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Stimulous 1 Causes of Erosion

Erosion has been heavily studied across the world by engineers
and geologist because it is such a common occurrence and
they are further looking for reasons on why this occurs. Erosion
is the break down of soil particles contained in soil and dirt.
Erosion occurs just as fast as it takes the soil to form so erosion
consequences can be devastating if it is not controlled. Erosion
problems whether they are little or small can definitely be
controlled and prevented against soil erosion problems.
Matting and blankets are the most common forms of erosion controlling methods. Researchers are always coming up
with new erosion control products to help prevent and protect soil types but they are yet to know just exactly what
else causes erosion. Over the next few paragraphs we will discuss the known causes of erosion.
Human Causes of Erosion
Human activity on and around the earths surface whether it is in your backyard or down the park are known to cause
erosion 10 times more than naturally occurring processes. Human life has been the number on cause of erosion
dating back to the first millennium. Agriculture and construction are the 2 ways in which humans cause erosion.
Construction when unnecessarily conducted can be quite damaging to soil and dirt. Vegetation and agriculture are
also 2 human causes of erosion because humans move the top soil and make it prone to erosion.
Grazing and deforestation are also human causes of erosion
because human life is making the grounds surface soil bare and
extremely prone to erosion by natural forces. Across America where
soil is being eroded due to human activity.
Another way in which humans cause erosion is by simply watering their gardens. Erosion occurs when watering the
gardens of your residential property mainly because the force of water which is coming from your garden hose or
irrigation system is too fierce and it makes the soil eroded quite quickly. We can prevent this also by not over
watering garden areas containing soil.
Natural Causes of Erosion
Mother Nature works in mysterious ways. One of the most natural
causes of erosion is rainfall. Rainfall can be devastating to soil
because of the force and impact in which it hits the topsoil with.
These splashing affects cause soil to lose particles and shift and
move around into unknown places. When the eroded area (which
has been caused by water) dries up it is known to form gullies and
large cracks in the surface which can be so damaging to rural and
farming properties.
Wind is another natural factor which causes erosion.
Wind is known to pick up soil and shift it to another
space whilst it does so the actual soil decomposes and
loses its soil particles. Wind and water together can
cause erosion to occur severely. Wind itself can not
cause as much harm as they do together. Ice and
snowfall are another 2 natural causes of erosion and
they too can be devastating to crop yields, landscaped
gardens, land investments and commercial parks.
Soil generally takes just as long to form then it does to erode to protect our earth from naturally eroding and human
caused eroding we all should have an erosion control plan and product in place to give the soil a better chance at
fighting this natural occurrence.
Source: http://www.landscapeplanet.com/maintenance-1-cause-of-erosion.htm
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