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FINA2382 cheatsheet

PMT to individ
④/no. of
Last yr⑥
*1st yr
Last yr⑥
*2nd yr
With prepayment (prin&int diff every yr)
②Prin&int 每年計
Last yr⑥= xxxxx
Last yr⑥= xxxxx
=/= previous yr pool bal
% * last yr
pool bal
% * last yr
pool bal
PMT to
⑤/no. of
⑤/no. of
PMT to
MBB: issuer retain ownership + responsible for risk man of
mort but mort pledged as security & placed in 3rd party
trustee, issue with variable coupon rates, overcollaterize//
valuation prob: many diff int rate on mort placed in trust,
mort amortize prin, prepayment & default risk // MPT:
market int rate > PT rate=sell at discount // PT rate=avg int r
assumption: vacant land site will be
developed to highest & best use
benefits of securitization: bank ✓transfer credit risk to capital
market& focus on generate fee>int income
ate of all mort (<lowest mort rate & > highest mort rate)
// int rate↓ -> value of MPT closer to MBB // ✗prepay
(prin& int same every yr) // Assumption when ✓prepay:
avg maturity (lack accuracy, ✗reflect int rate factor & HH
features); constant rate of prepay (✗reflect prepay due to
default more frequent in early yrs of mort & understate
prepay rate in early & overstate in later &✗reflect int rate
factor); references rate (PSA model) // Effect of prepay
on MPT: ↓int rate, prepay↑,value of MPT ↓ & approach
to par value // value of MPT more sensitive to △in R
(market int rate) when R<R*(net PT rate) ; value of PMT
↓sensitive when R>R*, borrower✗refinance, 0% PSA //
PSA 愈高, 綫愈平 // Ch.5 CMO ~MPT(tranche A), ~bond
(other tranche cuz receive int only but later like MPT) //
security holders bear prepay risk // offer broader spectrum of security yield to investor with diff risk tolerance //
要 over-colllaterization //Condition for profitable CMO:
diff investor hv diff CF needs & willing to pay for a
package of CF; investor misanalyse & misprice bond
Commer banks,money market funds, corp
Insur co, pension funds, trusts, international
B,C investors + aggressive long-term bonds,
mutual funds
Ch.6 REITs: Jhelp developer refinance $ by selling pty
to a REIT (asset light); can sell at↑price cuz investor
willing to pay premium for stable income; can still
control pty (build 2 source of fee income: manager fee
on REIT+pty mgt fee); lift return on asset to maket
shareholderJ // Growth factor: low lv of securitization
of invest grade r.e; many invest grade r.e in asia
privately held (✗sustainable in long run) // Jof buying
REIT: stable income but want earn return>fixed income
security; easiest way to own r.e& r.e diversification;
offer liquidity of being publicly traded; higher
yields↑overall portfolio yield -> min volatility in bear
market (shock absorber against market fluct.) // Key
feature: highly regulated (must authorized by SFC under
REINT code & SEHK); borrowing limit=45% gross asset
value; must distribute >90% NI to holder // Financial
engineering: ↑yield in short term at bottom of pty cycle
& early stage of upswing & pay for it later when rents↑
// 4 Major tactics: (a)step-up int rate swap arrangement
-> suppress int PMT in early stages (exp saved can be
used a divid to outside shareholder) // risk: if rent✗go
up as expected -> distribution may end up↓; int rate↓ > yield to investor become less attractive when
compared with REIT which ✗use swap // (b)distribution
entitlement waiver -> developer also shareholder of
REIT -> entitle to dividend PMT -> they waive their divid
PMT (external shareholder get greater share of income > ↑yield) // (c)rental guarantee -> promise rent income
> tdy’s low rental lv // risk: yield will ↓ quickly after
expire // (d)fee income in shares than $ -> inflate yield
in short-term & work as incentive for mangers to
perform well // risk: give impression more cash is
available for distribution than is rly the case // risk of
REIT: (a)weaker space market -> Lecon will sometimes
↓demand for space -> excess supply problem (b)rising
int rate -> depress customer purchasing power & lead to
recession -> -ve affect co. profit -> stock price vary with
