COMPONENT 1: PUMPING AND PUMP SELECTION 1. INTRODUCTION Transportation of solids through a pipeline using fluids dates back to the early application of dredging in the mining industry. Now that transport costs are becoming a significant component of total production costs, the use of slurry pipelines is beginning to receive attention once more. Factors favouring slurry applications include economies of scale (low unit capital costs and power requirements) and relatively high reliability. In addition, slurry pipeline systems have very low operating costs, low labour requirements, relatively immune from the effects of escalation, safe and low impact on the environment relative to alternative modes of transportation. Unlike all other forms of transportation, slurry pipelining is a static system, i.e. material move in relation to carriage medium. For example in trucks, rail, and belt systems, carriage medium moves while payload is motionless except at transitional points. The numerous solids such as coal, copper, iron and phosphate concentrates as well as limestone are being transported by pipe network in slurry form in many operations around the globe. Long distance transportation includes pumping of gold, lead, zinc, nickel, bauxite and oil sands slurries. The purpose of this lecture is to describe components of a slurry transportation system and special design considerations for each component. Figure 1. Pipe installation for transporting slurry 2. ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY Slurry transport has proven to be technically and economically viable in transportation of coal, iron ore concentrates, sulphide concentrates, limestone (for Portland cement 1 manufacture) and phosphate minerals. Economically feasible slurry pipeline projects tend to have large point-to-point volumes and capacity to maintain such volume in rugged and inhospitable terrains. Slurry pipelines have significant initial capital costs but low operating costs and therefore have relatively low exposure to cost escalation. However it is always prudent to compare all possible modes of transport before settling on a particular choice based on the prevailing needs. The economic benefit in selecting a slurry pipeline as a mode of solids transportation has proven itself in many applications. Some of the main factors, which affect the economics of a slurry transport system, are the tonnage and distance transported, existing infrastructure, physical characteristics of the solids and terrain conditions along the pipeline. Slurry pipelines have an aesthetic advantage in addition to commercial advantages over other modes of transport. In most case pipes are buried below surface with only few structures or facilities exposed, even then structures are far apart. Land where pipes are buried can be used for agricultural purpose compared to, for example, belt conveyors where their installation affects movement of livestock. This makes pipelines are more environmentally friendly due to low levels of noise, almost zero liberation of dust and less negative visual impacts. Furthermore, efficient use of energy results in lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to alternate options. Figure 2. Pipeline traversing through mountainous terrain 3. PIPELINE HYDRAULIC CONSIDERATIONS The design of a slurry pipeline is determined largely by hydraulic considerations. The solid particle size distribution selected for the slurry will have a major impact on the whole transportation system (including pumps, slurry preparation and the infrastructure). Particle 2 size distribution selected should be manageable and lead to minimization of preparation costs, pumping costs and dewatering costs (on the other end of the pipeline) while at the same time maintains favourable hydraulic characteristics during transportation. Once the solid particle size distribution has been defined, ratio of liquid to solid (slurry composition) must be determined, bearing in mind geological and hydraulic properties of the conveyed solids. Normally solids concentrations in the slurry are between 40% and 65% by weight. Hydraulic design involves determination of critical velocity or the lowest permissible mean flow velocity which ensures deposit-free (settlement) transportation. If the average flow velocity is below critical velocity, particles will begin to deposit and creep at the bottom of the pipe. As deposited particles creep along the bottom pipe wall, wear is induced especially if material is abrasive in nature. In addition, creeping material can result in frictional pressure losses which lead to further reduction of flow velocity. Because of these adverse effects, it is prudent to operate slurry pipelines at flows above critical velocity. Pipe friction pressure loss, particle attrition, pipeline plugging, transient flow, slack line flow and cavitation (the rapid formation and collapse of vapour pockets in flowing liquids in regions of very low pressure, a frequent cause of structural damage to propellers and pumps) are among hydraulic characteristics that must be considered when designing a slurry pipeline. 