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BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management
Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Mode | Classroom Delivery
BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Supporting: BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management; May also support other qualifications based on respective packaging rules
© Skillworks Australia Pty Ltd, 2021
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BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Validation History
Date &
Validation Team
Summary Outcomes
A complete validation report is filed and available for reference.
Version History
Changes in this Version
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Unit Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Competency Standards ................................................................................................................................ 5
AQF Descriptor ............................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Delivery Plan.................................................................................................................................................... 8
Delivery Arrangement.................................................................................................................................... 8
Delivery Conditions ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Lesson Topics and Plan .................................................................................................................................. 8
Suggested Learner Resources ..................................................................................................................... 10
5. Assessment Plan ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Assessment Method ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Submission of Work ....................................................................................................................................... 18
6. Assessment Tasks ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Assessment Task 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Assessment Task 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Assessment Task 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Assessment Task 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 30
7. Academic Policies and Processes .............................................................................................................. 35
Assignment Cover Sheet .................................................................................................................................. 37
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
Page 3 of 37
Unit of Competency
BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Total Delivery Hours
120 Hours (6 Weeks)
30 Sessions x 4 Hours (or part thereof)
Refer to the timetable
1. Introduction
Welcome to the learner’s guide for this unit of competency for the qualification BSB50320 Diploma of Human
Resource Management. This guide provides you with essential information on competency standards, delivery plan
and schedule, assessment plan, assessment tasks and learning resources for this unit of competency.
The purpose of this learner’s guide is to:
Provide you with information on delivery schedule and plan of this unit
Ensure that you understand how students will be assessed in this unit
Provide information on assessment methods, strategies, and evidence requirements
Provide information on learning activities and assessment tasks
List resources which may assist in student learning and assessment tasks
2. Unit Overview
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage all aspects of recruitment and onboarding processes
according to organisational policies and procedures.
The unit applies to individuals who take responsibility for managing aspects of recruiting, selecting new staff and
orientating those staff in their new positions. The individual may be directly involved in the recruitment processes
themselves or coordinating the process.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, the learner/trainee will be able to;
Develop recruitment and onboarding policies and procedures
Manage recruitment process
Manage staff onboarding
As well as demonstrating the performance criteria, to be assessed as competent, the learner must demonstrate their
ability to apply the required knowledge and skills in a range of situations. These are summarised in the Competency
Standards section below.
Prerequisite Requirements
This unit does not have a pre‐requisite.
Skill Recognition and Credit Transfer
Appropriate credit(s) may be granted to eligible students against each unit of competency on presentation of evidence
of successful completion of the same unit in an equivalent or higher qualification. Under the Australian Qualifications
Framework, this qualification recognises competencies achieved as part of a Nationally Recognised Qualification from
other institutes or universities.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Students may also apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by providing evidence that they have the required skills
and knowledge in the specific areas of competency through work/industry experience and/or completed eligible
assessments in equivalent or higher qualification.
Please refer to college’s RPL/Credit Transfer Policy for more information and applicable procedures. The policy is
available either through the faculty coordinator or college’s website.
3. Competency Standards
This unit is derived from the Business Service training package BSB for the qualification BSB50320 Diploma of Human
Resource Management.
Competency standards for this unit are made up of unit descriptor (As provided in the Unit Overview), performance
criteria, required skills, required knowledge, embedded employability skills components, assessment requirements and
evidence guide.
They can also be viewed at:
View Unit
The learners must familiarise themselves with all the competency requirements for this unit of competency and ensure
that they have received all the relevant information and support from the trainer and assessor that might be
detrimental to their academic performance and outcomes.
AQF Descriptor
The Diploma qualifies individuals who apply specialised knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake advanced skilled
or paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning. Graduates of a Diploma will have specialised and
integrated technical and theoretical knowledge with depth within one or more fields of work and learning.
