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Behavioral Management

Running head: MANAGEMENT
Behavioral Management - Term paper
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Behavioral Management - Term paper
Organizational behavior management (OBM) applies all the behavioral principles set to
govern organizations and groups. Ideally, the concept of OBM is the intersection between the
behavioral sciences and the improvement needs in a given organizational environment. In this
view, an organizational application of the applied behavioral analysis involves various
techniques to develop socially acceptable behaviors in resolving multiple behavioral problems.
ABA and experimental behavioral analysis are part of behavioral sciences in the conceptual
underpinning of behaviorisms. The focus of OBM is the execution of practical strategies
developed to implement change acceptance behaviors instead of the personality traits of high
performers. The paper explores Apple and Amazon to explain behavioral management as a factor
of their organizational cultures and business success.
Background Information
Businesses like Apple and Amazon have developed unique corporate cultures based on
the applied behavioral analysis (ABA) models as they believe the culture develops and maintains
their approach. At Apple Inc, the organizational culture is a critical factor to success, and Apple
links it to employee behavior. Apple Inc establishes and maintains a human resource managing
corporate culture that enables various strategic objectives. Similarly, amazon promotes agile
enthusiasm on the big team and supports strong leadership for all experimental leaders. Indeed,
Amazon has been cultivating leadership in all-new leaders through the seduction of the corporate
culture. The two organizations are perfect in the study of corporate behavioral management.
Individual Process and Behavior
In OBM, organizations focus on the methods that can be used to improve individual
performances. OBM’s growth is related to performance management, systematic analysis, and
behavioral safety. These aspects engage the complete assessment of personal attributions,
perceptions, emotions, attitudes, and ethics (Martinko, 2018). Additionally, the processes
encompass the work ethics and specialties used to modify an organization’s work ethics and
other standpoints. Amazon and Apple are well-known organizations related to workers’
motivation through learning and performance management. Indeed, the stress management
approaches at the organizations have been used to develop behaviors associated with the
organizational philosophical values.
Personality, Perception, and Attribution
In organizational behavioral management, all personal aspects affect the view of things,
beliefs, and altitudes. Therefore, personality has been an all-time contributor to the quality of
experiences in the organization because it allows a team member to discover and present
multiple solutions for an experienced problem (Aghighi, 2020). The success in resolving
different issues begins with one’s perception of the keys and issues encountered in daily
experiences. Perceptions are defined as subconscious contingents surrounding the existence of a
given knowledge applied in finding a solution to an organization’s challenge (Elwell-Chalmers,
2019). In this view, the business perception helps shape the overall personality expected for a
group that suffers from stressful situations. Because people perceive realities differently,
Amazon and Apple have encouraged teamwork in decision-making and the attributes of
attributive suggestions when faced with stressful conditions.
Motivation at Work
Organizations have been managing the effects of perceptions and attribution on
businesses to enhance growth, modify policies and create employee motivation (Martinko,
2018). Leaders must explain the factors behind an interpretation based on perception and
attribution factors that make a difference in their working environment (Pietraszewski, 2020).
The attribution theory suggests that one takes perceptions of the occurrences and happenings
depending on their behavior and can be wrong and biased rather than neutral. With clear
perceptions and attributions, organizations develop a management style that increases the team’s
willingness to work and achieve with lesser assumptions that regularly happen at work.
Interpersonal Processes and Behavior
Interpersonal processes engage interactions and the imperative relations built by the
interacting parties. In workplaces, interpersonal techniques are developed to fit the complicated
and changing situations that change different interactive environments. For instance, workers are
supposed to work with other people making it mandatory to maintain good relations between all
parties (Velez & Neves, 2018). Taking Apple and Amazon as examples, organizations need to
fix interpersonal relationships to enhance growth and development because employees are most
likely to have varying backgrounds.
The psychological development of workers in an organization is affiliated with an
openness of ideas and literacy of communication within organizational teams (Pietraszewski,
2020). In an organization, interpersonal communication is one of the most vital requirements for
figurative collaborations between teams and departments. Interpersonal communication is based
on the expression, gestures, and tonal variation that must be improved to fit the applied situations
(Velez & Neves, 2018). Therefore, communication between teams, especially the one exchanged
through the standard systems and symbols, must be improved to suit the independence and
ideally offer a variety of communication forms.
Interpersonal communication calls forth the enhancement of individual self-esteem that
increases the contention of one self-awareness. Individuals engaged in self-awareness must
develop an increased sensitivity to the attributive requirements in an organization to resolve the
occurring problems (Martinko, 2018). Indeed, the organization calls for improved analysis
abilities to determine the best mode of communication when dealing with different stakeholders.
