1. The Practice of Management written by __________. A. Peter F. Drucker. B. Terry. C. Louis Allan. D. Henry Fayol. ANSWER: A 2. Management is an organ, organs can be described and defined only through their functions. This definition was given by ____________. A. Peter F. Drucker. B. Terry. C. Louis Allan. D. Henry Fayol. ANSWER: A 3. Management is what a manger does_____________. A. Peter F. Drucker. B. Terry. C. Louis Allan. D. Henry Fayol. ANSWER: C 4. To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to compound, to co-ordinate and to control. This definition was given by____________. A. Peter F. Drucker. B. Henry Fayol. C. Louis Allan. D. Terry. ANSWER: B 5. Management is the art of getting things done through and with an informally organized_____________. A. Harold Koontz. B. Terry. C. Louis Allan. D. Henry Fayol. ANSWER: A 6. Management is the art and science of decision making and leadership _____. A. Harold Koontz. B. Donald J. Clough. C. Louis Allan. D. Terry. ANSWER: B 7. Luther Gullik classifies the function of management as ___________. A. POSDCORB. B. POSTCARD. C. POSDCORB. D. POSDORBC. ANSWER: C 8. Father of Administrative management______________. A. Mary Parkett. B. Lillian Gilbert. C. Henry Fayol. D. Elton Mayo. ANSWER: C 9. Pioneer of Human Relations is ___________. A. Mary Parkett. B. Lillian Gilbert. C. Henry Fayol. D. Elton Mayo. ANSWER: D 10. Henry Fayol laid down_____________. A. 12 principles. B. 13 principles. C. 14 principles. D. 15 principles. ANSWER: C 11. Espirit de corps means______________. A. union is strength. B. service is our motto. C. buyer beware. D. product is our strength. ANSWER: A 12. F.W. Taylor is associated with________________. A. Scientific Management. B. Future management. C. Modern management. D. Principles of management. ANSWER: A 13. Management is________________. A. an art. B. a science. C. an art and a science. D. an art not science. ANSWER: C 14. Henry Fayol was a French__________________. A. Industrialist. B. Writer. C. Manager. D. Actor. ANSWER: A 15. General and Industrial Management was written by_________________. A. Harold Koontz. B. Terry. C. Louis Allan. D. Hendry Fayol. ANSWER: D 16. Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior is __________. A. Unity of direction. B. Unity of command. C. Centralization. D. Scalar chain. ANSWER: B 17. Control system of an organisation has no influence over the _____________. A. internal environment. B. external environment. C. customers. D. government. ANSWER: B 18. The chain of command from the highest authority to the lowest level in the organization is _________. A. Unity of direction. B. Unity of command. C. Centralization. D. Scalar chain. ANSWER: D 19. Allotment of work to each worker on the basis of the capacity of an average worker functioning in the normal working condition is _____________. A. social task planning. B. scientific task planning. C. not a planning. D. scientific organizing. ANSWER: B 20. Study of the movements of both the workers and the machine to eliminate wasteful movement is _____________. A. fatigue study. B. time study. C. motion study. D. work-study. ANSWER: C 21. A study relating to the fixing of the working hours with rest periods to recoup the energy while performing in a job is called ____________. A. fatigue study. B. time study. C. motion study. D. work-study. ANSWER: A 22. The first and foremost function of management is ___________. A. planning. B. organizing. C. controlling. D. coordination. ANSWER: A 23. Planning lays down the overall objective, strategies and polices for the total enterprise is ___________. A. corporate planning. B. divisions planning. C. unit planning. D. department planning. ANSWER: A 24. Strategic planning is ___________. A. long term planning. B. medium term planning. C. short term planning. D. annual planning. ANSWER: A 25. The assumptions about future derived from forecasting and used in planning are known as _____________. A. planning premises. B. freehold premises. C. business premises. D. corporate premises. ANSWER: A 26. Goals, aims, purposes, missions and target is also known as ____________. A. objective. B. strategies. C. policies. D. rules. ANSWER: A 27. Contingent plan to meet environmental pressures is ______________. A. objective. B. strategies. C. policies. D. rules. ANSWER: B 28. A chronological sequence of steps to be undertaken to enforce a policy and to attain an objective is known as ___________. A. objective. B. strategies. C. procedures. D. rules. ANSWER: C 29. A statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms for a definite period of time in the future is known as ____________. A. objective. B. strategies. C. procedures. D. budgets. ANSWER: D 30. The process of establishing a time sequence for the work is known as __________. A. objective. B. schedules. C. procedures. D. budgets. ANSWER: B 31. A rigid plan, no scope for discretion __________. A. rule. B. schedules. C. procedures. D. budgets. ANSWER: A 32. Specifying the manner of executing policy is known as ________________. A. objective. B. schedules. C. procedures. D. budgets. ANSWER: C 33. ____________ is the harmonising or synchronising of individual efforts with the purpose of achieving group goals. A. coordination. B. control. C. decision making. D. delegation. ANSWER: A 34. __________ is an obligation to perform certain functions and achieve certain results. A. responsibility. B. decentralisation. C. centralisation. D. delegation. ANSWER: A 35. Plan that establishes a required method of handling future activities is called _________. A. rules. B. procedures. C. policy. D. methods. ANSWER: B 36. Set of clear instruction in a clear and logical sequence to perform a particular task______. A. rules. B. programme. C. policy. D. methods. ANSWER: B 37. Employees will be promoted on the basis of seniority is an example of __________. A. rules. B. procedures. C. policy. D. methods. ANSWER: C 38. Steps to be taken for selecting salespersons is an example of ___________. A. rules. B. procedures. C. policy. D. methods. ANSWER: B 39. An identified group of people contributing their efforts towards the attainment of goals is called an _____________. A. organization. B. business. C. management. D. department. ANSWER: A 40. A system of co-operative activities of two or more persons is called __________. A. department. B. co-ordination. C. organization. D. control. ANSWER: C 41. Supply of human and material resources and helps to achieve the objective of business is______________. A. planning. B. organisaiton. C. management. D. control. ANSWER: B 42. Formal authority flows from upwards to downwards in___________. A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: A 43. Informal authority flows upwards to downwards or horizontally in _____________. A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: B 44. Rules, duties and responsibilities or workers are given in writing in______________. A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: A 45. Which is created for technological purpose? A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: A 46. Which arises from mans quest for social satisfaction? A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: B 47. Which type of organization is permanent and stable? A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: A 48. Which type of organization gives importance to terms of authority and functions? A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: A 49. Which