, students will learn to
collaborate with others to thoroughly process ideas and polish assignments. By the
end of the semester, students will have written full sentence responses to short
answer test responses as well as discussions. Additionally, every student will have
submitted three modified portfolios: Unit 4:Solutions, Acids, and Bases, Unit 5
Gases, and Unit 7 Oxidation.
A student’s success in Chemistry will depend upon active engagement in the text;
consistent engagement with the teacher through phone calls, texts, webmail, and
open student hours; knowledgeable participation in class discussions during
LiveLesson; and constant review of all webmail, message board posts, and
LiveLesson attendance.
Students must…
A. Always read teacher communication through webmail.
B. Always visit the unit Padlets linked on the Message Board for all essential
posts and modifications.
C. Attend at least one LiveLesson each 9 weeks.
D. View all LiveLesson recordings when choosing not to attend LiveLesson.
E. Speak to the teacher in a 1:1 situation once during the semester through
open student hours, LiveLesson one on one sessions, or synchronous phone
F. Stay on track with lesson completion (as closely as possible).
G. For test essays, type responses into the answer space provided on the test.
H. Advocate for himself or herself.
Attendance and Participation:
Research has shown that those who attend LiveLesson do better than those who do
not. It is imperative that students make LiveLesson attendance a priority. Again,
all students will be expected to attend at least one LiveLesson each nine weeks.
This will result in an attendance grade valued at 25 points each for a total of 50
points for the semester. This will be entered as a participation grade.
An additional 50 points will be granted each semester for meeting with the teacher
one on one. This, too, will result in a total of 50 participation points. Students may
earn these points through attendance during open office hours, a synchronous
phone call, or special appointment time the student has arranged with the teacher.
The appointment can be scheduled using the YouCanBookMe link provided on the
Message Board.
Although Pearson writes all of the curriculum for Indiana Connections Academy,
lessons will change this semester from what Pearson has assigned. Be prepared to
follow your instructor. Make sure you are reading the Weekly Webmail for all
modifications made to the curriculum.
Late Work Policy:
All work must be completed in the order it is assigned. Students may submit
revisions for test essays and portfolios only. Only one revision will be
accepted for each test and portfolio. There are no revisions for the semester
study guide or semester exam.
(NOTE: The teacher reserves the right to reject homework that does not
appear to have been completed with a minimum amount of effort; please be
sure to put forth time when submitting revisions. The opportunity to revise
does not guarantee additional points will be given.)
Anything that is not completed by midterm will result in a permanent zero.
Those wishing to have those lessons reopened must speak to the teacher
directly regarding why the assignment was left undone. A determination at
that time will be made as to whether an extension should be granted and
what would be a reasonable deadline for revision and/or submission. All
deadlines will be final. If a student does not meet the second
deadline the teacher has granted, the permanent zero will remain.
Required Supplies:
A virtual folder or tangible three-ring binder and notebook paper for housing
all notes, homework, and study guides if you wish to stay organized.
A flash drive if you wish to keep track of all written work.
Word processor
Course Goals:
By the end of Chemistry, a student should be able to
Read and comprehend science and technical texts within a range of complexity
appropriate for chemistry students.
Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on
explanations in the text.
Analyze the author’s purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or
discussing an experiment in a text, identifying important issues that remain unresolved.
Identify chemical and physical reactions.
Understand and elaborate on atomic theory.
Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based
on the pattern of valence electrons and periodic trends.
Investigate the behavior of ions and how this relates to pH in solutions.
Demonstrate and calculate gas laws.
Recognize different types of chemical reactions.
Utilize the Law of Conservation of Mass to balance chemical equations.
Use laboratory observations and data to compare and contrast ionic, covalent,
network, metallic, polar, and non-polar substances with respect to constituent particles,
strength of bonds, melting, and boiling points and conductivity; provide examples of
each type.
Additional points will be granted for the following items:
Attend two LiveLesson (one time each 9 weeks)
Speak with the teacher in a 1:1 session (1 time each semester)
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty:
Academic Dishonesty occurs when a student uses another person’s words, products, or ideas
without proper acknowledgement of the original work and with the intention of passing it off as
his or her own. Connections Academy requires the original work of all students. Students shall
be expected to properly cite the origin of work that is not the student’s own. If work content,
other than commonly known facts, is not properly cited, attributed, or credited, or if work has
been copied from the internet or from another person, the work may be determined as being
plagiarized. Students may not commit Academic Dishonesty in written, oral, or creative work;
open-ended, short answer, multiple choice and assigned questions in quizzes, tests, or group
scenarios; or on any assigned portfolios.
URGENT: If a student chooses to plagiarize, it will be documented in school records as your 1st
Offense. Please note that we have a three strikes and you're out policy. Accumulate three
plagiarism offenses and you will be removed from the course.