3.1. Pump Station Design Slurry pipelines will have one or more pump stations at appropriate locations along its length. The size and location of stations will be determined by a steady state hydraulic analysis. Both centrifugal and positive displacement pumps can be used to pass slurries. The required discharge pressure dictates the choice. Centrifugal pumps are low-head, high-volume devices and are often used for in-plant pumping and providing suction for the mainline pumps. Pulsation dampeners, accumulators and/or signal biasing circuits should be used to reduce flow-induced pressure pulsations. Standpipes can be a very effective method of reducing pulsations on the suction side of positive displacement pumps. Slurry pipeline systems need not to operate as “tight-line” systems. Each pump station may well have an agitated storage tank on its suction side. Centrifugal pumps are the most widely used type of pump in the chemical industry. A centrifugal pump, in its simplest form, consists of an impeller rotating inside a casing. The impeller imparts kinetic energy into the fluid. The velocity head, which is created by moving 3 fluid from the low-velocity at the centre to high-velocity on the edge of the impeller, is converted into a pressure head when the fluid leaves the pump. 3.1.1. Advantages of centrifugal pumps Simple to construct Low cost operation Fluid is delivered at uniform pressure without shocks or pulsations provided there is a constant intake The discharge line may be throttled (partly shut off) or completely closed without damaging the pump They are able to handle liquids with large amounts of solids They can be coupled directly to motor drives There are no valves involved in the pump operation They have lower maintenance costs than other types of pumps They are available in a wide range of sizes 3.1.2. Disadvantages of centrifugal pumps They cannot be operated at high heads They must be primed They are prone to air binding which normally leads to heating up of the shaft and impeller Maximum efficiency ranges over a fairly narrow range of conditions They do not handle highly viscous fluids efficiently 4 Figure 3. Pump station 4. SLURRY PREPARATION AND UTILISATION The solid portion of the slurry must be crushed to the specified size distribution before entering the system. Crushing and/or grinding may be necessary. Several slurrification techniques use devices such as gravity feed chutes and hopper-shaped sumps. In order to build flexibility into a slurry transport system, storage facilities will be required at the terminal locations. Storage facilities enable the system to be operated at steady state conditions i.e. fluctuations in volume can either be taken up by storage tanks or stored material can be fed back into the system. Various techniques are available for dewatering mineral slurry. Vacuum and pressure filters, centrifuges, hydro cyclones and thermal drying are examples of such techniques. In practice combination of techniques are used. 4.1. Instrumentation and Controls The control of a slurry pipeline system is similar to that of regular crude oil pipelines in many respects. A Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is used to monitor and control process variables at various locations from a central control point. Some pump stations may be fully or partially automated and require few if any operating personnel. The initial or primary pump station should use rate of flow of material as the principal control parameter with override systems providing for flow, suction and discharge pressure controls. Booster or secondary pump stations should be installed on the suction pressure side with override systems being on the discharge side. Control valves should be used sparingly and limited to start-up, shutdown and bypass-type situations. 5 The initial pump station area is a critical location for process monitoring and control. The slurry must be inspected to assure the solid-liquid mixture has the required properties before it is passed into the pipeline. Injection of incorrect slurry mixture into the hydraulic system could cause problems. Density of the slurry must be monitored because improper density can lead to formation of slurry plugs or create undesirable friction pressure drops. A section of pipe before the first mainline pump station should be earmarked for determining friction pressure drop that can be expected in the pipeline system. Slurry particle size distribution should be checked periodically. Finally, slurry acidity or alkalinity should be maintained at a level that will reduce erosion and/or corrosion of pipeline. 