School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Faculty of Engineering School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Hydrotreament of bio-oil from spent coffee grounds to produce renewable diesel Completed by: AR de Melim 25063502 North-West University Potchefstroom Campus Supervisor: Dr R. Venter 6 November 2017 1 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering ABSTRACT The main focus for this study was the hydrotreatment of bio-oil that was extracted from spent coffee grounds to produce a good quality transportation fuel. The spent coffee grounds used for the extraction process was collect from various coffee shops in Potchefstroom. The alternative transportation fuels or bio-hydrocarbons were produced by hydrotreating the extracted coffee bio-oil in the presence of 2 different hydrotreating catalysts. The effect of the catalyst choice as well as the reaction temperature on the feed conversion, fuel product boiling range distribution and the liquid product composition, yield and calorific values was evaluated. The feasibility of using spent coffee grounds as an alternative feedstock for transportation fuel production was evaluated. The coffee bio-oil was extracted from the spent grounds by means of soxhlet extraction and 2 different solvents, namely polar methanol and non-polar hexane. The highest recorded oil extracted yield of 17.55 % was obtained by using the non-polar solvent hexane. This is due to the lower molecular charges that the non-polar solvents has, which provides a better penetration into the feed matrix. Due to a higher amount of oil being extracted through the non-polar solvent. It is therefore concluded that the fatty acid oil in the SCG mostly consists of triglycerides. A reaction temperature range of 350 °C to 410 °C with a 20 °C increment was chosen in this study. The hydrotreating catalysts, NiMo-Al2O3 and CoMo-Al2O3 have been evaluated in every set of the chosen reaction conditions. The initial hydrogen pressure, reaction time and amount of feedstock was kept constant at 90 bar, 60 minutes and 40 g respectively. The reactor vessel was purged with nitrogen to eliminate all oxygen present and the catalysts were activated by pre-sulphuring with H2S/ Ar. It was found that the most appropriate temperature in terms of diesel selectivity, liquid product composition, calorific value and liquid product yield were obtained at a reaction temperature of 390 °C for catalysts. It was found that in terms of feed conversion, calorific values, and liquid product yield both the NiMo-Al2O3 and CoMo-Al2O3 catalyst produced values within the experimental error margin, indicating that the two catalysts produced the same results. However, in the case of the fuel yield and liquid product composition, a clear difference was seen. The NiMo-Al2O3 catalyst produced a higher qualitative liquid product with lower amounts of cyclic compounds, aromatics and oxygenates in its composition and less heavy fuel oils being produced. Due to its better qualitative value, the liquid product produced in the presence of i School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering NiMo-Al2O3 at 390 °C was deemed the most appropriate liquid product to compare to the diesel standard of South Africa. Analysis of this liquid fuel showed that the fuel has a sulphur content of less than 1 ppm, a water content of 30.3 mg/kg and an oxidation stability of larger than 12 hours. It also recorded a T90 temperature of 305 °C at which 90 weight percentage of the product has been distillated. All of the mentioned results fell well within the SANS 342 diesel standards. However, a low flashpoint of 35.8 °C has been recorded as well as a high cloud point temperature of 16 °C. These results do not satisfy the diesel standards, however these shortcoming could be improved. The lighter components present in the liquid product may be flashed off to increase the overall flash point. Isomerization processes may also be conducted on the liquid product to increase the isomer content in order to improve the cloud point temperature, which will result in a high quality transportation fuel produced from spent coffee grounds. The more appropriate temperature in terms of diesel selectivity and liquid product composition was at 390 ° and the better catalyst was found to be NiMo-Al2O3 due to the higher qualitative liquid product that was produced. ii School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP I declare that this report is a presentation of my own original work. Whenever contributions of others are involved, every effort was made to indicate this clearly, with due reference to the literature. No part of this work has been submitted in the past, or is being submitted, for a degree or examination at any other university or course. Signed on this, 6 day of November in Potchefstroom. _________________________________ INITIALS AND SURNAME iii School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS “Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you.” George Whitefield I would like to thank my family and friends for supporting me and most of all I would like to thank God for giving me the strength to continue through the most difficult days. I as the author of this dissertation would like to thank the following people for their support and help in completing this project: Dr. Roelf Venter for being there no matter the time for guidance and advice. Dr. Sanjay Karmee for his guidance and advice. Mr. Jan Kroeze and Mr. Adriaan Brock for their technical support during my experimental processes. Mr. Gideon van Rensburg for his guidance and advice in the laboratory during my experimental and analytical procedures. Mr. Nico Lemmer for his assistance in and analysis using the bomb calorimeter. All the personnel and students from the School of Chemical Engineering for all the support and advice to complete my project. iv School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background and motivation..................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem statement .................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Aim and objective ................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Scope of the dissertation......................................................................................... 2 1.5 Study outline ........................................................................................................... 3 Literature Review ........................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Renewable Feedstock ............................................................................................ 6 2.3 Bio-oil Extraction Processes ................................................................................... 9 2.3.1 Supercritical CO2 Extraction ............................................................................. 9 2.3.2 Soxhlet Extraction .......................................................................................... 10 2.4 Renewable Diesel Processes ............................................................................... 10 2.4.1 3. Hydrotreatment .............................................................................................. 10 2.5 Modern Hydrotreatment ........................................................................................ 20 2.6 Hydrotreatment Problems ..................................................................................... 20 2.7 Concluding Remarks............................................................................................. 21 Experimental Method ................................................................................................... 23 3.1 Materials and Reagents ........................................................................................ 23 3.1.1 Materials ........................................................................................................ 23 3.1.2 Gasses and chemicals ................................................................................... 24 3.2 Soxhlet extraction ................................................................................................. 26 3.2.1 Experimental Setup........................................................................................ 26 3.2.2 Experimental method ..................................................................................... 27 3.3 Hydrotreatment process ........................................................................................ 30 3.3.1 Experimental setup ........................................................................................ 30 3.3.2 Experimental method ..................................................................................... 32 3.4 Analytical equipment and methodology ................................................................. 36 3.4.1 Oil extracted yield .......................................................................................... 36 3.4.2 Produced Hydrotreatment Liquid product yield............................................... 36 3.4.3 Triglycerides analysis..................................................................................... 37 3.4.4 Bomb Calorimeter .......................................................................................... 37 3.4.5 GC-MS........................................................................................................... 38 3.4.6 ICP-OES Analysis .......................................................................................... 40 3.4.7 Eralystics ERAFLASH .................................................................................... 41 v School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 3.4.8 4. Cloud point .................................................................................................... 42 Results and Discussion ................................................................................................ 43 4.1 Oil extraction from SCG ........................................................................................ 43 4.1.1 Effect of solvent used for extraction process on the bio-oil yield .................... 43 4.1.2 Effect of solvent used for extraction process on the bio-oil composition ......... 45 4.1.3 Effect of solvent used for extraction process on the bio-oil calorific value ...... 46 4.2 Hydrotreatment of oil extracted from spent coffee grounds ................................... 47 4.2.1 Ni/Mo hydrotreating catalyst ........................................................................... 47 4.2.2 Co/Mo catalyst results.................................................................................... 56 4.2.3 Catalyst comparison ...................................................................................... 63 4.2.4 Produced liquid product comparison with SANS342 ...................................... 67 5. Conclusion and recommendations ............................................................................... 75 6. References .................................................................................................................. 78 Appendix A- SCG extraction calculation .............................................................................. 86 Experimental error calculations for various solvent extractions ........................................ 86 Calculation of weight percentage of FFA present in the extracted SCG bio-oil ................ 86 Experimental error calculation for calorific values ............................................................ 87 Appendix B- Catalyst comparison ....................................................................................... 89 Appendix C- Calculations of hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of both NiMo/Al2O3 and CoMo/Al2O3 ......................................................................................................................... 91 Experimental error calculations for the feed conversion ................................................... 91 Experimental error calculations for the liquid product yield .............................................. 92 Experimental error calculation for calorific values ............................................................ 92 Selectivity calculations for the product liquid .................................................................... 93 Appendix D- Simulation distillation graphs .......................................................................... 94 Appendix E- Analytical results ........................................................................................... 101 Highest calorific values obtained for both catalysts ........................................................ 101 Flash point of most appropriate liquid product ............................................................... 103 GC-MS chromatograms ................................................................................................. 104 Oxidation stability .......................................................................................................... 108 Method for GC-MS analysis........................................................................................... 109 Appendix F- ECSA exit level outcomes (ELO’s) ................................................................ 110 ELO 1: Problem solving ................................................................................................. 110 ELO 2: Application of scientific and engineering knowledge .......................................... 110 ELO 3: Engineering Design ........................................................................................... 111 ELO 4: Investigations, experiments and data analysis ................................................... 111 ELO 5: Engineering methods, skills and tools, including Information Technology .......... 112 ELO 6: Professional and technical communication ........................................................ 112 vi School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering ELO 7: Sustainability and impact of engineering activity ................................................ 113 ELO 8: Individual, team and multidisciplinary working ................................................... 113 ELO 9: Independent learning ability ............................................................................... 114 ELO 10: Engineering Professionalism ........................................................................... 114 ELO 11: Engineering Management................................................................................ 114 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1. 1- Carbon dioxide cycle of coffee bio-oil. ............................................................... 1 Figure 1. 2- Study outline. .................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2. 1- Effect of recycling rate of paper on production energy and CO2 emissions. ...... 7 Figure 2. 2- Coffee consumption worldwide in 2010. ............................................................ 7 Figure 2. 3- Deoxygenation pathways during hydrotreatment. ............................................ 12 Figure 2. 4- Methanation side-reaction during hydrotreatment. ........................................... 13 Figure 3. 1- Display of Soxhlet extractor set up. ................................................................. 26 Figure 3. 2- Pictorial view of experimental setup within the wet bench ............................... 27 Figure 3. 3- Summary of experimental extraction procedure. ............................................. 28 Figure 3. 4- Rotary evaporator apparatus. .......................................................................... 30 Figure 3. 5- Pictorial view of the hydrotreating reactor after complete setup. ...................... 32 Figure 3. 6- Summary of hydrotreatment experimental process. ........................................ 33 Figure 3. 7- Pictorial display of the removal of the produced hydrotreatment liquid product.35 Figure 3. 8- Pictorial display of produced clean liquid product. ........................................... 35 Figure 3. 9- Pictorial view of the Bomb Calorimeter. ........................................................... 38 Figure 3. 10- Pictorial view of the GC-MS........................................................................... 39 Figure 3. 11- Pictorial view of the ICP-OES machine.......................................................... 40 Figure 3. 12- Pictorial view of the ERAFLASH. ................................................................... 41 Figure 3. 13- Pictorial view of the cloud point analyses. ..................................................... 42 Figure 4. 1- Average extraction yield calculated for desired solvent. .................................. 44 Figure 4. 2- Quantitative results of free fatty acids present in bio-oil extracted by means of different solvents. ................................................................................................................ 45 Figure 4. 3- Calorific values of extracted bio-oils from different extraction solvents. ........... 47 Figure 4. 4- Hydrotreating experimental repeats at a temperature of 390 °C in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3..................................................................................................................... 48 Figure 4. 5- Effect of temperature on the feed conversion in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. 48 Figure 4. 6- Temperature effect on liquid product composition in the presence of a NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst ........................................................................................................... 50 Figure 4. 7- Hydrotreating experimental repeats at a temperature of 390 °C in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3..................................................................................................................... 51 Figure 4. 8- Hydrotreating experimental repeats at a temperature of 390 °C in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3..................................................................................................................... 52 Figure 4. 9- Liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al¬2O3. .............................. 53 Figure 4. 10- Liquid product weight yield in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. ............................ 53 vii School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure 4. 11- Calorific values of liquid products at different temperatures in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. ....................................................................................................................... 54 Figure 4. 12- The temperature effect on the liquid fuel boiling range distribution from hydrotreated coffee bio-oil in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. ................................................. 56 Figure 4. 13- Effect of temperature on the feed conversion in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. ........................................................................................................................................... 57 Figure 4. 14- Influence that temperature has on the liquid product fuels produced from hydrotreating coffee bio-oil in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. ............................................... 58 Figure 4. 15- Liquid fuel produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. ................................... 59 Figure 4. 16- Liquid product weight yield in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. ......................... 60 Figure 4. 17- Calorific values of liquid products at different temperatures in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. ...................................................................................................................... 61 Figure 4. 18- The temperature effect on the liquid fuel boiling range distribution from hydrotreated coffee bio-oil in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3................................................. 62 Figure 4. 19- Comparison of liquid fuel’s feed conversion and production yield percentage in the presence of different catalysts at an optimal temperature of 390 °C. ............................. 63 Figure 4. 20- Comparison of calorific values in the presence of different catalysts at an optimal temperature of 390 °C. ........................................................................................................ 64 Figure 4. 21- Comparison of liquid fuel’s composition in the presence of different catalysts at an optimal temperature of 390 °C. ...................................................................................... 65 Figure 4. 22- Simulation distillation of most appropriate liquid product produced at 390 °C in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. .............................................................................................. 