Uploaded by Hayley Froggatt

Surreal Floating Glass Sphere Photoshop Assignment

Surreal Floating Glass Sphere
Part 1:
Students will:
● View the images examples on the Surreal Glass Sphere Pinterest board, using the link below
Surreal Glass Sphere | Surrealism, Landscape, Glass
Analyse the images - make some notes in your PDM Journal:
➢ What do you think the photographer has used to create this?
➢ What Adobe Photoshop techniques would the photographer have used?
Watch the two Surreal Glass Ball YouTube tutorials, noting down the key techniques and
filters used to create the artwork:
Photoshop Tutorial: Surreal Glass Sphere Floating Within a Landscape
Photoshop: Create a Surrealistic, Glass Ball Landscape
Use the ‘Desert Highway’ photo file, complete the tutorial using Adobe Photoshop. When
complete, remember to flatten the layers, and save the image as a PNG file or JPEG, not a
PSD. Upload your completed image to Google Classroom.
Part 2:
When you are finished with Part 1, create your own Surreal Floating Glass Sphere
Photograph. You can take a photo of a landscape in your neighbourhood, use a saved
landscape photo, or find an appropriate landscape background photo from the Internet.
Upload you landscape background image, and follow the video tutorial again using their
images as a step by step guide
Flatten the layers through the Adobe Photoshop command before finishing. Save the image
as a PNG file or JPEG, not a PSD.
Label your completed photos, and Upload completed photos to their submission folders in
Google Classroom.