4.2. Overall System Optimization The construction of a slurry transportation system can be an expensive undertaking. Thus, for a particular project, there is a considerable economic benefit to optimise the total system. This optimisation can be achieved by selecting the slurry preparation, pipeline pumping, slurry utilisation system with minimum cost. However, this selection process is no small task. A pilot plant study may be required for the various elements of the system to determine a cost equation that is a function of several variables. Crushing-grindingpreparation costs must be determined for slurries of different particle size distribution, concentration and quality. Test loop studies are necessary to estimate the pressure loss in pipelines of various diameters carrying slurries at different velocities, concentrations and particle size distributions. An overland slurry transportation facility is a system of pipelines, pump stations and associated process facilities working together to move a water-crushed mineral mixture. At the head of the system is the slurry preparation facility. Grinding and slurrification equipment produce a controlled solid-water mixture for injection into the pipeline system. The pipeline is sized and designed by considering the hydraulic characteristics of the solidliquid two-phase flow. Pump stations are positioned at appropriate locations along the pipeline to energise the system. Several types of pumps may be utilised, but again consideration must be made for the twophase nature of the flow. The terminal point of slurry system will have facilities and equipment for storing, thickening and dewatering the slurry. With growing environmental concerns, the water from the liquid-solid separation step may require clarification or other treatment prior to discharge. However it is a good idea to consider recycling of water especially in South Africa where there is critical shortage of water. Throughout the transportation facility, instrumentation and controls will be used to measure critical variables such as flow rate, pressure and density. 6 5. TAILINGS DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Due to greater demands on tailings pipeline systems, recent designs reflect increased sophistication and use of new construction materials. Mineral processing plant tailings, coal washing refuse, scrubber sludges, fly ash, smelter slag, tar sands, and other industrial wastes are frequently transported to their disposal sites by slurry pipeline. There is a shift towards better tailings disposal systems. Forces behind the shift are longer distances to be traversed in order to dispose material, higher concentrations with view of conserving water, environmental concerns and longer tailing dam lives. Pragmatic, costeffectiveness and pumping systems which provide reliability and flexibility, are essential for efficient tailings disposal systems. A slurry transport system design incorporates the following activities: Site and route selection Slurry preparation Laboratory testing Dynamic modelling and computer simulation Pressure analysis Pipeline material specification Slurry pipeline design Construction management Pump, choke, valve and cyclone station design De-watering Product storage and reclaim water system System controls Leak detection system design Plant start-up and operations On site loop testing Some specific applications include sub-sea tailings placement (STP), thickened (or paste) tailings transport and backfill systems. Expertise in slurry systems includes laboratory testing, computer modelling/simulation, overall system design, slurry preparation, process control, de-watering, and product utilization. 7 Backfilled area Figure 4. Tailings used for backfilling in cut-and-fill mining method. 6. LABORATORY TESTING Although a great deal of commercial experience is available for a wide range of materials, each new mineral deposit must be analysed so that its slurry pipeline characteristics can be correlated. A slurry laboratory provides important input data for the computerized design models. The laboratory should have the capability of performing all bench-scale tests that are required for slurry systems design using only small samples, thus eliminating the need for costly large scale loop testing. The testing procedures include rheological analyses for defining hydraulic parameters and corrosion properties of material for purposes of selecting pipe wall corrosion allowances and chemical corrosion inhibitors. There are also tests to determine the abrasivity of the slurry on mechanical equipment such as pump parts. There are also tests to define the pipeline operating conditions, including restart after system shutdown. 