70 Figure 4. 23- Chromatogram of the product liquid produced at 390 °C in presence of NiMo/Al2O3. ....................................................................................................................... 72 Figure A. 1- Calculation of the experimental errors for the different extracted bio-oils extraction yields by means of standard deviation. ............................................................................... 86 Figure A. 2- Quantitative calculation of FFA present in solvent extracted bio-oils. .............. 87 Figure A. 3- Calculation of the experimental errors for the different extracted bio-oils caloric values by means of standard deviation. .............................................................................. 88 Figure B. 1- Summary of all hydrotreating procedures done with the catalyst choice and reaction temperature as reaction variables.......................................................................... 89 Figure B. 2- Calculations of all hydrotreated procedures feed conversion. ......................... 90 Figure C. 1- Calculation of the experimental errors of the feed conversion for the hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. ........................................................ 91 Figure C. 2- Calculation of the experimental errors of the feed conversion for the hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C........................................................ 91 Figure C. 3- Calculation of the experimental errors of the liquid product produced and yield percentage for the hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. ..... 92 Figure C. 4- Calculation of the experimental errors of the liquid product produced and yield percentage for the hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. .... 92 Figure C. 5- Calculation of the experimental errors of the produced liquid products by means of standard deviation for both catalytic hydrotreating procedures. ....................................... 93 Figure C. 6- Demonstration for the calculation of each component’s selectivity in the case of all produced liquid products................................................................................................. 93 viii School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure D. 1- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 350 °C. ........................................................................................................ 94 Figure D. 2- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 370 °C. ........................................................................................................ 95 Figure D. 3- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. ........................................................................................................ 95 Figure D. 4- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 410 °C. ........................................................................................................ 96 Figure D. 5- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 350 °C........................................................................................................ 96 Figure D. 6- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 370 °C........................................................................................................ 97 Figure D. 7- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C........................................................................................................ 97 Figure D. 8- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 410 °C........................................................................................................ 98 Figure D. 9- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C experimental repeat #1. ................................................................... 98 Figure D. 10- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C experimental repeat #2. ................................................................... 99 Figure D. 11- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C experimental repeat #1................................................................... 99 Figure D. 12- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C experimental repeat #2................................................................. 100 Figure E. 1- Pictorial view of best-recorded calorific value in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 obtained from the liquid product produced at 390 °C. ........................................................ 101 Figure E. 2- Pictorial view of best-recorded calorific value in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 obtained from the liquid product produced at 390 °C. ........................................................ 102 Figure E. 3- Pictorial view of flash point obtained from most appropriate produced liquid product in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. ............................................................ 103 Figure E. 4- Chromatogram of extracted SCG bio-oil by using the non-polar hexane as the solvent. ............................................................................................................................. 104 Figure E. 5- Chromatogram of extracted SCG bio-oil by using the polar methanol as the solvent. ............................................................................................................................. 105 Figure E. 6- Chromatogram of produced liquid product in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C...................................................................................................................................... 106 Figure E. 7- Chromatogram of produced liquid product in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C...................................................................................................................................... 107 Figure E. 8- Pictorial view of the oxidation stability results obtained from the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. ......................................................... 108 ix School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering TABLE OF TABLES Table 2. 1- Recorded calorific values of fatty acids according to (Demirbas, 2016). .............. 9 Table 3. 1- Properties of the SCG. ...................................................................................... 24 Table 3. 2- Gasses and chemical used during extraction of coffee bio-oil and hydrotreatment of coffee bio-oil.................................................................................................................... 25 Table 4. 1- Comparison between produced renewable diesel against SANS 342 standards. ........................................................................................................................................... 68 Table E. 1- Method for GC-MS analytical machine. .......................................................... 109 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS µ Micro g Gram GC-FAME Gas chromatographic quantifier of fatty acid methyl esters GC-MS Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry h Hours HDC Hydro decarbonylation and decarboxylation HDN Hydrodenitrogenation HDO Hydrodeoxygenation HDS Hydrodesulphurization HTL Hydrothermal Liquefaction ICP-OES Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry kg Kilogram L litre m Meter min Minutes mL Millilitre mm Millimetre PPM Parts Per Million SCG Spend coffee grounds WFOME Waste Frying Oil Methyl Esters x School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and motivation Since the discovery that coal may be used as a primary energy source during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the usage thereof has increased dramatically throughout the years (Moore, 2016). In the modern age, the need for fossil fuels to fulfill the human’s day-today life has become one of the most important needs in our life. The global consumption rate for oil in fossil fuels yearly is estimated to be over 11 billion tones (Smith, 2011). Due to the realizing threat of the depletion of fossil fuels, an alternative method for the production of fuels is needed. Between the years of 1893 to 1899, Rudolf Diesel proposed and designed a diesel engine that would operate solely from bio-oils. The production of an engine that operates solely from biooils was the origin for the alternative methods to produce fuels (Jääskeläinen, 2013). The production of commercialized biofuels, namely biodiesel and bio-ethanol, are produced from food crops by means of transesterification and fermentation. However, the production of biodiesel by means of transesterification is an alternative solution for fossil fuels, it has certain limitations. These limitations include low oxidative stability, inefficient cold flow properties and low energy content compared to petroleum diesel (Shadid & Jamal, 2011). By means of hydrotreating the bio-oil, bio-hydrocarbons are produced which is more efficient compared to biodiesel (Shadid & Jamal, 2011). The bio-oil that is used in the production of renewable diesel may be extracted from beans and seeds. In South Africa alone, more than 20 000 tons of coffee is consumed per annum (Sakuragi, et al., 2016). Thus if these spent coffee ground can be used in the production of renewable diesel, it will provide a healthy and green cycle for the production and consumption of carbon dioxide as illustrated by Figure 1. 1. Coffee plant produces coffee beans Coffee plant uses CO2 to grow Renewable diesel is burned and CO2 is releashed Bio-oil is extracted from the coffee beans Bio-oil is used to produce renewble diesel Figure 1. 1- Carbon dioxide cycle of coffee bio-oil. 1 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 1.2 Problem statement The usage of biofuels in 2014 provided 4% of the world road transport fuel and it is expected to increase in the up and coming years (Williams & Jones, 2015). The production of renewable diesel from bio-oil is a worldwide used method for “green-diesel”, although the effect of reaction conditions for a NiMo/γ–Al2O3 and CoMo/γ–Al2O3 catalyst on the product yield and composition have not been compared using bio-oil that is extracted from a spent coffee ground feedstock 1.3 Aim and objective The aim for the project is to assess the quality and yield of the biofuel that is produced by the hydrotreament of oil, which was extracted from spent coffee grounds. In order to fulfill the aim, set for the project the following objectives must be met: To assess the effect of different solvents on the oil’s quality and quantity during soxhlet extraction (thus to produce sufficient bio-oil) To determine the optimum fuel yield for different reaction conditions during the hydrotreatment of oil extracted from SCG To compare the liquid product composition at different reaction conditions for the selected catalysts of NiMo/γ–Al2O3 and CoMo/γ–Al2O3 1.4 Scope of the dissertation The study consists out of two experimental procedures namely the extraction of bio-oil from SCG and the hydrotreament of the bio-oil at different reaction conditions. The extraction of the bio-oil from the SCG is done by means of a soxhlet extractor. Different solvents namely a polar Methanol and a non-polar Hexane is used as the extraction liquid. After the soxhlet extraction process is complete, the remaining liquid is collected and the used solvent is boiled off safely and the remaining liquid is the bio-oil. The obtained bio-oil from the soxhlet extractor method will undergo various analyses’ for yield, quality and energy content. The analyses are as follow: Yield analysis: Weight based calculations Quality analysis: Gas chromatography Energy content analysis: Bomb calorific meter The obtained bio-oil is then used in the production of renewable diesel by means of hydrotreating the bio-oil. As mentioned in section 1.3, the optimum fuel yield for different reaction conditions during the hydrotreamnet of the bio-oil is required. Thus, the hydrotreating 2 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering process will undergo 6 sub-experiments where different temperatures and catalysts is tested. Two catalyst types namely NiMo/ γ –Al2O3 and CoMo/ γ –Al2O3 will be used at different temperature ranges of 370°C, 390°C and 410°C. After each hydrotreating process, the liquid that remains in the reactor is the produced renewable diesel. The renewable diesel produced from the hydrotreated bio-oil will undergo various analyses’ to obtain the mention aim in section 1.3. The analyses’ are as follow: Yield analysis: Weight based calculations Quality analysis: Gas chromatography Energy content analysis: Bomb calorific meter ASTM diesel standard analysis: 1.5 o Viscosity o Flash point o Cold flow properties Study outline The layout of this study is illustrated by Figure 1. 2 as: Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Literature Review Chapter 3 Experimental procedure Chapter 4 Results Discussion Chapter 5 Conclusions Recommendations Figure 1. 2- Study outline. 3 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering The study outline is thus done in five chapters, where each chapter has a crucial piece of information. The study outline is further expanded as follow: Chapter 1: This section is thus the introduction section of the study. It gives an important background about the problem statement and derives an aim for the study with a scope for the execution of the aim. Chapter 2: This section gives a literature background about previous recorded data and experiments that has similarity and is deemed as important to this study. Chapter 3: This section is the practical part of the study where the experiments are performed. A detailed experimental setup and procedure is explained and given on the execution of the study’s experiments Chapter 4: This section is where the experimental data that was recorded during the procedures is illustrated and discussed. Chapter 5: In this section is where the conclusions and recommendations of the study is made. It is mentioned if the aim has been accomplished and if the study is plausible. 4 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Due to the exponential usage of limited fossil fuels and the threat of the depletion thereof, alternative energy feed stocks such as biomass is focused on. These biomasses may be classified into four origin bases namely food crops, residues and waste obtained from agricultures, forestry waste and industrial and human waste (Maity, 2015). These alternative energy sources are classified as eco-friendly resources due to it being recyclable. In Bangladesh, the usage of bio-energy sources is used due to the limiting amounts of the country’s fossil fuels and through the usage thereof, the power generation has increased from 0.3 to 0.5 percent (Ahmed, et al., 2014). With a rapid growth rate of the earth’s human population, the need for energy obtained from fossil fuels has also increased exponentially and thus it has been predicted that fossil fuels will be depleted by the year 2088 (Lior, 2008). By definition according to (Watson, et al., 1990), greenhouse gases are gases that contribute in the absorbance of infrared radiation from the sun. In 2015, 27 percent of the total greenhouse gases that were emitted in the annum was caused by means of transportation (United States Enviromental Protection Agency, 2017). From 1990 to 2012, the total emission of greenhouse gases per annum has increased by 41 percent and it is predicted that the earth’s surface temperature will have increased between 1.1 to 6.4 °C at the end of the 2100 (Samimi & Zarinabadi, 2012). A study done by (Utlu & Kocak, 2008) reviewed the conclusion that waste frying oil methyl esters may be used as a source for renewable energy. It was further concluded that the chemical as well as the physical properties for the waste frying oil methyl esters were similar to that of diesel fuel. In comparison to the diesel fuel, the WFOME has resulted in a 17.14 percent CO and 1.45 percent NOx decrease in terms of emissions, a 14.34 percent higher consumption rate and a decreased exhaust temperature of 6.5 percent. Promising alternatives for the production of transportation fuels have been produced from biomass. These alternative bio-fuels include fatty acid methyl ester or FAME and this fuel is more commonly revered to as biodiesel. This fuel however does not compare to well against commercialized fossil fuel diesel due to its poor cold flow properties and storage stability (Singaram, 2009). Along with the poor comparison the by-products are also consisted a negative part of the production of biodiesel. The byproduct glycerol, although it may be sold separately for the use by food industries, must firstly be pre-treated before obtaining the 5 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering valuable product. This pre-treatment process is deemed an expensive process and will result in an increase in the overall biodiesel production cost rate (Rehman, et al., 2008). Alternatively, renewable diesel may be produced by means of hydrotreating the bio-oil instead of transesterification of the bio-oil for the production of fatty acid methyl esters or FAME biodiesel. As mentioned in section 1.1 by means of hydrotreating the bio-oil, bio-hydrocarbons is formed. According to (Knothe, 2009) renewable diesel simulates petrodiesel , thus renewable diesel compares better against its counterpart biodiesel in terms of its cold flow properties and storage stability. Additionally for the production of renewable diesel, existing infrastructures of petroleum refiners is used, thus no additional capital cost is needed for the change of feed sources from fossil fuels to biomasses (Bezergianni & Kalogianni, 2009). 2.2 Renewable Feedstock As mentioned in section Introduction , for the production of alternative transportation fuels biomasses are used instead of fossil fuels. Specifically for the production of transportation fuels the biomass bases used for this is food crops, residues and waste obtained from agricultures. Large biomass industries have been created to produce mass amounts of bio-oil, one of which is a large palm oil industry located in Malaysia. They grow and extract palm oil from the fruit grown in palm trees to supply it for the use as a biomass energy source (Yusoff, 2006). Biomasses may be used as both food or energy sources and thus the problem arises that which option has higher priority. A study done by (Pimentel, et al., 1988) states that both energy and food are indeed a high priority for the human race and thus compromises must be made to establish a stable balance between the two options. The use of bioenergy has multiple advantages, such as lower carbon dioxide emission levels, less limiting source than fossil fuels, etc., however large biomass industries reduces the available area for agricultural productions and thus results in a reduction in the production of food resources (Ignaciuk, et al., 2006). As stated by (Abbasi & Abbasi, 2010) the uprising of biomass industries for an alternative energy supply has resulted in several environmental problems such as, 1.5% annual rate of deforestation due to an increased need of palm oil in Malaysia, increased water pollution in Arizona America due to water resources needed for biomass production, etc. Thus, another solution must be developed for the use of biomass as an alternative energy source. 6 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering In the production of paper, by means of using recovered paper as a feedstock lowers the production energy use as well as the carbon dioxide emissions as can be seen in Figure 2. 1Error! Reference source not found. (Laurijssen, et al., 2010). Figure 2. 1- Effect of recycling rate of paper on production energy and CO2 emissions. The use of spent biomass as the feed source in the production of bio-oil may be considered the needed compromise in the priority war between biomass as food or energy source. In Costa Rica, the annual production rate for coffee alone is estimated to be around 2.05 tons of 60-kilogram bags in the year 2004 (Ricketts, et al., 2004). After use the spent coffee ground still contains some lipids that when extracted is used in the production of bio-fuel. The amount of lipids in the spent coffee grounds are relatively less than in the fresh coffee grounds, however it is still useable for the production of bio-fuels (Vardon, et al., 2013). In Figure 2. 2 an illustration of the worldwide consumption of coffee in 2010 may be seen (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012). Figure 2. 2- Coffee consumption worldwide in 2010. 