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Pregnancy Nutrition Study: Davao City Clinic Profile

Table 1. Presents the Socio-demographic and economic profile of pregnant
patients in a Maternity Reproductive Clinic in Davao City, they were 32 respondents who
participates in the study.
Place of Residents. The result shows that 31 (96.9%) were from Buhangin, Davao
City, and 1 (3.1%) were from Lanang, Davao City.
Age group. The result in the range of 18-25 years old is 9 (28.1%), in the range
of 26-35 years old is 18 (56.3%), and in the range of 36-45 years old is 5 (15.6%).
Religion. The majority of respondents were Roman Catholic 22 (68.8%), Islam 5
(15.6%), Jehova’s Witnesses 2(6.3%). Whereas Iglesia ni Cristo, Alliance, and Born again
Christians has the same result which is 1 (3.1%).
Age of gestation. Out of 32 respondents, 21 (65.6%) of them are on the 2 nd
trimester while the 11 (34.4%) are on their 3rd trimester.
Tribe. Out of 32 respondents, 21 (65.6%) are Bisaya, 3 (9,4%) are Cagan, 2
(6.3%) are Kalagan, 2 (6.3%) are Mandaya, 2 (6.3%) are Bol-anon, 1 (3.1) is Surigaonon,
and 1 (3.1) is Ilonggo.
Civil Status. The majority of pregnant patients are Married 20 (62.5), were 2
(6.3%) are Single, and 10 (31.3%) are Living together.
Educational attainment. Out of 32 respondents, 1 (3.1%) is Elementary
Graduate, 4 (12.5%) are high school level, 7 (21.9%) are high school graduate, 1 (3.1%)
is senior high school under graduate, 2 (6.3%) senior high school graduate, 3 (9.4%) are
vocational graduate, 7 (21.9%) are college level, and 7 (21.9%) are college graduate.
Occupation. The result shows that 16 (50%) for the respondents are full-time
housewife, 6 (18.8%) are unemployed, 5 (15.6%) are private employee, 4 (12.5%) are
self-employed and 1 (3.1%) are government employee.
Estimated monthly income. The result shows that 10 (31.3%) of the respondents
had an estimated monthly income of Php8 999.00 or below, and another 10 (31.3%)
respondents had Php9 000.00-15 999.00, 8 (25%) had Php16 000.00 – 20 999.00, 1
(3.1%) had Php21 000.00- 24 000.00, 3 (9.4%) had Php25 000.00 and above of estimated
monthly income.
Main source of family income. The majority of the respondents 26 (81.3%) obtain
their family income based on salary while the 6 (18.8%) are based on business.
Table 2. Shows the Food Preferences of Pregnant Patients using the FFQ (Food
Frequency Questionnaire) on how often they consumed cereals, vegetables, fruits,
meats, fats and oils, sweet and dessert, beverages, and condiments since they are
Cereals (Grains, Root crops, and Tubers). Based on the weighted means of cereals,
rice and rice product was preferred always, while breads and potatoes was preferred
occasional, noodles/pasta/taro/sweet potato was preferred seldom, and ube (yam) and
gabi roots were never been consumed by the respondents.
Vegetables (Dark leafy, and green vegetables). Based on the weighted means of
vegetables, petchay and malunggay was preferred always, kangkong was preferred
sometimes, kamote tops was preferred occasional, and ampalaya leaves was never
consumed by the respondents.
Other vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables. Based on the weighted means of other
vitamin A- rich fruits and vegetables, squash and ripe papaya was preferred always,
carrots were preferred sometimes, ripe mango was preferred occasional while sweet
potato that are yellow or orange inside are not yet consumed.
Other vegetables. Based on the weighted means of other vegetables, okra was preferred
always, talong and ampalaya was preferred sometimes, upo was preferred seldom, sitao
and chayote was preferred occasional, sigarilyas was never consumed by the
Fruits. Based on the weighted means of fruits, apple, banana, orange was consumed
always, unripe mango was consumed sometimes, pakwan and avocado was consumed
occasional, pineapple, grapes, guava, and pomelo was consumed seldom, while the
guyabano, rambutan, pears, durian, and mangosteen was never consumed.
Protein Rich Foods (Meat, poultry, fish (fresh or processed)). Based on the weighted
means of protein rich foods, chicken, pork, fish and shellfish, eggs, and milk products
were consumed always, dried beans/nuts, beef, processed meats, and cheese was
consumed seldom while processed fish was consumed was never consume.
Fats and oils. Based on the weighted means of fats and oils, cooking oil was preferred
always, margarine, salad dressing was preferred seldom, while butter was never
Sweets and desserts. Based on the weighted means of sweets and desserts, sugar was
preferred occasional, while candy/chocolate, ice cream, and cakes and pastries were
preferred seldom.
Beverages. Based on the weighted means of beverages, milk tea, instant/ powdered
juices, soft drinks/soda, coffee, and chocolate drinks were consumed seldom.
Condiments. Based on the weighted means of condiments, salt was consumed always,
flavored cubes/instant mixer was preferred sometimes, catsup and soy sauce was
preferred occasional, while patis and vinegar was preferred seldom.
Table 3. Presents the Intake Adequacy of Pregnant Patients of Margas Maternity
Reproductive Clinic in Buhangin, Davao City.
Carbohydrates. Out of 32 respondents, 20 (62.5%) of them had an inadequate result, 4
(12.5%) are adequate, while 8 (25.0%) of them are over adequate.
Protein. Out of 32 respondents, most of them are inadequate had a result of 24 (75.0%),
2 (6.3%) are adequate, and 6 (18.8%) are over adequate.
Fats. Out of 32 respondents, majority are inadequate in a total of 27 (84.4%), 2 (6.3%)
are adequate, while 3 (6.4%) are over adequate.
Energy. Out of 32 respondents, 25 (78.1%) are inadequate, 4 (12.5%) are adequate,
while the 3 (9.4%) are over adequate.
Table 4. Nutritional Status of Pregnant Patients based on weight gain and height
measurement of Margas Maternity Reproductive Clinic in Davao City.
Nutrition Status. Based on the result of the study, 23 (71.9%) of the respondents are
underweight, 6 (18.8) are normal, and while 3 (9.4%) are overweight.