COURSE OUTLINE of 2nd year 2nd semester Introduction to Research Methodology (Soc-2201) Chapters Chapter One: Science and Research Chapter Two: Basic Concepts of Social Research Chapter Three: Measurement and Scaling Chapter Four: Reviewing the Literature Topics a. Social research b. Foundation of social sciencesTheory, not philosophy or belief c. Theory and Research: Inductive and deductive d. Theoretical framework and Conceptual framework: A clarification a. Paradigms b. Concepts, variables, hypothesis c. Types of social research: Quantitative & qualitative; Purposes of social research: Exploratory, descriptive and explanatory d. Primary data and secondary data e. Ethics in social research a. Conceptualization, operationalization and scaling procedure b. Measurement and level of measurement Validity and reliability of measurement a. Reviewing the existing literature b. Techniques of searching the existing literature c. Avoiding plagiarism Chapters Topics Chapter Five: Sampling Chapter Six: Quantitative Data Collection Technique Chapter Seven: Qualitative Data Collection Technique a. Logic of sampling b. Types of sampling methods: probability sampling and nonprobability sampling c. Types of probability and nonprobability sampling d. Sample size determination e. Sampling error f. Limitations of sampling a. Survey research b. Types of survey: Interview survey, telephone survey, self-administered questionnaires, computer-assisted telephone survey c. Advantages and disadvantages of survey d. Questionnaire formulating e. Content analysis as an unobtrusive research a. Access to research setting b. Ethnography and participant observation c. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) d. Case study e. In-depth interview f. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) & Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) ©Musabbir Hasan Sociology of Poverty (Soc-2202) Chapters Chapter One: Concepts and meaning of poverty Chapter Two: Measurement of poverty Chapter Three: Theories of poverty Chapter Four: Gender and poverty Chapter Five: Ethnicity, Race and Poverty Topics a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. a. b. c. d. e. a. b. a. b. c. d. e. f. a. b. c. d. Definition of poverty Understanding the nature of poverty Absolute poverty Relative poverty Human development Measures of human development Social exclusion The relationship between social exclusion and poverty Marginalization Poverty line and Composite index The problem of measurement Quantitative measures Measures of inequality: Pen’s ‘Parade of Dwarfs’ Qualitative measures Townsend Amartya Sen The feminization of poverty Employment, low pay and poverty Social security The costs of caring Dependency Family, labour market and state Racial discrimination and racism Racialized stereotyping Racism in benefits Disadvantage and deprivation Chapters Topics Chapter Six: Poverty alleviation approaches and challenges Chapter Seven: Experience and outcome of poverty alleviation programs in Bangladesh a. b. c. d. MDG and SDG Targeted based approach PRSP-I and PRSP-II Social safety net program a. Micro credit, empowerment and awareness b. Challenge in poverty alleviation: Chronic poverty, Hardcore poverty ©Musabbir Hasan Gender and Development (Soc-2203) Chapters Chapter One: Introduction Chapter Two: Basic Concepts Chapter Three: Women, History and Social Change Chapter Four: Feminist Theories Chapter Five: Socialization of Gender Role Topics a. Definition and difference between gender and sex b. Social Construction of gender c. Origin and Development of women studies/Gender studies a. Gender needs, gender stereotypes b. Gender equity and equality c. Gender mainstreaming and gender gap d. Patriarchy a. Women’s Role and Status in Horticulture Society b. Women’s Role and Status in Agriculture Society c. Women’s Role and Status in PreIndustrial Society d. Women’s Role and Status in Industrial Society e. Women’s Role and Status in Urban Hierarchy a. Liberal feminism b. Radical feminism c. Marxist and socialist feminism d. Post-modern feminism a. Family and socialization: Childhood experience and adult socialization b. Mass media c. Educational institutions d. Social values: Myth, taboo and women Chapters Topics Chapter Six: Gender and Approaches Chapter Seven: Gender in Bangladesh: Situation Analysis and Government Policies a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d. e. f. Women in Development (WID) Women and Development (WAD) Gender and Development (GAD) Global Conferences CEDAW, UN Charter Economic, Political and Cultural status Empowerment of Women Legal status of women Women and violence Five-year plans Social safety Net-policies ©Musabbir Hasan Social Psychology (Soc-2204) Chapters Chapter One: The Field of Social Psychology Chapter Two: Social Cognition: Making Sense of Self and Others Chapter Three: Learning Chapter Four: Motivation and emotion Chapter Five: Attitudes – evaluating the social world Topics a. What is social psychology? b. Subject matter and history of social psychology c. Social psychology and related field d. Perspectives on social behavior a. Non-verbal communications, impacts of Schemata and primacy effects b. Theories of attribution – Jones’ and Kelly’s model c. Self-conception: Reflected Appraisal, Social Comparison and Gender Role Internalization a. What is learning? b. Pavlov’s and Skinner’s theories of learning a. What are the biological and social rights behind motivation? b. Motivation theories: Instinct, Drive Reduction, Arousal, Cognitive and Humanistic approaches c. Sensation and emotion: James-Lange theory, Cannon-Bard theory, Schachter-Singer theory a. Attitude, and formation and changes of attitudes b. Measuring attitudes: Likert scale, Thurstone scale and Bogardus scale c. Mob and Crowd d. Rumors and Propaganda Chapters Topics Chapter Six: Personality Chapter Seven: Leadership a. Personality and types of personality b. Personality and culture c. Theories of personality development- Freud, Adler and Erikson a. What is leadership? b. Characteristics of leaders c. Leadership and gender d. Leadership formation theories ©Musabbir Hasan