7 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering In 2008 a study was done by (Oliveira, et al., 2008) were the potential of coffee oil as a feedstock for the production of biodiesel was experimented. Oil was extracted from a 25 kg batch of fresh coffee beans by means of the Soxhlet extraction method with Hexane as solvent. With healthy coffee beans it was determined that 81 percent of the bio-oil was triglycerides, whereas with the defective coffee beans only 76 percent was determined to be triglycerides. Thus, (Oliveira, et al., 2008) concluded that the use of coffee oil may be a potential feedstock for alternatively produced diesel. Biomasses may be use as an alternative transportation fuel due to the presence of triglycerides and fatty acids within the biomass. According to (Demirbas, 2016), the composition of the fatty acids, which are present within bio-oil, defines the total calorific value of the bio-oil. For bio-oil, an average calorific value range of 24.29 to 41.20 MJ/kg may be expected. A summary according to the study done by (Demirbas, 2016) of the calorific values of various fatty acids are displayed in Table 2. 1. 8 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Table 2. 1- Recorded calorific values of fatty acids according to (Demirbas, 2016). Fatty acid 2.3 Chemical formula Experimental Unit Butyric C4H8O2 24.29 MJ/kg Hexanoic C6H12O2 29.76 MJ/kg Caprylic C8H16O2 33.04 MJ/kg Decanoic C10H20O2 35.18 MJ/kg Lauric C12H24O2 36.80 MJ/kg Myristic C14H28O2 37.97 MJ/kg Palmitic C16H32O2 38.80 MJ/kg Stearic C18H36O2 39.52 MJ/kg Oleic C18H34O2 39.02 MJ/kg Linoleic C18H32O2 38.32 MJ/kg Linolenic C18H30O2 37.57 MJ/kg Arachidic C20H40O2 40.15 MJ/kg Arachidonic C20H32O2 37.71 MJ/kg Eicosapentaenoic C20H30O2 37.06 MJ/kg Behenic C22H44O2 40.67 MJ/kg Erucic C22H42O2 40.29 MJ/kg Docosahexaenoic C22H32O2 37.30 MJ/kg Lignoceric 41.14 MJ/kg C24H48O2 Bio-oil Extraction Processes As mentioned in section Renewable Feedstock, the extraction of bio-oil from spent coffee grounds is thus plausible. 2.3.1 Supercritical CO2 Extraction Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction is a method that is used for the extraction of bio-oil from solid biomasses (Abbasi, et al., 2008). A container is filled with the desired biomass, while liquid CO2 is pumped into the container, allowed to mix with the biomass. The liquid CO 2 carries oil molecules out of the biomass and transports the oil molecules to a separator where CO2 and the oil is separated. The now CO2 gas is send to a condenser where it is condensed 9 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering and recycled to the biomass container (Abbasi, et al., 2008). A study done by (Araujo & Sandi, 2007) concluded that supercritical extraction is an effective extraction method especially in the case of using roasted coffee beans as biomass source. Although classic solvent extraction is also declared an effective method, with supercritical extraction no organic solvents such as Hexane is present in the extracted bio-oil. 2.3.2 Soxhlet Extraction A Soxhlet apparatus may be used in an extraction process to obtain bio-oil from a biomass by means of evaporation and condensation of the chosen solvent and allowing the solvent to indirectly mix with the biomass (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012). A sample size of the SCG is measured and inserted into a thimble and is then inserted into the soxhlet extractor fitted with a conical flask. A specified amount of polar or non-polar solvent is added to the flask and is allowed to evaporate, condense, allowed to mix with the biomass to extract its bio-oil and then be transported back to the starting flask without the presence of any biomass in the solventoil mixture. Thus, the entire process is deemed as an indirect contact extraction process (Melo, et al., 2014). It was concluded that the maximum oil yielded was 15.28% of the SCG biomass, which was obtained by means of the non-polar solvent n-Hexane (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012). 2.4 Renewable Diesel Processes 2.4.1 Hydrotreatment Hydrotreatment is a catalytic petroleum producing process wherein stable hydrocarbons are produced by means of hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons and thus removing contaminating components such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and metals namely nickel and vanadium. This is done at high temperatures and pressures and by means of reacting with hydrogen (Gary, et al., 2007). The chosen hydrotreating catalysts if firstly activated by means heating the system in the presence of hydrogen sulphide at a specified pressure and temperature. The bio-oil is then pumped to the reactor after activation of the catalyst where hydrodesulphurisation (HDS), hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) and hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) 10 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering takes place during the hydrotreating process. The main by-products that are formed includes water, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide (Robinson & Samuel, 2006) Reaction Kinetics During hydrotreatment triglycerides, which are considered bio-oils, are deoxygenated through any one or more reaction pathway namely hydrodeoxygenation, decarboxylation, decarbonylation and hydrocracking (Mohammad, et al., 2013). Firstly, the double bonds of the triglycerides are saturated to form single bonds during hydrogenation. Hydrogenation of biomass, according to (Busetto, et al., 2011) is when triglycerides in the presence of a catalyst are treated with hydrogen gas to saturate double carbon bonds to form single bonds. The triglycerides are now hydrogenated triglycerides and still in the presence of hydrogen and a catalyst, catalytic hydrocracking takes place wherein the long single bond triglycerides are broken loose from the glycerol backbone of the triglyceride molecule (Anand & Sinha, 2012). These shorter hydrocarbon molecules are known as free fatty acids and still have oxygen bonds within the molecule. The presence in oxygen decreases potential energy within the fluid as well as negatively affects the oxidation stability of the bio-fuel (Baskar & Kumar, 2017). These oxygen atoms are released from the fatty acid through hydrodeoxygenation as water, through decarboxylation as CO2 and through decarbonylation as CO. (Mohammad, et al., 2013). Hydrodeoxygenation results in the elimination of the oxygen bonds within the free fatty acid and forms hydrocarbons with a chain length of the same magnitude as the number of carbons as the free fatty acids, along with the byproducts of water and propane (Gary, et al., 2007). Decarbonylation eliminates the oxygen bond, resulting in the formation of hydrocarbon chains along with carbon monoxide and water as byproducts, whereas the same forms as a result of decarboxylation only with carbon dioxide as a byproduct (Mohammad, et al., 2013). The possible deoxygenation process pathways are illustrated in Figure 2. 3. 11 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure 2. 3- Deoxygenation pathways during hydrotreatment. Due to the presence of three possible reactions that may take place, multiple studies have been done to determine the dominance of these reactions mentioned above. These multiple studies are discussed in section where different reaction parameters are compared to the obtained results. The dominance of the mentioned reactions will be determined by means of the biomass feedstock, temperature and catalyst type used in the hydrotreating system (Robinson & Samuel, 2006). It was concluded that in the production of hydrocarbons from soya and gas oils in the presence of a NiMo-Al2O3 catalyst the hydrocarbons was diesel-like of sort (Tiwari, et al., 2011). While under a temperature range of 350°C to 380°C, decarboxylation and decarbonylation showed to be the dominant reaction pathway. According to (Jęczmionek & Porzycka-Semczuk, 2014) while hydrotreating olive and corn oil concluded that the decarboxylation and decarbonylation reactions depend on the on type of biomass feedstock as well as the pressure of the system. Depending on the reaction pathway that was dominant certain by-products such as propane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc. was produced. Additional side reactions may occur due to the formed by-products. Methanation is a gas phase side reaction that produces methanol and water due to reaction between the byproduct carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas (Jęczmionek & Porzycka-Semczuk, 2014). Methanation side-reactions are illustrated in Figure 2. 4. 12 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure 2. 4- Methanation side-reaction during hydrotreatment. The formation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas due to the reaction between carbon monoxide and water is also a side reaction during hydrotreatment. This side reaction is known as the water-gas shift reaction (Veriansyah, et al., 2012). Due to these side reactions the consumption of hydrogen gas is increased, thus complicating the gas product distribution process and resulting in difficulty in predicting which reaction pathways will be followed. Purging gas ratio In order to form hydrocarbons with similar performance as that of diesel, oxygen must be removed from the triglycerides during the hydrotreating process (Robinson & Samuel, 2006). The system is purged with hydrogen sulfide to eliminate all oxygen present within the system for the processes hydrodesulphurisation (HDS), hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) and hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) to occur (Mohammad, et al., 2013). It is thus during these reactions where the oxygen within the triglycerides are removed. In order for the catalyst not to be deactivated, a specific amount of hydrogen gas must be purged into the system. The gas to oil ratio depends on the amount of hydrogen consumption, thus the gas to oil ratio must be a minimal of four times the amount of hydrogen consumed (Gruia, 2006). Reactor type According to (Al-Dahhan, et al., 1997) the most widely used reactor for hydrotreating is the trickle-bed reactor. Due to the trickle-bed reactors motionless of its catalyst bed, the Reynolds number is significantly lower and thus the system may operate near a plug flow pattern. Thus, this reactor is deemed superior to a slurry or fluidized bed reactors. A trickle-bed reactor may be either a single-stage or a two-stage, wherein a two-stage sufficient amounts of hydrogen sulfide is removed to effluent from the first stage prior to the effluent introduction to the following stage (Tailleur, 2017). The trickle-bed reactor has a fixed catalyst bed with a downward movement of a liquid and depending on if the reactor is co-current then the gas will flow downward or counter-current where the gas will flow upwards (Mapiour, 2009). 13 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Hydrotreating Catalyst As mentioned in the above sections, hydrotreatment is the deoxygenation, decarboxylation, decarbonylation and hydrocracking of triglycerides or bio-oils in the presence of a catalyst to produce a hydrocarbon diesel. A catalyst must be in its active state to perform efficiently and consist of active sites, promoters and support (Gruia, 2006). The active component of a catalyst is usually molybdenum that is promoted with nickel or cobalt, where a promoter is a second metal other than the active metal. This promoter serves as a stabilizer and thus increasing the overall catalyst activity (Mapiour, 2009). Depending on the desired product, either nickel or cobalt will be the promoter. When denitrification is desired with the reduction of aromatic contents then nickel is chosen as the promoter, whereas if desulphurization is desired then cobalt is chosen (Senol, et al., 2005). Alumina is chosen as support to control the dispersion of the promoter. This increases the average crystallite size of the promoter to such an extent that it is greater than the average pore size (Esponoza, et al., 2009). Catalyst deactivation is defined as the loss of catalytic activity over time due to catalytic decay, coke deposition, metal deposition and sinking of the support (Bartholomew, 2001). Coke formation reduces the accessibility of the catalyst’s active sites due to surface blockage. When acidic and bifunctional catalysts are polyromantic and at high reaction temperatures, carbonaceous deposits forms. These carbonaceous deposits are also known as coke (Guisnet & Magnoux, 2001). Coke formation may be reduce by an increase hydrogen partial pressure or is reversible by means of burning off the formed coke (Gruia, 2006). Metal deposition results in pore blockage and thus can cause catalyst deactivation. Metals such as nickel and vanadium that are found in petroleum feedstock are responsible for metal deposition (Robinson & Samuel, 2006). Sintering, caused by high temperatures, is the collapse of the catalyst pores, thus reducing surface area and resulting in catalytic deactivation (Gruia, 2006). Environmental impact due to hydrotreatment Air pollution is an attributing factor towards inflammation/oxidative stress and is associated with various medical illnesses such as central nervous system effects, increased stroke incidences, decreased cognitive functions ,Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease (Levesque, et al., 2011). By means of hydrotreating the contaminants concentrations that are present in petroleum feedstock is removed or reduced. This is essential due to the possible threat of the formation of pollutants such as sulfur monoxide and dioxide along with nitrogen monoxide and dioxide (Mapiour, 2009). These pollutants may cause acid rain, eutrophication, haze, ozone 14 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering depletion, crop and forest damage, global climate change and negative effects on animal and marine life (Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Executive office of Energy and Enviromental Affairs, 2012). Due to Sulphur being one of the major contributors to pollution, regulations for the Sulphur concentration present in petroleum or bio-fuel has been issued (United States Enviromental Protection Agency, 2017). According to (United States Enviromental Protection Agency, 2017) before EPA started to regulate diesel standards, Sulphur concentration in fuel was 5000 parts per million (ppm), whereas since 2006 it is regulated at 15 ppm. Reaction parameters The reaction parameter has a direct influence on the product yield, reaction pathway and final product quality during hydrotreatment (Robinson & Samuel, 2006). The biomass type that is used as the petroleum feedstock influence the certain product quality of bio-fuel that will be produced. Temperature and pressure are responsible for the saturation, along with the breakdown of the fatty acids that are present within the biomass feed stock (Anand & Sinha, 2012). The catalyst, although not being a part of the reaction, lowers the needed activation energy of the process and thus influencing the rate of reaction. The hydrogen is used to saturate the hydrocarbons and due to specific side reactions that occur during the process, as mentioned above, an excess amount of hydrogen is needed to ensure that the hydrogen is not consumed completely during the side reactions (Mohammad, et al., 2013). Temperature Temperature is an important aspect during the hydrotreating reaction, thus the operating temperature must be specifically set to obtain the desired product quality and conversion by minimizing the temperature. This is done due to the exponential decrease in the catalytic deactivation rate that high temperatures has on the catalyst (Gary, et al., 2007). Temperature’s main effect on the hydrotreating process was on that of the product yield. It is stated by (Bezergianni, et al., 2010) the yield of diesel product decreased in an increase of temperature. The temperature was ranged between 330°C to 398°C with a steady decrease in the diesel product yield. However, as the temperature increased yield percentage of 15 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering gasoline yield increased, thus lighter molecules favour higher hydrotreating temperatures (Bezergianni, et al., 2010). By means of hydrotreating waste cooking oil, (Bezergianni, et al., 2010) concluded that the formation of iso-parraffins are higher at increasing temperatures due to hydrocracking being favoured at higher temperatures. The hydrotreatment of waste cooking oil resulted in to conversion of triglycerides to C17 and C18 hydrocarbons. It was discovered that during the hydrotreatment process the HDC reaction pathway was dominant over the HDO reaction pathway by a factor of 3:1. It was recorded that the C18/C17 mass ratio decreased with an increase of temperature, thus illustrating that HDO decreases as the temperature increases for the hydrotreatment of waste cooking oil (Zhang, et al., 2014). Heteroatom is any atoms excluding hydrogen and carbon such as sulphur, nitrogen, etc. and these heteroatoms are present in most petroleum feedstock (Bezergianni, et al., 2010). As mentioned in, the presence of these heteroatoms decrease the catalytic activity and thus has negative effects on the produced product. According to (Bezergianni, et al., 2010) the removal of sulphur from the feedstock were directly influenced by the hydrotreating temperature. It was also concluded that with an increase of temperature the oxygen removal increased along with the nitrogen detachment rate. The hydrotreating temperature has a direct influence on the conversion of the process. Stated by (Bezergianni, et al., 2010) with an increase of temperature the diesel fractions will decrease, due to the cracking of heavy fractions into lighter fractions. The statement of (Bezergianni, et al., 2010) is supported by (Sotelo-Boyas, et al., 2010) in his experiment with rapeseed-oil, where he conclude that diesel yield decreases with an increase of temperature, while the kerosene yield also increases. Pressure Pressurization of the reactor during hydrotreatment is a critical part of the process. It has a strong effect on hydrogenation, isomerization and hydrocracking. The hydrotreating pressure also influence the reaction pathway that the triglyceride will follow (Gruia, 2006). Hydrogen is send into the reactor in excess to compensate for all possible reactions such as HDO, HDC and side reaction mentioned in . It was concluded by (Pindoria, et al., 1998) that with an increase of pressure with a constant temperature and catalyst, die oxygen diffusion rate within the reactor increase with pressure. 