Graduates at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply
methods and technologies to:
Analyse information to complete a range of activities
Interpret and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems
Transmit information and skills to others
Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined responsibility
in contexts that are subject to change and within broad parameters to provide specialist advice and functions.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Performance Criteria
The following performance criteria specify the required level of performance for each of the elements of competency:
Performance Criteria
1. Develop recruitment and onboarding
policies and procedures
1.1 Identify existing recruitment and onboarding policies and
1.2 Assess options for technology to improve efficiency and
effectiveness of recruitment process
1.3 Update existing policies and procedures according to
organisational requirements
1.4 Obtain support for policies and procedures from relevant
1.5 Create forms and documents supporting policies and procedures
and make adjustments, where required
1.6 Communicate policies and procedures to relevant staff and
provide training, where required
2. Manage recruitment process
2.1 Determine future human resource requirements in collaboration
with relevant stakeholders
2.2 Ensure current position descriptors for vacancies are used by
relevant stakeholders involved in recruitment and onboarding
2.3 Ensure advertising of vacant positions complies with legislation
and organisational policies and procedures
2.4 Consult and use specialists, where required
2.5 Ensure selection procedures are according to legislation and
organisational policies and procedures
2.6 Ensure processes for advising applicants of selection outcome are
2.7 Ensure job offers and contracts of employment are prepared and
provided promptly, and new appointments are provided with relevant
3. Manage staff onboarding
3.1 Provide access to training and support to relevant stakeholders
3.2 Ensure onboarding processes are followed across the organisation
3.3 Oversee management of probationary employees and provide
feedback until employment is confirmed or terminated
3.4 Collect feedback from participants and relevant stakeholders on
onboarding process according to its objectives
3.5 Update onboarding policies and procedures according to feedback
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
Manage the recruitment and onboarding process for two different individuals.
In the course of the above, the candidate must:
Update organisational policies and procedures for recruitment and onboarding
Identify the need for recruitment
Prepare and oversee appropriate documentation required for recruitment
Select and advise job applicants appropriately
Manage the onboarding process
Comply with relevant legislation and organisational requirements.
Knowledge Evidence
The following knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:
 Key features of recruitment, selection and onboarding policies and procedures
 Common recruitment and selection methods
 Relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that may affect recruitment and onboarding
 Key features of psychometric and skills testing programs for recruitment
Key components of contracts of employment.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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4. Delivery Plan
Delivery is in the form of instructor‐led, classroom‐based training sessions supported by simulated learning and/or
project sessions. Within the classroom environment, delivery is supported by classroom‐based activities, tasks, lectures
and structured lessons. Strategies for classroom‐based learning focus on development of skills and underpinning
knowledge through practice, formative tasks, interaction, discussion, reading, feedback, and practical examples of the
Delivery Arrangement
The unit will be delivered over a prescribed period (term/semester) in a class‐room training environment through a
structured learning program comprising of (but not limited to) lectures, presentations, case studies, practical projects,
group discussion and classroom‐based activities. Delivery schedule of this unit of competency is provided at the
beginning of this guide. Timetables will be advised at the beginning of each academic term and posted on the notice
board and college’s website.
It is expected that training/learning sessions will incorporate group/collaborative activities and tasks that are relevant
to the learning and evidence outcomes in this unit. The emphasis of learning, where possible, will be on linking
theoretical concepts and models with real‐life situations to provide the learners with an opportunity to gain an insight
into key technological processes, professional environment and workplace practices.
Delivery Conditions
Learners are required to attend the prescribed delivery sessions, in particular where assessment plan,
schedule, projects, and in‐class activities and tasks are planned
On commencement, the learners should review and understand all the course related information including
course structure, prerequisites and competency requirements for each unit of competency
This unit of competency must be completed within the prescribed duration at the beginning of this document.
Due dates for the assessments will be set by respective assessors on commencement of the unit and must be
adhered to by all the learners
The learners have the responsibility to maintain the required attendance and participate in all the in‐class
activities and assessment/project tasks to be able to develop the required skills and knowledge.
The learners must keep record of their activities, assessments and research and take an active interest in
exploring new concepts and ideas
On expiry of the prescribed due dates for assessment, the learners will not be able to attempt any assessments
or the learning materials and must apply for a course extension. Learners should also refer to other prevailing
terms and conditions of delivery and assessment of this course and contact the administration for further
information if required.
Lesson Topics and Plan
The following lesson plans are planned for this unit. According to session times, trainers may expand these lesson plans
into their own session plans. Trainers must take a special note of the activities planned in the right‐hand column. These
activities form part of “Formative Assessments”. The formative assessments are not marked (assessed) but they
contribute towards learning that prepares them for summative tasks.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
Page 8 of 37
The following topics are covered in the classroom training sessions. The topics for this unit include;
Unit overview, assessment information, assessment conditions
Key concepts and definitions
Workplace diversity
Recruitment process
use and impact of technology
Discuss: Role of
recruitment agents
and career
HRM in Organisations:
Review of samples
recruitment policies
and procedures
Strategic planning process
identifying HR requirements
Internal consultation process
HR Policies and Procedures
Organisational and legislative requirements
Anticipating HR needs
aligning HR activities with organisation’s strategic processes
determining personal attributes, skills, knowledge and other requirements for the
new role(s)
Analyse online ads
and identify required
knowledge, skills and
other attributes
Developing job descriptions
developing job advertisements
legal and ethical requirements for ads
developing selection policies and procedures
Developing interview questions
interview panel
conducting interviews
providing feedback
short listing and selecting candidates
Using psychometric tests
Search and
undertake online
personality type tests
and analyse results:
Is that really you?
