Experimental Study on Strength Behaviours of Clayey Soils by Using Lime and Bagasse Ash Wint Thiri Maw#1, Htay Win*2, Nu Nu Win#3 # Department of Civil Engineering, Yangon Technological University Insein Township, Yangon, Myanmar 1wintthirimawytu@gmail.com Abstract – In this paper, two different natural clayey soils – CL, CH are mixed with lime only and lime-bagasse ash to analyse the improvement of the strength of soils. Yangon Technological University (YTU) soil is CL – Lean Clay and North Dagon (ND) soil is CH – Fat Clay. Bagasse, the fibrous residue of sugarcane straws, is cheap and eco-friendly. By using bagasse ash, disposal problems can be reduced. A lot of admixture of soils with different percentages of lime and bagasse ash were defined and modelled. The various laboratory tests for this research are physical tests such as moisture content, free swell ratio, specific gravity, sieve analysis, hydrometer, Atterberg’s limit tests- liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit and mechanical tests such as standard proctor compaction test, California bearing ratio test (CBR). This research includes lime and bagasse ash ratio of 4%lime-6%bagasse ash (L4B6), 4%lime-8%bagasse ash (L4B8), 4%lime-10%bagasse ash (L4B10), 6%lime6%bagasse ash (L6B6), 6%lime-8%bagasse ash (L6B8), 6%lime-10%bagasse ash (L6B10) for YTU soil and 4%lime6%bagasse ash (L4B6), 4%lime-8%bagasse ash (L4B8), 4%lime-10%bagasse ash (L4B10), 6%lime-4%bagasse ash (L6B4), 6%lime-6%bagasse ash (L6B6), 6%lime-8%bagasse ash (L6B8) for ND soil. At first, two different soils are mixed with L4, L6, L8 and L10. The CBR strengths are very low at natural condition. The CBR values increase remarkably by adding lime content but CBR values decrease at L10. At 8% addition of lime, the CBR strengths of two soils are the best. Therefore, B6 and B8 were added to L4 and L6 to reduce the lime per cent and to get the same strengths of L8. The CBR strengths of lime and bagasse ash ratio are better than original soils. However, CBR strength of ND soils - L6B8 does not develop like L6B6. Therefore, B4 was re-mixed to this L6 of ND soil. This study gives the effective ratio of lime – bagasse ash to stabilize the clayey soils. bad smell, breeding ground for insects and clogging of drainage system. Bagasse ash is re-use and re-cycle of waste and then it can reduce harmful traditional stabilizers. Bagasse ash can be reduced emitting of additional CO2 because bagasse ash is already available and making cement emit CO2 from the industry into the atmosphere. Today, using waste materials - Bagasse ash as partial replacement of cement making eco efficient concrete is called Green Concrete. The combination of bagasse ash and hydrated lime is more effective than bagasse ash only in controlling the strength characteristics of clay. Moreover, geotechnical engineering constructions such as pavement foundations, lightweight fill in road embankments, lightweight backfill behind retaining walls, highway construction and fibre reinforcing materials as a replacement for foundation will be used. This paper aims to analyse the physical and mechanical properties of local clayey soils, to get better knowledge of optimum lime and bagasse ash content and to improve the strength of local clayey soils. II. MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM The two soils are taken as disturbed samples from the depth of 2 feet. The two soils are burnt 24hrs in oven to know moisture content. And Free Swell Ratio test (FSR) was performed. The natural soils were performed Specific Gravity test, Sieve analysis test, Hydrometer test and Index Properties test such as Liquid limit, Plastic limit and shrinkage limit. From the results, these two soils can be analysed whether they are different soil samples or not. Soils are classified by Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). After this, the natural soils are mixed with lime and lime-bagasse ash. These natural soils and treated soils were performed Standard Proctor Compaction test. By using Optimum Moisture Content from compaction test, CBR (unsoaked) and (soaked) was carried out to determine the strength behaviours of clayey soils. Finally, physical tests of treated soils were performed. Keywords – Clayey Soils, Lime, Bagasse ash, Strengths, Compaction, CBR, UCS I. INTRODUCTION Weak deposits such as clayey soils are characterized by low bearing strength and shear strength. Clay may cracks and damage on pavement, road ways, building foundations or any other civil engineering construction projects and need maintenance cases. So, to ensure safety and stability for the buildings, infrastructures, roads and dam, preconstruction treatment of this soil is essential. At present, the stabilizing chemicals like lime and cement are becoming expensive. Generally, the properties of clay are researched by mixing lime and cement with different