16 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering The effect of hydrotreating pressure on the yield of diesel was done by (Bezergianni, et al., 2011) and it was concluded that because the rate of hydrocracking increased as pressure increased, the diesel production yield decreased. This is due to hydrocracking favouring higher pressures and during hydrocracking heavy components are reduced to lighter components (Sotelo-Boyas, et al., 2010). A similar experiment was done by (Srifa, et al., 2014) where he produced biohydrogenated fuel from palm oil over a fixed bed reactor with a NiMoS2/γ-Al2O3 catalyst at a constant temperature of 300°C. He concluded that over a pressure range of 1.5 to 8 MPa the conversion rate was deemed incomplete at a pressure of 1.5MPa due to the presence of palmitic and stearic acids in the product, where the HDO reaction pathway was observed to be the dominant reaction at high pressures. With a feedstock of C18 fatty acids, (Yang, et al., 2013) investigated the effect of hydrotreating pressure on the conversion of the system. It was recorded that at a temperature of 380°C, there was a 100% conversion of all fatty acids, however at lower temperatures it was noted that the conversion increased with an increasing pressure. Catalyst type The catalyst choice is of utmost importance, due to the influence it has on the product quality and compounds. The chosen catalyst will cause the saturation and breakage of double and single carbon bonds, the removal of heteroatoms, cyclisation and isomerisation (Robinson & Samuel, 2006). A study by (Marafi, et al., 2006) was done to evaluate the effect of catalyst type on the conversion and yield of the liquid product. Mo/Al2O3, which is a HDM catalyst, and Ni-Mo/ Al2O3, which is a HDS catalyst, were the two chosen hydrotreating catalyst. It was concluded that the aromaticity and the degree of condensation of the polynuclear aromatic rings in the product were higher in the Mo/Al2O3 catalyst compared to the Ni-Mo/ Al2O3 catalyst. In both cases, the product oil became more purified and the asphaltenes present in the oil was converted to saturate and resins. In the effort of hydrotreating vegetable oils by means of using Pt/Zeolite and NiMo/Al 2O3 as catalysts, liquid hydrocarbons mostly containing n-heptadecanes and n-octadecanes was produced. Analysing the obtained results illustrated that the NiMo/ Al2O3 catalyst obtained a higher liquid hydrocarbon yield in comparison to the Pt/Zeolite catalyst. This is due to the NiMo/ Al2O3 catalyst promoting hydrocracking more effectively at lower temperatures and pressures and its moderate acidity does not contribute to the iso-paraffins production. A better 17 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering liquid hydrocarbon yield may be obtained from the Pt/Zeolite catalyst, but only at higher severity (Sotelo-Boyas, et al., 2010). (Kim, et al., 2013) hydrotreated soybean oil at various reaction parameters to recorded the effect that said parameter has on the produced renewable diesel. Temperature, catalyst type and pressure were the parameters that were changed. At a constant pressure and a temperature range of 300°C to 440°C, the comparison between NiMo and CoMo catalysts were analysed. It was recorded that at the presence of the Ni catalyst HDC was the dominate reaction pathway, whereas HDO was the dominant pathway for the CoMo catalyst. Thus, the conclusion was made that C-C scissions were more favourable with the transition metal catalyst Ni, whereas C-O scissions were favourable with the CoMoSx catalyst. Feedstock Biomass Type Normally chosen biomass feedstock’s has carbon atoms ranging from C14 to C20 with saturated and unsaturated bonds alike. Hydrocarbons with one less or the same amount of carbon atoms are produced by means of hydrotreating the chosen triglycerides (Robinson & Samuel, 2006). During hydrotreatment the reaction parameters, along with the catalyst will be determined by the chosen feedstock biomass. This is due to the impurities within the feedstock that will affect the rate of catalytic deactivation and the performance thereof. The feedstock type will thus also determine the composition of the produced product by means of the saturation level of the feedstock (Gruia, 2006). In order to compare the effect of different biomass feedstock used during hydrotreatment, (Han, et al., 2017) conducted a hydrotreating experiment using canola oil and used tire oil as feedstock. It was concluded that with the canola oil the hydrogenation of the carbon double bonds occurred predominantly, thus hydrocracking took place to form C18 and C17 hydrocarbons. However, it was recorded that when using the tire oil as feedstock, the formation of C18 and C17 hydrocarbons decreased by 20%. It was thus further concluded that tire oil, as feedstock is an excellent source for the production of naphthenics and aromatics, whereas canola oil produced a higher yield of renewable diesel than the tire oil. 18 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering A comparison was done between pure vegetable oil and a vegetable/heavy vacuum oil mixture during hydrotreatment under a temperature range of 300°C to 450°C at a constant pressure with a NiMo/ Al2O3 catalyst by (Huber, et al., 2007). It was recorded that produced renewable diesel had 75% alkanes chains with a length of C15 to C18 when pure vegetable oil was used the base feedstock, however this yield was improved to 87% when a sunflower oil mixed with heavy vacuum oils were used as the base feedstock. A same hydrotreatment biomass feedstock mixture experiment was done by (Sebos, et al., 2009). Pure cottonseed oil was mixed with desulphurized petroleum diesel and was hydrotreated at a constant pressure of 30 bar, in the presence of a CoMo/ Al2O3 hydrotreating catalyst and in a temperature range of 305°C to 345°C. It was recorded that a triglyceride conversion of 100% was obtained, due to added cetane numbers that the cottonseed oil has added to the mixed feedstock. Co-processing As was mentioned above in section, there has been studies done on the coprocessing of both bio-oil and vacuum gas oils the evaluate a process’ feasibility. A study done by (Lappas, et al., 2009) researched the effect of co-processing on the yield of bio-fuel production. It was concluded that in the presence of the bio-oils, the production of gasoline and diesel was favored although there was an increased on coke formation within the system. It was further concluded that in the presence of sunflower oil, the inhibition of hydrocracking conversion was recorded, however with this addition a better quality diesel may be produced. (Jeczmionek & Porzycka-Semczukb, 2014) experimented the effect of co-processing different vegetable oils, namely olive and corn oil, with a liquid paraffin on the heat effect of the system. It was found that under a pressure range of 3 to 6 MPa, methanation was increased as 22 percent of the released carbon dioxide was converted to methane gas under 3 MPa pressure and 27 percent was converted under 6 MPa pressure. It was concluded that the bio-oils containing different triglycerides increased the total hydroconversion heat effect. 19 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 2.5 Modern Hydrotreatment As mentioned in section 2, due to the increasing threat of the depletion of fossil fuels the attention of the world has severely increase on biomass as an alternative energy source. Biomass as feedstock may be used for electrical generation, heating and transportation fuels instead of the burning of fossil fuels that emits a large amount of polluting gasses. (Gruia, 2006). Hydrotreatment, which as mentioned in section 2.4.1 is the production of hydrocarbon liquid fuel, which shares similar qualities with fossil petroleum diesel. Currently, the main research focus of hydrotreatment is on a suitable feedstock and catalyst for the given process. As mentioned in section! Reference source not found., experimentation on he product quality and yield of several biomasses has been done and recently co-processing of vegetable oils with produced petroleum feedstock is done to mitigate the blending quality control of the feedstock. A recent study done by (Jensen, et al., 2016), through co-processing created a new blend of bio-crude oil as feedstock for the hydrotreating process. The bio-crude had a density of 970 kg/m3 with an element composition in weight percentage of 83.9 C, 10.4 H, 0.4 N, and 5.3 O at a temperature of 15.6°C. At 350°C, 95 bar and in the presence of a NiMo/ Al2O3 catalyst it was recorded that exceptional HDO took place and a bio-feed with 0.3 weight percentage oxygen was obtained. By means of fast pyrolysis (Gunawan, et al., 2013) produced bio-oil in a fixed-bed reactor at a temperature of 500°C. In the presence of a Pd/C catalyst, the bio-oil was hydroprocessed at 300°C to improve the quality of the oil further. The formation of propionic, butanoic and pentanoic acids was recorded during the hydrotreating process, along with cycloalkanes and certain alcohols that were hydrogenated into alkanes. 2.6 Hydrotreatment Problems Hydrotreatment may be considered as a possible solution for the production of transportation fuels to the arising fossil fuel depletion threat (Mikulec, et al., 2010). An issue with this solution is the popular food versus energy debate that has been mentioned in section 2. This issue is in favor of food due to the overall people in the world that are classified as undernourished is approximated to be 1.02 billion people. Due to hunger and malnutrition approximately 6 million children die each year, thus hunger is classified to be a major cause of death in the world (Nah & Chau, 2015). 20 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering For the production of renewable diesel, bio oils that are obtained from biomasses are required where biomasses are considered a source of food. An alternative option for bio-oils are the utilization of non-edible oils, however this results in another problem due to space and resources that are needed for the growth of these oils (Ignaciuk, et al., 2006). Currently the main focus for bio-oil used in the production of renewable diesel are non-edible of sorts and it is discovered that corn stovers, micro-algal and jatropha are the most promising sources (Mohammad, et al., 2013). Recently (Biswas, et al., 2017) by means of pyrolysis has used rice straw, which is a recyclable biomass, to produce bio-oil and it was concluded that rice straw may be a potential source for bio-oils. Alternatively, used biomasses have recently been used to extract the remaining bio-oil that were still in the waste. (Phimsen, et al., 2016) has extracted bio-oil from spent coffee grounds b means of using soxhlet extraction. It was concluded that bio-oil from spent coffee grounds may be considered as a possible feedstock for the production of renewable diesel due to a 13% yield that was obtained. Another common problem with hydrotreatment is the deactivation thereof during catalytic hydrotreatment. This is due to common catalysts such as NiMo and CoMo being a presulphided catalyst and this contaminates the product with Sulphur (Tiwari, et al., 2011). The catalyst deactivation rate is also increased due to the amount of oxygen in the triglycerides that causes leaching on the surface of the catalyst (Sotelo-Boyas, et al., 2010). 2.7 Concluding Remarks During the hydrotreating process the reaction parameter temperature, pressure, catalyst type and biomass feedstock has a strong effect on the produced product yield and quality. By means of using unsaturated feedstock more alkylbenzenes and cycloalkanes will be formed, which results in shorter alkane chains in comparison with saturated feed stocks. The amount of impurities within the feedstock must also be taking into consideration due to the negative effect it has on the deactivation rate of the catalyst. The reaction parameter temperature and pressure must be controlled strictly due to critical environments having a negative effect on the quantity amount of diesel produced. This, as mentioned in section and, is due to hydrocracking being favored at higher temperatures and pressures. 21 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering The choice of these parameters must be considered crucially, due to the effect it has on the amount of side reactions and reaction pathways it will cause. The composition of a catalyst is critical, due to the effect it has on the reaction pathway that the reaction will follow. This is due to its composition and its ability to control the amount of hydrotreating and hydrocracking that will occur. The catalyst is also responsible for the amount of heteroatom removal and the feed conversion. Thus, the quality and quant of the end product must always be considered in the selection stages of the reaction parameters. 22 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD In this chapter, a brief description of the materials, methods and equipment that were used for the extraction of bio-oil from SGC, along with the catalytic hydrotreatment of the extracted coffee bio-oil is provided. A soxhlet extractor was utilised for the extraction of the bio-oil from the SCG. A batch reactor was on the other hand utilised for the production of renewable diesel at elevated pressures and temperatures from the extracted bio-oil. A description of the materials and reagents used is provided in section 3.1, followed by the experimental setup of the soxhlet extractor, along with the hydrotreating batch reactor in section 3.2 and section 3.3. The analytical equipment and methodology thereof is provided in section 3.4. 3.1 Materials and Reagents 3.1.1 Materials Spent coffee grounds were obtained from local coffee shops such as Stationary Coffee Potchefstroom and Toro Potchefstroom. The collected SCG was then dried and stored in an airtight container to avoid any moisture adsorption to occur. The dried SCG were then utilized as the primary feedstock for the soxhlet extraction method to obtain coffee bio-oil. The extracted coffee bio-oil was then also dried to eliminate any presence of moisture. The extracted SCG bio-oil was then used as the secondary feedstock in the hydrotreatment process for the production of renewable diesel. Some properties of the gathered SCG from local coffee shops is shown in Table 3. 1. 23 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Table 3. 1- Properties of the SCG. SCG Value Unit Dry Matter 94.5 % Ash 1.34 % Protein (Nx6.25) 12.71 % Fat (Ether extraction) 12.86 % Carbohydrates 67.62 % Neutral detergent fibre 66.11 % Acid detergent fibre 31.14 % Acid detergent lignin 11.88 % Hemicellulose 34.97 % Cellulose 19.26 % Lignin 10.54 % (calculated) 3.1.2 Gasses and chemicals As mentioned in section 1.4, 2 hexane and methanol was used for the extraction of coffee biooil from the SCG. These 2 solvents were procured from ACE Chemicals, Johannesburg. To obtain a close as possible oxygen-free atmosphere within the hydrotreating process, nitrogen gas was used to purge the vessel. For the activation of the catalyst a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and argon gas were used to pressurize the vessel. After the injection of the coffee bio-oil, nitrogen and hydrogen gasses were used for the completion of the hydrotreatment process. The gasses used were produced and obtained from African Oxygen limited (Afrox). Additional chemicals that were used during the preparation for analyses and used for optimal collection of products are shown in Table 3. 2 along with the above mentioned chemicals and gasses. 24 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Table 3. 2- Gasses and chemical used during extraction of coffee bio-oil and hydrotreatment of coffee bio-oil Component Chemical formula Supplier Purity Purpose Nitrogen N2 Afrox 99.99 Purging vessel Hydrogen H2 Afrox 99.99 Purging vessel Reactant Hydrogen sulfide H2S + Ar Afrox and argon mixture 14.9 % volume H2S Catalyst activation with balance of Ar n-Hexane C6H14 ACE 99.99 Solvent extraction Methanol CH3OH ACE 99.99 Solvent extraction Dichloromethane CH2Cl2 ACE 99.99 Dilution of samples for GC-MS analysis Used for recovery of produced liquid product from hydrotreatment reaction Methyl nonanoate CH3(CH2)7COOCH3 Sigma Aldrich ≥97 Internal standard for GC analysis of extracted bio-oil 25 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 3.2 Soxhlet extraction 3.2.1 Experimental Setup The extraction processes to obtain bio-oil from SCG were done within a soxhlet extractor. A ball flask with a volume of 300 mL is connected to the bottom joint of the soxhlet extracted. A semi-permanent thimble containing the dried SCG is place within the soxhlet extract. A condenser is then placed on the top joint of the soxhlet extractor with 2 rubber tubes connected to the condenser. The lower tube connection being the water inlet supply and the upper tube connection being the water outlet. The completed connection of the soxhlet extractor is clammed and placed inside a fume hood. A thermal pot containing sunflower oil is placed on a heating mantel inside the hood. The soxhlet extractor is then place in the thermal pot, submerging the ball flask in the oil. The experimental setup is displayed in Figure 3. 1 and Figure 3. 2. Figure 3. 1- Display of Soxhlet extractor set up. 26 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure 3. 2- Pictorial view of experimental setup within the wet bench 3.2.2 Experimental method The experimental method for the extraction of coffee bio-oil is summarized in Figure 3. 3: 27 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Weight off 60 g of SCG Start timing the reaction from the first formation of a condensate drop Allow reaction to occure for desired time Place weighted SCG inside the thimble Switch on the heating mantel Turn off heating mantel Measure 250 mL of the desired solvent Open the water valve to allow the flow of water through the condenser Remove bottom ball flask containing solvent and oil mixture Pour solvent into ball flask Connect soxhlet apparatus as explained in section 3.2.1 Evaporate solvent Store bio-oil in dry and cool place Figure 3. 3- Summary of experimental extraction procedure. 28 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering All equipment used for the preparation and setup of the soxhlet extractor was properly cleaned and dried. 60 Grams dried SCG is weight and placed inside the thimble. 250 mL of the desired solvent that is used for the extraction process is measured and poured into the bottom ball flask. After the introduction of the SCG and solvent into the soxhlet apparatus, the experimental setup as mentioned in section 3.2.1 is now implemented. The water valve that is connected to the condenser is opened slightly to ensure a slow flow of cool water through the condenser. The heating mantel is switch on at the power source. As the temperature of the oil in the thermal pot starts to rise, the solvent in the ball flask also starts to rise. When the solvent’s boiling point is reached, the solvent start to evaporate inside the soxhlet extractor. The evaporated solvent starts to form condensate at the bottom of the condenser and the condensate will then drip down into the thimble. As more evaporated solvent condenses in the soxhlet extractor, the liquid level will rise submerging the thimble. When the liquid level within the soxhlet extractor rises above the highest level of the siphon arm, the solvent/oil mixture within the soxhlet extractor is drained into the bottom ball flask. As the thimble is being submerged in the condensed solvent, the solvents extracts the bio-oil from the SCG and the extracted bio-oil is then drained back with the solvent into the ball flask. The soxhlet extraction process is deemed as a continuous process and thus a specific process time frame should be given. Once the extraction process is deemed complete, the ball flask is removed from the soxhlet apparatus and the solvent/oil mixture is then placed in a rotary evaporator as shown in Figure 3. 4. 29 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure 3. 4- Rotary evaporator apparatus. In the rotary evaporator, a vacuum is drawn and the component with the lowest boiling point evaporates, condenses and collects in a separate flask. Hence, the solvent and the extracted bio-oil is successfully separated from one another. The collected solvent is placed in a recycle container, whereas the bio-oil is weighted, dried in an oven to remove additional moisture from the oil and stored in an air tight container for further use. 3.3 Hydrotreatment process 3.3.1 Experimental setup A high pressure autoclave type vessel/reactor manufactured from stainless steel 316 is used for the hydrotreatment process. The vessel/reactor has a height of 12 cm, an inner diameter of 5 cm and a wall thickness of 2 cm. The vessel/reactor is placed inside a heating jacket and is equipped with a thermocouple for effective temperature control. For safety, the vessel/reactor is equipped with a pressure relieve valve at a pressure of 150 bar and a pressure gauge to assist with pressure control. For effective mixing within the reactor after the 30 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering insertion of the catalyst and bio-oil, a magnetic coupled stirrer is equipped on top of the vessel/reactor. The vessel/reactor consists of 2 parts, the top part equipped with the magnetic coupled stirrer, gas inlets and solvent/oil inlet valve and a bottom section consisting of as described above with a working volume of 350 mL. The top and bottom section is connected with a copper insulation gasket for effective pressure sealing. To ensure optimal pressure sealing and zero gas leakage the 2 sections are screwed together. The experimental setup of the hydrotreating reactor is shown in Figure 3. 5: 31 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure 3. 5- Pictorial view of the hydrotreating reactor after complete setup. 3.3.2 Experimental method The experimental method for the hydrotreatment of the extracted coffee bio-oil for the production of renewable diesel is summarized in Figure 3. 6: 32 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Weigh off 4 g of the desired experimantal catalyst Heat vessel to 400°C Keep vessel at 400°C for 1 hr Keep vessel at desired experimental temperature for 1 hr Insert weighted catalyst into reactor cup Test for gas leakage Allow vessel to cool down to room temperature Heat up vessel to desired experimental temperature Setup reactor as mentioned in section 3.3.1 Pressurize vessel to 30 bar with H2S + Ar Depressurize vessel Pressurize vessel to 90 bar with H2 Pressurize vessel with nitrogen Replace gas stream from N2 with H2S + Ar Insert 40 g of bio-oil into vessel Test for gas leakage Test for gas leakage Purge vessel for 30 min with nitrogen Purge vessel with N2 for 30 min Purge vessel with H2 for 5 min Allow vessel to cool down to room temperature Figure 3. 6- Summary of hydrotreatment experimental process. 