omar busati alzain 1 CONTENTS 1- Open Loop System 2- Feed Back Concepts 3- Close Loop System 4- Automatic And Manual Control System (With Example) 5- Representing Of Control System 6- Transfer Function And Block Diagram 7- Signal Flow Diagram And Mason’s Theorem 8- State Variables Diagram omar busati alzain 2 CONTENTS 9- Transition Matrix. 10- Solution Of State Variable By Computer. 11- System Response (With Step, Ramp And Exponential Input) And Time Response. 12- Construction Of Control Systems (Potentiometers, Dc Motor, Alternative Motor). 13- System Stability (Routh-herth Method, Graphic Standard, Nyquist Standard, Nichols, Bode Diagram And Root Locus. 12- Computer Applications Of Stability. omar busati alzain 3 Advanced control engineering, roland s. burns Control engineering, neil munro CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN, Graham C. Goodwin, Stefan F. Graebe& Mario E. Salgado Analog & digital control system design, chi-Tsong chen Control Systems And Control Systems Engineering With Classical and Modern Techniques And Advanced Concepts Control, wikibooks omar busati alzain 4 Control System Design Guide, George Ellis Introduction To Control Engineering, Ajit K. Mandal Analysis And Design Of Control System Using Matlab, Roa V.Dukkipati Modern Control Engineering, Third Addition, Katsuhico Ogata Analysis And Control Of Linear Systems, Philippe De Larminat Or Any Control System Books omar busati alzain 5 A system is a combination of components that act together and perform a certain objective. A system is not limited to physical ones. The concept of the system can be applied to abstract, dynamic phenomena such that encountered in economic. The word system should be interpreted to imply physical, biological, economic and so on. omar busati alzain 6 In general, a system may be defined as a collection of matter, parts, components or procedure which are included within some specified boundary as shown in figure (1). A system may have any number of inputs and outputs. system omar busati alzain 7 In control engineering, the way in which the system outputs respond in changes to the system inputs (i.e system response) is very important. The control system design engineer will attempt to evaluate the system response by determining model a mathematical for the system. Knowledge of the system inputs , together with the mathematical model, will allow the system outputs to be calculated. omar busati alzain 8 It is conventional refer to the system being controlled as the plant, and this; as with other elements, is represented by a block diagram. Some inputs, the engineer will have direct control over, and can be used to control the plant outputs. These are known as control inputs. There are other inputs over which the engineer has no control, and these will tend to deflect the plant outputs from their desired values. These are called disturbance inputs. omar busati alzain 9 In the case of the ship shown in figure (2), the rudder and engines are the control inputs, whose values can be adjusted to control certain outputs, for example heading and forward velocity. The wind, waves and current are disturbance inputs and will induce errors in outputs (called control variables) of position, heading and forward velocity . In addition, the disturbances will introduce increased ship motion (roll, pitch and heave) which again is not desirable. 10 omar busati alzain ship omar busati alzain 11 + - plant omar busati alzain 12 Those systems in which the output has no effect on the control action are called open-loop control systems. In other word, in an open-loop control system the output is neither measured nor feed back for comparison with the input. Example: Washing machine, soaking washing, and rinsing in the washer operate on the a time basis. the machine does not measure the output signal. That is, the cleanliness of the clothes. In any open-loop control system the output is not compared with the reference input. omar busati alzain 13 Thus, to each reference input there corresponds a fixed operating condition; as a result, the accuracy of the system depends on calibration. In the presence of disturbances, an open-loop control system will not perform desired task. Open-loop control can used, in practice, only if the relationship between output and input is known and if there are neither internal nor external disturbances. Note that, any control system the operate on a time basis is open-loop. For instance, the traffic control by means of signals operated on a time basis is another example of open-loop control system. omar busati alzain 14 We can say that, represents and open-loop control system and is used for very simple application. The main problem with open-loop control is that the controlled variable is sensitive to changes in disturbance inputs. Example: If a gas fire switched on in a room, and the temperature climbs to 20˚ C, it will remain at that value unless there is a disturbance. This could be caused by leaving a door to the room open. Or alternatively, by a change in out side temperature. omar busati alzain 15 A system that maintains a prescribed relationship between output and the reference input by comparing them and using the difference as a means of control is called a feed back control system. Previous example is best to be here, by measuring the actual room temperature and comparing it with the reference temperature (desired temperature), the thermostat turns the heating or cooling equipments on or off in such away as to ensure that the room temperature remains at a comfortable level regardless of the outside conditions. omar busati alzain 16 Feed back control systems are not limited to engineering but can be found in various nonengineering fields as well. The human body, for instance, is a highly advanced feed back control system. Both body temperature and blood pressure are kept constant by means physiological feed back. In fact, feed back performs a vital function; it makes the human body relatively insensitive to external disturbances thus enabling it to function properly in a changing environment. omar busati alzain 17 Feed back control systems are often referred to as closed-loop control systems. In practice, the terms feed back control and close-loop are used interchangeably. In a closed-loop control system the error signal, which is the difference between the input signal and the feed back signal (which may be the output signal itself or a function of the output signal and its derivatives and/or integrals), is fed to controller so as to reduce the error and bring the output of the system to a desired values. The terms closed-loop control always implies the use feed back control action in order to reduce system error. omar busati alzain 18 Forward Path + - plant controller Measured value sensor Feed back Path omar busati alzain 19 specifications Closed-loop External Disturbances & Internal Variations in system parameters Accuracy of component Relatively insensitive stability stability is a major problem , overcorrect error cause oscillations of constant or changing amplitude Open-loop Sensitive Possible to use inaccurate and use accurate inexpensive components to components obtain the accurate control of given plant omar busati alzain Is easier to build because system stability is not a major problem 20 Number of component more less Cost and power higher lower To obtain other differences refer back to references omar busati alzain 21 omar busati alzain 22 The physical realization of system to control room temperature is shown in figure below, the output signal from temperature sensing device as thermocouple (?) or a resistance thermometer is compared with the desired temperature. Any difference or error causes the controller to send a control signal to the gas solenoid valve which produces a linear movement of the valve stem. Thus adjusted the gas flow of gas to the burner of the gas fire. The desired temperature is usually obtained from manual adjustment of a potentiometer omar busati alzain 23 omar busati alzain 24 omar busati alzain 25 Steady conditions will exist when actual and desired temperatures are the same, and the heat input exactly balances the heat loss through the wall of the building . The system can operate in two modes: Proportional control: here the linear movement of the valve stem is proportional to the error. This provides a continues modulation of the heat input to the room producing very precise temperature control. This used for applications where temperature control, of say better than 10 C , is required (i.e hospital, industrial standard room, ….) where accuracy is more important than cost. omar busati alzain 26 On – Off control: also called thermostatic or bangbang control, the gas valve is either fully open or fully closed, the heater is either on or off. This form of control produces an oscillation of about 2 or 3o C of the actual temperature about desired temperature, but is cheap to implement and is used for law cost applications (i.e. domestic heating systems). omar busati alzain 27 omar busati alzain 28 omar busati alzain 29 omar busati alzain 30