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Nishat Linen Internship Report: HR & Management

Nishat linen
Ms. Amina Hameed
Iftikhar ul Hassan
All blessing is for ALMIGHTY ALLAH, who is the entire source of all kind of
wisdom and knowledge. My praise for the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
(Peace be Upon Him) the most perfect and exalted one among and of ever
born on the surface of the earth,
I feel indebted and highly grateful to honourable Head of Department Irfan
ul Haq (Deputy Manager) and Madam Amara (training instructor). Special
thanks go to MS Amina Hameed my internship advisor who guided me to
do an internship in a well-renowned company to enhance my skills and
I also feel indebted to all the respected staff of NISHAT LINEN and special
thanks to my supervisor Mr Waseem (Senior HR Manager Retail) and Mr
Faham Rustam (HR officer) who gave me very effective guidance to make
this work successful.
Special thanks to my parents who guide me in my whole life and provide me
with the opportunity to study in the renowned institute of Pakistan
Iftikhar ul Hassan
Dept. Of management science
Executive Summary
By the blessings of Almighty Allah, I have successfully completed my Six
weeks’ internship during my Bs (BA) program. I joined Nishat linen (Nishat
Group) at Firozpur road Lahore from 22nd July to 3rd September. I feel lucky
to work with such a dedicated and result-oriented team. They have helped
me in every possible way they could. I was involved in several different tasks
in the Human resource department.
Nishat Group is one of the largest textile industries in Pakistan with a little
diversification towards power generation and dairy sectors. In their textile
product-line, they are producing Cotton Yarn, fabric and finished garments.
And they are exporting their products to several customers in 35 different
countries around the globe. Nishat has over 36,00 employees with a yearly
turnover of 550 Million US dollars, with assets of over 700 million US dollars.
In the very start of the report there, I have discussed the brief introduction
of the organization and historical background along with its mission and
vision statement. In this report, I have also discussed the organization
structure. Then the Marketing Strategy is discussed to get an overview of
how the organization is marketing its products and to whom.
Business Process analysis has vital importance, which is also discussed.
Moreover, Competitive Strategies are also discussed. Whereas I have also
discussed SWOT analysis of the company which shows the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats the organization is facing. Some
suggestions and recommendations are given by my side in this report. And
in the last, I have discussed my learning as an intern by describing duties,
accomplishments, new knowledge acquired, Problems encountered, and
the impact on my future career
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction of Nishat .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Nishat linen.............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Product of Nishat linen ............................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Vision statement ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.5: Mission statement .................................................................................................................. 6
Business Operations ................................................................................................................... 7
2.1- Organizational Chart: ........................................................................................................... 7
2.2: SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................... 7
2.3- Marketing Strategy ............................................................................................................... 10
2.5- Business Process Analysis................................................................................................... 13
2.6- Marketing department ...................................................................................................... 13
HR Policies and Practices ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.1: Job analysis........................................................................................................................ 14
3.5: SELECTION ............................................................................................................................ 17
3.6: Training and development .................................................................................................... 18
3.7: performance appraisal .......................................................................................................... 19
3.8: Compensation and benefits ................................................................................................... 20
3.9: Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 21
Learning as an internee ............................................................................................................ 21
Conclusion. ............................................................................................................................... 24
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 24
1. Organization history and background
1.1 Introduction of Nishat
The Nishat group is founded by Mian Yahya Mansha back in 1951.This man
has vision, courage and integrity. He has started his journey from a leather
business in 1918.After the partition of subcontinent he moves to Pakistan
here in Pakistan he started beginning from a cotton business then moves
toward textile, insurance and chemicals business. At age of 51 in 1969 he
died but in that short period of time he achieved so much. He also elected
as a chairman of textile association of Pakistan. In 1959 take the charge of
that business by Mian Mansha. Due to his splendid leadership he achieves
the milestone and brings the 30 Company on boards. Mansha who owns
the MCB now start the billion dollar projects of paper sack. He is richest man
in Pakistan and he is married with Yousaf Saigol’s daughter.
Following is the list of companies in the group.