33 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering All of the apparatus used and mentioned in section Error! Reference source not found. is roperly cleaned and dried prior to the start of the experimental run. An amount of 4 g of the desired experimental catalyst for the specific run is weighted off using a 3 decimal scale. The weighted catalyst is placed inside the reactor cup and is then fitted into the bottom section of the vessel. The top section of the reactor is now fitted and bolted onto the bottom section an adjustable wrench. Ensuring that the outlet gas valve of the vessel is closed, the inlet nitrogen valve is opened and allowed to pressurize the vessel. By means of using a liquid leak detecting fluid the vessel is tested for any gas leaks. If a gas leak is detected the vessel is depressurized to repair the leak. If no gas leakages are detected the vessel is purged with nitrogen for 30 minutes to eliminate all oxygen that is present within the vessel. After purging the outlet gas valve of the vessel is closed along with the inlet nitrogen gas valve. The vessel is ten depressurized to a pressure in the range of 1.1 bar to 1.5 bar. The inlet hydrogen sulphide/argon gas valve is now opened and allowed to enter the vessel. To ensure all N2 gas within the vessel is eliminated, the H2S/ Ar gas is allowed to be purged through the system for a brief period. The vessel is then pressurized to 30 bar with the H2S/ Ar and is then heated to a temperature of 400 °C. After reaching the desired temperature, the vessel temperature is maintained at 400 °C for a time frame of 1 hour for the activation of the catalyst. After the time frame the vessel is allowed to cool down to room temperature. The vessel is then depressurized to just above atmospheric pressure for the insertion of the extracted coffee bio-oil. The bio-oil is then injected into the system by means of using a large injection syringe. The vessel is once again purged with N2 for 20 minutes to eliminate any oxygen that might have entered during the introduction of the oil. Next, the vessel is purged with H2 gas for 5 minutes to eliminate all N2. The vessel is then pressurized with H2 gas at 90 bar. The vessel is then heated to the desired experimental temperature and is maintained at that temperature for 1 hour. After 1 hour, the vessel is allowed to be cooled down to room temperature. The produced liquid product is then removed from the vessel to be analysed. The removal of the liquid product is displayed in Figure 3. 7 and the clean liquid product is displayed in Figure 3.8. 34 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure 3. 7- Pictorial display of the removal of the produced hydrotreatment liquid product. Figure 3. 8- Pictorial display of produced clean liquid product. 35 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 3.4 Analytical equipment and methodology 3.4.1 Oil extracted yield The yield for the extracted coffee bio-oil from SCG is calculated by measuring the weight of the dried SCG that has been used for the soxhlet extraction experiment, along with the weight of the bio-oil that has been extracted. The extracted bio-oil yield from dried SCG was calculated by using equation 1. Soxhlet extraction yield = weight of the extracted bio−oil weight of the dried SCG (1) 3.4.2 Produced Hydrotreatment Liquid product yield As mentioned in section 3.3.2, after the completion of the hydrotreatment process the total liquid product produced has been divided into a clean and dirty part. The clean liquid product being the uncontaminated produced liquid within the vessel cup. This clean liquid product is filtered by means of using a Buchner funnel to separate the produced liquid product from the used catalyst. After the completion of the filtration, the clean liquid product is then placed in an airtight container and is weighted. The used apparatus during the hydrotreatment process is then rinsed with dichloromethane to recycle and collect any liquid product that may have remained within the vessel cup, in the vessel bottom section and on the electrical stirrer. The liquid product/Dichloromethane mixture is then also filtered by means of a Buchner funnel to separate the liquid from the solid catalyst. The liquid mixture is then heated for the total evaporation of all Dichloromethane present in the mixture. The remaining liquid is then weighted and is labeled as the dirty liquid product. For the calculation of the liquid product yield, equation 2 was used. Liquid product yield = ( clean liquid product weight) + ( dirty liquid product weight) Injected coffee oil weight (2) The calculated liquid product yield does not describe the conversion of the extracted bio-oil to valuable renewable diesel, but describes the efficiency of the process by indicating the amount of gas that has been produced. 36 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 3.4.3 Triglycerides analysis For the production of renewable diesel the feedstock, which in this case is the extracted coffee bio-oil, contains a certain amount of free fatty acids and triglycerides. For this, an Agilent 7890A GC has been used to determine the amount of triglycerides present in the extracted coffee bio-oil. The test method EN 14103 has been followed for this analysis and the requirements thereof is the derivatization of the triglycerides to convert it to fatty acid methyl esters. Afterwards the weight distribution of the fatty acid methyl ester was determined. For the GC to analyze the methyl esters, an internal standard prior to the analyses is required. A sample volume of 100 µL of the extracted coffee bio-oil has been placed into a sample vial containing 100 µL of tri-methylsulphonium hydroxide solution (TMSH), 900 µL of iso-octane and 400 µL of dichloromethane. Due to the high viscosity of the bio-oil an additional 100 µL of the extraction solvent that was used for the monster bio-oil sample was added to reduce its viscosity. The mixture within the sample vial is then vortexed followed by the addition of the internal standard to the mixture, which in this case was methyl nonanoate. The mixture is then analysed using the GC apparatus. 3.4.4 Bomb Calorimeter For the analyses of the energy value of the extracted coffee bio-oil, a MC-1000, Mk 2 Modular Calorimeter has been used. A sample of the extracted bio-oil and produced hydrotreated liquid product were loaded respectively into the bomb calorimeter, where after the ignition of the sample the temperature increase was measured. By means of using relevant software, the temperature increase was converted into an energy content (MJ) per kilogram of sample. The used bomb calorimeter is displayed in Figure 3. 9. 37 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure 3. 9- Pictorial view of the Bomb Calorimeter. 3.4.5 GC-MS The produced clean liquid product, as mentioned in section 3.3.2, has been filtered and qualified using the GC-MS located at the laboratory of the School of Chemical and Mineral Engineering of the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus. The GC-MS may be further defined as an Agilent 7890A, 5975C inert MSD with triple axis detector, fitted with an Ht V5 column. A 100 µL sample of the produced clean liquid product was placed in a sample vial and diluted with 1000 µL of dichloromethane. The mixture is then inserted into the GC-MS for analyses. The differences in boiling points of known n-alkanes is used in this analyses process as the temperature increases. According to (Bachler, et al., 2010), the GC-MS is calibrated accordingly to the method based on ASTM_Standard_D7213 by means of alkanes from C8 to C40 being used as calibration standards. A simulated distillation (SimDist) curve for the samples has been compiled to characterise the sample by means of its boiling point ranges. 38 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering The calibration procedure for the GC is displayed in Appendix E- Analytical results under Method for GC-MS analysis, along with the constructed simulated distillation curves. The GCMS used is shown in Figure 3. 10. Figure 3. 10- Pictorial view of the GC-MS. 39 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 3.4.6 ICP-OES Analysis An Agilent Technologies 700 Series ICP-OES was used to determine the concentrations, measured in parts per million (PPM), of the metals present within the extracted coffee bio-oil as well as the sulphur content present in the produced liquid product obtained from hydrotreatment. An inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is a powerful analytical technique used to determine trace elements of myriad of samples types. The ICP-OES combines a photodetector, along with a wavelength selection device at high temperatures to identify the concentration of elements that are present in a sample (Suleiman, et al., 2009). To prepare the sample for the ICP-OES analysis, a monster sample of 1 mL was measured and diluted to a 1 to 10 solution. The prepared sample was then loaded into the ICP-OES machine. The ICP-OES analytical machine used is shown in Figure 3. 11. Figure 3. 11- Pictorial view of the ICP-OES machine. 40 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 3.4.7 Eralystics ERAFLASH For the measurement of the flashpoint of the produced renewable diesel, an Eralystics ER 01 ERAFLASH was used. Using a pipette, the renewable diesel sample was filled up to the mark in the cup of the ERAFLASH. The filled cup was then inserted into the ERAFLASH through the front door of the instrument. The analysis took place after labelling the sample onto the screen of the instrument. The ERAFLASH has a temperature range of 25 to 200 °C and an analytical time of 15 to 20 minutes. The Eralystics ERAFLASH used for the analysis is displayed in Figure 3. 12. Figure 3. 12- Pictorial view of the ERAFLASH. 41 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 3.4.8 Cloud point For measuring the cloud points of the renewable diesel, a modified analytical setup is done. A metal pot is filled with ice and water for the creation of an ice bath. A sample of the renewable diesel is inserted into a glass vial and submerged into the ice bath. A thermocouple is inserted into the renewable diesel sample to measure the temperature. As the temperature decreases, the vial containing the renewable diesel sample was removed from the ice bath and inspected thoroughly. For a rough estimation of the cloud point of the sample, the temperature at which crystallization of the sample occurs is recorded. The analysis is displayed in Figure 3. 13. Figure 3. 13- Pictorial view of the cloud point analyses. 42 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, the results that were obtained from experiments are presented. The extraction process of the oil from SCG is discussed in section 4.1 and the hydrotreatment of the extracted oil is discussed in section 4.2. The hydrotreatment in the presence of a NiMo catalyst is presented in section 4.2.1 and in the presence of a CoMo catalyst in section 4.2.2. The two catalysts were compared in section 4.2.3. The most appropriate liquid product as mentioned in section 4.2.3 is compared to the diesel standards according to the (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014) in section 4.2.4. 4.1 Oil extraction from SCG 4.1.1 Effect of solvent used for extraction process on the bio-oil yield A soxhlet apparatus was used for the extraction of bio-oil from a SCG feedstock to be used as feedstock for the production of liquid fuel. A minimal number of 3 extractions has been done with each of the chosen solvent as mentioned in section 0. This has been done to obtain an average oil extraction yield, as shown in Figure 4. 1. 43 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 20 18 16.09 Extraction yield (%) 16 14 12 10 8 5.81 6 4 2 0 Average extraction yield (%) n-Hexane Methanol Figure 4. 1- Average extraction yield calculated for desired solvent. It is recorded from Figure 4. 1 that by using n-Hexane (non-polar solvent) as the extraction solvent during the soxhlet extraction process, the highest extracted bio-oil yield is obtained. According to (Mwabueze & Okocha, 2008), this may be due to the lack of an O-H end that would interfere with the extraction process. It is further stated by (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012) that due to the low charges that the non-polar solvent carries, the solvent is able to penetrate into the matrix of the feed. This is due to the extraction process being based on Van der Waals forces and due to the higher hydrogen bonds that polar components contain, this makes the penetrating process into the feed matrix more difficult. Another possibility is due to the polarity difference of the solvents, different bio-oils may be extracted. When a non-polar hexane solvent is used, a higher amount of triglycerides is extracted from the biomass due to their composition. In the case of a polar methanol solvent, the extraction of the cracked free fatty acids present in the biomass is extracted. Due to a higher yield recorded form the use of the non-polar hexane, a conclusion may be made that the amount of triglycerides are exponentially higher than the free fatty acids in the biomass. The recorded average oil extraction yield of 16.09 % is higher than the maximum yield of 15.28 % in the study done by (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012), but lower than the maximum yield of 52.83 % in a study done by (Araujo & Sandi, 2007). In the cause of the study done by (Araujo & Sandi, 2007), a fresh source of coffee beans are used which entail a higher percentage oil content in comparison with a SCG feed source. According to (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012), the different brewing methods that has been practised on the coffee ground has a direct influence 44 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering on the quality and quantity of the SCG. This may be a reason for the difference in the extraction yield obtained from the study done by (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012) and the data that has been recorded in Figure 4. 1. To extract sufficient amounts of oil from SCG for hydro-processing experimental work, nhexane has been chosen as the extraction solvent as it yields more oil compared to methanol. The bio-oil yield for the remaining extraction runs using n-hexane as the solvent on a dry weight basis was between 12.1 % and 17.55 %. A total of 821.907 g of coffee bio-oil has been extracted from the SCG. 4.1.2 Effect of solvent used for extraction process on the bio-oil composition For the study of the effect that different extraction solvents has on the composition of the extracted bio-oil, a GC-FAME has been used to characterize the qualitative and quantitate values of the fatty acids present in the extracted coffee bio-oil as mention in section 3.4.3. The extracted bio-oils has been derivatized for the total breakdown of all fatty acids that were still attached on a glycerol base and the free fatty acids were then recorded by the GC-FAME analytical machine. A summary of the main free fatty acids present within the extracted coffee bio-oil is shown in Figure 4. 2. 16.000 13.853 Weight percentage 14.000 12.000 10.000 8.140 8.000 6.000 3.474 4.000 1.947 2.000 0.000 C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 Free fatty acids Hexane Methanol Figure 4. 2- Quantitative results of free fatty acids present in bio-oil extracted by means of different solvents. 45 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering The most occurring free fatty acid in terms of weight percentage has been recorded as C16:0 or palmitic acid. The presence of C18:1 or oleic acid is also recorded in Figure 4. 2. The weight percentage calculation may be seen in Appendix A- SCG extraction calculation under Calculation of weight percentage of FFA present in the extracted SCG bio-oil. It is also shown that a higher weight percentage of free fatty acids has been recorded when methanol was used as the extraction solvent. According to (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012), the higher percentage of free fatty acids (FFA) that are present in the bio-oil extracted with a polar methanol solvent may have negative implications with further experimentation with that oil. The higher percentage of FFA’s increases the oxidation rate of the oil and thus reduces the overall stability of the oil and increases its degradation. The high amounts of FFA’s also may form high amounts of unwanted soap by-products during catalytic reactions. A linear model with the increase of FFA’s may describe the increase of viscosity, as stated by (Mwabueze & Okocha, 2008). Due to the hexane solvent obtaining the lowest amount of FFA’s, it contains a greater average length of fatty acid carbon chains on the glycerol and the ester amount has a stoichiometric lower percentage (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012). An additional explanation for the higher weight yield obtained from the non-polar solvent in comparison to the polar solvent may be the lower amount of FFA’s present in its composition. According to (Al-Hamamre, et al., 2012), the formation of complexes between the fatty acids and carbohydrate breakdown components may be the result for the lower weight yield obtained from the polar solvent during the extraction process. 4.1.3 Effect of solvent used for extraction process on the bio-oil calorific value As mentioned in section 4.1.1, due to the differences of the solvent’s electrical charges the extraction process yields will differ. Along with the difference in yield percentages, the energy values of the extracted bio-oils may also differ with a change in solvent compositions. A bomb calorific analysis has been done on the extracted bio-oils from both possible solvent components. The calorific values of the extracted bio-oils may be seen in Figure 4. 3. 46 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 39.500 38.628 Calorific value (MJ/kg) 39.000 38.500 37.350 38.000 37.500 37.000 36.500 36.000 35.500 35.000 Hexane Methanol Solvents Figure 4. 3- Calorific values of extracted bio-oils from different extraction solvents. As can be seen from Figure 4. 3, a slightly higher gross calorific value is recorded for the biooil extracted with n-Hexane as solvent. However, due to both the obtained calorific values being in the experimental error margin, both may be classified as equal. The high calorific values of the obtained coffee bio-oils may be due to the higher quantity of palmitic acids that are present. It may be seen in section 2.2, Table 2. 1, that the obtained calorific values are more in the range of the palmitic fatty acid’s recorded calorific value. 4.2 Hydrotreatment of oil extracted from spent coffee grounds 4.2.1 Ni/Mo hydrotreating catalyst Effect of temperature on the feed conversion For the calculation of the conversion from SCG bio-oil to liquid product fuel, a simulation distillation data was employed. Feed conversion has been defined as the mass of the extracted SCG bio-oil that has been converted into liquid fuel with a boiling range of below 370°C. A display of the repeated experimental procedures at a temperature of 390 °C to determine the experimental error is shown in Figure 4. 4. 47 Feed conversion (%) School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 99.60% 99.40% 99.20% 99.00% 98.80% 98.60% 98.40% 98.20% 98.00% 97.80% 97.60% 99.43% 99.00% 98.34% 390 390 Temperature (°C) 390 Figure 4. 4- Hydrotreating experimental repeats at a temperature of 390 °C in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. As shown in Figure 4. 4, different values in terms of the feed conversions for each experiment has been recorded. These values were used for the calculation of the experimental errors in Figure 4. 5 below. The calculations for the experimental errors is shown in Appendix A- SCG extraction calculation under Experimental error calculation for calorific values. A display of the effect of temperature on the bio-oil conversion over a NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst at a constant pressure is shown in Figure 4. 5. 100.00% 99.43% 99.36% Feed convertion (%) 99.50% 98.64% 99.00% 98.50% 98.04% 98.00% 97.50% 97.00% 96.50% 350 370 390 Temperature (°C) 410 Figure 4. 5- Effect of temperature on the feed conversion in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. 48 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering It is recorded from Figure 4. 5 that the feed conversion of each hydrotreatment process at different reaction temperatures may be allocated as follows; 390°C > 410°C > 370°C > 350°C. Thus, a temperature of 390°C is recorded as the most appropriate temperature for the maximum feed conversion for this experimental setup, whereas a temperature of 350°C is recorded as the lowest. The constant increase of the conversion from a temperature of 350 °C to 390 °C is due to both the decarboxylation and decarbonylation reaction becoming the more dominant reactions (Veriansyah, et al., 2012). The decrease of the conversion from a temperature of 390 °C to 410 °C is according to (Kim, et al., 2013), due to the increased production of water. During hydrotreating, the water gas shift reaction possibly contributes to the production of water which result in the poisoning and finally the deactivation of the catalyst and therefore a decrease in the feed conversion. As can be noted in Figure 4. 5, the obtained feed conversion values at temperatures of both 390 °C and 410 °C falls within the experimental error margin. Thus, an absolute conclusion regarding the most appropriate temperature for this experimental setup in terms of feed conversion cannot be verified. . Effect of temperature on the liquid product composition As stated by (Krar, et al., 2010), during the hydrotreating process various side reactions may occur over the catalyst. The side reactions that may occur result in the formation of isomers, olefins, aromatic compounds and cyclic compounds. The effect of various reaction temperatures on the produced liquid fuel is displayed in Figure 4. 6. 49 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 100% Liquid composition 100% 99% 99% 98% 98% 97% 97% 96% 350 n-Alkanes 370 Iso-alkanes Olefins 390 390 Temperature (°C) Aromatics 390 Cyclic compounds 410 Oxygenate Figure 4. 