1. BOARD OF DIRECTORS - In the decision-making process, the board must consider the effect of every decision on the entire company, including their employees, customers, suppliers, and shareholders. Their primary responsibilities include determining the long-term mission and purpose of the organization, providing superb leadership, and establishing surveillance and supervisory process to ensure the management's efficiency and effectiveness. Aside from this, they also establish the organization's culture, values, and standards and ensure that peace and harmony spread through all levels of the organization. 2. CORPORATE SECRETARY - To ensure the efficiency of every company, they must have a qualified corporate secretary appointed by the board of directors. The corporate secretary would usually undertake the following duties: they are responsible for the systematic administration of a company, ensuring compliance with statutory requirements under relevant laws and regulatory requirements, to implement the decisions of the directors, attend and keep minutes during any board or committee meetings. They would act as a bridge for information, communication, and advice between the board and the management. 3. MANAGEMENT - The management is in charge of conducting the company’s operations under the surveillance of the board of directors to produce sustainable long-term value creation. One of its duties is to produce financial statements that faithfully represent the company’s entire financial condition and the results of its operation. In addition, they are entitled to make expedient disclosures that can suffice the needs of the investors as they assess the entire company as a whole. REFERENCES: https://www.cpaireland.ie/CPAIreland/media/Education Training/Study%20Support%20Resources/P1%20Corp%20Laws%20and%20Go vernance/Relevant%20Articles/p1-corp-governance-the-role-of-the-board-ofdirectors.pdf https://insights.diligent.com/corporate-governance/the-role-of-the-board-ofdirectors-in-corporate-governance/ https://gpcanada.org/corporate-secretary/ https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/4b96fc61-80da-4508-98f7 8a3641e8178c/CG_CoSec_June_2016.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=llo4tQhttps://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2016/09/08/principles-of-corporate-governance/