type of organization gives importance to people and their relationships? A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: B 50. Which organisational relationship gives a greater job satisfaction and results in maximum production? A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: B 51. Which type of organization has no place in the organization chart? A. formal organization. B. informal organization. C. business or organisation. D. strategic organization. ANSWER: B 52. Decision making is the selection based on some criteria from two or more possible alternatives is defined by___________. A. Farland. B. Mac Donald. C. Terry. D. M.C. Nites. ANSWER: C 53. The selection of best alternative from many alternatives is known as__________. A. selection. B. decision-making. C. organizing. D. budgeting. ANSWER: B 54. Deal with routing and repetitive problems is a __________. A. programmed decision. B. non-programmed decision. C. major decision. D. minor decision. ANSWER: A 55. Placing a purchase order is an example of ________. A. programmed decision. B. non-programmed decision. C. major decision. D. decision. ANSWER: A 56. The decision which is taken within the purview of the policy of the organization is_______. A. programmed decision. B. non-programmed decision. C. major decision. D. minor decision. ANSWER: A 57. The decision taken by lower-level management is a _____________. A. programmed decision. B. non-programmed decision. C. major decision. D. minor decision. ANSWER: A 58. The decision deal with novel and non-repetitive problems is___________. A. programmed decision. B. non-programmed decision. C. individual decision. D. non-economic decision. ANSWER: A 59. Opening of new branch is an example of ___________. A. programmed decision. B. non-programmed decision. C. individual decision. D. non-economic decision. ANSWER: B 60. The decision taken by high level of management is _______________. A. programmed decision. B. non-programmed decision. C. individual decision. D. non-economic decision. ANSWER: B 61. Non-programmed decision is also called _____________. A. routine decisions. B. structured decisions. C. strategic decisions. D. operative decisions. ANSWER: C 62. Programmed decision is also known as _____________. A. routine decisions. B. structured decisions. C. strategic decisions. D. operative decisions. ANSWER: D 63. The decision which has long term impact on business is _____. A. programmed decision. B. non-programmed decision. C. individual decision. D. non-economic decision. ANSWER: B 64. The decision which relates to day-to-day operation of an organization is known as ____. A. major decision. B. organisational decision. C. personal decision. D. operative decision. ANSWER: D 65. The decision which does not incur any expenses is known as ____. A. economic decision. B. crisis decision. C. non-economic decision. D. problem decision. ANSWER: C 66. The decision which is implemented within the concerned department is known as ___. A. economic decision. B. departmental decision. C. non-economic decision. D. problem decision. ANSWER: B 67. Decision taken by a committee formed by the top management for specific purpose is ____. A. group decision. B. organisational decision. C. personal decision. D. operative decision. ANSWER: A 68. Crisis decision is also known as ____. A. group decision. B. major decision. C. minor decision. D. spot decision. ANSWER: D 69. A decision taken to meet unexpected situations is known as ____. A. economic decision. B. crisis decision. C. non-economic decision. D. problem decision. ANSWER: B 70. The authority flows from top to bottom through the structure of an organization is ____. A. The acceptance of authority theory. B. The formal authority theory. C. The competence theory. D. The organisation theory. ANSWER: B 71. Which theory is also called traditional authority theory? A. The acceptance of authority theory. B. The formal authority theory. C. The competence theory. D. The organisation theory. ANSWER: B 72. If the subordinates do not accept the command of their superior, then the superior cannot be said to have any authority over them is given in. A. The acceptance of authority theory. B. The formal authority theory. C. The competence theory. D. The organisation theory. ANSWER: A 73. The type of authority is invested with the persons by virtue of the office held by them is ____. A. The acceptance of authority theory. B. The formal authority theory. C. The competence theory. D. The organisation theory. ANSWER: C 74. The process whereby a manager shares his work and authority with his subordinates is________. A. Decentralisation B. Responsibility. C. Delegation. D. decision making. ANSWER: C 75. The subordinate is granted authority to perform all the functions in his department or division is ____. A. general delegation. B. formal delegation. C. specific delegation. D. informal delegation. ANSWER: A 76. The orders, instructions or direction are delegated to a particular person specifically is known as ____. A. general delegation. B. formal delegation. C. specific delegation. D. informal delegation. ANSWER: C 77. When authority is delegated as per the organisation structure it is called ____. A. formal delegation. B. informal delegation. C. general delegation. D. specific delegation. ANSWER: A 78. When an individual or a group agrees to work under the direction of an informal leader is called _____. A. formal delegation. B. informal delegation. C. general delegation. D. specific delegation. ANSWER: B 79. Delegation made by written orders and instruction is known as ____. A. oral delegation. B. written delegation. C. downward delegation. D. sideward delegation. ANSWER: B 80. Departmentation on the basis of activities grouped according to the type of customer is _____. A. departmentation by function. B. departmentation by products. C. departmentation by territory. D. departmentation by customers. ANSWER: D 81. The process of dividing the large monolithic functional organization into small and flexible administrative units is called ____. A. staffing. B. delegation. C. departmentation. D. control. ANSWER: C 82. Departmentation is a part of the ___. A. organisation process. B. control process. C. planning process. D. staffing process. ANSWER: A 83. Banks, insurance companies and distribution agencies are examples of ____. A. departmentation by function. B. departmentation by products. C. departmentation by territory. D. departmentation by customers. ANSWER: C 84. Departmentation on the basis of the production process is called ____. A. equipment department. B. departmentation by products. C. departmentation by territory. D. departmentation by customers. ANSWER: A 85. The term span of management is also known as ____. A. span of business. B. span of control. C. span of activity. D. span of planning. ANSWER: B 86. The number of subordinates that report directly to a single supervisor is ___. A. span of supervision. B. span of activity. C. span of business. D. span of organizing. ANSWER: A 87. Few subordinates report directly to a manager is ____. A. wide span of management. B. large span of management. C. small span of management. D. narrow span of management. ANSWER: D 88. Large number of subordinates report to a manager is ____. A. wide span of management. B. large span of management. C. small span of management. D. narrow span of management. ANSWER: A 89. Making assignments, issuing orders and instructions, providing guidance and inspiration to subordinates