6- Temperature effect on liquid product composition in the presence of a NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst. It may is noted from Figure 4. 6 that with an increase of temperature, there is a decrease in the total percentage of n-alkanes present in the liquid fuel. The explanation thereof may be due to hydrocracking taking place at higher temperatures, thus the heavier molecules are cracked into lighter compounds (Khethane, 2016). With a decrease of n-alkanes, an increase of iso-alkanes is also recorded. This addition is beneficial with the cold plug flow properties of the produced liquid fuel, however due to a lack of sufficient iso-alkanes the produced liquid fuel did not flow easily at temperature lower than 12°C, as can be seen below in section 4.2.4. The presence of the unconverted oxygenates in the liquid product will lead to a lower oxidative stability and lower calorific value. As can be seen in Figure 4. 6, the remaining oxygenates from the hydrotreatment process are lower than 1% of the total liquid product mass and may be deemed neglectable. It is also recorded that the percentage oxygenates present in the liquid fuel decrease with an increase in reaction temperature. This is a result of an increase in the efficiency of the hydrotreatment process with an increase of temperature leading to a better conversion. As the reaction temperature increase, the deoxygenation reactions, namely decarboxylation, decarbonylation and hydro deoxygenation starts to occur at a higher rate (Tiwari, et al., 2011). 50 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Effect of temperature on the liquid product yield A simple mass equation, as shown in section 3.4.2, has been used to calculate the total liquid product yield. To calculate the experimental error in terms of liquid yields a repeat of the hydrotreating process was done at a temperature of 390 °C. This temperature was chosen due to the fact that it produced the highest diesel fuel yield and lower by-products, as can be seen in section A display of the experimental error is shown in Figure 4. 7 and Figure 4. 8. 36.00 34.80 Liquid product produced (g) 35.00 33.70 34.00 33.00 32.00 31.00 30.90 30.00 29.00 28.00 390 390 Temperature (°C) 390 Figure 4. 7- Hydrotreating experimental repeats at a temperature of 390 °C in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. 51 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 88.00 86.74 86.00 83.84 Yield percentage 84.00 82.00 80.00 78.00 77.66 76.00 74.00 72.00 390 390 Temperature (°C) 390 Figure 4. 8- Hydrotreating experimental repeats at a temperature of 390 °C in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. It is recorded in Figure 4. 7 that a liquid yield increase has occurred. This may be due to the more perfect experimental producer has been followed in terms of human error. The hydrotreating process yields and amount of liquid fuel produced is displayed in Figure 4. 9 and Figure 4. 10. 52 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 40.00 Liquid product produced (g) 35.00 33.70 32.50 34.80 30.90 31.10 29.50 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 350 370 390 390 Temperature (°C) 390 410 Figure 4. 9- Liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. 100.00 90.00 83.84 80.80 Yuield percentage 80.00 86.74 77.66 77.53 73.63 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 350 370 390 390 Temperature (°C) 390 410 Figure 4. 10- Liquid product weight yield in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. 53 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering The highest recorded liquid yield, as can be seen in Figure 4. 9 and Figure 4. 10, is recorded as 86.74 % at a temperature of 390 °C. A liquid product yield decrease that is recorded as the temperature increases from 390 °C to 410 °C is due to the occurrence of cracking. Cracking is favoured at higher temperatures and results in the formation of lighter components, thus increasing the gas yield and lowering the liquid yield. As can be seen in Figure 4. 10, all of the obtained liquid product mass yields fall in the experimental error margin, thus a temperature at which optimal liquid yield may be produced cannot be verified. However, at a temperature of 370 °C and 410 °C a liquid yield below the experimental error margin is recorded and thus may be classified as the worst performing temperatures in terms of liquid yield. Effect of temperature on the liquid product calorific value Due to the oxygen molecules present within the bio-diesel composition, the calorific value will be significantly lower than that of diesel which contains no oxygen molecule in its composition. To analyse the efficiency of the hydrotreating process, a bomb calorific meter has been used to record the produced liquid fuel’s calorific energy values at different temperature ranges. The calorific values for the obtained liquid fuels at various temperature ranges are displayed in Figure 4. 11. 47.000 46.146 Calorific value (MJ/kg) 46.500 46.000 45.000 45.500 45.000 45.023 44.295 44.500 44.000 43.500 43.000 42.500 350 370 390 Temperature (°C) 410 Figure 4. 11- Calorific values of liquid products at different temperatures in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. 54 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering As can be seen in Figure 4. 11, the calorific values of each hydrotreating process at different temperature may be allocated as follow; 390 °C > 410 °C > 370 °C > 350 °C. A number of 3 repeats have been done on the bomb calorific meter to establish an experimental error. By means of using this obtained data and standard deviation, an error bar has been added to Figure 4. 11 for the deployment of the recorded experimental error. The calculation of the experimental error may be seen in Appendix C- Calculations of hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of both NiMo/Al2O3 and CoMo/Al2O3 under Experimental error calculation for calorific values. It is recorded that with an increase of temperature, an increase in the calorific value also occurs. This is due to a higher amount of oxygenates present in the liquid product at lower reaction temperature, and thus lowering the calorific value of the liquid fuel (Ramadhas, et al., 2005). However, the highest recorded calorific value was recorded at a temperature of 390 °C. Due to the high value obtained, it was recorded outside the experimental error margin and may thus be established as the most appropriate temperature in terms of caloric values. This is due to a higher rate of n-alkanes in the liquid composition of the 390 °C liquid fuel in compassion with the 410 °C liquid fuel, as can be seen in section According to (Sivasankar, 2008), n-alkanes has a significantly higher ignition quality and thus a higher calorific value than iso-alkanes. The obtained calorific values in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 may be an indication of the effectiveness of the hydrotreatment process. As can be seen in section 4.1.3, Figure 4. 3, the calorific value from the feed source to the liquid product has increased significantly. This may be an indication of successful deoxygenation, as the presence of oxygen molecules causes a lower calorific values of a component. Effect of temperature on the fuel yield The fuel yields for the produced liquid product has been studied at a series of different reaction temperatures. In this study it has been defined that naphtha has a boiling range between 75 °C to 150 °C, kerosene has a boiling range between 150 °C to 240 °C and diesel has a boiling range between 240 °C to 370 °C according to the National Petroleum Refiners of South Africa (NatRef). The effect of temperature on the liquid fuel boiling range distribution is displayed in Figure 4. 12. 55 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 0.008 0.007 0.019 0.024 Heavy Fuel Oils 0.9714 0.9758 0.9687 0.9671 Diesel Keroseen 0.011 0.0091 0.0068 0.0044 Naphtha 0.0095 0.0078 0.006 0.0042 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Selectivity 410 390 370 350 Figure 4. 12- The temperature effect on the liquid fuel boiling range distribution from hydrotreated coffee bio-oil in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. It is obtained that the most appropriate temperature, which resulted in the highest diesel selectivity from a coffee bio-oil feedstock for this experimental setup, is at 390 °C. A steady increase in the production of naphtha is recorded with an increase in the reaction temperature. A similar observation is made for the kerosene, as the production rate increases with an increase in temperature. This is typically due to hydrocracking tacking place at higher temperatures, cracking the heavy diesel molecules into lighter components. The diesel selectivity’s at different temperatures differs slightly, where a steady incline is recorded. The selectivity of diesel at a temperature of 410 °C slightly decreases, due to a higher amount of hydrocracking taking place as mentioned above. 4.2.2 Co/Mo catalyst results It is important to note that all the experimental errors done in section 4.2.2, is done in a similar manner in comparison to section 4.2.1. The experimental error calculations of the section below may be seen in Appendix C- Calculations of hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of both NiMo/Al2O3 and CoMo/Al2O3. 56 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Effect of temperature on the feed conversion Simulated distillation data, similar as in the case of the NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst, has been employed for the calculation of the conversion of the hydrotreated coffee bio-oil in the presence of a CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst. The effect of that temperature has on the feed conversion of coffee bio-oil is displayed in Figure 4. 13. Feed convertion 100.00% 99.50% 99.08% 99.23% 99.20% 99.00% 98.32% 98.50% 98.00% 97.50% 97.00% 350 370 390 Temperature (°C) 410 Figure 4. 13- Effect of temperature on the feed conversion in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. It is obtained that at a temperature of 390 °C, the highest conversion is recorded. The feed conversion of the coffee bio-oil increases with an increasing temperature. This is due to the dormancy of the decarboxylation and decarbonylation reactions taking place. Due to these reactions being endothermic reactions, the conversion will increase with an increase in reaction temperature (Kim, et al., 2013). A decrease in the feed conversion is noted from 390 °C to 410 °C. This could be as a result of the water gas shift reaction which produces water and deactivates the catalyst. With a larger amount of water produced, the catalyst deactivation rate increases and thus the conversion will decrease. It should be noted that the obtained feed conversion values at the temperature 370 °C, 390 °C and 410 °C are all in the experimental error margin. Thus, a conclusion for the optimal temperature in terms of feed conversion is not verified. 57 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Effect of temperature on the liquid product composition Using the data generated from the GC-MS analysis of the hydrotreating experiments in the presence of the CoMo catalyst, a semi-qualitative analysis based on peak areas obtained from the GC-MS has been used to divide the produced liquid fuels into their existing components. These components have formed as a result of deoxygenation products as well as side reactions taking place during the hydrotreating process. The effect of temperature on the liquid product fuel composition is displayed in Figure 4. 14. 100% Liquid composition 100% 99% 99% 98% 98% 97% 350 n-Alkanes 370 Iso-alkanes Olefins 390 390 Temperature (°C) Aromatics 390 Cyclic compounds 410 Oxygenate Figure 4. 14- Influence that temperature has on the liquid product fuels produced from hydrotreating coffee biooil in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. It may be recorded from Figure 4. 14, that with an increase in reaction temperature a decrease in the remaining oxygenates are observed. As explained by (Bezergianni, et al., 2010), the occurrence rate of the deoxygenation reactions, namely decarboxylation, decarbonylation and hydro deoxygenation increase with an increase in temperature. This results in more oxygen molecules being eliminated from the product as water, carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide and thus less oxygenates being present in the liquid fuel. A higher percentage of iso-alkanes is recorded in the liquid fuel produced at 410 °C. This observation may be due to the isomerizing reaction occurring more in the experimental setup. 58 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Effect of temperature on the liquid product yield As mentioned in section 3.4.2, a simply mass based equation is used for the calculation of the total liquid product yield. The hydrotreating experiments done in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 is displayed in Figure 4. 15 and Figure 4. 16. 34.50 33.50 Liquid product produced (g) 34.00 33.40 33.50 32.70 33.00 32.20 32.50 32.00 31.50 32.00 31.50 31.00 30.50 30.00 29.50 350 370 390 390 Temperature (°C) 390 410 Figure 4. 15- Liquid fuel produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. 59 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 86.00 83.67 82.99 84.00 81.30 Yield percentage 82.00 80.04 79.55 80.00 78.26 78.00 76.00 74.00 72.00 350 370 390 390 Temperature (°C) 390 410 Figure 4. 16- Liquid product weight yield in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. It is obtained from Figure 4. 16 that the total liquid product yield at temperatures 370 °C and 390 °C are in close proximities from one another. A yield decrease from 390 °C to 410 °C is observed. This may be a result of cracking taking place, forming a higher amount of lighter components and thus increasing the gas yield by decreasing the liquid yield. It should also be noted that no optimal temperature in terms of liquid product yield may be verified due to all of the obtained results, excluding those obtained at a temperature of 410°C, falling within the calculated experimental error margin. Effect of temperature on the liquid product calorific value Oxygen within a component lower the total potential calorific value that the component may possess, thus this value may be a method of calculating the efficiency of the hydrotreating process. A summary of the gross calorific values obtained from hydrotreating coffee bio-oil at different temperature ranges is displayed in Figure 4. 17. 60 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 45.200 44.922 Calorific value (MJ/kg) 45.000 44.800 44.494 44.565 44.600 44.287 44.400 44.200 44.000 43.800 43.600 350 370 390 Temperature (°C) 410 Figure 4. 17- Calorific values of liquid products at different temperatures in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. As can be seen in Figure 4. 17, the calorific values obtained from the produced liquid fuel may be allocated from largest to smallest in terms of temperature as follow; 390 °C > 370 °C > 350 °C > 410 °C. As mentioned in section, error bars has been implemented on Figure 4. 17 to establish an experimental error margin for the recorded data. It is recorded that the liquid fuel produced at a temperature of 410 °C has the lowest calorific energy value. This is due to that large amount of iso-alkanes that the liquid fuel possess, as can be seen in section, due to a large amount of hydrocracking taking place during the process. Iso-alkanes has a significantly lower calorific energy value than alkanes (Sivasankar, 2008), thus at 410 °C the lowest calorific value is obtained. The highest calorific value is obtained at a temperature of 390 °C. Thus, 390 °C is the most appropriate temperature in terms of caloric values, due to it being located outside the experimental error margin of the other recorded data. This is due to higher amounts of oxygenates are present at lower temperature ranges, due to less efficient deoxygenation occurring. These higher amounts of oxygenates reduces the calorific value of the liquid fuel (Ramadhas, et al., 2005), thus a lower calorific value is obtained at lower temperatures. 61 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Effect of temperature on the fuel yield To establish the optimal diesel fuel yield, the effect of temperature on the produced liquid fuel’s yields has been investigated. The effect of temperature on the fuel yield is displayed in Figure 4. 18. 0.0079 0.013 0.02 0.019 Heavy Fuel Oils 0.9573 0.9756 0.97 0.9733 Diesel Keroseen 0.0168 0.0056 0.0049 0.0036 Naphtha 0.018 0.006 0.0053 0.0041 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Selectivity 410 390 370 350 Figure 4. 18- The temperature effect on the liquid fuel boiling range distribution from hydrotreated coffee bio-oil in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3. According to Figure 4. 18 an optimal temperature is recorded at 390 °C, due to the highest diesel selectivity being obtained at that temperature. A slight decrease in the amount of heavy fuel oils are recorded as the temperature increases. This is a result of a higher conversion rate that occurs due to sufficient heat being present for the bio-oils to react. However, the liquid fuel produced at the highest temperature variable of 410 °C has delivered the lowest diesel selectivity. This is due to the heavier diesel molecules cracking into lighter components as a result of a higher amount of hydrocracking that occurred. A steady increase in the production of both naphtha and kerosene is noted. This increasing rate is another indication of hydrocracking taking place at higher temperatures. 62 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 4.2.3 Catalyst comparison The effectiveness of the saturation of the double bonds present within the triglycerides of the oil depends, among other things, on the chosen process catalyst (Kim, et al., 2013). It was recorded that in the presence of both NiMo/Al2O3 and CoMo/Al2O3, an increase of feed conversion has been noted with an increase in temperature. The optimal temperature recorded for the highest feed conversion in both cases has been obtained at 390 °C. The NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst had a slightly higher feed conversion than the CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst, with a 99.43 % and 99.23 % respectively. It may be noted that the NiMo/Al2O3 liquid fuel results in a higher feed conversion in comparison with the CoMo/Al2O3 liquid fuel as can be seen in Figure 4. 19 and Figure 4. 20. 100 99.23 99.43 86.74 82.99 Percentage 80 60 40 20 0 NiMo Feed Conversion CoMo Liquid yield Figure 4. 19- Comparison of liquid fuel’s feed conversion and production yield percentage in the presence of different catalysts at an optimal temperature of 390 °C. 63 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 47 46.146 Calorific value (MJ/kg) 46.5 46 44.922 45.5 45 44.5 44 43.5 43 NiMo CoMo Catalyst Figure 4. 20- Comparison of calorific values in the presence of different catalysts at an optimal temperature of 390 °C. A more appropriate temperature in terms liquid product yield and calorific values has also been recorded at a temperature of 390 °C. In the presence of a NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst, the liquid fuel obtained a maximum liquid product yield of 86.74 % and a maximum calorific value of 46.146 MJ/kg. The CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst produced a decent maximum liquid product yield of 82.99 % at 390 °C and a calorific value of 44.922 MJ/kg. Thus, in terms of liquid product yield and calorific value, the NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst produced a liquid fuel with a higher qualitative value as can be seen in Figure 4. 19 and Figure 4. 20. However, it should be noted that the obtained data in terms of the compared feed conversions, liquid yields and the calorific values all fall within the experimental error parameters calculated in Appendix C- Calculations of hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of both NiMo/Al2O3 and CoMo/Al2O3. Thus, no clear differences between the 2 catalysts may be concluded in terms of the feed conversion, liquid yield and calorific values of A comparison between the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 and the CoMo/Al2O3 is shown in Figure 4. 21. 64 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Heavy Fuel Oils 0.013 0.007 0.976 Diesel Keroseen naphtha 0.976 0.006 0.009 0.006 0.008 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 Selectivity CoMo 0.800 1.000 NiMo Figure 4. 