ratios and tests. So, we should test cheap bagasse ash which will be one of the good stabilizing agents for clay. In addition, the clayey soil strengths will improve by using waste materials like bagasse ash for soil stabilization. Sugarcane is abundantly available in tropical region. Bagasse ash, by-product from sugar mills, has a substantial amount of amorphous silica which can react with lime. If sugarcane straws are stockpiled, this can cause serious environmental hazard problems such as causing fire and A. Soil Clayey soils are easy to shrinkage and more difficult to have its strength, hold a lot of water and it can become waterlogged. The first soil sample was taken from Yangon Technological University (YTU) campus, Insein Township and the second soil sample was taken from North Dagon (ND) Township. YTU soil is yellow colour and ND soil is light black colour. The soils retained on #200 sieve are tested with EDX. Main per cents of quantitative results of EDX are shown in Table І and Table ІІ. The major oxide forms of both soils are same and YTU soil has higher SiO 2 than ND soil. 1 for 24hr. The bagasse ash burnt with 110 ̊ C gives lowest loss of carbon content – 5.28% and more SiO2. Therefore, this ash is acceptable for test. Quantitative results of EDX are shown in Table V. TABLE I YTU SOIL Analyte SiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 K2O Result 37.467% 29.346% 18.702% 11.696% TABLE V 110 ̊ C, 24HR BURNT BAGASSE ASH Analyte SiO2 K2 O Al2O3 CaO Fe2O3 SO3 MnO ZnO TiO2 Rb2O SrO CuO Y2 O3 TABLE IIІ ND SOIL Analyte Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 K2O Result 35.057% 32.009% 17.929% 12.669% Characteristics of natural soils are shown in Table ІІІ and Table ІV. Classifications of two soils are carried out Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Result 43.392% 24.594% 17.910% 8.980% 1.916% 1.528% 0.726% 0.342% 0.214% 0.206% 0.103% 0.076% 0.012% TABLE IIIІІ CHARACTERISTICS OF YTU SOIL Characteristics Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt/Clay (%) Natural water content (%) Liquid limit (%) Plastic limit (%) Plasticity index (%) Linear shrinkage (%) Specific gravity Free Swell Ratio Group Symbol Group Name Value 1.06 6.48 92.46 25.17 48 22.64 25.36 6.03 2.69 1.38 CL Lean Clay C. Lime Lime, one of the traditional and chemical stabilizers, is the effective method for ground improvement. It is widely used in construction. It stabilized bases and sub-bases form a water resistant barrier which stops penetration of rain water. The lime amount of 5 to 10% is generally used for more than 50% of silt-clay fraction. Therefore, 4, 6, 8, 10% of lime was used in this study. Quantitative results of EDX are shown in Table VІ. TABLE VІ LIME Analyte CaO Al2O3 Fe2O3 SrO TABLE IVV CHARACTERISTICS OF ND SOIL Characteristics Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt/Clay (%) Natural water content (%) Liquid limit (%) Plastic limit (%) Plasticity index (%) Linear shrinkage (%) Specific gravity Free Swell Ratio Group Symbol Group Name Value 0.24 4.02 95.74 38.33 51.8 21.03 30.77 6.8 2.7 1.39 CH Fat Clay Result 79.456% 20.331% 0.146% 0.067% III. TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Treated specimens were prepared by mixing the soil with lime and bagasse ash with various ratios. A. Atterberg’s limit Test The comparison of various results - Liquid limit(LL), Plastic limit(PL), Plasticity Index(PI) and Shrinkage limit(SL) of YTU soil and ND soil are shown in Fig.1 and 2. YTU soil has lower water content, shrinkage and PI value than ND soil. Moreover, specific gravity and FSR are nearly same. As a result, two soils are high plasticity and low FSR. B. Bagasse Ash The natural sugarcane ash was obtained from the local sugar mills and put in the open atmosphere. The bagasse ash was burnt in oven with different temperatures and different hours – 800 ̊ C for 4hr, 850 ̊ C for 5min, 110 ̊ C 2 Fig. 1 Atterberg’s limit test results of YTU soil MDD and OMC of L8 of two soils are not very different too much. Fig. 2 Atterberg’s limit test results of ND soil Fig. 4 Lime Vs Water content According to the Figures, the liquid limit (LL) and plastic limit (PL) values are flocculation. LL of L4 for two soils is the highest and that of L6 is the lowest. This shows that L4 absorbs a lot of water. The PL of L4 for YTU soil and L8 for ND soil are higher than any other. The PI of both soils decreases steadily with the addition of lime content. This shows that they are more fragile and increase workability. The SL of YTU soil rises rapidly from L0 to L10. The SL of ND soil increases from L0 to L4 and then becomes stable. The reduction in PI increases SL, in other word, increases volumetric changes. B. Specific Gravity Test The comparison of Specific Gravity (sp.gr) test results is described in Fig. 3. In general, sp.gr results of clayey and silty soils are ranging from 2.6 