Australian workplace relations laws and regulations
contract types and terms
review of a sample employment contract
Compare and discuss
contract terms and
New employee induction process
coordinating with other departments
welcoming the new employees
Discussion: Share
your induction
Managing internal feedback and consultation processes
motivating and observing new employees
implementing employment terms and conditions
Review and revision
Student questions and queries
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
Assessment follow up
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Suggested Learner Resources
Kramer et. al., 2017, Human Resource Management: Strategy, People, Performance, McGraw‐Hill Australia
Nel E.S., et, al., 2016, Human Resource Management in Australia, Oxford University Press Australia
Other Resources
The Open University, 2018, Human resources: Recruitment and Selection, The Open University
Price R., and Nielsen J., 2018, Principles of Employment Law, Thomson Reuters
Schermerhorn J. R., 2013, Management: Foundations and Applications, 2nd Asia Pacific Edition, Wiley
Compton R., Morrissey B., and Nankervis A., 2014, Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices, CCH Australia
Taylor I., 2008, “The Assessment and Selection Handbook: Tools, Techniques and Exercises for Effective Recruitment
and Development”, Kogan Page, London
HRM Articles
Interview Techniques
http://www.business.vic.gov.au/BUSVIC/STANDARD//pc=pc=PC_62555.htm l
Referencing Guide
Harvard Referencing Generator:
Misc. Videos and Online Educational Channels (General ref)
List of some of the online educational channels. Search for the relevant topics and concepts.
Khan Academy Channel
TED Talks
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Google for Education
Big Think
Microsoft Education
Stanford University Channel
Management Skills Courses
Harvard Business Review
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Lecture/Class Notes
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Lecture/Class Notes
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Lecture/Class Notes
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Lecture/Class Notes
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Lecture/Class Notes
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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5. Assessment Plan
Assessments for this unit have been developed by taking into account assessment guidelines as provided in the
training package and evidence requirements stipulated in this unit of competency. Assessment is an ongoing
process of gathering evidence to determine what each student/learner knows, understands and can do in
order to inform teaching and support learning of the intended curriculum.
The purposes of this assessment are;
To collect evidence that demonstrate competency in the performance criteria of the unit and satisfy
skill, knowledge and employability skills requirements
To provide feedback to the learners/trainees indicating the areas of improvement and professional
To measure the effectiveness of the delivery plan and evaluate the learning outcomes
The required assessment criteria are provided in each assessment task for learner’s information.
Assessment Method
Assessment in this unit is based on assessment and evidence guidelines provided in the unit of competency
and the training package. The evidence is generated through summative assessment tasks. However, the role
of Formative Tasks is crucial in developing the required skills and knowledge in completing the summative
tasks. Formative tasks enable the trainers to evaluate their own delivery and adjust their facilitation based on
the outcomes from these tasks. The role of formative assessments is to improve learning and adapt to student
These tasks and activities usually take place throughout the unit and planned in accordance with the
summative assessment plan/schedule. The formative tasks are generally referred to as “Portfolio” tasks.
Portfolio is a collection of all the formative tasks completed during the learning sessions. The portfolio can be
used by students as an evidence of participation or example of work completed as part of their learning.
Formative tasks are not assessed.
For summative tasks, the following assessment methods are available to collect the aforementioned evidence
to demonstrate satisfactory performance in this unit;
Written Assessment Tasks
Practical/Analytical Tasks
Integrated Assessment
The Written Assessment Tasks and Tests have been developed to address various parts of Performance
Criteria as well as Required Knowledge.
The Practical Tasks are developed to demonstrate competence in Required Skills. These assessment tasks and
activities are mostly designed as in‐class assessments, enabling the trainers to observe the work being
undertaken and completed (i.e. demonstration of a specific/required skill). Practical tasks may also include use
of online learning tools, equipment, activities, or use of software. Instructions for practical tasks are generally
provided within the task description. However, trainers/assessor may set certain conditions for conducting and
observing these tasks.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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The Project (Individual or Group based) addresses various aspects of competency standard including
Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Employability Skills. The role of the project in assessment strategy is
to measure student/trainee competence as a form of Summative Assessment. It demonstrates the efficacy of
instructions and learning in the prescribed delivery period by assessing the overall performance of the
students/trainees for the purpose of grading/final results.
