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Accounting Assignment Cover Sheet - RMIT University

Cover sheet for submission of
work for assessment
SCHOOL: Vocational Business Education
Office use only
Program name
Associate Degree in Business /
Diploma of Commerce
Program code
AD010 / DP003
Course/unit name
Accounting in Organizations and
Course/unit code
TAFE National Module
Unit of Competency
(UOC) name
TAFE National Module
Unit of Competency
Due date
2 October 2020
School date stamp
Name of lecturer/teacher
Miss. Ngoc Le Chow
Monday (3:305:30)
Tutor/marker’s name
Family name
Given name
Student number
Linh Trang
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Cover sheet for submission of work for assessment
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Executive summary
1. Executive summary
The purpose of this report is to analyze the performance of the Woolworths and
Australian Fresh Ltd groups to provide recommendations for investment clients.
The results of the analysis of the financial statements show that the two
companies are almost similar in terms of profitability, asset use efficiency, capital
structure, market performance and working capital. However, Woolworths
would be a better choice than Australian Fresh Ltd for an investor as it is a bit
more liquid and profitable. In addition to analyzing the activities of both
organizations, the article also provides investment clients with Woolworths'
sustainability strategies as well as social responsibility.
2. Introduction
Woolworths Group is a locally owned publicly traded company. On December 5, 1924,
Woolworths officially opened its business at Sydney's Imperial Arcade. Woolworths did not
initially intend to develop into a chain of stores, but when provided with a bargain ground on
Brisbane's Queen Street, Woolworths had to accept the development of a 'chain'. Since then,
Woolworths has become a 'chain' of stores when the second one opened on August 6, 1927.
In 1929, they opened their first store in New Zealand and by 1930, they had 16 Stores across
New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. In 1960, Woolworths became the first
national retailer in Australia. The Woolworths Group has a chain of retail grocery, wine and
general goods stores in supermarkets and hotel operations.
3. Body
“ Corporate social responsibility “ refers to the responsibility an entity has to all stakeholders,
including society in general and the physical environment in which it operates.
Sustainability is development that can meet current needs without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs.
An organization's sustainability needs to be measured, reported and ensured. These
specialized areas of course belong to the role of accountants. Accounting plays a very
important role in the sustainable development of a company. Therefore, the three roles
mentioned above are one that any accountant must play. First of all, when reporting, the
accountant must statistically record the company's financial situation and the team's
sustainable activities, in addition to the environmental and social information should also be
mentioned in the report. there. Secondly, when measuring or analysing costs, accountants
must briefly explain economic, social and environmental information and then incorporate
that information into the decision-making process. Last but not least, the assurance, the
accountant needs internal controls to ensure the integrity of information.
The 3 pillars in sustainability of Woolworths are: people, planet and prosperity development.
First of all, for people, The Woolworths Group values the power of human diversity. The
goal of the corporation is to maintain an inclusive and supportive culture, so for them, they
value diversity in all forms, especially the workforce of the corporation. Workforce are the
ones who give a corporation the strength, skills, and ability to support, maintain, and drive a
better experience for customers and the community. It is also the Woolworths Group's
commitment to its People pillar. Secondly, The environment is also one of the major
influences for every business and the Woolworths Group is no exception. The Woolworths
Group recognizes that the Woolworths’s environmental has impacted the entire value chain
and will work with their service providers and operations to innovate for a healthy planet.
They will move to a circular economy, environmentally sustainable economy. For example,
they will change their packaging to eco-friendly and reusable packaging. Besides, they will
also prepare options to respond to climate change. Finally, Prosperity is also one of the
decisive factors for the sustainable development that Woolworths Group is aiming for. For
Woolworths, that prosperity has to be built on trustworthy relationships. They commit that
they will focus on building and maintaining strong relationships with their suppliers and
customers. To be able to build those relationships they have to be based on mutual trust,
communication, fairness, values, and loyalty. They believe that by listening, learning and
cooperating they will have a prosperous and sustainable development.