Nishat power generation unit Faisalabad
DG khan cement
MCB bank
Packages power ltd
Adamjee insurance ltd
1.2 Nishat linen
Nishat Linen is the stitching unit of Nishat group which situated 21-kilometer
Firozpur road Lahore .it is established in 1951 .it is modern and vertically
and the horizontally integrated textile company of Pakistan. The company
have 8 to 10 stitching halls online and offline marketing department and
most modernize the designing department. the company total 3700
employees which are currently working there.it has a total of 67 outlets in
all major city of Pakistan these are the products of the company.
1.3 Product of Nishat linen
Stitched and unstitched cloths
kids’ clothes
Home textile (including Pillowcases, comforters, Napkins, Bedsheets
and many more).
1.4 Vision statement
To transform the company into a modern and dynamic yarn, cloth and processed
cloth and finished product manufacturing company with highly professionals and
fully equipped to play a meaningful role in sustainable basis in the economy of
1.5 Mission statement
To give quality items to clients and explore new markets to advance/extend
offers of the organization through great administration and encourage a
sound and dynamic group, to accomplish ideal costs of results of the
organization for maintainable and impartial development and thriving of the
1.6 Quality Policy
We cooperate as a group for usage and persistent improvement of the absolute
quality framework so as to accomplish the fulfilment of our inside and outer
2. Business Operations
2.1 Organizational Chart
HR Manager
Manager HR
Admin Manager
Project Director
ccounts Manage
Miss Naz Mansha is the President & CEO of Nishat linen, he is responsible
for the formation and implementation of the strategies. Aurangzeb Amin is
the Company Secretary & Head of Legal, he is responsible for the legal
affairs of the company. Mr. Irfan ul Haq is the head of Human resource
department his responsibility is to overlook and manage all functions of HR.
Madam Amara is training instructor of Nishat linen his responsibility is to
analysis the training need and provide the day to day training. Mr. faham
Rustam is Hr officer of retail his responsibility is to requirement and
selection and appointment of employees on shops and Mr waseem is
payroll officer of retail he manage the pay related task and Mr Aqeel and
MR Mubisher are joiner Hr officer whose responsibility is to manage the
day to day task like record keeping and file management and employees
related others issues
2.2 SWOT Analysis
2.2.1 Strengths:
Nishat Linen is a leading Yarn producing and exporting group in
Pakistan. Major Strength of Nishat linen Textile mills limited is that it
is operating in Pakistan. And Pakistan is an agricultural country,
therefore, it is the first largest cotton producer in the world. So, the
availability of the raw materials i-e cotton is easy. And it is easy to
maintain a good relationship with the suppliers, which helps in the
strong supply chain.
Nishat Linen is also taking great interest in technological
advancement due to which they have the latest machinery for
manufacturing and quality control laboratories are equipped with the
latest equipment making it better than the competitors. The
advantage and to never compromise on quality.
Another strength for Nishat linen is data availability, they have
recently implemented oracle system due to which every from
foreman to top management everyone has the data available to
make their decisions in runtime. This makes the board of directors
and managers have data available at any time which makes them in
a better position to analyze outcomes.
Talented and highly qualified Product development staff that is highly
capable to meet with the changing demands of the customers.
2.2.2 Weaknesses
During the last 7 to 8 years, there has been a huge downfall of the
textile sector. That is the reason behind the employee turnover.
Nishat linen had tried hard and managed to retain the front-line
managers, but the low-level employees are still resigning.
Another weakness the entire textile industry of Pakistan is facing is
due to political instabilities and the policies that have forced the
textile industry to move out of Pakistan where there are more suitable
policies like Bangladesh. Increased taxes and subsidies cut-offs
have made it difficult for the textiles industry to operate in Pakistan.
But still Nishat linen group is dedicated to serving its nation in many
ways, therefore are facing many difficulties.
Nishat linen mostly focuses on the European market where the
technology is so much advanced. They have implemented the latest
technologies available in Pakistan but still, they are unable to cope
with the technologies in Europe. Due to this lack of technology, they
lack in the Research field.