The Test/Exam is generally designed to test the Required Knowledge component of the unit of competency. It
may also be used to reinforce learning and test specific aspects of other part of competency where knowledge
of certain processes/procedures is required. A knowledge test may be verbal or written as specified in the task
description. Examinations are conducted under set conditions.
Observation forms part of in‐class activities, participation in designated group processes, presentation and
provides an option where specific skills need to be demonstrated to the assessor.
Some of the assessments in this course may be used as Integrated Assessments; i.e. to use evidence created in
one unit/task to determine competency in another unit/task. The concept behind the design of the integrated
assessment is to limit repetitive tasks that test the same or similar competency elements in different units of
Optional/Supplementary Assessments
In addition to the above assessment instruments, the following methods can be used, if required, in the
context of assessment for this unit of competence, especially in the circumstances where assessment involved
components of online learning as well as actual workplace activities and/or performance.
Workplace Verification through RPL application
Competency Conversation at completion of the unit
To successfully complete this unit, learners must demonstrate that they have the skills and knowledge needed
as indicated in the Competency Standards (2).
Assessment can be both a formative and summative process. Formative assessment is used to provide
feedback to students and teachers to promote further learning. Summative assessment contributes to the
judgement of student learning for competency/award purposes.
Submission of Work
All the written works must be submitted in a hard copy, and an additional soft/electronic copy if required by
the trainer/assessor, with an accompanying “Assessment Cover Sheet”. Each Assessment Cover Sheet should
be signed by the student and must contain student details and date of submission. Assessment Cover Sheets
are available at the reception.
Material submitted for assessment—Word processed or handwritten assignments, reports, essays, projects,
etc. must contain student’s name, ID (if available), address and contact details. Within the context of these
assessment tasks, the assessor fulfils the role of client, manager or supervisor, as applicable. Work submitted
for “approval” within this context must demonstrate care and attention to detail, such that the student
inspires confidence that the work is being undertaken competently.
Where soft copy/electronic files are submitted, students are encouraged to name the files according to
established procedure. This would typically include a course or unit code, assessment or submission code, and
in the case of multiple files an alphanumeric identifier. Multiple files may also be required to be submitted
within an enclosing folder (with similar, appropriate naming conventions) or archive format—e.g. zip or rar.
Follow submission guidelines in each assessment task for specific instructions.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Assessment Tasks and Schedule
The following assessments are planned for this unit;
Assessment Task/Activity
Assessment Method
Recruiting a New Employee: Preparations
Written & Observation
Project: Recruit, and Select an Employee
Written & Observation
Induct New Employees
Written & Observation
Knowledge Test
These assessment tasks/activities have been described in detail in the following section.
Task schedule to be advised by trainer/assessor based on the lesson and session plans.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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6. Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task 1:
Assessment Task
Recruiting a New Employee: Preparations
Performance Criteria:
Outcomes Assessed
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1
Addresses some elements of required skills and
knowledge as shown in the Assessment Matrix
Preparations for recruitment of a new employment may include development of a job advert, review and
update of the job description, review of the current legislative requirements and organisational policies and
This is a team assessment task and appropriate teams should be formed at the start of the term to get
everyone engaged in the team process. However, teamwork requires consistency and equal contribution and
attendance in all the team sessions. Team project sessions will be allocated during in‐class training sessions.
Teams will be required to allocate roles and responsibility to the team members, set team norms, and delegate
tasks. A team folder must be maintained with evidence of team communication, draft documents, and
completed work.
Note: Teams set up for this task will continue to work together for all the remaining assessment tasks in this
unit. Accordingly, copies of all the submitted work must be maintained in the team folder throughout the unit.
Assume that your team is part of an organisation’s human resources department. Team members may use the
experience in their previous or current organisation (or a known organisation) to create an organisational
context. For the purpose of this task, the trainer/assessor will play the role of the senior manager. The
following policy documents will be provided separately by your Senior Manager (trainer/assessor role‐play) for
your reference (to be used in all the assessment tasks);
A sample operational plan
Access and Equity Policy
Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti‐Discrimination Policy
Considering the above organisational requirements, the team will develop some of the basic documents in
preparation for recruitment of a new employee. Documents created in this assessment task will be used in the
major project for this unit. The teams are advised to retain copies of all the documents and maintain a work
folder to organise the documents and information.
As the assessment tasks in this unit are progressive, students must ensure that attend all the learning and
assessment sessions to maintain consistency and flow of work.
