Basic plastic surgery techniques and principles: Flap surgery In the fifth part of our series, Ben Taylor and Ardeshir Bayat explain the finer points of reconstructive flap surgery so there is no need for you to get yourself into a flap about it Last month, we considered the lower rungs of the reconstructive ladder.1 At times, however, the simple steps are not sufficient, and the art of plastic surgery comes to the fore. The plastic surgeon can move pieces of tissue, known as flaps, around the body to create a desired end result. Here we provide a brief overview of the science behind flap surgery. The concept of flaps A flap, like a skin graft, is an autotransplantation of tissue. The main difference between the two, however, is that a flap takes its original blood supply with it, whereas a graft is completely stripped of its blood supply during transfer. Because of this, flaps can be made thicker, and can do a lot more than skin grafts. Flaps are used when a skin graft is unsuitable or would leave the defect with inadequate bulk. Flaps are more resistant to infection than grafts,2 Flap jargon explained Primary defect—defect to be filled Secondary defect—hole left by raising the flap Pedicle—entry point of the blood supply to the flap Base—proximal part of the flap, which contains the pedicle Tip—part of the flap furthest from the pedicle Tubing—when a flap “bridges,” or goes from one point of the body to a distant one, the middle bit is detached from the body and is rolled into a tube to minimise the risk of infection Delay—raising the flap before transfer to improve the blood supply Transposition—lateral movement of a flap into a primary defect Rotation—rotation of a flap into a primary defect Advancement—moving a flap forward into the primary defect Pivot point—point around which a rotation or transposition flap pivots Local flap—flap which covers a nearby primary defect 322 Distant flap—flap moving from one area to an entirely different part of the body Random pattern flap—flap without an identified source artery Axial flap—flap based on a known source artery Peninsular flap—pedicle consisting of the same layers as the rest of the flap Island flap—pedicle consisting of only the subcutaneous component Free flap—vascular pedicle is divided; the graft is removed and placed on a distant part of the body. Microsurgical techniques are used to reattach (anastomose) the blood vessels Angiosome—three dimensional block of tissue supplied by a single source artery Choke vessels—small narrow anastomoses between adjacent angiosomes Skin flap—flap consisting of skin alone Fasciocutaneous flap—skin flap and deep fascia Myocutanoeus flap—skin flap and muscle Osseomyocutanous flap—skin, muscle, and bone Muscle flap—Muscle alone and they allow you to go back into the wound for second stage repair. In addition, microsurgical techniques allow the flap to have some motor or sensory function, even reanimation of a paralysed face.3 Flaps were used to repair noses as long ago as 600 BC in India.4 But historically, flaps have had their limitations, as Harold Gillies wrote in 1957, “Plastic surgery is a constant battle between blood supply and beauty.”5 In the past 40 years, advances and rediscoveries in understanding the viability of flaps and their blood supply have given surgeons more freedom. Blood supply to the skin In 1987, Ian Taylor published his work on the blood supply to the skin and reintroduced the concept of an angiosome.6 An angiosome is similar to the dermatome, which you may learn about in anatomy. Whereas a single nerve root supplies a dermatome, an angiosome is the three dimensional block of tissue supplied by a single vascular system. If the source artery is blocked, the angiosome can get some blood from neighbouring angiosomes but to get there the blood has to follow narrow calibre tortuous anastomoses. An analogy is closure of a motorway leading to choking of the small winding country roads with traffic. Appropriately, these channels are known as “choke vessels.” If a flap is raised, therefore, without its source artery, the flap will rely on choke vessels for its survival and may fail. One way around this problem is to use the “delay phenomenon.”7 The concept is simple: you raise the flap but leave it for one to three weeks allowing the choke vessels to dilate and perfuse the flap. The arteries to the skin come from three sources. They can perforate up from the deeper tissues, either directly from a deep artery or indirectly from a muscular artery. Other channels of blood supply follow connective tissue planes such as deep fascia. Finally, direct cutaneous arteries exist and provide a good basis for a flap. Common examples include the deltopectoral flap, based on branches of the internal mammary vessels, and the groin flap, based on the superficial circumflex iliac vessels. These flaps are known as axial pattern flaps, as they have an artery running along their axis. Because of STUDENT BMJ VOLUME 11 SEPTEMBER 2003 this they can be extremely long unlike a random flap, which is restricted in length. Skin flaps The simplest type of flap is a skin flap. As the name suggests, it consists of only skin. The size of such a flap is limited by the angiosome concept, but the delay phenomenon can be used to help. Skin flaps are usually used on the face, which has a good blood supply. For more