for the achievement of organizational objective is called ___. A. Planning. B. Organizing. C. Directing. D. controlling. ANSWER: C 90. Motivation based on force of fear is called ____. A. negative motivation. B. positive motivation. C. extrinsic motivation. D. intrinsic motivation ANSWER: A 91. Wages, salaries, bonus, vacation pay, insurance are examples of ____. A. financial motivation. B. non-financial motivation. C. extrinsic motivation. D. intrinsic motivation. ANSWER: A 92. Participation, recognition and power are some of the examples of ___. A. financial motivation. B. non-financial motivation. C. extrinsic motivation. D. intrinsic motivation. ANSWER: B 93. ____ means that each section has its own workers to perform activities within the department. A. centralisation. B. departmentation. C. decentralisation. D. delegation. ANSWER: C 94. According to Maslow, self-actualization needs is a ____. A. high level needs. B. medium level needs. C. lower level needs. D. psychological needs. ANSWER: A 95. Expectancy motivation theory is given by ____. A. Vroom. B. Maslow. C. Herzberg. D. Mc Gregor. ANSWER: A 96. Management By Objectives was introduced by _____. A. Taylor. B. Elton Mayo. C. Peter Drucker. D. Maslow. ANSWER: C 97. Leadership behaviour is influenced by certain qualities of a person is ____. A. Followers theory. B. Trait theory. C. Situational theory. D. Managerial grid. ANSWER: B 98. The leadership theory study leaders behaviour is _____. A. Flowers theory. B. Trait theory. C. Behavioural theory. D. Managerial grid. ANSWER: C 99. All decision-making power is centralized in the leader is under ____. A. autocratic style. B. liberal leader. C. democratic leader. D. institutional leader. ANSWER: A 100. The leader makes decisions in consultation with his followers is ____. A. autocratic style. B. liberal leader. C. democratic leader. D. institutional leader. ANSWER: C 101. Complete freedom for group or individual decision, with a minimum of leader participation is under ____. A. autocratic style. B. democratic style. C. free-rein style. D. creative style. ANSWER: C 102. A leader exercises his power over his followers because of his position held in the. organizational hierarchy is ____. A. autocratic leader. B. intellectual leader. C. liberal leader. D. institutional leader. ANSWER: D 103. The leader who excels as a leader because of his superior knowledge is ___-. A. autocratic leader. B. intellectual leader. C. liberal leader. D. institutional leader. ANSWER: B 104. A leader who serves as the head of the family and treats his followers like his family members is ____. A. paternalistic leader. B. intellectual leader. C. liberal leader. D. institutional leader. ANSWER: A 105. A leader motivates his followers to work hard by offering them rewards is ____. A. positive style. B. negative style. C. autocratic style. D. democratic style. ANSWER: C 106. A leader forces his followers to work had and penalizes them is ____. A. positive style. B. negative style. C. autocratic style. D. democratic style. ANSWER: B 107. Leader acts more as bosses then leadership style is ____. A. positive style. B. negative style. C. autocratic style. D. democratic style. ANSWER: B 108. The leader acts as a liaison officer between the employees and the outside world is ____. A. positive style. B. free-rein style. C. autocratic style. D. democratic style. ANSWER: B 109. The last function of management is____. A. Planning. B. Organizing. C. Controlling. D. Staffing. ANSWER: C 110. Fixation of standards, measurement of performance, comparison, and correction of deviation are the steps in________. A. planning. B. organizing. C. Staffing. D. control process. ANSWER: D 111. Planning is looking ahead and control is_________. A. looking back. B. looking front. C. looking sideward. D. looking down. ANSWER: A 112. Control exercised while the activity is in progress is__________. A. concurrent control. B. feedforward control. C. feedback control. D. preserving control. ANSWER: A 113. Exchange of ideas, opinions, information etc. between two or more persons is________. A. Planning. B. organizing. C. Communication. D. Staffing. ANSWER: C 114. Communication is a _______. A. one-way process. B. two-way process. C. three-way process. D. four-way process. ANSWER: B 115. The person who sends a message is known as________. A. Sender. B. Receiver. C. Messenger. D. Communicator. ANSWER: A 116. The act of making ones ideas and opinions known to others is said by_______. A. Meyer. B. Brown. C. Newman. D. Keith Davis. ANSWER: A 117. The act of translating the message into words, pictures, symbols, signs or some other form is known as _________. A. Sender. B. Receiver. C. Encoding. D. decoding. ANSWER: C 118. The person who receives the message is called _________. A. sender. B. receiver. C. encoding. D. decoding. ANSWER: B 119. Converting symbols, signs or pictures into meaning is known as _______. A. Sender. B. receiver. C. encoding. D. decoding. ANSWER: D 120. communication that flow from superior to subordinates is________. A. downward communication. B. upward communication. C. horizontal communication. D. informal communication. ANSWER: A 121. Informal communication is commonly known as ________. A. downward communication. B. upward communication. C. horizontal communication. D. Grapevine. ANSWER: D 122. Communication of policies, procedures and programmes is example of_________. A. downward communication. B. upward communication. C. horizontal communication. D. informal communication. ANSWER: A 123. Reports, suggestions, appeals, grievances, etc is example of_________. A. downward communication. B. upward communication. C. horizontal communication. D. informal communication. ANSWER: B 124. Inter-departmental committee meeting is an example of__________. A. downward communication. B. upward communication. C. horizontal communication. D. informal communication. ANSWER: C 125. Rumours and gossips are_________. A. downward communication. B. upward communication. C. horizontal communication. D. informal communication. ANSWER: D 126. Exchange of messages through spoken words is_________. A. oral communication. B. written communication. C. gestural communication. D. sideward communication. ANSWER: A 127. Lectures, group discussions, interviews, social gathering are example of _____. A. oral communication. B. written communication. C. gestural communication. D. sideward communication. ANSWER: A 128. Letters, circulars, memos, bulletin, manuals, reports are example of________. A. oral communication. B. written communication. C. gestural communication. D. sideward communication. ANSWER: B 129. The problems in communication channels is known as______. A. organizational barriers. B. mechanical barriers. C. personal barriers. D. semantic barriers. ANSWER: B 130. The integration of objectives and activities of an organization is________. A. control. B. co-ordination. C. Planning. D. organizing. ANSWER: B 131. Co-ordination between the activities of various departments and individuals working within the organization is known as _________. A. vertical co-ordination. B. external co-ordination. C. internal co-ordination. D. horizontal co-ordination. ANSWER: C 132. Scalar chain means ________. A. hierarchy levels. B. chain of command. C. delegation of authority. D. span of control. ANSWER: A 133. The oldest type of organization__________. A. functional organization. B. line organization. C. matrix organization. D. committee organization. ANSWER: