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Get Placed Together: DS/Algo Community

Let’s Get
A dream that was initiated with a WhatsApp group to deliver
Premium Geeky resources to people, irrespective of their
academic background, has reached a point where we are
initiating the well-versed beginning and launch of our
fully-fledged supportive community. We can definitely call
it the "Shubh Arambh" of our dream to revolutionalize the
way Learning is done.
It is said that if you can't create a trend, you should
exploit it, to the extent that it becomes yours. This is not
the first time this kind of community has started in
disguise to serve geeks, but this will definitely become the
best." The Revolution in the field of Education”. "Yes, we
will not revolutionize study but, the method of study, and
make it feasible to millions of students."
Engineers from tier three colleges start getting exposure to what
the Industry needs by the starting of the third year. For the first
two years, the students just come across fancy kinds of stuff like
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Game
Development, etc from their seniors and mates. Reality hits them
hard when they realize that the very first step to crack an
interview is Data Structures & Algorithms. Be it a Product-Based
Company or a Service-Based Company, be it a Startup or an MNC it is
DS/ALGO that is required everywhere.
After the realization of truth, they still do not jump into Data
Structures and Algorithms but rather panic around in search of good
resources to learn!!
Now comes one of the major drawbacks of tier 3 engineers, they
follow the path of first learning than practicing and in the end
implementing. This method of learning needs to be changed. And this
can only be changed when students start learning in a group.
The next enemy in the path comes as Procrastination. It is proven
that procrastination can never be overcome without having a strict
deadline. To defeat Procrastination setting up a TodoList is
extremely important.
When our guy realizes all this, it’s found that it is nearly mid of
the third year.
At this point maximum of them give up DS/ALGO by considering it’s
too late and settles for a job that gives them a 3-4 LPA package.
The sole purpose of this community will be to infuse confidence in
all such people and support them to crack their Dream Company!!!
What Exactly Is Planned?
By now you must be thinking about what exactly is planned. Let’s unveil the
complete plan.
➔ Platform?
We gonna form a group on (Whatsapp/Telegram/Discord)
➔ For Whom?
The primary focus will be 2022 grads. (Though others can
join too)
➔ Process?
We will be dividing the complete DS/ALGO Syllabus and cover
all questions from each topic.
➔ Expected Duration?
Beginners (Not even started with any programming language)
-> 4 Months!!!
Intermediate (Know Basic of Language and Basic
Implementations of Data Structures) -> 3 Months
Advance (Covered everything... & Solved Questions in Range
300-400) -> 2 Months (You Just Need Revision)
Completed more than 400 questions??? Doing Competitive
Programming?? You can contribute by mentoring others..
➔ Should you join?
Can you dedicate the above-mentioned period to the group?
Do you want to grab packages starting from 8 LPA?
Can you devotee the above-mentioned hours daily to Learning?
If YES!!! Join the community!!!
➔ Charges???
IndiawaleCoders never charged, is not charging, and will
never charge in the future to a single penny for anything.
It will be by the community and for the Community, for
How to Join?
If you consider yourself good at DS/ALGO
and want to contribute to the community.
Apply for the role of mentor
--> Click Here
If you want to Learn DS/ALGO, Fill up this
--> Click Here