For instance, Apple and Amazon have promoted creativity which should be developed on
characteristic knowledge, skills, and abilities. A transfer of ideas and abilities only occurs
through clearly developed interpersonal communication (Velez & Neves, 2018). Indeed, the
adoption of different ideas calls forth the employee opportunities to communicate with other
stakeholders and collect different ideas that promote the continuity of collaborative interactions
between them.
Work Teams and Groups
Communication also plays an essential role in the organization’s focus and coordination
of different interdependent tasks. An example from Apple and Amazon, organization behavior
development, communication is key to enforcing neutrality in the working environment needed
to develop departmental strategic goals (Pietraszewski, 2020). After all, teams and departments
must develop co-op ideas that replicate personal processes and organizational behavior. Indeed,
communication is needed when exchanging ideas and developing solution-based reflections
during critical situations. Ideally, organizations’ strategies are designed to create collaborations
and maintain effective execution of aligned chain activities. The example of apple and amazon as
big organizations embracing creativity shows that teamwork is necessary for the developmental
processes. The support for rapid innovations in these organizations proves that partnership is
competent and effective in regularly developing businesses that introduce new products and
Organizational Processes and Structure
In OBM, organization behavior defines as the division of coordinated tasks within the
organization. Based on the example of Apple and Amazon, every structure must clarify the roles
of members assigned to a given platform. Organization processes are preliminaries to developing
different roles and responsibilities as they create different chances for all stakeholders to partake
(Hellmich, Saidenberg, & Wright, 2021). Everyone in an organization must understand their
roles and errands to execute their duties with minimal complications effectively. From the
structures exhibited by Amazon and Apple, an organization must enhance departmatization in
the line of production. Other aspects like a chain of command are needed for all critical
organizational decisions as they must abide by the vision and mission statements (Hellmich,
Saidenberg, & Wright, 2021). Organizations have also had a segment to handle and address
control, centralization, decentralization, and work specifications based on the degree of
formalization according to different departments.
Jobs and the Design of Work
Based on Amazon and Apple organization, the work environment must be guided by
conscious processes of organizing performed works in specific settings. The Apple and Amazon,
human resource management departments have shown evident efforts in developing practical
workplace responsibilities by making the duties of workers known (Xie, Bagozzi, & Grønhaug,
2019). Indeed, human resource managers are presented as people who pay close attention to the
specifications of the individuals within the organization. Job designs engage systematic task
combinations that can captivate job redesign completion and focus on changing existing jobs
(Hellmich, Saidenberg, & Wright, 2021). Deciding on the provisions of given positions engages
the terms and techniques that can be used in the system and procedures of the relations
From the successful job analysis procedures that have been predecessed by Apple and
Amazon, the work environment needs information based on the organization’s duties and
required competencies. The working environment has different tasks and responsibilities
associated with the objective design and individual goals with these provisions (Xie, Bagozzi, &
Grønhaug, 2019). In OBM, human resource managers have learned the association between
work requirements clarity and employee turnover. Indeed, clear organization of the work
environment improves the working environment by eliminating boredom and employee job
dissatisfaction. Therefore, the improvements in job designs are related to improved productivity.
In many cases, the designs match the available resources and smoothen the production process
(Hellmich, Saidenberg, & Wright, 2021). While job designs serve as organizing different tasks in
performing various duties and responsibilities, it clarifies employees’ careers and encourages
career management practices.
Career Management
Career management is a lifelong practice in organizational behavior management where
resources are continuously invested in promoting future goals. By role definition, career
management is associated with information provided in establishing the values, strategies, goals,
and objectives of a given position at a workplace. Through the process, employees are made
aware of their learning needs based on the job descriptions and career needs. Additionally, the
organization creates clarity in each employee’s roles and develops the skills suited to the bestmet aspirations by improving personal performance (Xie, Bagozzi, & Grønhaug, 2019). Unlike
other organizational processes, career management has been affiliated with opportunity provision
and organization performance improvements that can be engaged in normal performance
In conclusion, organization behavior management applies several principles governing
different groups and departments in an organization aiming to improve its production. The
process engages the behavioral sciences and other improvement needs needed in enhancing
performance in an organization. For instance, OBM improves personal behavior and
performances through clearer attributions, perceptions, and emotional positivity. Additionally,
OBM improves all the interpersonal processes that allow departmentally coordination and
correlation between workers to develop different solutions discovered during the production
process. Moreover, organization behavior management has been instrumental in the development
of the job design and work environment. Apple and Amazon have been good examples of how
OBM can be applied in different organizational strategies and the outcomes that can be expected
upon application.
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