B 134. The organization which was devised by FW Taylor was ________. A. functional organization. B. matrix organisation. C. committee organization. D. line and staff organization. ANSWER: A 135. Devices which shows the organizational relationships________. A. organizational charts. B. scalar chain. C. overall plan. D. Budgets. ANSWER: A 136. When the supervisor commands subordinates and has close supervision is called ______. A. free-rein. B. autocratic. C. consultative. D. democratic. ANSWER: B 137. Praise, recognition and power are_______. A. intrinsic motivation. B. extrinsic motivation. C. positive motivation. D. negative motivation. ANSWER: A 138. X and Y theory was introduced by_______. A. Mc gregor. B. Peter drucker. C. Henry fayol. D. FW taylor. ANSWER: A 139. Time-event network is _________. A. PERT. B. CPM. C. MIS. D. statistical reports. ANSWER: A 140. Management is ____________. A. art. B. science. C. art and science. D. humanities. ANSWER: C 141. Decision making helps in the smooth function of the___________. A. business. B. staffing. C. organization. D. planning. ANSWER: A 142. The transmission of thoughts from person to another is_____________. A. communication. B. controlling. C. consultative. D. organizing. ANSWER: A 143. The study relating to the movement of a machine operator and his machine while performing the job is called__________. A. time study. B. work study. C. motion study. D. fatigue study. ANSWER: C 144. Selecting a best course of action among the alternatives is called as_________. A. decision making. B. planning. C. organizing. D. controlling. ANSWER: A 145. The decisions which are frequent and repetitive in nature are called as________. A. non programmed decisions. B. programmed decisions. C. major decisions. D. operative decisions. ANSWER: B 146. A decision which is taken to meet unexpected situation__________. A. problem decision. B. certainty decisions. C. crisis decision. D. organizational decision. ANSWER: C 147. The right of a person to give instructions to his subordinates is known as_________. A. responsibility. B. authority. C. accountability. D. line authority. ANSWER: B 148. Elements of delegation_________. A. responsibility, authority, accountability. B. authority, delegation, accountability. C. responsibility, decentralization, centralization. D. controlling, responsibility, authority. ANSWER: A 149. The extent to which power and authority are retained at the top is called as________. A. centralization. B. decentralization. C. responsibility. D. accountability. ANSWER: A 150. _____ deals with appointing people and placing them at the appropriate jobs. A. Human resources. B. Recruitment. C. Staffing. D. Placement. ANSWER: C SECTION: B 1. Which term best describes the process of obtaining, deploying, and utilizing a variety of essential resources to contribute to an organization’s success? A) planning B) organizing C) staffing D) management 2. Which title is given to an individual who is in charge of and coordinates the activities of a group of employees engaged in related activities within a unit of an organization? A) manager B) employee C) vender D) contractor 3. Which management function involves setting goals and objectives and creating specific plans for completing them? A) planning B) organizing C) controlling D) leading 4. Which level of management is responsible for establishing a vision for the organization, developing broad plans and strategies, and directing subordinate managers? A) first level managers B) middle managers C) executive managers D) second level managers 5. Which level of management is responsible for implementing programs that are intended to carry out the broader objectives of an organization set by executives? A) supervisory managers B) middle managers C) first level managers D) chief financial managers 6. Which management principle states that each individual should report to only one boss in order to avoid conflict and/ or confusion? A) division of command B) chain of command C) unity of direction D) unity of command 7. Which management principle states that orders and instructions should flow down from top to bottom or from a higher level manager to a lower one? A) division of work B) chain of command C) unity of direction D) unity of command 8. A manager who possesses knowledge of the processes, equipment, and potential problems of an industry would possess what type of managerial skill? A) technical B) administrative C) interpersonal D) organizational 9. The ability of a manager to interface and work effectively with individuals and groups is descriptive of what type of managerial skill? A) technical B) administrative C) interpersonal D) organizational 10. By exceeding the monthly marketing budget set for a company, a manager would fail to meet which type of performance measure? A) quantity B) quality and workmanship C) cost and budget control D) customer satisfaction 11. If a manager leads a team to exceed their monthly goal of new clients, which type of performance results have they attained? A) quantity B) quality and workmanship C) cost and budget control D) customer satisfaction 12. For a manager, which should take priority- the job task or the employees performing the job? A) The job task always takes priority over employees. B) Employees always take priority over the job task. C) Neither, a manager should balance interest in the job task with the needs of the employees performing the job. D) Neither, administration of the business takes priority over the job task and the employees. 13. Economic uncertainty, regulatory requirements, and new competitors are examples of what type of factors that affect managers? A) intrapersonal factors B) internal factors C) interpersonal factors D) external factors 14. Which management function involves measuring results, comparing results to expectations, and taking corrective action? A) planning B) organizing C) leading D) controlling 15. Which type of issues are first level managers routinely influenced by? A) long range issues B) short range issues C) strategic issues D) shareholder issues 16. Which of the following characterize a manager as being effective? A) They use a minimum amount of resources for the amount of outputs produced. B) They devote a large amount of time to planning. C) They achieve their goals. D) They interview, select, and train people who are most suitable to fill open jobs. 17. Which of the following characterize a manager as being efficient? A) They use a minimum amount of resources for the amount of outputs produced. B) The devote a large amount of time to planning C) They achieve their goals. D) They interview, select, and train people who are most suitable to fill open jobs. 18. Which management principle states that work should be divided so that each person will perform a specialized portion? A) division of work B) chain of command C) unity of direction D) unity of command 19. What two major end results are managers seeking on a daily basis? A) a product or service B) management and efficiency C) energy and utilities D) facilities and equipment 20.In management, the various roles that managers are called on to perform are defined in which process? A) management process B) executive process C) business process D) supervisory process 21. Which type of managers are responsible for reporting to middle managers? A) employees B) managers C) executive managers D) second level managers 22.Which part of the management process includes