Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL BICOL STATE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PHILOSOPHY Education for Sustainable Human Development VISION An Agricultural Research University of Global Standards UNIVERSITY GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Enable transformative and inclusive learning experiences. Generate and utilize new knowledge and technologies. Engage and empower communities. Intensify internationalization and resource generation initiatives. Establish one e-governance system. Enhance management of university resources. GUIDING VALUES MISSION Leading innovations, building resilient and sustainable communities QUALITY POLICY Central Bicol State University of Agriculture commits to lead innovations in instruction, research, extension and resource generation for clients’ satisfaction, resilient and sustainable communities. CBSUA is dedicated to uphold its core values and principles, satisfy all applicable requirements and standards through continual improvement of the quality management system. CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 uality and Excellence rofessionalism eamwork and Unity iberalism nstitutional Pride CORE VALUES Discipline Respect Care Rev. :0 Page 1 of 13 COLLEGE GOALS 1. To develop high sense of professionalism among graduates particularly on IT issues. a. Equip IT graduates with ethical standard on security issues and concerns; b. Produce IT graduates reflective of oral, written and technical competence. 2. To develop IT graduates with knowledge and expertise to contribute significantly to the workforce. a. Produce globally competitive IT graduates; b. Produce IT graduates who can relate academic instructions to actual practices pertinent to emerging technologies c.Produce IT infrastructure managers and developers. 3. To develop high sense of community involvement. a. Produce socially responsible IT graduates. 1 CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 COLLEGE GOALS 1 2 3 1. Produce graduates exemplifying skills on IT applications, operation, development, maintenance and administration. 2. Design projects relevant to needs of the community through research activities. 3. Empower graduates on ethical issues and concerns regarding Information Technology. 4. Support best IT practices in the world of Information Technology. 5. Devise extension services program in consonance with the needs of the community on Information Technology. 1. Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements needed to design an appropriate solution. 2. Apply computing and other knowledge domains to address real-world problems. 3. Design and develop computing solutions using a system-level perspective. 4. Utilize modern computing tools 6 PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES (PROGRAM OUTCOMES) By the time of graduation, the students of the Information Technology program shall be able to: UNIVERSITY GOALS 2 3 4 5 PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 1 2 3 4 5 Rev. :0 Page 2 of 13 COURSE SYLLABUS 1. Course No. 2. Course Name 3. Course Description GE 10 Philippine Popular Culture The course introduces and explores the concept of popular culture within the context of Philippine context. A multi-disciplinary approach will be utilized to explore the evolution of pop culture in the country, providing the students with the necessary tools of analysis to explore the various mediums in which it is embedded in. The course will discuss how pop culture is present in everyday life: how it simultaneously influences and is being influenced by the feelings, performances, and identities of the Filipino people. 4. Credit Units 5. Contact Hours 6. Pre-requisite 7. Values Integration 3 3 hours lecture None The end goal of this course is to ensure that the students will be equipped with the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of popular culture and utilize the same to improve their individual well-being and in turn, become more proactive Filipino citizens. 8. Student Outcomes addressed by the Course Outcomes: After completing this course, the student must be able to: 1. Define the concept of popular culture and popular culture in the Philippine context 2. Discuss the dyadic relationship between popular culture and mass media 3. Provide examples how the Philippine pop culture influences and is influenced by the evolution of media 4. Explain the role of media in the propagation and evolution of Philippine values and norms 5. Expound on the implication of media and information to the individual and the Philippine society 6. Analyze the important role of Media Literacy in the understanding and appreciation of Philippine Pop Culture *Level: I – Introductory, E – Enabling, D – Demonstrative CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 STUDENTS OUTCOMES* 1 2 3 Rev. :0 Page 3 of 13 4 9. Course Coverage Time Allotment Week 1-2 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Know by heart the CBSUA VMGO. Translate into action the CBSUA Core and Guiding Values