HCD 302: Healthcare Management Fall 2021_Session A (08/19/2021 through 10/08/2021) Course and Faculty Information Leslie Rowans, MBA, MPM Instructor Office: West Campus – FAB – S371 Phone: (602) 543-1051 Email address: lrowans@asu.edu Office Hours: Flexible; email to schedule Credits: 3 Prerequisites: ECN 212; HCD 100 or instructor permission Course Description: Broad concepts and skills of management; application of these techniques to health care organizations. Students appreciate the variability of management styles and personalities and begin to develop their own style. Solidifies concepts through the use of case studies and asynchronous discussion boards. The course project is designed as an experiential learning platform for students to gain workintegrated learning opportunities to prepare them for real world situations. Course Learning Outcomes At the completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Comprehend the scope of organizational theory and practice in the healthcare management industry Discuss the distinctive challenges facing healthcare organizations globally Analyze multiple organizational approaches from different perspectives Describe the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational culture, performance, and change 5. Identify core leadership and managerial methods with regard to: o Motivating people o Guiding teams o Designing teams o Coordinating work o Communicating effectively o Exerting influence o Resolving conflict o Negotiating agreements o Improving performance o Managing innovation and change 6. Describe the managerial implications of several emerging trends and issues such as: o The growth of strategic alliances in the health sector o The expansion and complexity of health law and regulation o Health information technology o The rise of consumerism in health care o The global interconnectedness of health systems. Textbooks Burns, L., Bradley, E., & Weiner, B. (2012). Shortell and Kaluzny’s Healthcare Management: Organizational Design and Behavior, 6th Edition, Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning. Note: Available from Amazon: $34-$34.69 to rent, $159.32 to buy. $75.00 used & new. E-book (kindle Edition) from $49.46 to rent, $141.99 to buy, 7-day free trial available. ISBN: 9781435488182 The course may involve additional readings, internet-based tutorials, case studies, and small group debate sections, which will be provided in Canvas. Course Access Your ASU courses can be accessed by both my.asu.edu and myasucourses.asu.edu; bookmark both in the event that one site is down. Computer Requirements This is a fully online course; therefore, it requires a computer with internet access and the following technologies: ● Web browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari) ● Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) ● Adobe Flash Player (free) ● Webcam, microphone, headset/earbuds, and speaker ● Microsoft Office (Microsoft 365 is free for all currently-enrolled ASU students) ● Reliable broadband internet connection (DSL or cable) to stream videos. Note: A smartphone, iPad, Chromebook, etc. will not be sufficient for completing your work in ASU Online courses. While you will be able to access course content with mobile devices, you must use a computer for all assignments, quizzes, and virtual labs. Grading Your grade will be determined based on the following grading schema: Grade Percentage A 94-100% A- 90-93% B+ 87-89% B 83-86% B- 80-82% C+ 77-79% C 73-76% C- 70-72% D+ 67-69% D 63-66% D- 60-62% F Below 59% Methods of Evaluation Activity Number in Course Total Course Value Percent of Total Grade Syllabus Quiz 1 0 points --- Discussion Boards 6 60 points 24% Quizzes 7 105 points 41% Project 1 90 points 35% 255 points 100% Total Points Final grades will NOT be rounded up past a tenth of a percent by the instructor. The final percentage you earn at the end of class will be compared to the grading scale above to determine your final letter grade. Please do not ask the instructor for special consideration in your final grade, as all students receive equal treatment and consideration in final grade calculations. Extra Credit: No extra credit opportunities will be given. Course Project For the course project, you will be working on the RiiPen™ Learning Platform and partnering with institutions across North America that has been selected for this project course assignment. Riipen ™ is an experiential learning platform with the ambitious goal of helping every student gain work-integrated learning opportunities throughout your degree. As you navigate through the RiiPen login instructions, you will be working in groups and collaborating with the institution for specific assigned work tasks each week and for the project final deliverable. All project work will be measured and graded based on your groups’ communication skills, participation, project presentation, and your professionalism with completing the project. The partner institution will provide you with their identified goals and objectives, tasks you will need to complete and ask for your recommendations and outcomes of the project during the final week in the course. Students will have the opportunity to learn about other project work the institution may offer through possible internships and employment working with each institution. NOTE: ASU or RiiPen™ does not guarantee students employment to work for the institution or participate in any paid internships opportunities. Completing RiiPen™ projects gives you the ability to gain hands-on experience, demonstrate employable skills and network with employers. Many companies use Riipen™ as part of their campus recruiting process, looking to identify highly skilled students that they would like to hire. Think of it as an opportunity to learn how the company works and what sorts