measuring results, comparing results to expectations, and taking corrective action to bring results in to line? A) planning B) organizing C) leading D) controlling 23.Which influential thought leader is known for his common sense approach to selfimprovement as demonstrated through the book he authored, How to Win Friends and Influence People? A) Dale Carnegie B) Frederick W. Taylor C) W. Edwards Deming D) Steven Covey 24.Which influential thought leader is known as the father of scientific management? A) Dale Carnegie B) Frederick W. Taylor C) W. Edwards Deming D) Peter F. Drucker 25.The term “core competency,” was coined by which of the following influential business thinkers? A) W. Edwards Deming B) C.K. Prahalad C) Ken Blanchard D) Frederick W. Taylor 26.Which influential thought leader is known for his theory on organizational forms? A) John Maxwell B) Tom J. Peters C) Henry Mintzberg D) John P. Kotter answer key: Question # Multiple Choice 1 D 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 D 7 B 8 A 9 C 10 C 11 A 12 C 13 D 14 D 15 B 16 C 17 D 18 A 19 A 20 A B.COM CBCS EXAMINATION 2018 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1.Which of the following is not a function of management? a) planning b) staffing c) co-operation d) controlling 2.Management is a) an art b) a science c) both art and science d) neither 3 .Policy formulation is the function of a) top level management b) middle level management c) operational management d) All of the above 4. Find the odd one out a) board of directors b) chief executive c) foremen d) shareholders 5.How are principles of management formed a) In a laboratory b) By experiences of management c) By experiences of customers d) By propagation of social scientists 6.Henry Fayol was a a) Social scientists b) Mining engineer c) Accountant d) Production engineer 7.Which of the following statement best described the principle of 'Division of work ' a) work should be divided into small tasks b) labour should be divided c) resource should be divided among jobs d) it leads to specialisation 8.Which of the following is Not a principle of management given by Taylor a) Science, not rule of Thumb b) Functional foremanship c) Maximum ,not restricted output d) Harmony not discord 9.The principals of management are significant because of a) increase in efficiency b) Initiative c) optimum utilisation of resources d) Adaptation of changing technology 10.Management should find ' One best way ' to perform a task. Which technique of Scientific management is defined in this sentence a) Time study b) Motion study c) Fatigue study d) Method study 11.Which of the following best describe 'Mental revolution ' a) it implies change of attitude b) the management workers should not play the game of one upmanship c) both management and workers require each other d) workers should be paid more wages 12.Observe the following management principles and pick the odd one out. Justify your answer a) unity of command b) unity of direction c) maximum output d) equity 13. Which of the following is not the functional areas of management ? a) Production Management b) Marketing Management c) Personnel Management d) Information Management 14. Which of following is not among the levels of management ? A) Top level management B) Intermediate Level C) Middle level management D) Lower level management 15. Which scholar's definition on management is " Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organised groups". ? A) Harold Koontz B) J.N. Schulze C) S. George D) Henry Fayol 16. __________ is the decision making body of an organization ? A) Decentralisation B) Administration C) Functional organisation D) Leadership 17.Which among the following is not a nature of Management principles ? A) Rigid B) Universal C) Relative D) Human nature 18. Who is known as 'the Father of Modern Theory of Management' ? A) Harold Koontz. B) Henry Fayol C) F.W. Taylor D) Max Weber 19. Which of the following is not a Management Principle ? A) Order B) Discipline C) Equity D) Cooperation 20. Which of the following is not a function of management ? A) Planning B) profit earning B) Staffing D) Budgeting 21.Which among the following is not a subsidiary function of management? A) Decision making B) Innovation C) Communication D) Motivation 22. Who is known as the father of scientific management? A) F.W. Taylor B) Max Weber C) Henry Fayol D) S.George 23.management is need at ............ (a) Top level (b) Middle level (c) lower level (d) all levels 24.Top management is concerned with ................. (a) carrying suggestions upwards (b) maintaining liaison with the outside world (C) transmitting orders downwards (d)none of these 25.management is called a process because............ (a) it is applicable to the manufacturing process (b) it is relevant for social organisation (c) it involves a series of action (d) All of above 26.Administration is............ (a) policy making (b) Active direction to get things done (c) executing the policy (d) None of these 27.management is ............. (a) tangible (b)intangible (c) fictitious (d) All of the above 28.middle management.......... (a) consists of departmental managers (b) motivates lower management (c) Both a&b (d) None of these 29.Top management consists of ...... (a financial managers (b) sales manager (c) personnel manager (d)Board of Directors and chief executives 30.co-ordination means.............. (a) organising activities (b) Directing activities (c) synchronizing activities (d)both a&b 31.Administration is an activities at............... (a) lower level (b) Middle level (c)Higher level (d) both a&b 32.The essence of management is ............... (a) co-ordination (b) planning (c)organising (d) Directing 33.which of the following is not true? (a) management is a social process (b) management is universal (c) management is an art (d) management is always bureaucratic 34. .............. is defined as the functions of getting things done through people. (a) management (b) science (c)art (d) both a&b 35.management is............ function (a) dynamic (b) controlling (c)directing (c) planning 36.Administration is a ........function (a) management (b) planning (c)directing (d) All of the above 37.The term hierarchy implies......... (a) departmentalisation (b) a definite ranking order (c) specialisation (d) None of these 38.The main aim of Taylor was to................. (a) improve labour relations (b) improve productivity (c) To attempt a general theory of management (d) None of these 39.method study is .................. (a) preliminary survey of production Process (b) study of the movement of a work (c) study of operational efficiency (d) All of the above 40.Henry fayol is well known........... (a) As the father of scientific management (b) for formulating general principles of management (c) for promoting trade unionism (d) None of these 41.unity of command implies (a) A subordinate should receive orders from all the superiors (b) individuals must sacrifice in the larger interest (c) be accountable to one and only one superior (d) None of these 42.purpose of time study is ........... (a) to remove wastage of time (b) to give timely assistance (c) to determine fair days work (d) watching time 43.The scientific technique of task setting is known as ...................... (a)work study (b)motion study (c)time study (d) method study 44.scientific analysis of work under scientific management requires...... (a) time study (b) motion study (C)Both a&b (d) work