Team Support
The project must be completed as a collaborative project with team members contributing to the
process/work and providing assisting to each other in their respective areas.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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As a preparatory work, research and collect resources on recruitment, selection and induction processes as
reference/help resources for the team. Download best practice documents, including information from Fair
Work Australia and legislative information (e.g., privacy, anti‐discrimination etc.) and ensure that all the team
members have access to the information/team resources.
PART A: Job Description
Job descriptions, in some form or other, may exist in organisations for existing positions. However, creation of
a new position or job role will require development of a new job description. Usually, job descriptions align
with organisational or departmental goals and objectives; i.e., employees work towards fulfilment of strategic
goals of the organisation.
A job description is an explanation of a particular position and states key functions and responsibilities.
Taking an example from your current or past organisation (or any other organisation), conceive a realistic job
role and develop a job description that includes;
Organisational environment and hierarchy
Position summary
Key duties
Selection criteria
Performance criteria
Selection process
Application process
The team members may take example of existing job descriptions from past of current organisation ‐ or from
advertised jobs on online recruitment portals. However, utmost care should be taken to avoid plagiarism.
Ensure that you complete your work in your own words and cite all the external sources using an appropriate
referencing system. Your trainer/assessor will provide you with referencing guidelines.
The job description must be word processed and structured with appropriate headings and sub‐headings as
PART B: Job Advert
In this task, your team will be required to write a job advert for the position used/identified in PART A of this
Write an advertisement copy (contents of the ad) for recruiting the employee with relevant selection criteria
and other requirements. Make sure that your advertisement also meets the legislative requirements (e.g.,
discrimination, workplace diversity).
You may take example of existing job adverts from print or online media. However, utmost care should be
taken to avoid plagiarism. Submit the draft advert to the senior manager (trainer/assessor role‐play) for
feedback and approval.
PART C: Interview Questionnaire and Checklist
The interview questionnaire is used as a guide to conduct the interviews of prospective employees. The aim of
the interview questionnaire is to ensure that the interviewer/organisation obtain information from the
candidate that helps them make necessary decisions.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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In this part of assessment, your team will be developing an interview questionnaire (maximum ten questions)
for the position used/identified in PART A and B of this assessment. The team will be using this questionnaire
to conduct actual interviews in the major project of this unit.
Make sure that your questions do not breach legislative requirements (e.g., discrimination). Further, consider
and propose an online personality test that can be used as a pre‐interview evaluation of candidate’s profile
relevant to the role perceived. Also, identify if any specialist help will be required (internal or external) – e.g.,
for analysing online test data or testing specific technical skills relevant to the proposed role.
Submit the draft questions and screen shorts with active links the personality test websites to the senior
manager (trainer/assessor role‐play) for feedback and approval.
PART D: Draft a Policy
Organisational processes are guided by the relevant policies and procedure, and a good policy framework
helps implement consistent practices across the organisation. Taking examples from review documents
provided, develop a simple but structured “Recruitment, Selection, and Induction Policy and Procedure” that
covers as headings;
Policy Scope
Relevant Legislation(s)
Submit the draft policy document to the senior manager (trainer/assessor role‐play) for feedback and
On completion of all the parts (A, B, C & D), undertake individual review of all the documents and evaluation
for their applicability and suitability in a real‐world environment. Provide feedback to the team and collectively
amend and finalise the documents. These documents will be used in the subsequent assessment tasks.
Ensure that your team retains all the copies and maintains all records of interaction and work in the group
Evidence of Individual Performance
Explain the extent of individual work and tasks completed as part of the team process. Focussed specifically on
the work/task completed by you on your own;
Details of the Individual Task/Work Completed
Job Description
(at least one draft job
developed by you)
Draft Job Description
Job Advert
(at least one draft
developed by you)
Draft Job Advert
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Questionnaire and
Evidence of
contribution – drafts,
notes etc
Draft a Policy
(at least one draft
developed by you)
Draft policy document
Provide as many details as possible and submit the relevant evidence as part of this task.
Submission Guidelines
Students to submit;
Copies of support/reference documents
A copy of Job description
A copy of job advert
Recommendations on online tools and expert help
A copy of interview questionnaire and checklist
Evidence relevant to individual performance
Team folder
Students may also be guided to save the documents/files in a unit submission folder on the server if required.
Other submission arrangements (e.g., email) can be arranged as mutually convenient for trainers/assessors
and students.
Ensure that the task/work is submitted along with an “Assignment Cover Sheet” signed by the student.
Assignment Cover Sheet is provided with each Learner’s Guide and can also be obtained from college’s
reception or website.