int rate (c) declining commer. r.e prices -> -ve affect
share price of REIT // Ch.7 Pre-sale transaction ✓presale market, supply↑ -> property price more stable
given underlying demand for use & invest -> in short
run, craze in pre-sale market ✓stimulate ↑price
volatility // ✗pre-sale market ->✗pass price risk to
investor, produce↓, long run supply↓, price↑&even
more unstable Ch.8 Speculative txn pty value↑,seller
default&sell to another buyer at↑price // pty value↓,
buyer default to stop loss or insufficient fund cuz bank
loan depends on pty value, if pty↓,bank loan amt↓ //
mort policy=70%Min (contracted price, appraised value)
// if appraised value<contracted price -> amt of bank
financing not enough for buyer to close transaction ->
likely to default if pty market deep south Ch.9 Valuation
Without prepayment (prin&int same every yr)
Pool bal
②Total PMT
③Service ④Total PMT
(same every yr)
(same every yr)
to investor
In ①, find
% *last yr ②-③
pool bal
int=1M*r à
prin=①-int à
Last yr pool
MV of each PT=discount back all PMT to individ investor using market interest rate
Ch.1 HKMA framework (r.e bubble) Real property price, real
new mortgages, transaction volume, confirmor trans, income
leverage (HH debt PMT/HH income) // Wealth effect of r.e on
consumption:↓asset price hv limited impact on consumption
& -ve wealth effect ->↓invest ->↓GDP ->↓income,
consumpt↓// AI index= median HH income/avg mortgage
PMT (<2: low affordability; <1:unafford) // Problems: HH
income not the only source of income e.g personal saving&
invest; mort PMT consist of int&prin -> prin PMT=forced
saving ↑buyer wealth; only reflect local affordability but not
from overseas Ch.2 4 quadrant: Q1 (property market) R* ->
Jecon,↑D; Q2(asset market) P*->P=R/i (cap rate) ->↑cap
rate, 順時針// 衰野↑cap rate //↑cap rate, ↓price // Q3
(asset market)construction,↑C,shift left, ↑consturct$, ↓C
//Q4 (property market)stock adj // Why S contd’ to↑tho D
not catching up with S?LT int rate falling & liquidity keep↑ &
craze in finan mkt throw pty out of equil // Ch.3 mort subject
to high int rate risk:mkt int rate↑,MV of mort↓ //Term loan
(interest only at interval & wait till time n sin prin+I) L↑
default risk (large PMT at time n) // Fully amortize mort
(PMT=int+prin) J↓default risk at time nL↓affordable to
young ppl // Partially amortized mort (PMT=int+prin<PMT)
Jfor startup with↑setup cost&短期 CF problem ->firm
become↑experienced, able to refinance laterJ↓default risk
than TL (balloon< loan amt) Lstill✓residual risk-> borrower
✗repay ballon // GEM(PMT↑3-4% per yr ->↑PMT can↓mort
bal) Jcan own pty free&clear in shorter time;total int↓L↑in
PMT>↑in salary // BWM(26PMT; interest rate/annual
rate/26) // GPM (PMT↑every X yr)Jacquire a more exp hm
(↓initial PMT) L-ve amortization: low P MT✗cover int PMT >unpaid int add to loan bal -> prin↑(not bad if↑in pty
value>outstanding loan bal) // SAM (profit sharing with bank)
->Lagency problem: if pty↓to mort bal, even if developer sell
pty cant cover loan amt, default -> developer manager pty
value %loan bal&initial pty value at end -> so✗share profit>after repaid debt, ↑back pty value // Ch.4 Securitization
MBS(convert illiquid assets into liquid asset by regular CF:
bank sell mort as products to trust) // risk management:
overcollateralization(mort with outstanding loan bal must >
amt of securities); market-to-market: trustee regularly mark
to market all mort ∵quality of mort pool directly affect MV of
MBS (MV of pool<agreed lv -> must replenish with same
quality mort or else liquidate the pool); investment rating (3rd
bond rating agency) on quality (type of mort: resi, commer&
LTV ratio), interest rate on mort (↓better),likelihood of
repayment before maturity, appraised value&debt coverage
ratio (comer mort) ↑better // value-added of MBB
PV of growing perpetuity
Pre-sale transaction
q = no. of units to build
h = no. of units to pre-sell
𝑃! = presale market price
B = fixed cost of development
1st term: presale rev
2nd term: $ return on the use of
presale rev (alpha %)
3rd term: sales rev. by selling
remaining units at end of constru.