study 45.Authority refers to .................. (a)Getting work done (b)right to get work done (c)being in a managerial position (d)scalar chain 46. Which among the following involves in planning process? A) Selection of objective B) determine the way to achieve objective C) both A and B D) None of the above 47.Which among the following is a single use plan? A) Objectives B) Policies C) Rules D) Budget 48. _______________ is a time table of work ? A) Budget B) Project C) Programmes D) Schedules 49.Which among the following is not an element of co-ordination a) integration b) balancing c) proper timing d) directing 50.Find the odd one out a) goals b) objective c) polices d) motivation 51.Buget is an instrument of a) planning only b) control only c) both planning and control d) none of these 52. .................... are the prescribe guidelines for conducting an action a) Rules b) Method c) Budget d) policy 53.The purpose and the aim for which the organisation is set up and operate is called a) objective b) strategy c) policy d) procedure 54.Planning process begans with a) setting objectives b) identity alternatives c) developing planning premise d) selecting alternatives 55.It is a function of management which refers to the process of integrating the activities of different units of organisation to achieve the organisation goals. This is called a) Actuating b) controlling c) co-ordination d) planning 56.planning is a) forward looking b) backward looking c) both forward and backward looking d) none of the above 57.Management by objective is a) goal oriented b) work oriented c) none of the above 58. What is the full form of MBO? A) Management By Opportunity B) Method By opportunity C) Management By Objectives D) Method By Objective 59. Which of the following is not said to be a feature of coordination? A) Managerial responsibility B) provides different functions C) Relevant of group efforts D) Not a separate function 60.Planning is ........... (a) pervasive (b) futuristic (c) continues (d)All of these 61.planning involves................ (a) future course of action (b) review of past performance (c) analysis of policies (d) All of these 62.planning provides ............. (a) information to outsiders (b) basis for recruitment and selections (c) purpose and direction of all persons (d) None of these 63.operational planning is undertaken at................. (a) Top level (b) lower level (c) middle level (d) All of these 64. .................... are guides to action (a) strategy (b)planning (c) policies (d) procedure 65. .............. as a special type of plan prepared for meeting the challenges of competitors and other environmental forces. (a) policies (b) objectives (c)strategy (d) procedure 66. ............... are goals established to guide the efforts of the company and each of its components (a) objectives (b) strategy (c) policies (d) procedure 67. .............. is also known as management by result (a) management by subordinate (b) management by objectives (c) management by art (d) management by planning 68. ........... co-ordination refers to the description of the behaviour and relationships of the organisation (a) vertical (b)Horizontal (c) procedural (d) substantive 69. ............. is a systematic way of handling regular events (a) procedure (b) rules (c) policies (d) strategy 70 Which among the following is not the principles of organisation? A) Unity of objectives B)Specialisation C) Span of control D) Initiative 71.Which among the following is not a type or forms of organisation? A) Formal Organisation B) Project organisation C) Committee organisation D) Line organisation 72. In a line Organisation which among the following will not work directly under the general manager? A) Sales Manager. B) Foreman C) Works manager D) Personnel manager 73.Which scholar introduced the functional type of organisation? A) F.W. Taylor B) Chester Bernard C) Allen D) Max Weber 74.Which of the following statement is true? A) there is scope for specialisation in line Organisation B) it is difficult to fix responsibility in line Organisation C) the line of authority in line Organisation is vertical D) line Organisation is only suitable for large-scale operation 75.Whose definition on authority is , "Authority is the right to give Orders and power to exact obedience". ? A) Henry Fayol B) Allen C) Simon D) S. George 76.Which of the following is right about authority? A) authority is informal. B) not to achieve organisational goal C) there is existence of right. D) cannot be delegated 77.Which among the following is not a feature of accountability ? A) can be delegated. B) always upward C) unitary. D) should be specific standards 78.Which among the following is not a principle of delegation? A) Functional Definition B)Unity of command C) Remuneration D) Authority level principle 79. Which among the following is considered as a reluctance on the path of subordinates in delegation? A) Perfectionism B) Fear of criticism C) Autocratic attitude. D) Absence of control 80. Which among the following is a factor determining centralisation? A) Integration B) Desire for independence C) Availability of managers. D) Control techniques 81.organising is ................... (a) A remedy for all types of problems (b) ensure accurate forecasting (c) None of these (d) All of these 82. Organising process involves ....... (a) division of work (b) grouping of identical work (c) All of these (d) None of these 83. Formal organisation is ................ (a) created by management (b) A result of social interaction (c) To satisfy cultural needs (d) None of these 84.organising deals with.............. (a) division of work (b) decentralising activities (c) centralisation activities (d) All of these 85.The process of organising consists of ......................... (a) division of work into job (b) establishing authority relationships (c) Both a&b (d) None of these 86. Authority refers to .................. (a) Getting work done (b) right to get work done (c) being in a management position (d) None of these 87.principles of specialisation requires............... (a) Division of labour (b) centralisation of work (c) decentralisation of work (d) None of these 88.Delegation is ............. (a) Getting things done by others (b) fixing of responsibility (c) Assigning the task (d) unity of command 89. Accountability means ........ (a) Delegation (b) responsibility (c) Authority (d) Answerability 90. Which of the following is not an element of delegation a) accountability b) authority c) responsibility d) informal organisation 91.centralisation refers to a) retention of decision making authority b) dispersal of decision making authority c) creating divisions as profit centres d) opening new centres of branches 92.Span of management refers to a) number of managers b) length of term for which a manager is appointed c) number of subordinate under a superior d) number of members in top management 93.A network of social relationship that arise spontaneously due to the interaction at work is called a) formal organisation b) informal organisation c) Decentralisation d) delegation 94.Which of the following does not follow the scalar chain a) Functional structure b) Divisional structure c) Formal organisation d) Informal organisation 95.For delegation to be effective it is essential that responsibility be accompanied with necessary a) authority b) manpower c) incentives d) promotion 96.The form of organisation known for giving rise to rumours is called a) centralised organisation b) functional organisation c) decentralised organisation d)informal organisation 97. Groping of activities on the basis of products line is a part of a) delegated organisations b) divisional organisations c) functional organisation d) autonomous organisation 98.Identification and groping of activities to be undertaken and assigning them of different departments is a) planning b) directing c) organising d) co-ordinating 99.Find out the odd a) well defined structure b) official line communication c) well planned relation d) social interaction 100. The right to give orders and power to obedient is a) Responsibility b) Accountability c) Authority d) Delegation 101. The process of sharing authority by superior to subordinate is a) Delegation b) Accountability c)Centralisation d) Responsibility 102..Line organisation is also called a) military organisation b) functional organisation c) line and staff organisation d) project organisation 103.The fame work within which managerial and operating tasks are performed is called a) staffing b) organisation structure c) job design d) departmentation 104....................... is the obligation of a subordinate to properly perform the assigned duty a) authority b) responsibility c) accountability d) decentralisation 105.Identity the odd one from the following a) Notice b) memos c) orders d) complains 106..First step in organizing is a) establishing authority relationship b) co-ordination of activities c) groping of jobs into departmentation d) division of work 107..Which among the following is true for formal organisation a) it is not clear b) to satisfy the members c) importance to persons and feelings d) to fulfill the firm's goal 108.. ________________ is the managerial function of guiding nursing and reading people to the attainment of objectives? A) Controlling B) Direction C) Planning D) Organising 109. Which among the following is not an element of direction? A) Supervision B) organising C) Motivation D) Leadership 110. Which among the following statement relating to leadership is false? A) leadership is a process of influence B) leadership is goal oriented C) leadership is bossism D) a leader must have followers 111. Which type of leader allow complete delegation of authority ? A) Creative leaders B) Persuasive leaders C) Laissez faire leaders D) Intellectual leaders 112. Which among the following is not a quality for a leader? A) Charming personality B) Ability to take decision C) Communication skill D) Lazy attitude 113.Under which style of leadership the leader completely delegate the authority to the subordinates ? A) Free rein leadership B) Paternalistic leadership C) Participative leadership D) Authoritarian leadership 114. Which among the following is not a style of grid in the managerial grid by Blake and Mouton ? A) Task management. B) Innovation management C) Middle road D) Country club 115. Which leadership Theory suggest that "leaders are born not made" ? A) Trait theory B) Situational theory C) Great man theory D)Behavioural theory 116. Which among the following is a characteristics of motivation? A) Internal feeling B) Simple process C) One time process. D) Not a goal oriented process 117. Which among the following is not in the 5 types of needs proposed by maslow? A) Psychological needs B) Social needs C) Esteem needs D) Safety needs 118. Which theory explains that there are two separate factors influence motivation? A) Adam's Equity theory. B) Maslow's need hierarchy theory C) Herzberg's hygiene theory. D) McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y 119. Which among the following is not a type of budget? A) Materials budget B) Information budget C) Production budget D) Cash budget 120. ________________ is the point at which there is no profit or no loss ? A) Maximum profit point B) Minimum loss point C) Break even point. D) Break down point 121.The heart of management is a) planning b) organising c) directing d) controlling 122. Which among the following is not an element of direction a) motivation b) communication c) delegation d) supervision 123..The motivation theory which classifies need in hierarchical order is developed by a) Fred Luthans b) Scott c) Abraham Maslow d) Peter. F. Drucker 124.Which of the following is a financial incentive a) promotion b) stock incentive c) job security d) employees participation 125..Which of the following is not an element of communication a) Decoding b) communication c) channel d) receiver 126.Grapevine is a) formal communication b) barrier communication c) lateral communication d) informal communication 127. The highest level need in the need hierarchy of Abraham Maslow a) safety needs b) belongingness need c) self actualisation need d) prestige need 128..Ability of a leader to look things from others point of view is a) Empathy b) Sympathy c) Responsibility d) Apathy 128.Find the odd one out a) supervision b) leadership c) co-ordination d) communication 129.Leadership style which takes decisions with subordinate is a) Democratic leadership b) autocratic leadership c) Laissez -faire leadership d) paternalistic leadership 130. An efficient control system helps to a) accomplished organisational objectives b) boosts employees morale c) judges accurancy of standards d) all of the above 131..Controlling function of management is a) forward looking b) backward looking c) forward as well as backward looking d) none of these 132.Management audit is a technique to keep a check on the performance of a) company b) management of the company c) shareholders d) customers 133.Budgetary control requires the preparation of a) training schedule b) budget c) network diagram d) responsibility centres 134. Who introduced quality circle in its present form in 1962? A) Edwin Flippo B) Dr. Ishikawa C) F.W. Taylor D) Edward Demin 135. The employee problem solving group to improve product quality is known as __________ ? A) Quality group B) Quantity circle C) Quality circle D) Group circle 136.The senior official responsible for facilitating and guiding Q.C activities in his area is known as ___________ ? A) Leader B) Facilitator C) Follower D) Member 137.What is the full form of TQM ? A) Total quality measurement B) Total quantity management C) Typical quality management D) Total quality management 138. Which among the following is not a technique of TQM ? A) Re-engineering B) Quality measurement C) Bench marking D) Empowerment 139.___________ is known as rethinking and redesigning of the core business process ? A) Quality circle B) Bench marking C) Business process reengineering D) Empowerment 140.Which among the following is not an element of Kaizen ? A) Individual work B) Quality circle C) Personal discipline D) improved morale 141. Which among the following is not an area of Kaizen activity ? A) Quality B) Cost C) Data handling. D) Delivery 142.Well governing group of workers who voluntarily meet regularly is a) Quality Circle b) Total Quality Management c) Six sigma d) Kaizen 143..Defects free product creats by a) kaizen b) six sigma c) Quality circle d) Total quality management 143.The fundamental rethinking and radical design of business process a) business process reengineering b) six sigma c) quality quality d) total quality management 144.Total quality management focus on a) customer satisfaction b) profit maximization c) improve efficiency d) none of the above 145.The employees who take up six sigma implementation are called a) champions b) green belts c) master black belts d) black belts 146............... is a voluntary group of persons having a common cause. (a) quality circle (b) co-ordination (c) co-oco-operation (d) None of these 147.Expand TQM (a) Total Quality Management (b) Total Quantity Management (c) Total Quality Method (d) Total Quality mythology 148........... is fundamental rethinking and redesign of business (a) Business process outsourcing (b) Business process Reengineering (c) quality circle (d) None of these 149............... is a set of techniques and tools for improving the capability of business process (a) Quality circle (b) six sigma (c) management (d) All of these 150.Expand CTQ (a) critical To Quality (b) continue To Quantity (c) control To Quality (d) critical To Quantity 151.According to empirical approach , management is a ---------(a) study of experience of managers (b) Decision making (c) A system of logical process (d) Depends upon the relationship among people. 