2.2.3 Opportunities
In order to cope up with the technologies emerging economies, there
is a vast room for improvement. By applying new technologies there
is a possibility of achieving a lot.
As they are lacking in R&D. So, by taking some measures and
establishing the Research and Development department they can
perform better and can penetrate the market in a better way.
Nishat Linen is a well-known brand in other countries because of its
B2B marketing. There is a clear opportunity for them to launch their
products under their Brand Name in other countries as they have
launched in Pakistan. It can prove very beneficial and profitable for
2.2.4 Threats
Due to the devaluation of the currency, the organization is struggling
to maintain profitability. As the value of rupee is decreasing as
compared to the dollar so every purchase of materials or
technological equipment from abroad cost much than before. So, it
is a threat for Pakistan textile industry as the customers can move to
other countries where manufacturing cost are less.
As there is a growing competition of textile industry in Pakistan as it
is the cotton-producing country. So, all competitors can produce the
finest goods. So, Nishat linen must beat its competitors that are:
• sapphire group
• Sitara group
• Chenab group
• Sana Safinas
• Gul Ahmad. And many more.
Due to an increase in taxes, many small businesses have stopped
operation in Pakistan. So, there is a huge chance that Indian,
Bangladeshi and Chinese manufacturers can gain more market
2.3 Marketing Strategy
Nishat is using Focus strategy to run most of its operations at the
business level as they are dealing with a very specific and special
group of customers. Mostly, they deal through B2B marketing and in
other countries like Italy, Dubai, Germany, France etc. They are
engaging the customers through agents in every country. For
example, they contact the agent that deals in textile and fabrics, then
through that agent they find customers in those countries. Nishat is
mostly exporting its products. So, they gather their raw materials
from different vendors by taking samples and testing them and then
by customer approval they order that raw material from that vendor.
As, in B2B marketing, the customers are less but every customer is
significant because they make their purchase in bulk so Customer
relationship is very important for Nishat as they cannot afford to lose
their clients.
4p of Marketing
It is important to know the demand for product in markets before
starting its production. If someone comes up with the demanding
product which proves to be beneficial for the customers, he will be
getting high returns. The product should be classified and can be
easily produced.
Nishat linen is producing the cloths and exporting them to the
international market. Most of their production is done for international
brands except the brand NISHAT linen which is their local brand in
Pakistan. Their products are in accordance with the current fashion
of modern world. They know which type of products their customer
need form them, so they are doing very good market research due
to which they are producing satisfactory products for their customers
and meeting their needs properly.
Price is the main part of marketing because it has a big impact on
customer’s mind. Most of the times product is so good but due to
high prices customer does not purchase the product. Price of product
should be reasonable enough so that anyone can afford it and it
should be very properly produced that when customers use the
product they should feel complete satisfaction without any regret of
spending their money.
Nishat linen is doing their product pricing in such a smooth and good
manner that a large number of customers are buying their products
happily. The pricing of their product is decided by the marketing
department heads. After calculating all the cost, they set some profits
on the product and finalize the price. Prices of their products are so
reasonable neither so low nor so high.
Promotion means to promote or advertise the products to let people
know about the features of that product and also the things which are
used in the manufacturing of that product.
Nishat linen is promoting their product through their marketing teams
which they have hired in Pakistan and abroad. They display their
product in the stores in Europe Dubai and Pakistan so people can
physically see them and check the quality of fabric. Sometimes
discount is given on products to attract customers.
While producing a product the targeted audience should be in the
mind of producers, that to whom we are serving our products, for
example, Apple iPhone is targeting the rich people who have much
money to spend on their products. The targeted audience research
is very important in marketing, without doing it you cannot sell your
products in the market.
Nishat is doing research on its targeted audience. They know who
only their customers are and who is best among them. Nishat is
producing most of the products for the people of Pakistan and
Europe because they know what the current fashion in the market is.
2.4 Competitive Strategy
Competitive Strategy is a company's long-term plan to gain a
competitive advantage over its competitors. It is aimed at creating a
superior ROI (Return Over Investment). These types of strategies
play a key role in a company's success or failure in the long-term.
