COURSE SYLLABUS SPED: Mild/Moderate ED English Language Arts/Science M-F 8:00 AM 2:41PM Teacher Information NAME: Elliott Reyes PHONE: (909)581-8568 ROOM Location: 2nd Floor 203 OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday’s 1:00 PM 3:15PM School Attributes The manner in which we prepare students here at Stoneridge Academy is informed by a high level of instructional practices via standards aligned, and contextually driven instruction. We connect positive relationships with effective instruction for positive academic results Student Evaluation The grading scale system at Stoneridge Academy is as follows: A: 90-100% B: 90-89% C: 70-79% D: 60-69% F: 0-59% Grade Distribution: -Assessments, projects, research papers, benchmark exams = 50 % Percent -Classroom assignments to include but not limited to warm ups, classroom activities, library research, classroom notebooks……………………...= 25% Percent -Homework to include but not limited to reading assignments, Morning journal entries And so, on ……………………………………………......... = 25 % Percent *Students, please observe that you will not pass Reading and Language Arts unless you turn in your homework and classroom assignments in a timely manner and participate in classroom discussions. Course syllabus: Students will demonstrate the ability to make connections to texts, respond to literature: compose in a variety of literary forms (i.e., nonfiction narrative poetry, drama, fiction, essay etc) appropriate to audience and purpose: control language through conventions of English: and demonstrate ability to evaluate content, organization and language in texts. Mission Statement: Our mission here at Stoneridge Academy is for our students to achieve the highest level possible: therefore, we have high expectations for each student. We will become the Mecca of Excellent that we are destined to become if our students are motivated and have support of their parents, teachers, staff and community. Attendance Policy: Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. Stoneridge Academy expects students to exercise good judgement regarding attendance and absences. Students will accept full responsibility for ensuring their work does not suffer because of absences. All students are expected to attend every scheduled class on time. Exceptions may be made for I.E.P meetings, Court dates, Illnesses, and emergencies. Classroom Expectations: 1.) Respect – Students will show respect to everyone and everything in the classroom at all times. 2.) Be on Time – Students need to be on time for van pickups. We understand vans arrive on different time schedules, but students are expected to be up and ready for pick up. 3.) Be on Task- Students need to stay on task for the duration of the class period. 4.) You cannot opt out – Students do not have the option of opting out in the class. The work that we do in class is not optional. Students are expected to adhere to the SRA non-negotiables during this class period Class requirements: Students should adhere to the classroom procedures and the behavior expectations. Students will track their behaviors in an effort to complete their behavior goals as part of their data folders. Each student will be tracking specific behavior goal based on IEP goals or classroom needs. Plagiarism, Cheating and Academic Integrity: Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images, or ideas for the use in written or oral assessments without giving proper credit to the source. Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of illegal help on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort. Both are considered serious offenses and will significantly affect your course grade. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct booklet for additional information. Methodology: A combination of lecture, class discussion, presentation, videos, cooperative learning, and problem-based learning will be used in this course. Grades will be determined by the satisfactory and timely completion of the assignments. The grade of each assignment is based on the prerequisite given for each assignment. Below is an overview of the topic/ units and major assessments/assignments for this course. Please note dates/timeframes are subject to the change and are an estimate. General Information: If you are having trouble with this class, come to me immediately and I can work with you. If you wait till the end of the marking period, it will be TOO LATE. I will be available to help you understand so you can be successful in this class. Please check and sign below I__________________________________ have read the information and I fully understand what I’m expected to do in class. Student Signature ____________________________________________ Parent/ Guardian Signature____________________________________