Research: History of Telescopes “How have telescopes developed our understanding and interest of the Universe?” Write an essay based on the history of telescopes, beginning with Galileo’s first use of a telescope to the next generation “James Webb” Space Telescope. Rules of the Research Task: Your essay has to be a minimum of 100 words. Include images to relate to your text. You must mention the names of at least 5 different telescopes and their locations. You must mention the type of telescope it is. You must write down your references, i.e., say at the end of your essay where you obtained the information from. Do this for images too. Write in your OWN words. You must NOT copy and paste text from websites. Use the website to inform you. Area Mark scheme Marks Names, Locations and type of telescope Content and Word count minimum Images Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG) References Plagiarism (cut & paste) No telescopes mentioned 0 Some telescopes mentioned with some information missing 2 At least 5 telescopes mentioned along with their location and types 4 A poor essay, not making the minimum word count and has irrelevant information in it. 0 Word count met, but structure is poor. 2 Satisfactory content, structured OK and word count met. 4 A succinct essay, logical, interesting, explaining their importance to society and word count met. No images 6 At least one image, possible with no relevance or isn’t referred to in the text. 2 At least one image which is referred to within the text 4 Poor SPAG with major errors 0 Satisfactory SPAG, with some errors 2 Excellent SPAG, with no or very few errors No references written or identified 4 0 0 References are written None Some A lot All Total 2 0 -5 -10 -20 20