information on the different types of skin flaps, see webextra material on Tissue expansion One way of increasing the size of a local skin flap is to use a mechanical device—a tissue expander—to stretch the tissue. These expanders are usually silicone balloons that are inflated periodically to stretch the tissues. After a long period of progressive expansion, usually over a matter of weeks, the excess tissue can be used as a local flap. The procedure is useful in reconstructing hair bearing areas, such as the scalp. However, the technique has its problems; a large balloon under the skin looks very odd, and the patient may not tolerate several weeks of this. In addition, minor complications such as scar widening and pain, as well as serious complications such as haematoma, infection, flap ischaemia, implant failure, and the expander breaking out of the skin may occur. Despite these problems, expanders are widely used and usually achieve excellent results. Muscle flaps It is not only skin which may be transferred in a flap. Muscles are useful as they have a good blood supply and the locations of the vascular pedicles are well known.8 Muscles are also versatile and can be used for providing bulk to the reconstruction when desired. Owing to their good blood supply, muscles provide a good surface for receiving a skin graft. Another way to get skin cover is to use the skin and other tissues overlying the muscles, as a myocutaneous flap. This has other advantages in that more skin can be taken, as the junction between two angiosomes usually lies over a muscle. Fasciocutaneous flaps Sometimes the use of a myocutaneous flap can leave a bulky appearance that is cosmetically undesirable. A layer of deep fascia will allow you to take a large amount of tissue as a flap on the basis that blood vessels follow connective tissue layers, and will not have the same bulk as a myocutaneous flap. Options for managing tissue defects using the reconstructive ladder This technique is especially useful and successful on the limbs.9 Distant flaps In 1973, plastic surgery advanced further.10 A left iliofemoral flap was raised and then the pedicle was divided to remove the flap entirely from the body and leave it without a blood supply. This briefly disembodied flap was then used to fill a defect on the right lower tibia, and microvascular techniques were used to suture the blood vessels into suitable recipient sites and reperfuse the flap. Hence the free flap was born. Today, free flaps allow the closure of defects all over the body and grant the plastic surgeon a new degree of flexibility in treating the patient. Within a few years of the development of free flaps, plastic surgeons discovered more and more suitable donor sites and understood the factors relevant to success or failure. The skills and abilities during the delicate microsurgical techniques required improved with experience. Despite this, the anastomoses are delicate and sometimes fail. Conclusion With all the tools available, a plastic surgeon can repair many defects and give the patient a good, functional, and cosmetic outcome. These techniques include an increasing element of risk as you move up the reconstructive ladder. Therefore, it is always wise to start at the bottom and work your way up, trying the simplest technique that will work. (See figure left.) Defect Ben Taylor third year medical student Is the wound infected, or are there problems with the blood supply? Yes No Attempt to treat the problem Success Can the wound edges be brought together without tension? No Yes Failure Depth? Secondary intention healing Skin Primary closure Muscle Bone Size? Large Small Will a skin graft take on the wound? Yes Is a local flap available? No Skin graft Yes Local flap Healed wound STUDENT BMJ VOLUME 11 SEPTEMBER 2003 No Free flap Ardeshir Bayat honorary lecturer and specialist registrar in plastic and reconstructive surgery, University of Manchester 1 Taylor B, Bayat A. Basic plastic surgery techniques and principles: wound healing. studentBMJ 2002;11:271-3. 2 Mathes SJ, Alpert BS, Chang N. Use of the muscle flap in chronic osteomyelitis: experimental and clinical correlation. Plast Reconstr Surg 1982;69:815-29. 3 Mayou BJ, Watson JS, Harrison DH, Parry CB. Free microvascular and microneural transfer of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle for the treatment of unilateral facial palsy. Br J Plast Surg 1981;34:362-7. 4 Wallace AF. The early development of pedicle flaps. J R Soc Med 1978;71:834-8. 5 Gillies HD, Millard DR. The principles and art of plastic surgery. Boston: Little and Brown, 1957. 6 Taylor GI, Palmer JH. The vascular territories (angiosomes) of the body: experimental study and clinical applications. Br J Plast Surg 1987;40:113-41. 7 Callegari PR, Taylor GI, Caddy CM, Minabe T. An anatomic review of the delay phenomenon: I. experimental studies. Plast Reconstr Surg 1992;89:397-407, discussion 417-8. 8 Campbell J, Pennefather CM. An investigation into the blood supply of muscles, with special reference to war surgery. Lancet 1919:i;294-6 9 Cormack GC, Lamberty BG. A classification of fasciocutaneous flaps according to their patterns of vascularisation. Br J Plast Surg 1984;37:80-7. 10 Daniel RK, Taylor GI. Distant transfer of an island flap by microvascular anastomoses: a clinical technique. Plast Reconstr Surg 1973;52:111-7. 323