Assessment Task 2:
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Assessment Task
Project: Recruit and Select an Employee
Performance Criteria:
Outcomes Assessed
2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8
Addresses some elements of required skills and
knowledge as shown in the Assessment Matrix
This project is aimed at developing and enhancing key competency elements of this units as well as
underpinning the required knowledge and skills as part of overall learning outcomes. This project simulates a
work environment and provides the trainees with an opportunity to link conceptual ideas/elements with real‐
life situations.
This task continues from Assessment Task1, and the team members will continue to work together as
delegated. In this project, the team will continue in their role of HR Executives and advertise, short‐list,
interview and select an employee for a specific position.
The teams undertake the following tasks;
NOTE: As this project requires collection of personal information from other individuals, the students MUST
ensure that all the privacy requirements have been addressed and due consents obtained from the participants
for use of their personal information.
Project Tasks:
Two separate teams act as Employers and Applicants (role play to be assigned by the trainer/assessor)
The project commences with one team (Employer) distributing the job advert created in Assessment
Task 1 to all the members of two other nominated teams within the class (you may also contact
students outside the team if they are willing to participate in your project)
Individual members from other teams (Applicants), then, analyse the advert and apply for the
position as per the specified application procedure
The “Employer” team receives the applications and engages in internal consultation to determine the
selection process and develop interview questions
The “Employer” team short lists at least two (2) candidates and communicates with the respective
candidates to finalise an interview date/time/place. (Note: All the planned interview are arranged and
conducted in the classroom sessions in trainer’s presence)
Unsuccessful candidates are advised of the outcome
The “Employer” team conducts selection interviews as planned
Following the interviews, the “Employer” team assesses the interview outcomes and makes a final
selection. Unsuccessful candidates are notified accordingly
Successful candidate is asked to undertake an on‐line personality test/psychometric testing (as
recommended in Assessment Task 1) and the results are analysed in view of the job requirements –
some examples of online tools can be found below. Your trainer/assessor will confirm the tool to be
Review the test results (above) and provide feedback to the candidate (what it means in terms of the
anticipated job role and improvement/development areas/opportunity as applicable)
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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The “Employer” team provides the candidate with a sample/dummy Employment Contract (could be
a sample contract obtained from a public domain source such as Business Victoria – but appropriately
cited) – the contract must be reviewed and contextualised/modified for the purpose of this task
If the sample/dummy contract does not contain a salary structure (from the team resources
developed in Assessment Task 1), the Employer Team develops one and provides to the candidate
“The Employer” team prepares documents required for induction of the new employee
At the complete of the above tasks, the team writes a report highlighting the project details, outcomes, team
process and experiences of individual team members.
The “Employer team must maintain a team folder and collate all the draft and final documentary work used in
completion of the project. The team folder is, then, submitted for final assessment.
Evidence of Individual Performance
Describe your contribution in the interview process in detail;
Interview 1
Interview 2
Provide the above in a separate sheet as part of evidence.
Submission Guidelines
As the assessment method for this task will predominantly be based on observation of the interview session, it
is essential that this task is conducted in presence of an assessor; and that all the team members are present
throughout the sessions.
Students to submit;
Copies of Job Adverts with selection criteria
Interview questionnaire and checklist
Copies of all communications with potential candidates
Interview record and/or report
Personality test report and analysis
Copy of Employment Contract
Copy of New Employee Induction Program
Individual performance evidence
Team statement
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Students may also be guided to save the documents/files in a unit submission folder on the server if required.
Other submission arrangements (e.g., email) can be arranged as mutually convenient for trainers/assessors
and students.
Ensure that the task/work is submitted along with an “Assignment Cover Sheet” signed by the student.
Assignment Cover Sheet is provided with each Learner’s Guide and can also be obtained from college’s
reception or website.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Assessment Task 3:
Assessment Task
Induct New Employees
Performance Criteria:
Outcomes Assessed
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
Addresses some elements of required skills and
knowledge as shown in the Assessment Matrix
This assessment task continues from the previous tasks. Teams must ensure that the previous tasks have been
completed prior to undertaking this task.
Continuing with the HE team role‐play, assume that your team is now given a responsibility to induct new
employees recruited by the organisation in the recruitment and selection process (Assessment Task 2).
Purpose of the induction process is to assist new employees in adjustment to their new job tasks and to help
them become familiar with their new work environment and the people working around them.
Assuming one of the teams (the other team included in the role‐play in Assessment Task 2) as the newly
appointed employees with the same department (the job role you created and used in Assessment Task 2),
develop and present an Induction Training Program as a team. The other class members will play the role of
general organisational audience. Your trainer/assessor will play the role of the Senior Manager.
