Although a power analysis could not be completed the data had a large sample N = 2495. Given our number of items is only 13, there are also enough participants per item. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to analyze the underlying factors in attitudes towards conspiracist beliefs in jamovi (Love, Dropmann, & Selker, 2018). Bartlett’s test indicated correlation adequacy, 2(78)= 18977 , p < .001, and the KMO test indicated sampling adequacy, KMO = 0.937. Figure 1 Scree Plot Table 1 Factor Loadings Factor 1 2 3 4 Uniqueness Q8 0.979 0.152 Q3 0.850 0.266 Q12 0.727 0.292 Q1 0.893 0.319 Q11 0.733 0.367 Q6 0.569 0.389 Q10 0.355 0.678 Q13 0.637 0.400 Q4 0.600 0.369 Q5 0.574 0.507 Q9 0.557 0.469 Q7 0.790 0.295 Table 1 Factor Loadings Factor 1 2 3 Q2 4 Uniqueness 0.716 0.345 Note. 'Principal axis factoring' extraction method was used in combination with a 'promax' rotation Table 2 Correlation Matrix 1 1 2 3 4 — 2 3 4 0.585 0.764 0.619 — 0.870 0.814 — 0.864 — A scree plot examination suggested 2 overall factors, as the plot suggested any following factors would place below the threshold eigen value of 1. Principal axis extraction was used with a promax rotation because of expected factor correlation. Based on parallel analysis a 4factor model was suggested. In this case a 3-factor analysis was tested as supported by parallel analysis giving specific factor correlations instead of the scree plot. Also, the fourth factor contained less than 3 items, which meant dropping Q2 and Q7 as they failed to correlate with the three main factors. Factor 1 included 3 items that assessed UFO Suppression Beliefs, with questions such as “evidence of alien contract is being concealed from the public” and “secret organizations communicate with extraterrestrials but keep this fact from the public”. Factor 2 included 4 items that appeared to assess for Beliefs of Governmental Nefariousness with questions such as “the government is involved in the murder of innocent citizens and/or well-known public figures and keeps this a secret”. Finally, Factor 3 included 4 items that assessed for Negativity towards scient and technology with questions like “Groups of scientists manipulate, fabricate, or suppress evidence in order to deceive the public”. Factor reliability analyses were conduct for all three factors and Factor 1 showed a Cronbach’s of .899; Factor 2 showed a Cronbach’s of .820 and Factor 2 had a Cronbach’s of .830. Given these results there appears to be adequate reliability across the factors.