Topics 1. VMGO 2. Quality Policy 3. Course Outline 4. Attendance Policy System and Classroom Rules and Policies A. Define and frame the concepts of Introduction to “culture”, “popular”, and “popular Popular Culture culture” Define and frame B. Identify the different branches of the concepts of Popular Culture culture and the popular C. Discuss the relationship between Media and Pop Culture Understanding the concept of Pop Culture CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 Teaching and Learning Activities Synchronous classes via google meet and asynchronous class via VLP and Google Classroom. Assessment Task Discussion Group discussion/sharing of ideas and Reflection Paper Relationship between Media and Pop Culture Rev. :0 Page 4 of 13 Time Allotment Week 3-4 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Topics A. Understand and appreciate the History history and evolution of pop culture Evolution in the Philippines Philippine Pop B. Discuss the role of the Filipinos in Culture the cyclic History of process of construction, Culture deconstruction, and Evolution of reconstruction of the Philippine pop Culture in culture Philippines Week 5 Teaching and Assessment Task Learning Activities and Reading of an Write a reflection paper of based on the assigned academic journal reading /discussion Pop Pop the The role of Filipinos in the cyclic process of construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of Philippine Culture pop A. Integrate the relationship between Popular Culture and popular culture and media the Media (Week 1) B. Identify and differentiate between the CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 Discussion Group discussion/sharing of ideas and Reflection Paper Establish link between media and Rev. :0 Page 5 of 13 Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) different types of Media (Traditional/ Legacy and New Media) Topics popular culture History and evolution of Media (Traditional/ Legacy Media) C. Discuss media evolution as the backdrop of popular culture D. Reflect on the evolving rope of the people in the crafting of mass media and pop culture Week 6 A. Define and differentiate between information literacy, media literacy, and technology literacy and their roles in Philippine Pop Culture. B. Utilize the knowledge of information literacy, media literacy, and technology literacy in order to spot fake news CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 Assessment Task Discussion Group discussion/sharing of ideas and Watch online videos New How the evolution of Media shifted the power of the people in crafting mass media Popular and the (Week 2) and Teaching and Learning Activities Culture Media Information literacy, media literacy, and technology literacy and their roles in Philippine Pop Culture Rev. :0 Page 6 of 13 Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Topics How they can use information literacy, media literacy, and technology literacy to identify fakenews Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Task Discussion Group discussion /sharing of ideas and Watchonline videos Discussion Group discussion/sharing of idea and Reflection Paper ASSESSMENT 1 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9-10 A. Define and comprehend the concepts ofSemiotics and Uses and Gratifications Theory B. Integrate Semiotics and Gratifications Theory within the construct of PhilippinePop Culture. Popular Culture in the Philippines through Theoretical Lens (Week 1) Semiotics and the Popularity of Emojis Uses and Gratifications Theory inMobile Legends A. Define and comprehend the Popular Culture in the concepts of the Culture Industry and Philippines through Agenda Setting Theory Theoretical Lens B. Integrate Culture Industry and (Week 2) Agenda Setting Theory within the Culture Industry and construct ofPhilippine Pop Culture Jollibee Agenda Setting Theory and Popular Advertisements in the Philippines A. Analyze how the case study The Concept of (Sarah Geronimo) was able to Virality within the integrate in thePhilippine Pop Culture Parameters of the B. Utilize theoretical anchoring of Philippine Popular CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 Discussion Group discussion/sharing of ideas and Case Study Analysis Rev. :0 Page 7 of 13 Time Allotment Week 11-12 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Topics Semiotics, Uses and Gratifications Culture Theory, Culture Industry, and and Agenda Setting Theory in order to Background History of the case grasp a greater appreciation of the study process of the cyclic construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of An in-depth analysis on how the case the Philippine Pop Culture. study became a part of the Philippine Pop Culture Theoretical Anchoring Semiotics Uses and Gratifications Theory Culture Industry Agenda Setting Theory A. Analyze how the case study (Eat Philippine Pop Bulaga) was able to integrate in the Culture and Philippine Pop Culture Assimilation: A Case B. Utilize theoretical anchoring of Study on the Hallyu/ Semiotics, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Culture Industry, and Korean Wave andthe Culture Agenda Setting Theory in order to Philippine grasp a greater appreciation of the Industry process of the cyclic construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of Definition of Virality History the Philippine Pop Culture. How it is a part of the Philippine Pop Culture Theoretical CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Task Discussion Group discussion/sharing of ideas and Case Study Analysis Rev. :0 Page 8 of 13 Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Topics Anchoring Semiotics Uses and Gratifications Theory Culture Industry Agenda Setting Theory Week 13-14 A. Define and comprehend the concept ofVirality B. Analyze how the concept of Virality managed to integrate within the construct of the Philippine Pop Culture C. Identify the role of media in the process ofVirality D. Utilize theoretical anchoring of Semiotics, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Culture Industry, and Agenda Setting Theory in order to grasp a greater appreciation of the process of the cyclic construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of the Philippine Pop Culture CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 ASSESSMENT 2 Philippine Pop Culture and New Media: Meme-ology 101 Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Task Discussion Group discussions/sharing of ideas and Reflection Paper Background and History of the case study An in-depth analysis on how the case study became a part of the Philippine Pop Culture Theoretical Anchoring Semiotics Uses and Rev. :0 Page 9 of 13 Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Topics Gratifications Theory Culture Industry Agenda Setting Theory WEEK 15-16 A. Define and comprehend the concept Philippine Popular ofMemes Culture and the B. Analyze how Memes managed to Experience Economy integrate within the construct of the (Week 1) Case Philippine Pop Culture Study 1 C. Identify the role of media in the Background and process ofMemes and Meme-making History of the case D. Utilize theoretical anchoring of study Semiotics, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Culture Industry, and Agenda An in-depth analysis on how the case Setting Theory in order to grasp a study became a greater appreciation of the process of part of the the cyclic construction, deconstruction, Philippine Pop and reconstruction of the Philippine Culture Pop Culture. Theoretical Anchoring Semiotics Uses and Gratifications Theory CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 Teaching and Learning Activities Discussion Assessment Task Group discussion/sharing of ideas and Case Study Analysis Rev. :0 Page 10 of 13 Time Allotment WEEK 17-18 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Topics A. Analyze how the case study (Hanyu Wave) was able to integrate in the Philippine Pop Culture B. Utilize theoretical anchoring of Semiotics, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Culture Industry, and Agenda Setting Theory in order to grasp a greater appreciation of the process of the cyclic construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of the Philippine Pop Culture. Culture Industry Agenda Setting Theory Philippine Popular Culture and the Experience Economy (Week 2) Case Study 2 Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Task Discussion Group discussion/sharing of ideas and Reflection Paper Background and History of the case study An in-depth analysis on how the case study became a part of the PhilippinePop Culture Theoretical Anchoring Semiotics Uses and Gratifications Theory Culture Industry Agenda Setting Theory FINAL ASSESSMENT 9. Course Assessment Assessment 1. Performance Task Assessment 2. Performance Task Assessment 3.Performance Task 10. Resources Needed CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 Rev. :0 Page 11 of 13 A. Textbooks/References Danesi, M.(2015). Popular culture: Introductory perspectives (3rd ed.). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Griffin, M. (2012). A first look at communication theory (8th ed.).New York: McGraw-Hill Fedorak, S. A.(2009). Pop Culture: Theculture of everyday life. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Fernandez, D. G. (2002). Mass culture and cultural policy: The Philippine experience. Budhi, 5 (36.1). Retrieved September 19, 2020, from Khan. R. E. (2015). Media and informationliteracy handbook. Mandaluyong: Anvil Publishing. B. Teaching – Learning Facilities/Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. Virtual Learning Portal Google Classroom Chat Group (Messenger) Hard Copy of Module Course Title: Prepared by: Noted: Reviewed and Approved by: Life and Works of Rizal Date Effective: CHRISTIAN JESSIE B. BALA COS Instructor SONNY M. MACHADO Program Chairperson DENNIS C. GABON Dean AY 1st Semester 2021-2022 Date Signed: CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 Rev. :0 Page 12 of 13 CBSUA-SYL-ACD-GE 12a Effectivity Date: January 11, 2021 Rev. :0 Page 13 of 13