7. CARRYING CAPACITY OF CONTINUOUS FLOW FLUID TRANSPORT The carrying capacity of any hydraulic transport system can be expressed as: 𝑇 = 𝑎𝑠𝑣 Where a is average cross-sectional area of solids; s is solids density; v is fluid velocity. If the volumetric concentration of solids is c, and the full area of the pipe flume is A, then: 8 𝑐= 𝑎 𝐴 Strictly speaking c is the actual concentration and not the delivered concentration, but unless the speed is very low and closer to the speed that may cause settlement, the two concentrations can be considered as equal. The velocity required for fluid transportation must be greater than the velocity required to cause the solids to “float” in an upward stream of fluid and a useful practical guide is: 𝑠−𝑟 ) 𝑟 𝑣 = 𝐾√𝑑 ( Where K is a constant related to particle size; d is the pipe diameter; s is the solids density; r is the fluid density. For pipe sizes above about 20in. (0.5m), the value of d can be considered as 20in. (0.5m). For suction and pressure systems, pressure difference of p = pi – po must be overcome in order to induce motion inside the pipe, where pi is inlet pressure and po is the outlet pressure. The pressure difference may be due to fluid friction on the conduit walls, sliding friction of the solids is on the conduit walls, increase in potential energy of both fluid and solids and/or conditions at inlet or outlet of the pipe. The power required to induce motion inside the pipe is given by: 𝑊 = 𝑝𝐴𝑣 = 𝑝𝑄 Where 𝑄 = 𝐴𝑣 is the total volumetric flow If the pressure is generated by a pump or a fan (compressor), the power of the driving motor will also depend on the pump or fan efficiency, which is often about 75%. So a typical value of overall efficiency of pump and motor is about 67.5%, assuming 90% motor efficiency. The four main components of the pressure differences are: Pressure due to fluid friction on walls. Pressure due to sliding friction of solids. Pressure required to overcome potential energy of fluid and solids. Pressure required to increase kinetic energy of fluid and solids. Some of these pressure difference components may be neglected in particular circumstances, but they may be important in other cases. Energy is also involved when 9 temperature changes are considered, particularly with pneumatic transport, but in most cases temperature can be ignored. The pressure difference to be overcome by the fluid is thus: 𝑝 = 𝑝𝑓 + 𝑝𝑠 + 𝑝𝑝 + 𝑝𝑘 These pressures are determined in the following way: Pressure due to fluid friction: 𝑓𝑙 𝑟𝑣 2 𝑝𝑓 = × 𝑚 2 Where f is friction coefficient; l is conduit equivalent length; m is hydraulic mean radius. Pressure due to sliding friction: 𝑝𝑠 = 𝜇𝑘𝑐𝑙ℎ 𝑔(𝑠 − 𝑟) Where μ is coefficient of friction of the solids on the conduit; k is portion of weight actually touching the walls (0.1 ≤ k ≤ 1.0); lh = l cos q (q is a pipe slope angle). Pressure due to increase in potential energy: 𝑝𝑝 = 𝑔ℎ[𝑟 + 𝑐(𝑠 − 𝑟)] Where h is an increase in elevation over l. Pressure due to increase kinetic energy: 𝑣2 [𝑟 + 𝑐(𝑠 − 𝑟)] 𝑝𝑘 = 2 Overall pressure difference: Where pi is intake pressure and p0 is discharge pressure. 𝑝 = 𝑝𝑖 − 𝑝0 10 8. CONVEYING SLURRY ICE AT MPONENG MINE Due to the ultra-deep level mining that most gold mines are involved in. The need to fight the high virgin rock temperatures is at the top of the agenda of most mining houses. Ice and its transport underground play a crucial role. In 1992 Mponeng Mine commissioned its underground ice slurry plants for cooling purposes. The 1520kWh vacuum ice plant was designed to produce 4 200t of ice slurry daily. The ice slurry and service water help the mine to maintain the underground temperature at 27.5° wet bulb. Generation and transportation of ice slurry underground came with the advantage water and electricity savings. It is recommended that students should familiarised themselves with the transportation of ice slurry at Mponeng Mine and backfilling at Black Mountain Mine. 9. PUMP SELECTION To move fluid from one point to another in a pipe, it is necessary to supply a driving force. In some cases, gravity can be used to supply the driving force (i.e. when there is a difference in elevations). In most cases, however, pumps or blowers must be used to supply the driving force that is required