Chemistry Atomic Models Name:__________________________________________ Period:__________________ Date_________________________ Modeling Atoms Skittles Style Background Questions: [Explain in your Own Words…] 1. What is an Atom– _________________________________________________ 2. What three subatomic parts make an Atom – ____________________, _________________, and _________________. [Put the charge beside each answer] 3. The nucleus is made of _____________ and ______________. 4. What is the difference between atomic number and atomic mass? 5. What do you know about Valence Electrons? 6. What makes up an atom’s weight? 7. Atoms are mostly ___________ _______________. 8. How many electrons are in: a. Level 1 d. Level 4 b. Level 2 c. Level 3 Each table will receive a gracious amount of skittles. [You may need to trade some colors with classmates.] It does not matter what colors you use… Please do NOT argue about who gets what colors. The skittles will represent the atom’s electrons Chemistry Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Atomic Models WASH your Hands… Sanitize those digits! Model the electrons with Skittles Illustrate all possible elements you can make from your available candy pile. Fill in the appropriate boxes Helpful Hints: Remember that the Atomic Number is the number of Protons in an atom. The Mass Number is the number or Protons and Neutrons combined. The number of Electrons equals the number of Protons in an atom. Example: Calcium. Element Name Calcium Symbol Ca Atomic Number 20 Atomic Mass 40.08 # of Protons (p+) 20 # of Neutrons (n) 20.08 # of Electrons (e-) 20 # of Valence 2 Electrons Element Name Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Protons (p+) # of Neutrons (n) # of Electrons (e-) Valence electron Sulfur . Chemistry Element Name Atomic Models Magnesium Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Protons (p+) # of Neutrons (n) # of Electrons (e-) Valence electron Element Name Argon Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Protons (p+) # of Neutrons (n) # of Electrons (e-) Valence electron Element Name Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Protons (p+) # of Neutrons (n) # of Electrons (e-) Valence electron Silicon Chemistry Element Name Atomic Models Fluorine Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Protons (p+) # of Neutrons (n) # of Electrons (e-) Valence electron Element Name Titanium Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Protons (p+) # of Neutrons (n) # of Electrons (e-) Valence electron Element Name Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Protons (p+) # of Neutrons (n) # of Electrons (e-) Valence electron Magnesium Chemistry Element Name Atomic Models Lithium Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Protons (p+) # of Neutrons (n) # of Electrons (e-) Valence electron Element Name Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Protons (p+) # of Neutrons (n) # of Electrons (e-) Valence electron Potassium Chemistry Atomic Models