Before evaluating competitive strategy, an organization needs to
briefly go through its strengths, weaknesses, etc. Companies mostly
evaluate competitive strategy based on SWOT Analysis, Market
Share to drive required sales revenue.
Nishat is a market-oriented organization and their designs are based
on the latest trends and they also introduce new styles on a seasonal
basis. Their designs are frequently changing and in a matter of years,
they have managed to be on top is a tough competitor to brands like
sapphire, Sana Safinas, Generation, Gul Ahmed, Khadi. They are
providing the high-end quality fabric with trendy designs using
Differentiation focus strategy offering customers just what they want.
By offering competitive prices and quality has helped them establish
large client base nationwide and abroad.
2.5 Business Process Analysis
According to Porter’s Value Chain model, there is two type of
activities – Primary activities and Support Activities. Primary
activities are those which are directly related to manufacturing,
Selling and maintenance and manufacturing of the product. While
support activities are those that support the primary activities.Here,
in Nishat the Primary activities are carried out by Marketing and
secondary/support activities are carried out by administrative
departments like the Accounts department, HR department etc.
2.6 Marketing department
One of the most important departments for every organization is the
marketing department. In NISHAT LINEN, the marketing department
does not directly deal with the customers rather they contact with the
agents. As discussed earlier that Sapphire sells most of its products
in foreign markets. So, to market the product in the foreign market is
very difficult. So, agents are contacted, those agents help the
company in gaining customers from their country. In order to get a
bulk order from the customer, they follow a complete road map that
is First, the agent along with client provide development samples and
upon those development samples, the organization must provide
with the Proto Samples (prototypes), If they are approved then
further, they prepare salesman samples. After that, if the company
requires it gives an order for production for which pre-production
samples are sent to the customer. Customer satisfaction is very
important which is done through various feedback mechanisms and
having a great product development team, as samples are prepared
through the product development department.
There is a sub-department of the marketing department that is
Material Management and control. This department is responsible
for the purchase of materials other than fabric because they
themselves produce a fabric. They take purchase requests from
marketing personnel and contact different vendors for samples and
those samples are tested for quality assurance and purchase order
is made for purchasing from a specific vendor. Their main job is Rate
Negotiation, Quality assurance and Service.
2.6.1 Local marketing
Nishat linen has its own outlet for Pakistan market. they have a total
of 67 outlets in all over Pakistan. for doing the sale on that’s outlet
they always do seasonal marketing and on important days they offer
sale 30% off. After-sale they have an excellent policy of exchange of
the product.
Human resource department
3.1 Job analysis
In the job analysis, the HR Department of Nishat Linen plays a key
duties and
responsibilities. They systematically collect, evaluate, and organize
information about jobs task and candidate responsibilities.
3.1.1 Job specification
Once you have collected the information about the job now you are
able to make
"Job Specification" profile. In Nishat Linen limited the job
specification includes:
Skills required for performing the job
Training needed for the job
Interpersonal skills and communication skills.
3.1.2 Job evaluation
Job evolutions are the process which we analyses the job completely
The complexity of the Job.
How much Stress one can Bear.
Compensation budget requirements.
Experience Requirements.
Abilities requirements.
3.1.3 Methods for Collecting Job Analysis Information
In Nishat mills limited they use interview, questionnaire and
observation. These methods are implemented as follow: By the Interview
In Nishat mills limited Human Resource Department conduct job
analysis interview to find competent information from the employee.
The interview is mostly conducted by the employed time by time and
analysis of the job of all the employee. That is difficult for the Hr
manager that he is conducting the interview from all the employees
and then analysis the job of the employee. By Observation
Observation method is easy for the h.r manger from the interview in
this method the manger only looks after or observe the entire
employee within a short period of time. In Nishat mills limited some
jobs are analyzed through direct observation of HR manager e.g.
assembly line worker and accounting clerk. Questionnaires
In this procedure, the HR manager fills out a questionnaire from
employees to describe their job-related duties and responsibilities.