For induction purpose, your team will need to create an organisational context/profile for simulation purpose;
or use the profile as in the previous tasks. Example of any previous, current or a known organisation can be
used in consultation with your trainer/assessor.
An organisational profile (sample)
Organisational chart (diagram)
Feedback form (to collect feedback on the induction program)
You will also need to research and gather information on other areas such as WHS/OHS, and employee code of
conduct as required below.
Next, develop and present the induction program that, at a minimum, includes (but not limited to);
Organisational overview
Premises (assume college building as the office building)
Team introduction (as a form of staff introduction)
Role/position overview
Specific responsibilities
Key organisational policies (based on the reference documents and information provided in the
previous tasks)
Health and safety
General code of conduct
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
Page 27 of 37
General employee entitlements
Probation periods (in accordance with Fair Work Australia and employee contract guidelines) and
terms of employment (provide an example/scenario of what may happen before and after the
probation period, including termination)
Ensure that the induction process is in accordance with the policy and procedure developed in Assessment
Task 2.
Deliver a PowerPoint presentation, ensuring that all the team members participate and present their part.
Following the presentation, allow for questions from the audience and collect feedback from the employee
group (role‐play team).
Following the presentation, write a brief report on the team experience and how the team will use and
implement the feedback in improving their induction program in a real‐world scenario. Accordingly, make
recommendations for changes to the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure (see below).
End of the Probation Period (Individual Task)
As the next step, assume that the probation period defined in the contract was three (3) months. At the end of
the probation period, the employment is either continued or terminated.
For simulation purpose, you will need to write both the letters as examples using the employee details above;
Confirmation Letter
Termination Letter
Prepare draft letters and obtain approval from your manager (trainer/assessor roleplay) before finalising.
Draft and send by email as instructed by your manager (trainer/assessor roleplay).
Make Recommendations for Improvements (Individual Task)
Based on your experience, conversations and feedback from team members and candidates in the
recruitment, selection and induction processes, provide the following recommendations to the management;
Personal Tasks Undertaken
and Contributions Made (in
this Assessment Task)
Recommendation on
Recruitment, Selection and
Induction Process,
Including Staff Training
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Recommendation on Policy
Update (Use the Policy
Developed in Assessment
Task 1 as a context)
Provide the above in a separate sheet as part of evidence.
Submission Guidelines
Students to submit;
Copy of organisation profile and chart developed
Copy of reference documents used
Copies of presentation slides
Copies of completed feedback forms
Individual tasks and performance evidence
Written team report
Students may also be guided to save the documents/files in a unit submission folder on the server if required.
Other submission arrangements (e.g., email) can be arranged as mutually convenient for trainers/assessors
and students.
Ensure that the task/work is submitted along with an “Assignment Cover Sheet” signed by the student.
Assignment Cover Sheet is provided with each Learner’s Guide and can also be obtained from college’s
reception or website.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Assessment Task 4:
Assessment Task
Knowledge Test
Performance Criteria:
Outcomes Assessed
Required knowledge
Addresses some elements of required skills and
knowledge as shown in the Assessment Matrix
This is a closed book test and must be undertaken in presence of an assessor. All the questions must be
Duration: 1 Hour
Student work will be assessed based on the following criteria. Students have also been provided with the
assessment criteria in the “Learner’s Guide” to ensure that they cover all the task requirements. The same
criteria are used in the checklists in Section 8 (Student Competency Records) to record assessment outcome.
The following criteria must be addressed for this task;
Test completed as per the given instructions and conditions
All the questions are attempted and answered
Answers are consistent with model answers and demonstrate the required depth of knowledge for
this unit of competency
The following must be collected and submitted as an evidence along with the checklists and competency
record sheet (Section 8).
Submission Guidelines
Student to submit;
Completed Test paper
Use the test paper given below or copies as provided by the trainer/assessor.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Test Paper: BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding: Assessment Task 4
Student ID
Student Name
Q1. List at least six legislations relevant to recruitment and selection of new employees in an organisation.
Q2. Describe the concept of outsourcing in your own understanding.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Q3. Provide a brief meaning of each of the following key legislative areas in your own words.
Workplace Diversity
Equal Opportunity
Q4. What is an Enterprise Agreement? What does it contain?
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Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
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Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Q5. The new Fair Work system has replaced the old industrial relations system based on WorkChoices. List
five major changes to the industrial relations system as a result.
Q6. Explain the National Workplace Relations System. What are it key features?
