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Cold War Tensions: USSR vs USA Essay

“The USSR was responsible for escalating tensions in the Cold War.” How far do you
agree with his statement? Explain your answer. [12]
Harisham’s group
The USSR was responsible for escalating tensions in the Cold
War due to the Berlin blockade. After Germany’s surrender in
1945, it was agreed that the German capital of Berlin will be
divided between the Soviet Union and the Western powers.
West Berlin was ceded to the western powers. This was a major
concern for Stalin as West Berlin was inside the Soviet zone so
the west could easily spy on Soviet forces. Stalin thus started
the Berlin blockade in 1949 to force West Berlin into submission.
He cut off food, water and electricity supplies from going to West
Berlin. This led to escalated tensions in the Cold War between
the USA and the USSR as the USSR’s blockade of Berlin
showed the western powers that the Soviets were desperate
and distrusted the Western powers. This worsened Cold War
tensions as the Soviets were trying to sabotage the Western
intentions in West Germany to prevent them from making
Germany powerful again. Hence the USSR responsible for
escalating tensions in the Cold war.
However, the USA also has a part to play in escalating Cold War
tensions due to the creation of the North Atlantic treaty
organisation (NATO). The USA created NATO to help countries
suffering from the post war aftermath. The USA provided loans,
military equipment and aid to members. Members also swore to
help each other in need in case one member is engaged in a
war with a third party. Britain, France and West Germany were
key members of NATO and received a lot of aid from the USA.
Stalin however, was not informed about NATO as this infuriated
him as it came as a surprise. This angered the USSR as they
saw NATO as a plot to invade the communist states by the USA
through the garnering of support from member states. The
USSR was further angered when West Germany received aid
as well as they thought the West were trying to make a powerful
Germany to eventually invade the USSR. This led to the
escalation of the Cold War tensions as the USSR perceived
NATO as a threat as they were trying to protect themselves from
the USSR. Therefore the USA also has a part to play in
escalating tensions in the Cold War.
Overall, although the USSR started the first major incident of the
Cold War, which is the Berlin Blockade, it was actually the USA
who is largely responsible as they were the ones who started the
Cold War. The USA began the Truman Doctrine which marked
the start of the Cold War. The USSR only started the blockade
as they thought that it was unfair that the Allies got most of the
German territory although the USSR did most of the work. Even
though the blockade did happen, it failed due to the Berlin airlift
as the Soviets could not shoot down the planes as it would be
seen as an act of war. The USA however, increased the tensions
by setting up NATO. NATO served as an igniter to greater
tensions as this led to the creation of the Warsaw Pact by the
USSR in 1955 and many more events followed soon after as
they were in different blocs. Thus, it is the USA who is largely
responsible for escalating Cold War tensions.