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Amadeus Movie Analysis: Mozart's Relationships

Name: Melanie Medalla Downing
Subject & Section: G.E. 6-C Art Appreciation
Discussion from the movie AMADEUS
1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a veritable prodigy beyond excellence. He was a gifted
musician and a genius pianist. At a very young age, he was already a virtuoso of musical
instruments, already composed his first piano concerto, and was already playing music for
kings, emperors, and even the Pope in Rome. In the movie “Amadeus”, albeit relatively
historically inaccurate, Mozart was portrayed as a gifted musician as he is. As a musician,
his compositions “The Abduction from the Seraglio” set in a harem despite the seditious
content and “Marriage of Figaro” despite its potential volatile political conflicts and his
other controversial opera that violates the royal rules of the opera set by his Majesty were
ultimately awarded the loudest claps, cheers, and veneration. As a pianist, Antonio Salieri,
himself was cornered to question God as to why a sensual man with the most ridiculous
laugh would possess such divine talent as a pianist. This ultimately made Signore Salieri
admonish God and made Mozart his greatest adversary.
2. Mozart’s relationship with Salieri can be akin to an adherent and adviser, however Signore
Salieri, as shown in the movie, was devoured by his insecurity to Mozart which made their
relationship more complicated. Mozart was plain obnoxious of the malicious intentions of
Salieri. As portrayed in the movie, he was an honest and sincere man and always treat
Salieri as a reliable colleague in his personal and professional life. As an example, when
Mozart’s opera “Idomeneo” was subjected to extreme criticism from the Opera Director
because of its inclusion of the prohibited ballet, he seeks the guidance of Signore Salieri
and Salieri offered to bring the matter to His Majesty. However, Salieri never intended to
disclose the information to His Majesty, wishing Mozart to be admonished at the final act
of the opera. Clueless to the advances of Signore Salieri, Mozart continued asking for
Salieri’s guidance and Salieri maintain his shenanigans.
3. Mozart’s relationship with his father was amicable despite their misunderstandings on the
professional and personal decisions made by Mozart. As a father, he had nurtured Mozart
with his utmost talent and parental guidance to shape Mozart into the gifted musician and
genius pianist that he is. Naturally, his hard works had paid off. Mozart’s father was very
supportive when Mozart was a child through young adulthood, and Mozart’s father had a
very heartfelt, yet consuming relationship with Mozart. They had misunderstandings as a
father-and-son relationship, but the connections, care, and mutual respect were always
there. However, what ruined their relationship was his father’s expectations over natural
and normal life and progress. As an example, in the movie, Mozart’s father visited him and
his wife in Vienna, father Mozart expected that he to be living in harmonious lucrative
lifestyle with abundant blessings, but unfortunately, things did not go the way his Father
expected. When his father died, his mourning for his father’s death was evident in his opera
Don Giovanni.