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BUSINESS STUDIES - Business Report

Gosford High School
Please attach this signed cover sheet to every assignment/assessment task you submit.
Surname: Agarwal
Given Name: Khushi
Subject: Business Studies
Due Date: 02/03/2021
Teacher: Ms Gray
Task Title: The Nature of Business
Date of submission: 02/03/2021
All My Own Work
1. Acknowledgement of Sources by compiling a bibliography
One of the most important elements of good practice involves careful acknowledgement of
the ideas of others used in your response. This acknowledgement should occur in your
answer at the point where you use another’s ideas (e.g. Jones, 2007, p.92, i.e. author’s
surname, date of publication, page) and in a bibliography at the conclusion of your response.
2. Avoiding plagiarism / collusion
Plagiarism involves using the work of another person and presenting it as your own. These
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• Copying out part(s) of any document from any source, including the internet; • Using
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• Copying out or taking ideas from the work of another student/tutor/other source,
even if you have reworded / reworked some parts.
I have read and understood the All My Own Work statements above. I certify that this task is
entirely my own work and that I have fully referenced all my sources.
I have read and understood the Gosford High School Assessment Policy. Student
Signature/Confirmation: Khushi Agarwal
Date: 02/03/2021
Executive Summary:
This business report for Silk, an Indian handmade attire business, aims to explore external
influences that impact a business during its establishment phase, as well as provide advice
on how to overcome them.
There are many considerations to be made when opening a handmade Indian attire business
as a sole trader. This business is a combination of the secondary and tertiary industries since
it involves turning materials into goods and selling them. Due to Australia’s multicultural
atmosphere there is great chance of success. External influences are important to consider
when starting Silk. These influences are outside the control of a business and can impact
long term as well as daily operations. The external influences that will be explored include:
➔ Geographic
➔ Social
➔ Economic.
Geographic Influence
The first influence on Silk is geographic. This is when changes to the demographics of
Australia’s population influences the markets. Demographics include age, sex, income and
cutural background. This can influence a new business through the suitability of goods or
services for the “types” of customers.
As stated by news.com an example of a business that has adapted to geographic influences
are telecommunication companies. They adapt on the basis of rural or urban areas due to
the advances in technology and hence changes in network accessibility. Many rural
communities can only get 3g network whereas urban areas have access to 5g network. In
order to adapt so it's fitting for everyone they have a variety of plans depending on your
suitability and they’re trying to make 4g network available everywhere which means they can
stop providing 3g.
For a shop selling Indian attire, the demographics will influence the details of the attire that’s
sold; size, styles of clothing and colour. In order to adapt the business to fit with this
influence, alteration of the products could be required. For example in a community where
there is a higher percentage of South Indians, the specific variety of Indian attire will be
needed. Or in a community where there is more of a “white” population, Indian attire will
require a western touch to appeal to more people.
Social Influence
Society’s expectations are that a business will improve their quality of life. In order for a Silk
to gain success it needs to be aware of the changes in their community’s opinions, needs
and attitudes. This includes any “trends” such as fashion, tastes and culture. It is also
required to behave ethically and support what the majority believes to be right such as the
protests for black lives matter.
One example of a socially impacted business is ANZ. According to the guardian this bank
took into account society’s changing views on climate change and adapted their business to
support the morals of the community. This means they supported businesses that were
environmentally friendly and refused to provide loans to businesses that had a high fossil fuel
In order for Silk to keep up socially it must ensure all or most it's materials are
environmentally friendly and ethically sourced. It also must keep up with the constant
changes in fashion styles. Especially since this business is Indian style clothing, it must keep
up to date with the different patterns and styles that come up in India so it can keep the
cultural sense.
Economic Influence
Businesses are constantly influenced by
our changing economy. The release of a
new smartphone to the outbreak of a
global pandemic, all of it can impact our
economy’s movement. There are 6 parts
to the economic cycle; boom/peak,
depression and recovery. A new business
needs to look at the current position of
the economy as well as the demand and
expenditure so the profit could be estimated.
For example, the travel industry has been majorly influenced economically due to Covid-19.
As claimed by 9 News, Qantas and Rex Airlines have had issues between them due to the
recovery of losses required in order to keep their companies running. In order to come back
from this influence Rex opened up new flights that travel with NSW so more money could be
made while sticking in the restrictions.
For Silk to stay on top of the economy it is important to learn about the demands such as
during Covid when work from home devices was a necessity. The prices would then have to
be adapted in order to work with the demand for their goods. At the start these prices could
require changing around to figure out what fits but then could stay fixed until major economic
movement occurs. This business could also add accessories such as jewellery to boost
In order to open up a successful Indian attire business it is important to take into account the
different ways a business can be impacted from outside factors as well as ways to adapt your
business to fit with these influences.