to move the fluid. Different types of pumps can be used to accomplish different tasks. For example, mechanical-energy transferred from a pump to the fluid may be used to increase velocity, pressure, or elevation of the fluid. As an engineer, you must become familiar with the various types of pumps that you will encounter in the mining industry. You must also become familiar with the types of calculations that must be performed in order to decide on the size of the pumps that you will need to accomplish a given task. 9.1. Pump Performance Curves/Characteristic Curves There are many different factors, which determine the actual performance characteristics of a pump. For this reason, it is best to use the actual experimental performance of the pump for determining the size that is required. The performance characteristics of a pump can be measured in-house or obtained from the pump manufacturer. The performance curves which are supplied by the pump manufacturer will typically show plots of developed head (pressure) vs. discharge (flow rate); efficiency vs. discharge, and 11 brake horsepower vs. discharge for various pump speeds. These plots are typically given for water but for low viscosity fluids the plots will not change much. Pump performance curves can be used to determine to the operating characteristics of a pump under various process conditions. 9.2. Sizing a Pump This section provides an outline of the calculations that you will need to complete in order to specify the pump sizes, which are required for a particular application. Before you begin, you will need to determine the following: Pump performance curves for one or more pumps. If you cannot obtain the manufacturer specifications for a pump you can probably use data for centrifugal pump specifications. A detailed piping system. You need to decide whether your design will require storage tanks, reactors, columns, etc. In addition, you may need to specify pipe dimensions, column dimensions, etc. Flow rates that will be required. Use the information that you have to determine the flow rates through your process (e.g., annual production rates, specified feed rates, etc.). Calculate the fluid velocity from the pipe dimensions (inlet and outlet) and the volumetric flow rate. Estimate the friction losses in the piping system envisaged. 9.3. Estimating Friction Losses in a Pipe Fluid flow is always accompanied by friction and energy loss. This results in a pressure drop in the direction of flow (the pressure downstream will be lower than the pressure upstream). The pressure drop, hf (J/kg), is proportional to the square of the velocity, v (m/s), the length of the pipe, L (m) and inversely proportional to the pipe diameter, D (m) and it is determined by the following equation: 𝟒𝒇𝑳𝒗𝟐 𝒉𝒇 = 𝟐𝑫 12 In the laminar flow regime, the friction factor, f, can be found from the following equation: 𝒇= 𝟏𝟔 𝑵𝑹𝒆 Where the Reynold's Number, NRe < 2 100, for laminar flow. In the turbulent region, the friction factor, f, is a function of the Reynold's Number, NRe, and the Relative Roughness (𝑒⁄𝐷). The relative roughness parameter is dimensionless ratio of the absolute pipe roughness e and the pipe diameter D. The value of f for a given set of conditions is generally found from a Moody Friction Chart. The friction losses that result from turbulent flow through various types of valves and fitting are summarized below: Type of Fitting Friction Loss, Equivalent Friction Loss, Number of Length of Straight Pipe in Pipe Velocity Heads, Kf Diameters, Le/D Elbow 45º 0.35 17 Elbow 90º 0.75 35 Tee 1 50 Return Bend 1.5 75 Coupling 0.04 2 Union 0.04 2 Gate Valve, wide open 0.17 9 Gate Valve, 1/2 open 4.5 225 Globe Valve, wide open 6.0 300 Globe Valve, 1/2 open 9.5 475 Angle Valve, wide open 2.0 100 Check Valve, Ball 70.0 3500 Check Valve, Swing 2.0 100 Water Meter, Disk 7.0 350 13 The friction losses that occur for laminar flow through various types of valves and fittings are summarized below. Friction Loss, Number of Velocity Heads, Kf vs. NRe Type of Fitting 50 100 200 400 1000 Turbulent Elbow 90° 17 7 2.5 1.2 0.85 0.75 Tee 9 4.8 3.0 2.0 1.4 1.0 Globe Valve 28 22 17 14 10 6 Check Valve, Swing 55 17 9 5.8 3.2 2.0 You should also estimate the friction losses that occur due to sudden expansion and contractions. Be sure to have a globe or gate value for each piece of equipment such as a pump, tank, etc. NOTE: Many students calculate pump sizes that are too small for their design project. This is because students rarely account for the pressure losses, which occur because of valves. A control valve, for example, requires a pressure drop of at least 5 to 10 psi to maintain good control for a