21- Comparison of liquid fuel’s composition in the presence of different catalysts at an optimal temperature of 390 °C. In terms of the produced liquid fuel compositions, both the NiMo/Al2O3 and the CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst obtained the most desired compositions at a temperature of 390 °C. However, a higher saturation and deoxygenation of the feed stock triglycerides is recorded with the NiMo/Al2O3 produced liquid fuel. This is due to a relatively high amount of olefins and oxygenates still being present in the CoMo/Al2O3 liquid fuel in comparison to the lower amount in the NiMo/Al2O3 liquid fuel. It can be seen in sections and that for all temperatures, the CoMo/Al2O3 liquid fuels has a higher recorded amount of olefins and oxygenates in the fuel’s composition in comparison with the NiMo/Al2O3 liquid fuel. For this process, the desired product was required to be a liquid fuel of which diesel is the main component. This requirement is best evaluated by means of investigating the diesel composition in both catalytic liquid fuels. An optimal temperature of 390 °C has been recorded to produce a liquid fuel with the highest diesel selectivity of 0.976 in the case for the NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst, however a relative similar result for the case of the CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst has been obtained. A diesel selectivity of 0.976 has also been recorded for the CoMo/Al 2O3 catalyst liquid fuel at a temperature of 390 °C. Thus, in terms of diesel selectivity’s both catalyst 65 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering produced almost equal results as can be seen in Figure 4. 21. However, it may be noted that in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 a higher amount of lighter components is produced whereas in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 a higher amount of heavy fuel oils are produced. Thus, according to the compared results mention above it may be noted that in terms of diesel selectivity and qualitative fuel production that the NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst received a higher performance rate in comparison with the inferior CoMo/Al2O3 at a process temperature of 390 °C. This is mainly due to a higher amount of lighter components and a lower amount of heavy fuel oils produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. The higher amounts of lighter components may be flashed off and even collected to sell as a by-product. In the case of liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3, a higher amount of cyclic compounds and oxygenates are present in the product, thus resulting in a more unstable product. In the case of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3, a higher amount of alkanes and isomers are recorded and thus makes it the more appropriate liquid product. 66 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 4.2.4 Produced liquid product comparison with SANS342 As mentioned in section 4.2.3, the liquid fuel produced in the presence of a NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst and at a temperature of 390 °C has been labelled as the better qualitative renewable diesel that was produced. In order to analyses the quality of the produced renewable diesel, it has been compared to the South African Nation Standard for Automotive fuels (SANS 342). The results of the produced renewable diesel compared to some of the parameters of the SANS 342 is displayed in Table 4. 1. 67 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Table 4. 1- Comparison between produced renewable diesel against SANS 342 standards. Produced renewable diesel in Property Units Requirement presence of Test method NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst @ 390 °C Sulphur content for Standard diesel 500 ppm, max. mg/kg 500 <1 ASTM D2622 T90, max °C 362 305 ASTM D86 Flash point °C 55 35.8 ASTM D93 Winter max. °C 6 16 ASTM D2500 Water content, max. mg/kg 350 30.3 ASTM D4377 Oxidation stability, max. minutes 20 >20 ASTM D2274 Distillation Cloud point: Summer, max. 68 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Sulfur content The total sulphur content for a standard diesel, according to the (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014), should not exceed 500 ppm or 500 mg/kg. By means of using ICP-OES analysis, the sulphur content for the liquid product was recorded as “not detectable”. It should be noted that the sensitivity of the ICP-OES analytical machine is 1 ppm, thus the sulphur content in the liquid product is less than 1 mg/kg. It is known that the use of biomass for the production of transportation fuels is advantageous from a sulphur content point of view. This is typically due to the low sulphur content of biomass. It is important for a fuel to contain a specific amount of sulphur, due to sulphur being a greenhouse gas and increasing the rate of global warming. A fuel with a higher amount of sulphur thus results in a higher amount of unwanted gasses being released during combustion. Distillation The diesel standard (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014) stated that 90% of the fuel should fall in a boiling range below 362 °C. This is to ensure that a liquid product with a high diesel selectivity is produced. A display of the simulated distillation of the liquid product produced by hydrotreating bio-oil extracted from SCG in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at a temperature of 390 °C is shown in Figure 4. 22. 69 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 400 350 Temperature (°C) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure 4. 22- Simulation distillation of most appropriate liquid product produced at 390 °C in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. It may be noted in Figure 4. 22, that a weight percentage of 90 is achieved at a temperature of approximately 305 °C. This indicates that a good quality liquid product has been produced with a high diesel selectivity, due to a small range of the total weight percentage falling below 250 °C. The produced liquid product thus conforms to the specification in the standard. Flash point According to the (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014), the lowest possible flash point which a diesel fuel is allowed to possess is 55 °C. Using the Eralystics ER 01 ERAFLASH analyser, the produced renewable diesel measured a flash point of 35.8 °C. According to (Li, et al., 2005), the flash point of substance is the lowest possible temperature at which it will ignite when exposed to an ignition source. The obtained flash point of 35.8 °C of the produced renewable diesel falls below the (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014) standards of 55 °C. Due to the lower flash point, some problems may be experienced in terms of shipping, storage and precautionary handling and transporting of the fuel. Lighter compounds are therefore present in the produced liquid product. The presence of these lighter components may reduce the flash point of the overall liquid product, due the lighter components having a lower ignition temperature than heaver diesel components. Pentadecane, which has 15 70 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering carbons in its structural chain has a boiling point of 270.6 °C. Thus, the presence of lighter components is seen in Figure 4. 23 left from the pentadecane peak. 71 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering A b u n d a n c e T IC : T o n y 2 8 .3 5 0 1 .66 2 6 3 a .D \ d a ta .m s 8 e + 0 7 Octadecan (C18) 7 .5 e + 0 7 Heptadecane (C17) 7 e + 0 7 6 .5 e + 0 7 2 3 .8 4 6 Hexadecan (C16) 6 e + 0 7 5 .5 e + 0 7 Pentadecan (C15) 5 e + 0 7 4 .5 e + 0 7 4 e + 0 7 3 .5 e + 0 7 3 e + 0 7 2 .5 e + 0 7 2 e + 0 7 3 4 .2 3 4 3 2 .3 2 7 1 .5 e + 0 7 1 e + 0 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 .4 4 6 0 5 .0 0 2 1 .1 0 6 9 . 0 3 10 2 . 5 11 75 . 6 11 83 . 4 4 9 1 7 .8 7 3 1 0 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 9 9 3 3535.60. 5 . 00 94 9 4 9 .2 0 8 3 8 .4 4 0 4 3 .2 4 9 4 8 .9 2 4 4 1 .3 4 0 3 4 . 7 6 809 3 4 . 4 7 8 3 3 3 . 5 5 6 . 0 1 7 3 3 . 8 5 5 3 4 . 5 6 8 22 99 ..9 2 9 .7 34 89 55 57 093 7533 0. 6 47 3. 3 26 6 .46 14 2 222 677 . ..9 5 . 8.4.47 5 72 8 31 1 6 4 44 . 55 48.9951 .140 5 44 0 7 71 3 .8.4 2 95 .02 22 6 2 5 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 3 5 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4 5 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 5 6 .7 6 5 5 5 .0 0 6 16 . 2 7 .39 96 2 6 0 .0 0 T im e - - > Figure 4. 23- Chromatogram of the product liquid produced at 390 °C in presence of NiMo/Al2O3. 72 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering The flashpoint of the renewable diesel’ can be improved by distilling off the lighter compounds shown in Figure 4. 23. By eliminating the lighter components the flash point of the remaining liquid diesel fuel will be increased. Addition profit may be made by means of collecting and selling the eliminated lighter components as naphthalene or kerosene products. Cloud point The cloud point of a solution is defined by (Mejia, et al., 2013), as the temperature at which solid phases begins to form within the liquid. The cloud point of diesel, in a summer or wintertime frame, must be according to the (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014) a maximum of 6 °C. As mentioned in section 3.4.8, a modified method was used to obtain an indication of the produced renewable diesel’s cloud point. It has been recorded that the temperature at which solid phases started to form in the liquid is 16 °C. This cloud point temperature is higher than the specification (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014) indicating a maximum temperature of 6 °C. Cold filter plugging flow may be an issue with the produced liquid diesel fuel. The high cloud point temperature may be caused due to a high amount of saturates that are present in the liquid fuel. According to (Mejia, et al., 2013), the higher amount of saturates present within a liquid fuel, the higher the cloud point of the liquid fuel will be. Water content As stated by (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014), the maximum possible water content which is allowed in any diesel produced should not exceed 350 mg/kg. As can be seen in Table 4. 1, the water content from the produced renewable diesel has been recorded as 30.3 mg/kg. This value falls within the specification and thus the water content of the produced renewable diesel is acceptable. The water present in the diesel is formed due to the deoxygenation pathway during hydrotreatment called hydrodeoxygenation, producing water by means of eliminating oxygen molecules from the coffee bio-oil feedstock. It is critical for the water content not to be above 350 mg/kg, due to the negative effect that water will have on the ignition and energy value of the liquid product as well as corrosion that will take place in an engine. 73 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Oxidation stability The oxidation stability of any transport fuel is important, as it describes the degradation tendency of the fuel. When oxidation of the fuels occur, it mainly forms hydro peroxides and peroxides. With further degradation, low molecular weight acids, ketones, aldehydes and alcohols may be formed. The presence of acids may increase the acidity of the fuel and lead to corrosion, whereas the presence of alcohols may lower the flash point of the fuel. According to the fuel standard (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014), a time period of at least 20 minutes must past before the oxidation the fuel should be recorded. As can be seen in Appendix EAnalytical results under Oxidation stability, the oxidation stability of the liquid product stays stabile for a time period of 12 hours. Thus, the produced liquid fuel has an exceptional high oxidation stability and therefore conforms to the diesel standard. 74 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS It was discussed in section 2.1, that an extremely large amount of coffee is produced and consumed yearly worldwide. These large amounts of spent coffee grounds contain significant quantities of valuable ingredients such as lipids, proteins and lignocellulose materials, which is being discarded after use at present. It was demonstrated that these SCG might serve as a potential feedstock in the production of alternative transportation fuels. By means of using a soxhlet extractor, the necessary bio-oils still present within the SCG has been extracted. The use of 2 solvent types, namely a polar methanol and a non-polar hexane was used during this extraction process. It was recorded that hexane was the better choice in terms of extracted bio-oils from the SCG, due to it producing a higher liquid weight yield in comparison with the methanol. The hexane produced a liquid yield range of 12.1 % to 17.55 %, whereas the methanol only produced a liquid yield range of 5.28 % to 6.29 %. Due to the composition of triglycerides, it is more attracted to a non-polar component whereas free fatty acids are more attracted to polar components. The spent coffee grounds used for the extraction process mostly contains triglycerides in comparison to cracked free fatty acids. This is due to a higher average oil extraction yield being obtained from the non-polar hexane solvent. The extracted bio-oil was catalytically hydrotreated with the goal to produce an alternative transportation fuel. The reaction temperature and catalyst choice has been set as the reaction parameter to investigate the optimal condition for the production of the best qualitative liquid product according to the (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014). The optimal fuel yield in terms of temperature was obtained by means of varying the reaction temperature from 350 °C to 410 °C. It is recorded that the amount of isomers present in the liquid products increased as the reaction temperature of the process increased. This was due to the occurrences of cracking taking place increase with temperature, thus the heavy diesel molecules is cracked to lighter compounds. It was found that more cyclic compounds, aromatics and olefins were formed in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3, thus a lower saturation percentage is recorded in comparison to the NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst. A larger amount of oxygenates still is present within the liquid products produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 in comparison to those in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. 75 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering At a reaction temperature of 390 °C, the highest diesel selectivity was recorded for both catalysts. The diesel selectivity was recorded as 0.976 for both catalysts, however in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 a higher amount of heavy fuel oils was noted in comparison to the liquid products in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3. Higher amounts of kerosene and naphtha was found in the NiMo/Al2O3 liquid products in comparison to the CoMo/Al2O3 liquid products. The NiMo/Al2O3 liquid product was chosen the best fuel product, due to the lower amounts of heavy fuel oils and the fact that lighter components may be eliminated more easily than the mentioned heavy fuel oils. The eliminated kerosene and naphtha may also serve as an additional profit if it is collected using a distillation process and sold as pure components. To be classified as a high quality diesel fuel, it has to meet specific standards in terms of its liquid composition and characteristics. As mentioned above, the NiMo/Al2O3 liquid product was deemed the most appropriate to be compared to the diesel standards or the diesel standard (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014). With a sulphur content of less than 1 ppm, a distillation temperature of 305 °C, a water content of 30.3 mg/kg and a oxidation stability of over 12 hours it conforms to the standard with regard to the mentioned parameters. However, in terms of the flash point and cloud point the standards was not met. The liquid product obtained a flash point of 35.8 °C in comparison to the minimal required temperature of 55 °C. This is due to the high amounts of lighter components present within the liquid, due to the occurrence of cracking. The heavier produced diesel molecules was cracked into lighter carbon compounds with lower boiling points. As mentioned above, the lighter components may be easily flashed off due to their lower boiling points and thus the flash point of the liquid product will improve. The high cloud point temperature is also deemed an imperfect aspect of the produced liquid product. Due to the high cloud point of 16 °C of the liquid product, the product has a higher crystallization temperature and thus is above the maximum cloud point temperature standard of 6 °C. A higher cloud point temperature will directly influence the cold filter plugging point in a negative manner. It is known that fuels produced from biomass produce good quality fuel, however the cold filter plugging point and cloud point temperatures are usually above the maximum standard for diesel fuel. The cloud point and cold filter plugging point temperature may be improved if a further isomerizing reaction is performed on the liquid product. This reaction will in turn increase the isomer content of the liquid product and thus decrease the cloud and cold filter plugging point of the fuel. This reaction is done by means of using an isomerization catalyst. .Thus to conclude, bio-oil extracted from SCG may be hydrotreated in the presence of catalyst to produce a good quality transportation fuel. The use of a non-polar solvent such as hexane produces a higher quality bio-oil in terms of FFA’s. A higher quality liquid product in terms of 76 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering diesel selectivity and liquid composition was produced in the presence of a NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst at a reaction temperature of 390 °C. The produced liquid product compares with the diesel standard (SANS 342:Edition 5, 2014) except for the flashpoint and cloud point. 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Figure A. 1- Calculation of the experimental errors for the different extracted bio-oils extraction yields by means of standard deviation. Calculation of weight percentage of FFA present in the extracted SCG bio-oil The calculation of the quantities FFA’s present within the hexane solvent extracted bio-oil and the methanol solvent extracted bio-oil is demonstrated in Figure A. 2. The area peaks recorded by the GC-FAME analytical machine was multiplied by the respective k-value of the FFA. A standard k-value for each FFA has been used for this calculation. 86 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure A. 2- Quantitative calculation of FFA present in solvent extracted bio-oils. Experimental error calculation for calorific values For the calculation of the experimental error, both oils have been analyzed a number of 3 times by the bomb calorific meter and the results was recorded. An average of the 2 different solvent extracted bio-oils was calculated along with each of the solvent extracted bio-oil’s standard deviations. These calculated standard deviations were then used in the excel function which draws error bars by means of the data’s obtained standard deviations. This calculation is shown in Figure A. 3. 87 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure A. 3- Calculation of the experimental errors for the different extracted bio-oils caloric values by means of standard deviation. 88 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering APPENDIX B- CATALYST COMPARISON Run Catalyst 1 Ni-MO 2 Ni-MO 3 Ni-MO 4 Co-MO 5 Co-MO 6 Co-MO 7 Ni-MO 8 Co-MO 9 Ni-MO 10 Ni-MO 11 Co-MO 12 Co-MO Temperature (°C) 390 410 370 390 410 370 350 350 390 390 390 390 Bio-oil Injected Product fraction at (g) 370 °C 39.789 40.114 40.065 40.250 40.227 40.038 40.222 40.231 40.195 40.120 40.222 40.244 0.993 0.992 0.982 0.990 0.990 0.989 0.976 0.979 0.980 0.989 0.987 0.987 Produced liquid product 30.900 31.100 29.500 31.091 32.000 33.500 32.500 32.200 33.700 34.800 32.700 33.400 Produced Heavy Fuel Feed Naphtha Naphtha Keroseen Keroseen Diesel Diesel Mass Heavy Fuel liquid product Oils Conversion Selectivity Mass (g) Selectivity Mass (g) Selectivity (g) oils Mass (g) above 370 °C Selectivity 0.226 0.258 0.546 0.311 0.320 0.368 0.790 0.676 0.667 0.400 0.412 0.431 99.43% 99.36% 98.64% 99.23% 99.20% 99.08% 98.04% 98.32% 98.34% 99.00% 98.98% 98.93% 0.008 0.010 0.006 0.006 0.018 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.013 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.241 0.295 0.177 0.183 0.571 0.178 0.137 0.132 0.448 0.275 0.271 0.267 0.009 0.011 0.007 0.006 0.017 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.014 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.281 0.336 0.201 0.176 30.392 0.164 0.143 0.116 0.485 0.310 0.301 0.294 0.976 0.971 0.969 0.976 0.957 0.970 0.967 0.973 0.953 0.972 0.970 0.970 30.152 30.211 28.577 30.731 30.392 32.488 31.431 31.340 32.099 33.815 31.716 32.408 0.007 0.008 0.019 0.013 0.008 0.020 0.024 0.019 0.020 0.012 0.013 0.013 Liquid product yield 0.226 0.258 0.546 0.410 0.251 0.670 0.790 0.612 0.667 0.400 0.412 0.431 77.66% 77.53% 73.63% 77.24% 79.55% 83.67% 80.80% 80.04% 83.84% 86.74% 81.30% 82.99% Figure B. 1- Summary of all hydrotreating procedures done with the catalyst choice and reaction temperature as reaction variables. 