They use a structured format for questionnaires and also use openended questions.
3.1.4 Job descriptions
In Nishat mills limited there is no standardize methods for writing a
job description. However, most descriptions contain a section that
To whom the employee is responsible.
What are the Job designation, title, and location?
Job tasks and duties, responsibilities.
Working conditions.
3.2 Recruitment and selection
Recruitment is the process in which we are creating a pool of
candidates. After creating that’s a pool of candidate then we choose
our desired candidate that’s candidate goes through the selections
process those candidates who successfully clear the selection
criteria they will be selected for a job.
3.3.1 Internal recruitment
Recruiting candidates in Nishat mills limited Human Resource
Department first recruit the employees from the company. For this
purpose, they establish personal records and skill banks. These help
them in finding competent employees. Internal sources of Nishat
mills limited are
Job posting
Rehiring Job posting
Job posting means given the higher post from the previous post to
the employee that is good for the employee for the development of
the career of the employee. In the job posting Human Resource
Department publicize the job to employees by posting it on company
intranets or bulletin boards. Rehiring
Rehiring means the company hire those employees who will leave
the company and retire from the post of the company, so the
company hire those people that is good for the company due to those
employee familiars with the company.
3.4 External Recruitment
External recruitment is the process which the company recruit the
employee from outsides the company. NISHAT linen used that’s
method very rare. and they are using these methods for hiring the
employee outside.
3.4.1 Recruiting through internet
Internet is a very easy method for external recruitment but that is
costly for the company in which the company pay the employment
agencies for recruitment. In Nishat mills limited most of the time job
ads are given on internet because today most of the people use the
internet. In this way, they got a relevant resume and many of which
include the necessary experience for the required post. They use
many other sites for job ads like
3.4.2 Employment agencies
In Nishat mills, limited recruitment is also made with some
employment agencies in Pakistan. These agencies recruit some
experienced jobs and managerial jobs. These employment agencies
help all the company those wanted to hire the persons and want to
hire those people who are competent and have a great experience.
3.4.3 Application
Through the application, the candidate personally fills the application
and send to the company for the post which is required by the
3.5.1 Preliminary screening
In this Stage, the HR Department performs the function of
3.5.2 Proper interview
After the shortlisting, proper interview is conducted by the Personnel
Manager in which general suitability of a candidate is evaluated.
3.5.3 Interview for skills testing
In this stage, the candidate's technical knowledge and experience
are assessed by the concerned department's manager. The result of
the interview is discussed with the Personnel Manager for further
consideration. If the candidate passes this stage, then he/she is
called the next stage.
3.5.4 Final interview
This final interview is conducted by the Personnel Manager and two
important areas are discussed.
Negotiation on pay
Working conditions and the employment contract is also
3.5.5 Investigation
Background of a candidate is investigated by the personnel
department about the information’s which the candidate has given.
3.5.6 Final selection
After successfully completing all the stages he is finally selected for
concern job. The selection process can be summarized in the
following way.
Preliminary screening
Initial interview
Technical interview
Final interview
Background investigation
3.6 Training and development
3.6.1 Employee Orientation
Employee Orientation is the process in which the management gives
an introduction to the new hire employees. they tell us about
organizations culture norms value and tells us about the important
locations and mess club gem etc.
3.6.2 Training and development
after the placement of the employee in Nishat they conduct the TNA
training need assessment those candidates who are unable to
perform the job they sent for training In Nishat, they are arranging
the training for their old employee.
3.7 performance appraisal
Performance appraisal is the system which we analyses the
performance of every employee in Nishat that’s functions is
performed by the line manager with the assistant of the HR
The objective of the system is to get the performance feedback which
allows the employee, manager and Personnel Manager to step in
with appropriate actions to improve the performance.
3.7.1 360-degree appraisal system
The 360-degree appraisal system is mostly and commonly used in
companies. Mostly it is done for senior management; the company
takes the feedback of their senior management by workers, coworkers, employees, customers, suppliers and other business
In Nishat mills limited mostly they have hired a Supervisor for
appraising the employees having a log of employee’s good and bad
behavior during a particular period of his job and they review the
Check Yearly performance
Through Performance ratting
Who should do the appraising?