4th term: VC
5th term: fixed cost
Objective: max CE by optimal q&h
Certainty equivalent: amt of $ developer willing
to take in order to avoid taking profit risk
Optimal supply of units=
Optimal pre-sale quantity
Affected by: Pf, VC, use of pre-sale
rev, opt cost of pre-sale rev
Optimal supply
(no pre-sale market (h=0)
If h*<0, presell all tdy
𝜎 " :price variance, λ: risk aversion factor
q* will be pre-sell
q’ ↓ if Pf (pre-sale price) = P (future price) which mean no pre-sale market cuz
developer risk-averse
Affected by: (the more, the lower)
risk aversion(landa), expected future spot price, VC, price risk(variance)
DCF: PV of future NOI – PV of main cost – PV of construction cost
PV of future NOI=growing perpetuity PV=
Value of property if renovate at end of time t=land value at time time t /
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 # (cost of capital)
e.g if renovate at end of yr2, value of property
NOI at yr3
– cost) / (1 + 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒)#
$%&'()*# ,-#./0
Hedonic approach:
Condition for immediate development
Condition to develop at end of time t
Condition to develop % 0 and time t
=require rate
of return
R, C, NOI, N ↑ à T*↓
r=cost of borrowing
Pre-sale transaction: Developer’s profit
q = no. of units to build
h = no. of units to pre-sell
𝑃! = presale market price
B = fixed cost of
Optimal supply of units=
Objective: max CE by optimal q&h
Certainty equivalent: amt of $ developer willing
to take in order to avoid taking profit risk
1st term: presale rev
2nd term: $ return on the use of
presale rev (alpha %)
3rd term: sales rev. by selling
remaining units at end of
4th term: VC
5th term: fixed cost
Hedonic approach: use this to cal value of land if use 右邊 formula
Affected by: Pf, VC, use of pre-sale
rev, opt cost of pre-sale rev
Optimal pre-sale quantity
Optimal supply
(no pre-sale market (h=0)
If h*<0, presell all tdy
𝜎 " :price variance, λ: risk aversion factor
q’ < q* if Pf (pre-sale price) = P (future price) which
mean no pre-sale market cuz developer risk-averse
Affected by: (the more, the lower)
risk aversion(landa), expected future spot price,
VC, price risk/uncertainty(variance)
Condition for immediate development
q* will be pre-sell
-> if expected spot price include risk
premium (P > Pf (1+alpha*r) -> developer ✓
exchange certain price (Pf) for uncertain
price (P)
->↑risk averse is developer,↑hedging lv
for same +ve price diff % P & Pf
-> if diff % P&Pf ↓,pre-sell more
Condition to develop % 0 and time t
Condition to develop at end of time t
If N=infinite, whole
R, C, NOI, N ↑ à T*↓
CMO Residual CF:
Yr ①CF into
=CF discount rate
r=cost of borrowing
->當 0 if not given
②PMT to
Residual PMT
DCF: PV of future NOI – PV of main cost – PV of construction cost
負 overcollaterized amt
Main cost=cost incur before start of development
-> if develop at end of yr3, main cost 去到 yr3
Tran A④ +
-> if given expected life of pty & start to develop at end of time t
Tran B ③
1. find NOI at time t+1 -> = NOI (1 + 𝑔)
Tran A④ +
2. find value at time t = ①/ (r-g) -> time t 打後既 value
Tran B ④
3. discount ② back to tdy = ② / (1 + 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒)
Investors require int rate = coupon rate à same price (loan amt)
4. value of pty=value of indefinite life - ③
If > à lower price
If < à higher price
PV of future NOI=growing perpetuity PV=
Speculation txn
"#$" /(123)
PPT↑,consider seller 先
Value of property if renovate at end of time t=
%&'() +! ,-. %&'() +! ,-.
-> Seller default=gain from resale 減 additional
land value at time time t / 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 # (cost of capital)
NOI at yr3
PMT to buyer
e.g if renovate at end of yr2, value of property= (
– cost) /(1 + 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒)#
$%&'()*# ,-#./0
-> Seller✗default=no gain/loss
CMO - Weighted avg coupon (WAC) = (sum of all tranche ge
-> Buyer(seller default)= 賺 seller 賠既$
Step 1: Mortgage pool (amortization table)
coupon rate x how much is issued) / mortgage pool (total issue)
-> Buyer(seller✗default)=賺差價 cuz use
Yr ①Mortg pool
②Total PMT (Prin&int)
⑤Security owned
cheaper price buy
Total loan
Ttl amt issued for all tranche
PPT↓,consider buyer 先
Last yr①-④
Last yr①
Last yr⑤-④
-> Buyer default=forgo down PMT
*interest rate
-> Buyer✗default=輸差價 cuz use more exp
Step 2: Tranche Z
price to buy
Yr ②Amt owned
Accrued interest
Total PMT
③Prin PMT
-> Seller(buyer default)=buyer down pay0
Tran Z loan
loss from resale
-> Seller(buyer✗default)= no gain/loss
Lasy yr②+①
Last yr②*coup rate
Lasy yr②+①
Last yr②*coup rate
Lasy yr②-③
Last yr②*coup rate
M.P prin-Tran B
prin PMT
Step 3: Tracnhe A
Yr ⑤Amt owned
Tran A loan amt
Last yr⑤-②
Step 4: Tranche B
Yr ⑤Amt owned
Tran B loan amt
Last yr⑤-②
Last yr⑤-②
①Prin from pool&Z
②Prin PMT
③Coupon int
④Total PMT
M.P prin+Z①
Last yr⑤*coup rate
M.P prin+Z①
Last yr⑤
Last yr⑤*coup rate
①Prin from pool&Z
②Prin PMT
③Coupon int
④Total PMT
M.P prin+Z①
M.P prin+Z①
Tran A①Tran A②
Last yr⑤
Last yr⑤*coup rate
Last yr⑤*coup rate
Last yr⑤*coup rate
M.P prin+Z①