Uploaded by Matthew Uy

Birthday Polynomial Project: Algebra & Personal Expression

Birthday Polynomial Project
To create, characterize, and graph a polynomial function that reflects you!
1. Write IN ORDER the digits of the month (1 or 2 digits), day (1 or 2 digits), and year (4
digits) of your birthday. For example, December 25, 1954 would be12251954.” (The
digits you could have is 8, and the least is 6).
2. Create a polynomial using your birthday digits as zeros.
3. After choosing your zeros,
4. Using an online web calculator, create a graph of your polynomial.
a. Experiment with the shape of your birthday polynomial by changing the signs of
various zeros. Try to create a polynomial function with an interesting shape and
some turning points. Be creative! You’re trying to express yourself in this graph!
5. Analyze your polynomial by finding these characteristics:
a. The y-intercept
b. All relative minimums and maximums
c. A description of the end behavior & a sentence describing why this occurs
Make a presentation of your polynomial. Again: be creative! How does the polynomial reflect the
person you are? Be colorful, but be neat! Be artistic, but be accurate! At a minimum, your
presentation should include a visual representation of the graph of your polynomial and a
paragraph summarizing your findings in Part 5, above.
Your grade will be weighted as a PROJECT score for inclusion in the second nine weeks’
grading period. Your score will be based on three criteria
The accuracy of your polynomial (did you follow instructions?) 10 points The completeness and
accuracy of your graph & analysis (do you know what you need to know about polynomial
functions?) 65 points The accuracy, neatness, originality, and creativity of your graph &
presentation (can you artistically convince me that you ARE your polynomial?)- Color! Decorate!
Show me something about YOU! 25 points