pump. These types of losses will affect your design calculations!" The total friction loss that will result from the pipes, fittings, etc., in your process can now be obtained by summing all of these contributions. This result will be used as the frictional loss term, ∑ 𝐹, in the mechanical-energy balance equation. Use the Mechanical Energy Balance equation (2.7-28, Geankoplis, p. 103) to determine the actual or theoretical mechanical energy, Ws (J/kg), which must be added to the fluid by the pump: Mechanical Energy Balance (Incompressible Fluids) (𝑝2 − 𝑝1 ) 𝑎 ( ) (𝑣2𝑎𝑣 2 − 𝑣1𝑎𝑣 2 ) + 𝑔(𝑧2 − 𝑧1 ) + + ∑ 𝐹 + 𝑊𝑠 = 0 2 𝜌 Where a = correction factor: 1.0 (turbulent), 0.5 (laminar) v1av = average velocity (m/s) 14 v2av = average velocity (m/s) g = gravitational acceleration (9.80665 m/s ) z1 = height (m) z2 = height (m) p1 = pressure (N/m ) p2 = pressure (N/m ) ρ = density (kg/m ) ΣF = Sum of frictional forces (J/kg) Ws = mechanical energy supplied by pump (J/kg) Use the pump performance curves to eliminate pumps that cannot supply the necessary total head. Select the most efficient pump from those that can supply the required head. Use the values from manufacturers’ tables to obtain the fractional efficiency, n, of the pump at the specified flow rate. Calculate the shaft work delivered to the pump, Wp (J/kg): 𝑾𝒑 = − 𝑾𝒔 𝒏 Calculate the actual or brake power of the pump: 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒌𝑾 = 𝑾𝒑 𝒎 𝑾𝒔 𝒎 =− 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝒏 Calculate the developed head of the pump, H (m): 𝑯=− 𝑾𝒔 𝒈 Calculate the total electric power input (kW): 𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝑰𝒏𝒑𝒖𝒕 (𝒌𝑾) = 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒌𝑾 𝑾𝒔 𝒎 = − 𝒏𝒆 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝒏𝒏𝒆 15 Typical Electric Motor Efficiencies (ne) Power (kW) Efficiency (%) 1/2 77 2 82 5 85 20 88 50 90 100 91 500 93 16 SLURRY PUMP SELECTION Calculate the Clean Water Pump Head [HCW] and Total Discharge Head [Hsl] for the requirements of a work listed below and Select a suitable pump from the provided manufacturer's chart. Concentrations of Solid by Volume CV 20% Density of Solids SGs 2.5 t/m Requested flow Q 150 l/s Geodetic head H 20 m Pipe diameter D 200 mm Pipe length L 300 m Size of solids d85 3 3 mm 17 Graphs and Formulae STEP 1: SG of slurry ? SG conversion Chart A read here 2.5 20 Calculate by using the formula aboe or use Cv and SGs points on the Chart A 3 SGsl= 1.30 t/m or 1.28 18 STEP 2: Critical velocity? Table B: Critical Velocity V cr (m/s) for d85 and SG=3 Solid Size d85 (mm) Pipe D (mm) 25 50 75 100 150 0.2 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.7 0.3 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 0.5 1.4 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 0.7 1.4 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.4 1.0 1.4 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.0 1.4 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.4 >5 1.4 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.4 200 300 400 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.5 2.8 2.9 2.5 3.0 3.1 2.5 3.0 3.6 SG correction graph C [ since the table above is for SG=3] V cr= 2.5 m/s Correction Factor= V cr= read from Table B 0.87 2.175 m/s read from Graph C Critical velocity Q= Actual velocity= Vactual= V=Q/A 4.78 m/s A= V cr *correction factor 0.15 m3/s 0.0314 m2 Actual velocity Compare & Comment: Actual velocity is higher than the critical velocity, OK! If other way around, solids will settle inside the pipe and block the pipe. 19 STEP 3: Total Discharge Head? Frictional Loss correction factor Chart D 40 30 Cv 20 10 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Correction Factor Correction Factor= 1.17 read from Chart D Frictional Loss= Hfrsl= Frictional Loss x Correction Factor Frictional Loss Chart E 100 [Requested Flow] frictional loss factor 100 Frictional Loss= 30 m Frictional Loss correction factor Include Correction Factor= Hfrsl= read from Chart E (frictional loss factor/1000m)xPipe length 1.17 read from Chart D 35.1 m frictional loss * Frictional loss correction factor Total discharge Head=Hsl Hsl=H+Hfrsl H= Hsl= 55.1 m 20 20 m STEP 4: Clean Water Pump Head? Head Reduction DR factor Diagram F 0.045 2.5 3 HR factor K= 0.013 read from Diagram F HR= 1-K(Cv/20) HR= 0.987 Hcw= Hsl /HR Hcw= 55.8 m 21 STEP 5: Choose a pump from the manufacturer's chart G Hcw= Q= 55.8 m Q= 150 l/s 3 540 m /hr Flow Rate scale is Logarithmic Conclusion: Pump Code No:150 is suitable for the work (read from the Chart G) If the range is not available in the Chart G, check higher capacity pump charts from manufacturers. 22