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Health Assessment NOTES

Key points
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 11:38 AM
Chapter 5
Know how to assess the judgement of the older adult to assessing mental status
Know when to incorporate mental status exam into health history and when there is a need to conduct a
full exam
Chapter 6
Know how to assess patient for cocaine use and withdraw symptoms
Know the assessment used to test for new memory
Know how to assess patient for alcohol use
Know how to measure how much alcohol the patient is drinking and classifications for the amount of
alcohol they are drinking
Know how to assess patient for heroin use and withdraw symptoms
Know the effects of alcohol on the older adult
Chapter 11
Know how pain affects older adults
Distinguish between normal and abnormal aging processes
Know how to assess and treat patient with nociceptive pain
Know non-verbal cues for pain
Know how to assess for quality of pain
Chapter 24
Know the functions of the frontal lobe and how to recognize signs and symptoms of injury
Know how the function of cranial nerve VII and the manifestations for dysfunction of cranial nerve VII
Know when to perform a complete neurological assessment.
Know how to assess quadricep reflex, normal and abnormal findings
Chapter 14
Know how to assess lymph nodes and the areas that are considered the most accessible
Know the normal vs abnormal findings when auscultating the thyroid
https://nursinggalencollege-my.sharepoint.com/personal/iboyd_galencollege_edu/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={0ec82de5-1355-43e3-bdbe-2d55bd95c5c6}&action=view&wd=target%28_Content Li… 1/2
Chapter 15
Know how to perform a Hirshberg test
Know what to do when a patient reports sudden vision loss
Know the normal and abnormal finding when using the Snellen chart
Know normal vs abnormal findings when assessing the outer structure of the eyes
Know the normal vs abnormal findings when assess pupillary light reflex
Chapter 16
Know how to perform a whisper test
Know how to assess and educated a patient with a perforated eardrum
Know about cerumen blockage in the ear
Chapter 17
Know how to assess for signs and symptoms of a throat infection
Know normal vs abnormal findings when assess the nose
Chapter 13
Know how to identify purpura
Know how to identify petechiae
Know the normal vs abnormal findings of the nail structure
Know normal vs abnormal finding when palpating the nail
Know how to identify jaundice
Know how to identify hyperpigmented patches
Know how to identify a papule
Chapter 18/21
Know how to identify and prioritize the risk for breast cancer
Know how to educate patients on performing the breast self-examination
Know how to palpate axillary lymph nodes, normal vs abnormal findings
Know the signs and symptoms of lymphadenopathy
Know what lymph node would be related to a breast infection
https://nursinggalencollege-my.sharepoint.com/personal/iboyd_galencollege_edu/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={0ec82de5-1355-43e3-bdbe-2d55bd95c5c6}&action=view&wd=target%28_Content Li… 2/2