The line manager and Hr. the manager is responsible to do the
Promotions and transfers:
In Nishat linen promotions is totally depend on performance
appraisal if an employee performs well he will be promoted if not
sometime demotion happen promotions and transfers are based on
these things,
It is based on the past service record and performance appraisal
The person is evaluated individually before promotion.
It depends on the vacant seats (whether exist or not).
Only recommended and adequately qualified persons are
When the person becomes capable to perform and take the
responsibility of his/her boss, according to the succession plan he
should be promoted upward in the hierarchy.
3.8: Compensation and benefits
“All forms of pay or rewards going to employees and arising from
their employment”
Nishat textile mill limited follow to all laws and regulations of
government. For instance, Nishat follows Minimum Wage Board Act,
3.8.1 Objectives of compensation
Compensation is enough to attract applicants.
Retain employees.
Compensation management maintain internal and external
Comply with legal regulations imposed by the government.
3.8.2 How pay rates are established?
Nishat mills limited has established its pay rates
To conduct a survey outside the companies and then established the
pay rate for his employee.
Matching the worth of the job of the employee.
Matching the group whose pay that’s rates.
Established the pay with the pay grade.
3.9: Recommendations
In Nishat production department they hire the low skills employee on
the lower salary after some period of the time when they get how to
know of work and some sort of skills, they left the organizations that
are the most beige loss for Nishat. Management needs to develop a
comprehensive compensation plan and hire the skills employees.
In designing department, most of the female worker has most of the
senior manager and their colleague harass them but the human
resource management has no clear policy on harassment
management needs to develop a harassment policy and that
provides the security to female worker and designers
In Nishat management has a centralized system all the decision
made by top management and there is a huge gap between top and
middle and lower-level management. The top executive needs to
reduce that gap and involve all stakeholder in decision making.
Job analysis is not done properly just the line manager told the HR
this kind of employee is required Nishat management need to
develop a comprehensive job analysis.
Learning as an internee
Assistance in payroll
Most of the time on my internship I have spent with payroll executive.
they give me a brief understanding about how to make salary by
using the oracle system, how to mark leaves and CPL and how to
cut days how to count late comer and finally how to keep a record of
each and everything.
Learn file management
At Nishat, the turn out ratio is very high so they always recruit the
new employees especially temporary employees so whenever they
hire new employees, they ask me to make file I arrange the candidate
documents and makes the and arrange that’s a file on different racks
according to department wise and employee code wise.
Learn the usage of oracle
In Nishat, they are using the oracle system. They give me a brief
introduction of that’s software and after that’s my hole internship I
have used that’s system and now I have a complete understanding
of oracle system.
Learn excel
Before the internship, I have a little bit of idea of excel. But at the
internship, they gave me a different task that’s performed on excel
like count the canteen and club dues and transportations dues and
keep the record of leaves in the catchment and another necessary
Learn about social security and other policies of HR
At Nishat linen they have multiple policies for employees these
policies are insurances policies and social security and provident
fund and loan policy and attendance policy I get knowledge about all
these policies how these policies apply and what is the benefit of
employees get.
4.1 Problems encountered
Employees misbehave with me mostly as their problems like
leaves were not being cleared just because of Eid holy days.
Financial problems I face as NISHAT did not provide any financial
Transport facility was not available with me.
Top management is not supportive at all.
The non-serious attitude of old employees. They don’t want to do
I found a big gap while communicating with old employees.
Self-learning was there as nobody was going to help me.
Internship tenure was just 6 weeks was not enough to get all
department learning.
4.2: New knowledge acquired
How manager organize and hire new employees so that they
come into a fit in just a few days of training.
Bookish knowledge is quite different from actually happening. We
talk in the book very professional approach while in the
organization you have to do a task using just organization
resources no one is going to financial help you while everyone in
the top management is there to criticize you if you do something
How textile companies manage their resources and do a sale.
How to manage files in the office how to make a new file.