As mentioned above, there are three core pillars that Woolworths is working on to reduce its
overall environmental impact and support communities: transition to a circular economy,
supply to the environment sustainable commodities and climate change response. Firstly, to
reduce environmental impact Woolworths has been moving into circular economics. There
are two things that Woolworths has committed to: no food waste goes to the landfill and
improves the brand's reuse of packaging. As for the commitment that no food waste will go
to the landfill, Woolworths goes to the next step which is to continually improve their
processes to reduce the food waste that goes to the landfill. Next, on its commitment to
improving packaging reuse, Woolworths is continuing to work towards synchronously
eliminating single-use plastics from their products. Both of these commitments have
progressed. Secondly, in order to source environmentally sustainable goods, Woolworths
pledges that they will source key raw materials and goods that are sustainable to independent
standards by 2020. The next step in this commitment is that They will focus on sourcing
seafood from sustainable sources. On the other hand, Woolworths is also committed to
achieving zero deforestation in the supply chain for 'high impact' items in their own brand
products. To fulfill this commitment they will expand their focus on other sources. Both of
this strategy's commitments have progressed materially. Finally, Woolworths also makes two
commitments to responding to climate change: by 2020, they will reduce their carbon
footprint below 10% of 2015 levels and improve natural refrigerants and reducing refrigerant
leaks in their stores 15% less CO2e below 2015 levels. To complete these two commitments
Woolworths are implementing innovative initiatives to reduce energy footprint. The result is
that commitment has been achieved.
Social and environmental performance plays a rather important role for a company especially
when investors analyze that company. When investors analyze a company, they not only look
at its financial performance, but they also evaluate its environmental and social performance.
For example, they will analyze how harmful the company affects the environment and
society from its operations. Investors will want to know that the company is responsible for
examining the consequences of the actions it produces and how to fix it effectively. Through
the environmental and social activities, investors can also know the ethics of a company
because ethics is also a must-have element of every business. On the other hand,
environmental and social factors also bring certain benefits to stakeholders and communities.
Social and environmental factors can help reduce business risk and gain a better reputation.
Nowsadays, the environmental and social concern can also increase sales. Many customers
prefer to buy from ethical and responsible companies. In general, environmental and social
factors can have a positive impact on stakehholders and communities if they know how to use
them properly.
Profitability Analysis
Australian Fresh Ltd (AFL) had a profit margin of 3.98% in 2020, which was a decrease from
4.23% in 2019. The decline was a result of lower sales revenue in 2020 than 2019.
Woolworths had a slightly higher profit margin than AFL at 4.13% in 2020 but lower than
AFL at 3.92% in 2019. Return on Assets (ROA) was also lower in 2020 than 2019 for ACL
at 8.24% and 10.62% respectively. The trend was the same for return on equity (ROE) at
11.96% in 2020 and 27.59% in 2019. Woolworths had higher ROA than AFL in 2020 which
are 8.42% and 8.24% but in 2019 the ROA of Woolworths was less than AFL with 7.59%
and 10.62% respectively. This trend continues to happen to ROE, by 2020, Woolworths’s
ROE will still be higher than AFL with the rate of 12.39% and 11.96%. In constrast of 2020,
Woolworths’s ROE is lower than AFL with 21.47% and 27.59% in 2019. Overall,
Woolworths had a higher profitability in 2020
Capital Structure
AFL’s debt ratio has significantly increased from 53.45% to 76.39% between 2019 and 2020.
It means the total assets and total liabilities had a positive change. Nevertheless, the assets are
adequate to pay all the liabilities in case of liquidation. Woolworths has the same problem as
AFL. Woolworths' Debts ratio also has a strong growth from 56.16% to 76.61% between
2019 and 2020. Woolworths is better positioned to pay its short-term and long-term liabilities
using the existing resources than AFL.
Market Performance
AFL had EPS of 129.4 cents and 91.34 cents in 2019 and 2020 respectively. The decline is
solely attributable to the reduction in net earnings as the number of share remained the same.
On the other hand, Woolworths had EPS of 114.3 cents and 92.7 cents in 2019 and 2020
respectively. The decrease is also due to the drop in net earnings. Nevertheless, the two
companies recorded a decline in their EPS between 2019 and 2020.
Working Capital
AFL’s debtors’ days decreased from 7 days in 2020 to 5.35 days in 2019, meaning that the
company was taking no longer to collect cash after credit sales. Woolworths had more
debtors’ days than AFL with only 4 days and it did not change from 2019 to 2020. The
liquidity of both companies is unhealthy as the currents assets would be insufficient to pay
the current liabilities if necessary. However, Woolworths is in a better liquidity position than
Conclusion and Recommendations
AFL and Woolworths are both large and potential companies. However, the ratio analysis has
revealed that Woolworths is more profitable that ACL. Woolworths also utilises its assets
more efficiently to generate profit. AFL is highly leveraged, which could be an indication
that lenders are more confident with its ability to generate adequate cash flows to pay for the
finance costs and the loan principal. Evidently, the two companies are largely similar in many
aspects, but Woolworths seems to be a better choice for investors as its EPS are higher in
Works Cited
“ Woolworths Annual Report 2019.”
“Woolworths Annual Report 2020.”
“Woolworths Sustainability Report 2020.”