GENITOURINARY SYNDROME OF MENOPAUSE (GSM) dr.Dika Putrayuda Afandi Ahmad Andri Mahadi M. Rifqi Nugroho Pembimbing: dr. Edy Fakhrizal, Sp.OG(K) KEPANITERAAN KLINIK BAGIAN OBSTETRI DAN GINEKOLOGI PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN DOKTER SPESIALIS OBSTETRI DAN GINEKOLOGI FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERAH ARIFIN ACHMAD PEKANBARU 2021 DEFINITION International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health and the North American Menopause Society agreed that “genitourinary syndrome of menopause” is a more inclusive and accurate term to describe the conglomeration of external genital, urological, and sexual sequelae caused by hypoestrogenism during menopause PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The genitalia and lower urinary tract share common estrogen receptor function. Urogenital tissue receptors are dependent on endogenous estrogen levels to maintain normal physiology. During postmenopause, the number of estrogen receptors continue to decrease but never fully disappear. In the advent of hypoestrogenism, these prolubricative and proelastic functions are lost due to diminished collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid content; thinned epithelium; impaired smooth muscle proliferation; denser connective tissue arrangement; and loss of vascularity, thus predisposing the woman to irritation and sexual trauma. Research studies have also suggested that in postmenopausalwomen, the lack of estrogen impairs connective tissue and causes urethral sphincter dysfunction of stress urinary incontinence. MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT THANK YOU