Uploaded by Abdel Mannan

5 Whys Analysis: Object Detection Lab Project

Abdelrahman Mannan
5 whys assignment
Lab project whys
Reflection on detecting tall/short objects
1. Why was this not working ?
The sensors could not detect whether an object was tall or short
2. Why did you select the incorrect range?
a. Because of issues with the servo
b. Because of issues with the IR sensor
c. Because of issues with the angle width to object width conversion
3a. Why did you have issues with the servo?
The calibration of the servo was not accurate and therefore the
angles were not accurate
3b. Why did the calibration of the IR sensor not work?
Similar to the servo the IR sensor heavily depends on the
calibration being accurate. In addition we had issues with our ADC
3c. Why did you have issues with the angle to width conversion ?
Because the equation that we used was not accurate
4c. Why was the equation not accurate?
We weren’t fully confident in deriving the equation to calculate object width
5. Why were you not confident in your understanding on what the difference was?
Because I had not spent enough time reviewing the object detection analysis lectures