How to use oracle system for HR.?
Knowledge about official norm and work ethics
They give me brief coaching on my weakness and how to
4.3 Future impact on my carrier
This short time period internship gave me a chance to improve my
carrier. It was a very learning process for me, and it had stored its
impact on my carrier in the following way
It will help me in the future to fit in the organization
It helps me the learning of corporate culture in Pakistan which is
a key point that will effective on my carrier if I do the job in
Retailing in the textile sector will help me in the future if I join the
textile sector
The sale is a tough job I learn there but it’s quite interesting it is
very useful in creating your own goodwill or reputation.
This internship has given me practical knowledge which I can
post in CV as experience.
This was a good and useful experience to implement one's studies
in practical life. I gained new knowledge, skills and met many new
people. I got insight into professional practices being performed in
the organization. Related to study, I learned more about marketing,
finance and human resources and how they are being managed.
Further, it is important to understand the concepts of the courses and
learning objectives in their industrial aspects. This internship
program also helped in sharing knowledge, ideas and opinions. This
internship program was also helpful in determining our strengths and
weaknesses. Also helped in defining what new skills and knowledge
is required in coming time. At last, this internship has given new
insights and motivation to pursue our career. I concluded that the
human resource department of Nishat linen limited is very strong and
good. The process of recruitment in the Nishat linen limited is very
good for both internal recruiting and external recruiting. The
appraising system of the Nishat textile mill limited also very well and
they are checking the performance to the employee and given them
training if they need.
ahmad, A. (2012). Internhsip Report on Nishat mills . Retrieved 2019, from
mehmood, A. (2015). Internhsip report on NIshat linen. Retrieved 2019, from
Weekly report #1
I came into office at 9 am and fill some necessary form and get the
confirmation of my internship. I wait some time then recruitment
manager came into office and he introduces me to all staff in HR
department. after the break time sir Waseem shb tell me about the
HR department how the different function of human resource
management has been performed he also take the short interview.
Sir Aqeel shb gives me task of data entry I enter the data of two to
three hundred employees. He also guides me how to makes files and
how to makes card of new hire employees. After the completion of
first week, my boss sir Irfan ul Haq shb take a short interview what I
learn in the whole week.
Weekly report #2
In the start of second-week madam, Amara gives me task of file
audit. she also tells me importance of data and file in HR and how to
perform this task. basically there are 1700 files which I checked
during my internships. in files audit I checked the employee’s id card
expiry date all the educational and experience certificate and offer
letter appointments letters increment letter. After that, I make the
complete record on excel and gives to madam.
Weekly report #3
In third week payroll executive explain compensation system of
Nishat and also explain how to makes salary by using the oracle
system how to maintain the attendance on system how to punch
attendance manually and how to punch leaves and leave policy of
Nishat how cut the days for the latecomer then work with them a
weeks and perform these tasks I assist them in two payrolls and one
overtime they gives me data and I mark that on oracle system, they
also tell requirements of leave encashment I also makes the leaves
encashment of employees.
Weekly report #4
In fourth week I work with market department. marketing manager
Saqib shb introduce all staff and their job. Then they explain about
recent marketing campaign and marketing budgeting, how to make
budget and how to lunch market campaign and how they doing the
marketing of their products on social media successfully and for local
marketing how they select the vendor and they allocate the budget
according the location. they also give me small task regarding
marketing research and advertisement that’s I perform and then
takes some data for internship report and return to the HR
Weekly report # 5
In week five first two days I spend with account staff take the
overview of account department and other days I spend in Hr
department where I perform assign task these tasks are making
record of club and canteen and transportations cost and making the
employees insurance cards apply for social security help for cv
screening and interview and makes files of new hire employees
makes JD, an offer letter and appointment letters.
Weekly report # 6
In week six I take the information from the different manager for
completion of internship report. And get information about the
different policy of HR like loan policy leave policy and recruitment
and layoff rule and information about training and development of
employees and information about provided fund and social security
and eligibility and for this benefits. Then others days I spend on
report making on last day of my internship I submit and check my
internship report to my head of department.