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Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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End Test
Student signature:
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Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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7. Academic Policies and Processes
Students with Special Needs
If leaners/learners have any special needs (e.g., physical disability, learning difficulty) regarding assessment,
they should be directed to discuss these with the Course Coordinator. The college will endeavour to make all
possible and reasonable adjustments to any aspect of assessment in order to address those needs. Some
examples of additional support could include:
Language, literacy and numeracy (LLN)
Assistive technology
Additional materials or tutorials
Assistance in using technology for online delivery components.
Reasonable adjustment
Reasonable adjustment refers to any modification made to the learning environment, certification
requirements, training delivery or assessment method to help learners with a disability access and participate
in education and training on the same basis as those without disability (IBSA, 2015).
The Disability Standards for Education 2005 were formed under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. They
clarify the obligations of training providers to ensure that learners who have a disability are able to access and
participate in education and training on the same basis as those without disability.
Some examples of reasonable adjustments could include:
Personal support services, e.g., a reader, Auslan interpreter, a scribe
assistive technology or special equipment, e.g., screen readers, magnifiers, alternative keyboards
modifying the presentation method, e.g., visual, oral, print, electronic
adjustments to timeframes, e.g., providing materials prior to class, extended time limits
adjustment of the physical environment, e.g., specific furniture, arrangement of classroom.
The determination of “reasonableness” requires judgement that must take into account the impact on the RTO
and the need to maintain the integrity of the qualification. While reasonable adjustments can be made to the
ways in which evidence of performance is gathered and demonstrated, the criteria for making Competent/Not
Yet Competent decisions (and/or awarding grades) should not be altered in any way. That is to say, the
standards expected should be the same irrespective of the group and/or individual being assessed (Disability
Standards for Education 2005).
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfers
Learners may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by providing evidence that they have the required
skills and knowledge in the specific areas of competency through work/industry experience and/or completed
eligible assessments in equivalent or higher qualification.
Appropriate credit transfer may be granted to eligible learners against each unit of competency on evidence to
successful completion of the same unit in an equivalent or higher nationally endorsed qualification. Credit
transfer learners will finish the course in a shorter duration and are advised to consult appropriate
authorities/bodies for applicable criteria if planning further study or stay in Australia.
Applicants who have completed formal training or who have relevant and current work or life experience and
consider they are able to meet the unit purpose may seek recognition.
The college acknowledges skills and knowledge obtained through:
Formal training (conducted by industry or educational institutions in Australia or overseas)
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Work experience
Life experience
The main focus is on the learning outcomes of these experiences, not on how, when or where the learning
To be granted RPL, applicants will be asked to:
Present evidence of their achievement;
Undertake a challenge test;
Attend an interview with specialist staff.
This evidence will be validated through either satisfactory supporting documentation of support from a
recognised industry or workplace representative or challenge testing
Academic Policies and Procedures
Applicable policies and procedure related to this course including plagiarism, assessments, appeals and
complaints, can be found with the course coordinator as well as in the “Policies and Procedures” section of the
college’s website.
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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Assignment Cover Sheet
Student ID
Student Name
Assessment Task ‐ Title/Number
Date Submitted
Note: Plagiarism/Cheating is a serious offence. If a student is found plagiarising/cheating, it may result in a penalty of
suspension/cancellation of student’s enrolment. In submitting their work, students must be aware of college’s Plagiarism
and Academic Misconduct Policy available in student handbook, college’s website and student administration.
Declaration of Originality:
By submitting this assignment for assessment, I acknowledge and agree that:
This assessment task/work is submitted in accordance with the college’s Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct
Policy. I also understand the serious nature of academic dishonesty (such as plagiarism) and the penalties
attached to being found guilty of committing such offence
No part of this assessment task/work has been copied from any other source without acknowledgement of the
No part of this assessment task/work has been written by any other person, except to the extent of team and/or
group work as defined in the unit/assessment task
A copy of the original assessment task/work is retained by me and that I may be required to submit the original
assignment to the trainer/assessor upon request
The trainer/assessor may, for the purpose of assessing this assessment task/work:
o Provide a copy of this assignment to another member of the faculty for review and feedback; and/or
o Submit a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service. I acknowledge that a plagiarism
checking service provider may then retain a copy of this assessment task/work on its database for the
purpose of future plagiarism checking
Late submission: Late submission without a prior approval of the trainer/assessor will not be accepted and
may delay the assessment outcome. You may also need to resubmit work as per college’s Reassessment Policy.
I declare that this assessment is my own work.
Admin Use Only
Received | Date
Comments (if
BSB50320 | BSBHRM525 Manage Recruitment and Onboarding
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | May 2021
The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
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