152.Management by Objectives concept was developed by ------(a)Peter.F.Drucker (b) Fayol (c) Chester Bernard (d) None 153.MBO offers the basis for assessing the ----------------(a) Techniques (b) performance (c) Authority (d) subject 154. The principle of management by exception is to relieve top level executive from --------(a) perfprmance (b) production (c) Routine matters (d) None 155.The line of authority from the chief executives to the lowest level of organisation is called----(a) Unity of command (b) Unity of direction (c) Scalar Chain (d) Order 156. Code of conduct is an example of ------(a) Controllable premise (b) Semi-controllable (c) Uncontrollable (d) None of the above. 157. A small programme is called -----(a) Schedule (b) Project (c) Budget (d) None 158. Guide post of managerial action is -----(a) Rule (b) Policy (c) Programme (d) Strategy. 159.Policies are -----(a) Short-range plan (b) Medium –term plan (c) Long –range plan (d) All 160.A sequence of activities to implement the policy is --(a) Programme (b) Budget (c) Plan (d) Procedure 161.Planning is --------------process (a) directing (b) thinking (c) forecasting (d) none of these 162. Lower level management is concerned with the tactical administrative plans which are ----------(a) long range plans (b) short range plans (c) medium range plans (d) none of these 163.Policies are flexible where as procedure are -------(a) specific (b) detailed (c) Rigid (d) All 164.-----------is described as interpretative planning (a) Procedure (b) Strategy (c) Policies (d) none of the above. 165.--------------indicates the exact manner in which the integrated serious of activities will have to be performed. (a) Procedures (b) Planning (c) Organising (d) staffing 166.Organisational decisions are made by -----(a) Directors (b) Managers (c) Managing directors (d) None of these 167.Organisation means a formalised intentional structure of -----(a) Roles (b) Rooms (c) Routes (d) None 168. A proper organisation avoids duplication of ---------(a) Action (b) Activities (c) Assets (d) None 169. Power is the ability to do ---(a) something (b) anything (c) order (d) none 170.Authority and responsibility should be -------(a) Equal (b) Not equal (c) effective (d) none 171.Authority is the right to give --------(a) Powers (b) Order (c)Responsibility (d) None 172.Responsibility is an obligation to carry out certain -----(a) Tasks (b) Talks (c) Tastes (d) None 173.Operational authority is to carrying out the -----(a) Wards (b) Work (c) Supervisor (d) None 174.Authority flowing from top to bottom is called ----(a) Formal authority. (b) Informal authority (c) Both (d) None. 175.The number of subordinates that a manager can manage is called----(a) Delegation (b) Span of Management (c) Development (d) None. 176.The staff are experts who provide advice to ---(a) Workers (b) Line workers (c) Line officers (d) None. 177.Functional authority ensures --(a) Co-Ordination (b) Control (c) Better division of labour (d) None. 178.Aptitude test consists of ----(a) Attitude test (b) Intelligent test (c) Interest test (d) All 179.Shifting a trainee fromone job to another is known as --------(a) Job rotation (b) Job playing (c) Programmed learning (d) None of these. 180.Performance appraisal serves as a basis for --------(a) Training (b) Promotion (c) performance (d) staffing 181.-------- is concerned with developing the employees in the present job. (a) Man power planning (b) On-the –job-training (c) Job Description (d) None of these. 182. The supervisor motivate the subordinates in ----(a) Consultative direction (b) Free rein direction (c) Autocratic direction (d) All 183.Direction is known as -----(a) Command (b) Supervision (c) Communication (d) none 184. Direction has the following functions------(a) Supervision (b) Motivation (c) Communication (d) All 185.Telling people what to do is --(a) Directing (b) Motivating (c) Supervision (d) None 186. Effective control depends on ---(a) Organisation structure (b) proper direction (c) Flow of communication (d) All 187.Control is the function of ----(a) Top level management (b) Lower level management (c) All managers (d) None 188. Effective control depends on -----(a) Organisation structure (b) proper direction (c) Flow of communication (d) All 189. The requirement of Effective control system is -----(a) Flexible (b) Objective (c) Suitable (d) All 190.CPM emphasis – (a) Time (b) Cost (c) cost as well as time (d) None 191.BEP is a function of ---(a) sales volume (b) cost (c) profit (d) sales volume, cost and profit 192.The heart of management is ---(a) planning (b) organisation (c) controlling (d) coordinating 193.The process of MBO starts with ----(a) setting up of obligation (b) Fetron plan (c) Review (d) All 194.Management is a ----(a) profession (b) principles (c) performance (d) None 195.Management is a -----Activity (a) single (b) group (c) both group and single (d) None 196. Management applies to ---(a) Business unit (b) Family (c) government (d) All 197.A manager needs three skills such as technical, human and --(a) Conceptual (b) Process (c) Accuracy (d) None 198.Management is a wider concept than administration according to--(a) Oliver Sheltom (b) Fayol (c) Hernold Koontz (d) William Newman 199.MBO was developed by ---(a) Peter.F.Drucker (b) Chester Bernard (c) Fayol (d) None 200.MBO offers the basis for assessing the --(a) operations (b) performance (c)equality (d) None these ANSWER KEY 1 C 51 C 101 A 151 A 2 C 52 D 102 A 152 A 3 A 53 A 103 B 153 B 4 C 54 A 104 B 154 C 5 B 55 C 105 D 155 C 6 B 56 C 106 D 156 A 7 D 57 A 107 D 157 B 8 B 58 C 108 B 158 A 9 D 59 B 109 B 159 D 10 D 60 D 110 C 160 A 11 A 61 A 111 C 161 B 12 C 62 C 112 D 162 B 13 D 63 B 113 D 163 C 14 B 64 C 114 B 164 B 15 A 65 C 115 C 165 A 16 B 66 A 116 A 166 B 17 A 67 B 117 A 167 A 18 B 68 C 118 C 168 B 19 D 69 A 119 B 169 A 20 B 70 D 120 C 170 A 21 D 71 A 121 C 171 B 22 A 72 B 122 C 172 A 23 D 73 A 123 C 173 B 24 C 74 C 124 B 174 A 25 C 75 A 125 B 175 B 26 A 76 C 126 D 176 C 27 B 77 A 127 C 177 C 28 C 78 C 128 A 178 D 29 D 79 B 129 C 179 A 30 C 80 A 130 D 180 B 31 C 81 C 131 C 181 B 32 A 82 C 132 B 182 B 33 D 83 A 133 B 183 B 34 A 84 A 134 B 184 D 35 A 85 C 135 C 185 A 36 A 86 C 136 B 186 D 37 B 87 A 137 D 187 C 38 B 88 C 138 B 188 D 39 A 89 D 139 C 189 D 40 A 90 D 140 A 190 C 41 C 91 A 141 D 191 D 42 C 92 C 142 A 192 D 43 C 93 B 143 B 193 A 44 C 94 D 144 A 194 A 45 B 95 A 145 B 195 B 46 C 96 D 146 A 196 D 47 D 97 B 147 A 197 A 48 D 98 C 148 B 198 B 49 D 99 D 149 B 199 A 50 D 100 C 150 A 200 B