89 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering As can be seen in Figure B. 2, for the calculation of the feed conversion a simple conversion equation is used. Figure B. 2- Calculations of all hydrotreated procedures feed conversion. The equation used for the calculation of the feed conversion may be further displayed in equation 3. Feed conversion % = ( Amount of oil injected − amount of liquid product produced) × 100 Amount of oil injected (3) 90 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering APPENDIX C- CALCULATIONS OF HYDROTREATED SCG BIOOIL IN THE PRESENCE OF BOTH NIMO/AL2O3 AND COMO/AL2O3 Experimental error calculations for the feed conversion A number of 3 experimental procedures at a temperature of 390 °C has been done with the purpose to calculate the average experimental error for the hydrotreatment procedure in the presence of both NiMo/Al2O3 and CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst. As shown in Figure C. 1 and Figure C. 2, the average of the 3 feed conversions that was calculated was obtained, as well as the standard deviation of the data. The standard deviation was then used in a function in Excel to add error bars in the data graphs in terms of the standard deviation. Figure C. 1- Calculation of the experimental errors of the feed conversion for the hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. Figure C. 2- Calculation of the experimental errors of the feed conversion for the hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. 91 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Experimental error calculations for the liquid product yield A total of 3 experimental procedures in the cases of both catalysts individually has been done for the calculation of an experimental error. The results for the experimental repeats were recorded and an average and standard deviation has been calculated for both catalytic hydrotreating procedures. By means of using the calculated standard deviation and the build in excel function, error bars were drawn into the graphs displaying the experimental error. The calculation for the standard deviations are displayed in Figure C. 3 and Figure C. 4. Figure C. 3- Calculation of the experimental errors of the liquid product produced and yield percentage for the hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. Figure C. 4- Calculation of the experimental errors of the liquid product produced and yield percentage for the hydrotreated SCG bio-oil in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. Experimental error calculation for calorific values For the calculation of the experimental error in terms of the calorific values that were obtained, a liquid product sample was analysed a number of 3 times. The results were recorded and the average and standard deviation were calculated for the analytical repeats. The calculated standard deviation was then implied in the build in excel function to drawn error bars into the recorded data in terms of the calculated standard deviation. These calculations are displayed in Figure C. 5. 92 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure C. 5- Calculation of the experimental errors of the produced liquid products by means of standard deviation for both catalytic hydrotreating procedures. Selectivity calculations for the product liquid For the calculation of each fuel composition’s selectivity, the construction of a simulation distillation was done and used in the cases of both NiMo/Al2O3 and NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst. By means of using the boiling ranges for naphtha, kerosene, diesel and heavy fuel oils respectively, the weight percentage of each component was recorded from the constructed simulation distillation graph. This weight percentage was then converted into a fractional value and thus the selectivity of each component was calculated. This calculation was implemented for every hydrotreatment procedure and is displayed in Figure C. 6. Figure C. 6- Demonstration for the calculation of each component’s selectivity in the case of all produced liquid products. 93 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering APPENDIX D- SIMULATION DISTILLATION GRAPHS 600 Temperature ( °C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 Weight percentage 80 100 120 Figure D. 1- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 350 °C. 94 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 600 Temperature ( °C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 2- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 370 °C. 400 350 Temperature (°C) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 3- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. 95 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 600 Temperature (°C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Weight percentage Figure D. 4- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 410 °C. 600 Temperature (°C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 5- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 350 °C. 96 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 600 Temperature (°C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 6- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 370 °C. 600 Temperature (°C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 7- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. 97 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 400 350 Temperature (°C) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 8- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 410 °C. 600 Temperature (°C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 9- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C experimental repeat #1. 98 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 600 Temperature (°C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 10- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C experimental repeat #2. 600 Temeprature (°C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 11- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C experimental repeat #1. 99 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering 600 Temperature (°C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Weight percentage 100 120 Figure D. 12- Simulation distillation graph of the liquid product produced in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C experimental repeat #2. 100 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering APPENDIX E- ANALYTICAL RESULTS Highest calorific values obtained for both catalysts Figure E. 1- Pictorial view of best-recorded calorific value in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 obtained from the liquid product produced at 390 °C. 101 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Figure E. 2- Pictorial view of best-recorded calorific value in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 obtained from the liquid product produced at 390 °C. 102 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Flash point of most appropriate liquid product Figure E. 3- Pictorial view of flash point obtained from most appropriate produced liquid product in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. 103 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering GC-MS chromatograms A b u n d a n c e T IC : T o n y 4 .D \ d a ta .m s 4 2 .1 9 0 1 2 5 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 .2 4 4 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 0 0 0 0 4 2 .3 7 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 0 0 0 0 3 8 .1 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 .9 2 2 6 5 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 4 2 .7 5 9 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 4 2 .4 4 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 5 1 .9 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 2 9 .7 2 1 4 2 .8 9 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 44 33 .. 01 25 47 1 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 .9 7 1 3 3 .9 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 .7 0 2 4 9 .8 4 0 5 2 .0 2 7 5 1 .0 2 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 3 5 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4 5 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 5 5 .0 0 6 0 .0 0 T im e - - > Figure E. 4- Chromatogram of extracted SCG bio-oil by using the non-polar hexane as the solvent. 104 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering A b u n d a n c e T I C : T o n y 3 . D 8 0 0 0 0 0 \ d a t a . m s 3 8 . 1 4 1 44 22 . .13 16 71 7 5 0 0 0 0 4 1 . 1 8 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 . 9 2 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 4 2 . 4 3 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 44 22 .. 78 29 06 2 5 0 0 0 0 4 9 . 8 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 . 9 2 6 1 5 0 0 0 0 4 1 . 9 1 8 2 1 . 9 5 8 1 9 . 5 6 0 2 4 . 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 . 1 4 5 2 9 . 6 6 0 3 8 . 2 8 7 5 1 . 0 2 8 5 2 . 0 2 8 2 6 . 4 1 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 . 0 0 T im 1 0 . 0 0 1 5 . 0 0 2 0 . 0 0 2 5 . 0 0 3 0 . 0 0 3 5 . 0 0 4 0 . 0 0 4 5 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 5 5 . 0 0 6 0 . 0 0 e --> Figure E. 5- Chromatogram of extracted SCG bio-oil by using the polar methanol as the solvent. 105 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering A b u n d a n c e T IC : T o n y 2 8 . 35 01 .66 2 6 3 a .D \ d a ta .m s 8 e + 0 7 7 .5 e + 0 7 7 e + 0 7 6 .5 e + 0 7 2 3 .8 4 6 6 e + 0 7 5 .5 e + 0 7 5 e + 0 7 4 .5 e + 0 7 4 e + 0 7 3 .5 e + 0 7 3 e + 0 7 2 .5 e + 0 7 2 e + 0 7 3 4 .2 3 4 3 2 .3 2 7 1 .5 e + 0 7 1 e + 0 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 .4 4 6 0 5 .0 0 2 1 .1 0 6 9 . 0 3 10 2 . 5 11 75 . 6 11 83 . 4 4 9 1 7 .8 7 3 1 0 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 9 9 3 3535.60. 5 . 00 94 9 4 9 .2 0 8 3 8 .4 4 0 4 3 .2 4 9 4 8 .9 2 4 4 1 .3 4 0 3 4 . 7 6 809 3 4 . 4 7 8 ..4.53 16 5.5. 062 22 99 ..9 22 2 96 .7 7585.363 0 222 677 . ..9 5 .6587.4.847 5 72 8 31 1 6 4 44 . 556 .46147 712473 .8.42 48.9951 .140 5 44 0 95 .0234 8955 5709333 33333 2 5 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 3 5 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4 5 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 5 6 . 7 6 5 6 16 . 27 .39 96 2 5 5 .0 0 6 0 .0 0 T im e - - > Figure E. 6- Chromatogram of produced liquid product in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. 106 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering A b u n d a n c e T IC : T o n t 4 2 8 .5 3 4 8 .5 e + 0 7 a .D \ d a ta .m s 3 0 .6 0 9 8 e + 0 7 7 .5 e + 0 7 7 e + 0 7 2 3 .8 6 7 6 .5 e + 0 7 2 6 .1 8 7 6 e + 0 7 5 .5 e + 0 7 5 e + 0 7 4 .5 e + 0 7 4 e + 0 7 3 .5 e + 0 7 3 e + 0 7 2 .5 e + 0 7 2 e + 0 7 3 2 .3 3 2 3 4 .2 3 0 1 .5 e + 0 7 1 e + 0 7 3 35 5. 0. 61 08 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 05 . 4 8 8 0 5 .0 0 2 1 .1 0 4 9 . 0 6 18 2 . 5 31 35 . 6 11 88 . 4 5 0 1 0 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 3 6 .0 4 5 2 7 9 6 .3 6 2 4 9 .1 9 9 2 7 .1 3 8 . 4 42 18 .43 33 . 32 4 0 4 8 .9 1 9 .45 7 6067421216 73 6.034 817 92033 33333.44.458 2.22.4 98 .0.3 22222 627777 .7.9 2 1 35213 7. 3 755.. 9 0.. 127.6 18. 5 5 3997 .678 90 .5 27 956 .92 190 662 .351171 448. 895055.371 44 444 .. 556 .45047 756472 .8.7 7 8.40 10 9 ..26 2 96 .5 3 7 2 0 7 2 5 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 3 5 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4 5 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 7 .60 72 8 5 6 . 7 6 0 6 16 . 3 5 5 .0 0 6 0 .0 0 T im e - - > Figure E. 7- Chromatogram of produced liquid product in the presence of CoMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. 107 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Oxidation stability Figure E. 8- Pictorial view of the oxidation stability results obtained from the liquid product produced in the presence of NiMo/Al2O3 at 390 °C. 108 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering Method for GC-MS analysis Table E. 1- Method for GC-MS analytical machine. Parameter Value Column Agilent 7890A GC system and 5975C MSD ( 30 m length, 0.25 mm diameter, 0.1 µm film) Carrier gas Helium Linear velocity 0.9 mL/min Inlet Split/splitless Split ratio 10:1 Injection volume 1 µL Inlet temperature 250 °C Oven temperature 35 °C for 4 minutes Ramp at 5 °C/min to 190 °C, hold for 5 minutes Ramp at 10 °C/min to 420 °C, hold for 2 minutes Solvent for needle washes Dichloromethane 109 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering APPENDIX F- ECSA EXIT LEVEL OUTCOMES (ELO’S) ELO 1: Problem solving Identify, formulate, analyse and solve complex engineering problems creatively and innovatively. ELO 1 is accomplished with the completion of this project. Throughout the project various engineering problems manifested and thus solutions for these problems must have been developed. My competency for problem solving was mostly proven during the experimental procedures that were done to obtain products as well as data. By means of using creative and innovating thoughts, the present problems were solved. ELO 2: Application of scientific and engineering knowledge Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering fundamentals and an engineering speciality to solve complex engineering problems. ELO 2 is mostly accomplished by processing the obtained raw experimental data to present it in a professional and a knowledgeable matter. Mathematical competency was proven by calculation various experimental yields, selectivity’s, conversion, etc. during data processing. Competency in natural science and engineering fundamentals were proven by successfully completing the experimental procedures as well as processing the obtained raw data into valuable values and conclusions. 110 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering ELO 3: Engineering Design Demonstrate competence to perform creative, procedural and non-procedural design and synthesis of components, systems, engineering works, products or processes. ELO 3 is accomplished by the completion of this project. My competency for to perform creative procedural and non-procedural designs is proven by the completions of my experimental procedures. The experimental setup and procedure is a demonstration hereof due to certain procedural methods being followed to complete the experiment, as well as nonprocedural methods being adapted into the experimental setup due to specific errors that manifested. Competency in the synthesis of engineering works and processes are also proven with the completion of the experimental procedures, due to various products being obtained as result of these procedures. ELO 4: Investigations, experiments and data analysis Demonstrate competence to design and conduct My competency to design is proven with the completion of the written project. The designed report layout is constructed for sinful deployment of the obtained knowledge throughout the project. By means of processing the obtained raw data from the experimental procedures also proves my competency to design and conduct various excel spreadsheets as well as graphs. These spreadsheets and graphs has been design to display the processed result of the experimental producers to ensure an accurate conclusion may be made. 111 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering ELO 5: Engineering methods, skills and tools, including Information Technology Demonstrate competence to use appropriate engineering methods, skills and tools, including those based on information technology. For the completion of this project various engineering methods, skills and tools were used for the successful completion of all the experimental procedures as well as the raw data processing. Informational technologies such as Microsoft excel and word has been used for data processing and data presentation. Various analytical equipment has also been used to analyses the produced products for knowledgeable conclusion to be made. Thus, competency in informational technology and engineering methods is proven by the completion of all analyzed data. ELO 6: Professional and technical communication Demonstrate competence to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with engineering audiences and the community at large. The project would not have been successfully completed without oral and written communication. ELO 6 is thus completed by the successful completion of this project. My competency to communicate in a written manner is proven by the sending of emails to arrange meetings, as well as to book analytical equipment or ask for technical or procedural help from my project leader, lab manager, etc. Various meetings were also held throughout the year, which are proven with the completed minutes of every meeting, for project progress reports, experimental producer demonstrations and fundamentals, as well as for conformation of specific completed sections of the written report. Various presentations has also been held throughout the project to ensure effective time management as well as correct conclusion in terms of the processed results were made. 112 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering ELO 7: Sustainability and impact of engineering activity Demonstrate critical awareness of the impact of engineering activity on the social, industrial and physical environment. ELO 7 has been accomplished with the assistance of my lab manager and project leader. Correct and effective disposal of chemical components that were used during experimental producers were done, due to their corrosive impact on the environment. All safety methods were always followed during the performance of any experimental procedure due to their hazardous characteristics on humans and the environment. Prior to the start of all experimental procedures, various lab safety courses were followed as well as the completion of a Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) was done. Thus, my awareness of the impact of the engineering activity on the social, industrial and physical environment is proven. ELO 8: Individual, team and multidisciplinary working Demonstrate competence to work effectively as an individual, in teams and in multidisciplinary environments. ELO 8 is accomplished by the completion of this project, due to the fact that the project is deemed as an individual project. All responsibilities for the completion of the experimental procedures, written report, progress updates, etc. were solely on me. However, I received the help of various people in the completion of this project. My project leader helped with understanding the experimental procedures as well as data presentation and my lab manager helped by means of analytical procedures, lab safety, etc. I as an individual student also served as help with other students in the completion of these projects by means of helping with various writing technics, experimental procedures, etc. Thus, my competency to work as an individual as well as to receive and give out comments and help is proven. 113 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering ELO 9: Independent learning ability Demonstrate competence to engage in independent learning through well-developed learning skills. ELO 9 is accomplished by the completion of this project. Due to the topic of this project being something relative new to me, I demonstrated my ability to research and learn independently with the goal to understand the various fundamentals thereof. During the experimental producers, independent learning was also demonstrated by means of understanding how the process works as well as the fundamentals for various aspects thereof. ELO 10: Engineering Professionalism Demonstrate critical awareness of the need to act professionally and ethically and to exercise judgment and take responsibility within own limits of competence. Due to this project being deemed as an individual project, full responsibility for the completion of this project was taken upon me. With a vast amount of formal as well as informal meetings, I demonstrated my ability to act and perform in a professional and ethical manner. If an injustice was committed in the laboratories, for example bad hygiene during other students’ experimental procedures, I exercised my judgement to correct the matter. ELO 11: Engineering Management Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-making. For the successful completion of this project, indebt time planning was crucial. A week-byweek deadline has been set up for various smaller parts of the project to ensure sufficient time management. My competency in engineering management is thus proven by planning the events of the project toughly and ensuring that all deadlines are met. 114 School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering My economic competency is also proven by the use of the funds that were made available to me for the completion of this project. Due to careful planning and consideration, my funds were not exceeded and no extra funds was needed for the completion of my project. 115