Teacher Goals:
I will treat you with respect and understanding.
I will work individually with your particular situation to make your experience in the
course as meaningful and productive as possible.
I will offer you clear written assignments. If you don’t find my instructions clear, I
will do all I can to help clarify and improve communication.
I will respond with comments to aid in the revision process.
I will also make handouts and LiveLesson recordings available on the message
I will give you individual attention as you ask for it and need it.
I will follow the policies and procedures outlined by Indiana Connections Academy.
Student Goals:
You will arrive with a commitment
—To advocate for yourself and ask questions when in doubt
—To earn good grades through hard work
—To attend LiveLesson twice a semester (Once per quarter)
—To contact the teacher in a 1:1 synchronous setting at least once a
—To make class time productive
—To submit all lessons in a timely fashion
—To be respectful and supportive of all peers
—To actively engage in peer collaboration and group work
—To treat your classmates and me with respect
—To follow rules of behavior established in INCA’s student handbook and
Mrs. Love’s class.
—To monitor all teacher and peer webmail communication, message
board posts, and LiveLesson discussions and announcements
Extra Help:
I am always available outside of class should you need help with writing. You may
come to open student hours on Monday and Friday at 2 o’clock, Eastern Standard
Time. You may also come to open student hours on Wednesday at 9 o’clock,
Eastern Standard Time. These are always arranged in two hour blocks. Come when
you can. Leave as you please.
You may also schedule a time that works best for you. Simply make a request to
meet via webmail and I will check my calendar for time availability or use the
YouCanBookMe link on Message Board.
Students should only take this course if they have passed biology.
Grading Scale:
Grades will be assigned according to the following point system:
A = 100-90%
under 60%
Portfolio Checklist:
The day the portfolio is assigned is the day it is due. It is recommended you look at
each week’s schedule ahead of time so that you can anticipate the portfolio due date
and avoid falling behind.
Check the message board and modification notes for the modified portfolio. All
portfolios will be modified. The original portfolio will not be accepted.
Use the rubric provided to help guide you as you complete the portfolio. If you stick
to the parameters of the rubric you should do well on the portfolio.
Chemistry Schedule
Unit 1: Course Overview
Unit 2: Introduction to Chemistry
Unit 3: The Periodic Table
Unit 4: Solutions, Acids, and Bases
Unit 5: Gases
Unit 6: Simple Chemical Reactions
Unit 7: Oxidation
Unit 8: Particulate Electrical Forces
Unit 9: Final Exam
Dear Students and Caretakers,
I am so excited that you will be joining me in Chemistry A this semester. Whether you just love
science or understand that chemistry is something that should be on your transcript as you apply for
colleges, you have chosen to challenge yourself and take your learning to the next level. It is
imperative that you understand the demands and expectations I have established for the next 18
Chemistry is considered a college preparatory course. Most colleges expect to see that you have
passed chemistry on your transcript no matter your field of study you will be pursuing. Throughout
the course we will be investigating many exciting and challenging scientific ideas. Keep in mind that I
understand that much of these ideas will be new to you. However, I have been in your shoes and am
here to help and support you as you develop a better understanding of the scientific world. Just
remember, chemistry is literally everything.
In addition to these major assignments, you will also receive other opportunities for grade
advancement. Grades will be earned for LiveLesson participation, teacher contact, and optional
activities. You must be in attendance during LiveLesson once each nine weeks and seek to
communicate with me independently at least once each quarter, too. Good grades are a reflection of
your willingness to listen, to ask questions, and to improve your skills as a student. I’m here to help
and look forward to those conversations with you.
Due to the wide array of technology apps available today, we have the unique opportunity to
communicate and learn in a variety of ways, and we will do just that. Students will be expected to
participate when invited to do so through apps like Padlet, Quizizz, Kahoot, Nearpod, and FlipGrid, to
name a few.
Please read the attached syllabus carefully and complete the google form HERE by December 10,
2021. You will note that occasionally certain videos and movie clips and other enrichment resources
will be shown and/or assigned for educational purposes. Likewise, discussion and peer feedback will
be expected of everyone. Your signature below indicates that you understand and accept full
responsibility for all requirements while enrolled in this course.
Students who are not presently keeping up with Chemistry A must demonstrate proficiency in the
course and earn a D- or better to continue second semester in Chemistry B.
I look forward to working with you the next eighteen weeks. Get excited! A great and challenging
adventure awaits you second semester.
I have read and I understand the requirements of Chemistry as taught at
_________________________. I will abide by all rules and regulations established by
_______________________ and _____________ while enrolled in the course.
Parent’s Signature _____________________________________
Student’s Signature ____________________________________