to 2.9. Therefore, sp.gr of natural CL and CH soil are 2.69 and 2.7. The common mineral for two soil is Montmorillonite. The other sp.gr of two soils mixed with lime content lies around 2.0. Fig. 5 Lime Vs Dry density 2) Soils mixed with lime – bagasse ash The OMC and MDD results of L0B0, L4B6, L4B8, L4B10, L6B6, L6B8 and L6B10 for YTU soil can be compared in Fig. 6 and 7. The addition of bagasse ash has a remarkable effect on compaction. The OMC of L4B6 and L6B6 increases slightly but L4B8 and L6B8 decreases significantly. Again, the OMC of L4B10 and L6B10 soil rocketed to nearly 29% and 27%. But MDD drops dramatically to 88lb/cu.ft. Fig. 3 Sp.gr results of YTU soil & ND soil C. Standard Proctor Compaction Test Compaction test results of maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) are shown in Figure. 1) Natural soil and Soils mixed with lime The MDD and OMC in Fig. 4 and 5 have flocculation with the addition of lime content from 0% to 10%. The natural two soils have peak MDD of over 100 lb/cu.ft. The lowest OMC of YTU soil is L8 and ND soil is L6. But both soils have highest OMC at L10 with the lowest MDD. The Fig. 6 Lime-Bagasse Ash Vs Water content 3 D. California Bearing Ratio (CBR test) The CBR results of (unsoaked and soaked) of the two soils are shown in Fig. 10 to 15. According Fig. 10 and 11, the CBR strengths (unsoaked) of natural two soils are above 5%. By mixing lime, CBR strengths (unsoaked) increase with the maximum strength observed at L8. The soaked conditions also rise with flocculation. The peak values of CBR (soaked) are L10 for YTU soil and L6 for ND soil. Therefore, L4 and L6 are mixed with bagasse ash (4% to 10%). Fig. 7 Lime-Bagasse Ash Vs Dry Density The variation results of ND soils for L4B6, L4B8, L4B10, L6B4, L6B6 and L6B8 can be shown in Fig. 8 and 9. The OMC of L0B0 and L4B6 have no change. However, the OMC of L4B6 to L4B10 increases rapidly but MDD decreases significantly. The OMC of L4B4 to L4B8 is stable. The OMC of L6B6 to L6B10 rises sharply but MDD has same behaviour of YTU soil. Fig. 10 CBR of YTU soil mixed with lime Fig. 11 CBR of ND soil mixed with lime The YTU soil mixed with lime-bagasse ash content has its peak value at L6B8 as shown in Fig. 12 and 13. The ND soil mixed with lime-bagasse ash content also has optimum value at L6B6 as shown in Fig. 14 and 15. The CBR strengths (soaked) of both soils gain higher values than CBR (unsoaked). Fig. 8 Lime-Bagasse Ash Vs Water content Fig. 12 CBR (unsoaked) of YTU soil mixed with lime-bagasse ash Fig. 9 Lime-Bagasse Ash Vs Dry Density 4 2. 3. 4. 5. Fig. 13 CBR (soaked) of YTU soil mixed with lime-bagasse ash 6. 7. Fig. 14 CBR (unsoaked) of ND soil mixed with lime-bagasse ash 8. Sp.gr values of soil mixed with lime are lower than that of natural soil. It is found that natural YTU and ND soils are low CBR values whereas L8 is the best for both CL and CH soil. For unsoaked condition, CBR strengths of L8 are about 2.5 times greater than that of L0. For soaked condition, CBR strengths of L8 are about 9 times greater than that of L0. It is also investigated that two soils mixed with bagasse ash to L4 do not have effective value like L6. However, L6B8 for CL soil and L6B6 for CH soil have better remarkable results than L8 for CL, CH soil. For unsoaked condition, CBR strengths of L6B8 are about 3 times greater than that of L0. CBR strengths of L6B6 are about 2.5 times greater than that of L0.For soaked condition, CBR strengths of L6B8 are about 5 times greater than that of L0. CBR strengths of L6B6 are about 12 times greater than that of L0. Moreover, CBR strengths (soaked) of L6B8 and L6B6 are better than that of L8. However, CBR strengths (unsoaked) of two soils mixed with lime and mixed with lime-bagasse ash are nearly same. This analysis shows that the natural soils are suitable only for subgrade but soils mixed with lime-bagasse ash can be used for subbase. As a result, Bagasse ash can be partially replaced and reduced lime content to improve strength in clayey soil stabilization. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to acknowledge Dr. Nyan Myint Kyaw, Professor and Head of Civil Engineering Department, Yangon Technological University, for providing encouragement. Special thanks are also owed to U Htay Win, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Yangon Technological University, for giving helpful advices and comments in doing this paper. The author also thanks to Daw Nu Nu Win, lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Yangon Technological University. I would like to acknowledge all the people who encouraged and supported to me to complete successfully during undertaking of this paper. Fig. 15 CBR (soaked) of ND soil mixed with lime-bagasse ash The peak CBR values of two soils mixed with lime-ash are shown in Table VVІ and VVIІІ. 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