of challenges they are facing. Treat your experience like a job interview. Be polite and professional, and submit work of which you are proud. You may find a career path you had never thought of before. After completion of the project, you own anything you end up creating for a project, so be sure to show off your work through as many of your outlets as possible to show employers what you can do, including: ● On your Riipen profile (this will happen automatically) ● On any other social media such as LinkedIn ● On your resume ● On your personal website or portfolio RiiPen™ projects are a great way for students to showcase their abilities, skills and creative ideas through innovative projects hosted by the employer. You are capable of outstanding work, so make sure you show it off! To get started on the project, login in to the RiiPen™ website at [ link] to register/check-in with the partner contact for the project. Important resources for students: The Riipen Academy - Students contains helpful tips and resources covering expectations, kickoff, communication, success, and feedback. https://www.riipen.com/academy/students Riipen’s step-by-step guide and FQA for students contain answers and guidelines for a comprehensive list of scenarios and a search tool at the top of the page. https://help.riipen.com/en/collections/737730-students#step-by-step-for-students Course Schedule Please see course schedule for overview of due dates Course Topics Week 1: Intro to Management/The management challenge for healthcare Week 2: Organization design/coordination/team effectiveness Week 3: Power, politics, & conflict management in healthcare organizations Week 4: Healthcare organizations as complex systems/learning and innovation Week 5: Improving quality in healthcare organizations Week 6: Strategy and achieving competitive advantage Week 7: Intro to health information systems/consumerism and ethics Submitting Assignments All assignments, unless otherwise announced, MUST be submitted to the designated area of Canvas. Do not submit an assignment via email. Assignment due dates follow Arizona Standard time. Click the following link to access the Time Converter to ensure you account for the difference in Time Zones. Note: Arizona does not observe daylight savings time. Grading Procedure Grades reflect your performance on assignments and adherence to deadlines. Grades on assignments will be available within 48 hours of the due date in the Gradebook. Grades for more complex projects or papers will be available within seven days of the due date via the Gradebook. Late or Missed Assignments Published assignment due dates (Arizona Mountain Standard Time) are firm. Notify the instructor BEFORE an assignment is due if an urgent situation arises and you are unable to submit the assignment on time. There is no penalty for completing assignments early! However, I do take off 10% of total points for every day an assignment is late. Quiz/Exams are expected to be completed on or by the due date unless there is an excused reason for being late. You must provide documentation proof for any excused reason in order to make up a missed Quiz. Notify your instructor at least 24-48 hours prior to the exam if you are unable to complete the exam by the due date. The Final Project must be submitted on or by the due date. Final Projects will not be accepted after the due date unless there is an excused reason, and you have notified your instructor prior to the due date with approval to submit the final project late. Final Projects must be submitted in Canvas for a grade. No assignments will be accepted via email. NO EXCEPTIONS! Follow the appropriate University policies to request an accommodation for religious practices or to accommodate a missed assignment due to University-sanctioned activities. Communicating With the Instructor Community Forum This course uses a discussion board called "Community Forum" for general questions and comments about the course. Prior to posting a question, check the syllabus, announcements, and existing posts. If you do not find an answer, post your question. You are encouraged to respond to the questions of your classmates. Email questions of a personal nature to your instructor. You can expect a response within 72 hours. Email ASU email is an official means of communication among students, faculty, and staff. Students are expected to read and act upon email in a timely fashion. Students bear the responsibility of missed messages and should check their ASU-assigned email regularly. All instructor correspondence will be sent to your ASU email account. ASU Online Course Policies View the ASU Online Course Policies Student Success To be successful: ● check the course daily ● read announcements ● read and respond to course email messages as needed ● complete assignments by the due dates specified ● communicate regularly with your instructor and peers ● create a study and/or assignment schedule to stay on track Syllabus Disclaimer The syllabus is a statement of intent and serves as an implicit agreement between the instructor and the student. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the course schedule but the possibility exists that unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary. Remember to check your ASU email and the course site often. Grade Appeals Grade disputes must first be addressed by discussing the situation with the instructor. If the dispute is not resolved with the instructor, the student may appeal to the department chair per the University Policy for Student Appeal Procedures on Grades (https://catalog.asu.edu/appeal). Student Conduct and Academic Integrity ASU expects and requires its students to act with honesty, integrity, and respect. Required behavior standards are listed in the Student Code of Conduct and Student Disciplinary Procedures (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/ssm/ssm104-01.html), Computer, Internet, and Electronic Communications policy (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd125.html), ASU Student Academic Integrity Policy (http://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity), and outlined by the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities (https://eoss.asu.edu/dos/srr). Anyone in violation of these policies is subject to sanctions. Students are entitled to receive instruction free from interference by other members of the class (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/ssm/ssm104-02.html). An instructor may withdraw a student from the course when the student's behavior disrupts the educational process per Instructor Withdrawal of a Student for Disruptive Classroom Behavior (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/usi/usi201-10.html). Appropriate online behavior (also known as netiquette) is defined by the instructor and includes keeping course discussion posts focused on the assigned topics. Students must maintain a cordial atmosphere and use tact in expressing differences of opinion. Inappropriate discussion board posts may be deleted by the instructor. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities accepts incident reports (https://eoss.asu.edu/dos/srr/filingreport) from students, faculty, staff, or other persons who believe that a student or a student organization may have violated the Student Code of Conduct. Prohibition of Commercial Note Taking Services In accordance with ACD 304-06 Commercial Note Taking Services (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd304-06.html), written permission must be secured from the official instructor of the class in order to sell the instructor's oral communication in the form of notes. Notes must have the note taker’s name as well as the instructor's name, the course number, and the date. Course Evaluation Students are expected to complete the course evaluation. The feedback provides valuable information to the instructor and the college and is used to improve student learning. Students are notified when the online evaluation form is available. Disability Accommodations Qualified students with disabilities who will require disability accommodations in this class are encouraged to make their requests to me at the beginning of the semester either during office hours or by appointment. Note: Prior to receiving disability accommodations, verification of eligibility from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) is required. Disability information is confidential. Establishing Eligibility for Disability Accommodations Students who feel they will need disability accommodations in this class but have not registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) should contact DRC immediately. Students should contact the Disability Resource Center, campus-specific location and contact information (https://eoss.asu.edu/drc/contactus) can be found on the DRC website. DRC offices are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. Check the DRC website (http://eoss.asu.edu/drc) for eligibility and documentation policies. Email: DRC@asu.edu DRC Phone: (480) 965-1234 DRC FAX: (480) 965-0441 Technical Requirements & Support Computer Requirements This course requires Internet access and the following: A web browser. Please use only Google Chrome (https://www.google.com/chrome) or Mozilla Firefox (http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/) Adobe Acrobat Reader (http://get.adobe.com/reader/) Adobe Flash Player (http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/) Microphone (optional) and speaker Computer Skills Requirements It is expected that you will be able to do at least the following tasks on a computer: Use the Blackboard™ Learning Management System (see https://myasu.force.com/akb?id=kA3d00000004jh4 for assistance) Using ASU e-mail Creating and submitting files in commonly used word processing program formats (specifically Microsoft Word) Copying and pasting text Downloading and installing software Using spreadsheet programs (specifically Microsoft Excel) Using presentation and graphic programs Technical Support This course uses Canvas™ to deliver course content. It can be accessed through MyASU at http://my.asu.edu To monitor the status of campus networks and services, visit the System Health Portal at http://syshealth.asu.edu/ or via Twitter by following @ASUOutages. To contact the help desk you have these options: Website: accessed through the MyASU Service Center at http://my.asu.edu/service Chat: accessed through the MyASU Service Center at http://my.asu.edu/service Call toll-free at 1-855-278-5080 Title IX Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity. Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and harassment based on sex is prohibited. An individual who believes they have been subjected to sexual violence or harassed on the basis of sex can seek support, including counseling and academic support, from the university. If you or someone you know has been harassed on the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find information and resources at https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/ COVID-19 Documentation and Reporting Instructors cannot require students to provide COVID-19 test results. If you test positive for COVID-19, inform the ASU Dean of Students at deanofstudents@asu.edu immediately. Staff in the Dean of Students office will serve as your point of contact for the duration of the isolation period and will help coordinate campus services (e.g. housing, counseling, class absence notifications). If you disclose a positive test for COVID-19 to your instructor, they are obligated to report your status to the Dean of Students for support.