RIVERS STATE UNIVERSITY P.M.B 5080, NKPOLU OROWORUKWU, PORT HARCOURT DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, SIX (6) MONTHS TECHNICAL REPORT ON STUDENTS INDUSTRAL WORK EXPERIENCE SCHEME (SIWES) AT GROUNDSCAN SERVICES NIGERIA LIMITED, 1 LYDIA ABAM LANE, OFF PETER ODILI ROAD, PORT HARCOURT BY OKERE, FAVOUR EZINWA DE.2017/4898 SUPERVISOR: UDOTA STEPHEN BENJAMIN MARCH 2021 RIVERS STATE UNIVERSITY NKPOLU-OROWORUKWU, P.M.B 5080, PORT HARCOURT DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, FACULTY OF SCIENCES SIX (6) MONTHS TECHNICAL REPORT ON STUDENTS INDUSTRAL WORK EXPERIENCE SCHEME (SIWES) AT GROUNDSCAN SERVICES NIGERIA LIMITED, 1 LYDIA ABAM LANE, OFF PETER ODILI ROAD, PORT HARCOURT BY OKERE, FAVOUR EZINWA DE.2017/4898 SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE(B.Sc) IN THE FACULTY OF SCIENCES, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, RIVERS STATE UNIVERSITY MARCH 2021 ABSTRACT The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is scheme design to bridge the gap between students and workers, theories and practical’s, classroom and office. The SIWES was carried out at Groundscan Services Nig Ltd, which is a consultancy company on water resources engineering, environmental management, civil engineering and earth resources investigation located at 1 Lydia Abam Lane, Trans Amadi, Port Harcourt. During the SIWES, the company carried out a geotechnical survey for the rehabilitation of Sapele West Jetty, Sapele, Delta State for SEPLAT in which I fully participated as a crew member for the project. And also I was part of the company team that executed the RED CROSS water borehole drilling for three communities in Rivers State to cushion the effect of covid-19. I was taught on how to carry out some geophysical test, to process the data derived from the test and the implications of the results gotten and remedy. Also I was taught on some laboratory analysis on particle size distribution, Atterberg limits, Triaxial test, sample logging e.t.c. I had some challenges during the SIWES program, from coping with the new routine of life, gender Inequality, to payment discrimination. The SIWES program is the best part of my education so far. i CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this SIWES report has been approved and accepted as meeting the partial requirement for second semester year 3 course for the award of the bachelor of science (B.Sc) degree in the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Rivers State University, Nkpolu Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. OKERE, FAVOUR EZINWA DATE SUPERVISOR: DATE ii DEDICATION I dedicate this work to God Almighty for His endless mercy and grace in my life and my family, His excess love, kindness and favour has been a source of strength to my academic pursuit and life’s endeavors iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I thank God Almighty the giver of wisdom and knowledge for his gracious gift of good health and enablement through the completion of the SIWES program. My sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor Udota Stephen Benjamin and my coordinator, Udonam Inyang for their support, guidance and encouragement through this program, I also thank my lecturers Professor Etim D. Uko, Professor C. Israel-Cookey, Professor V.B. Omubo-Pepple, Professor M. A. Alabraba, Professor F.B. Sigalo, Dr. Iyeneomie Tamunobereton-ari, Dr. A. R. C. Amakiri, Dr. Jiriwari Amonieah, Dr. O.I. Horsfall, Dr. A. P. Ngeri, Dr. M. A. Briggs-Kamara, Dr. Bright Amechi, Mrs. V.N. Otugo, Mrs. S Esaenwi, Mr. N. N. Tasie, Mr. I. Risi for the encouragement and advise they provided in my studies. Also, I would like to thank my loving parent; Bishop and Pastor Mrs Okere Emmanuel and my Sibling’s Honour Okere, Highness Okere, Fortune Okere and Victory Okere. My profound gratitude goes to my Professor S.B. Ngah for his support, love and mentorship, Mr. Levite and Miss Joy. I want to thank the entirely management and staff of and Finning Nig. Ltd and Groundscan Services Nig. Ltd. for their support. To my caring course mates, much thanks. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Page ABSTRACT i CERTIFICATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose for the Establishment of Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) 1 1.2 Relevance of Industrial Training 1 1.3 Objectives of SIWES 2 1.4 Bodies Involved in the Management of SIWES Program 2 1.5 Company Profile 3 CHAPTER 2 5 INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE 2.0 Introduction 5 2.1 Project Aim and Objectives 5 2.1 Scope of Work 6 2.2 Community Engagement 6 2.3 Mobilization 7 2.4 Detailed Work Breakdown 7 2.5 Boring 9 v 2.5.1 Setting Out 9 2.5.2 Setting up of the Rig 9 2.5.3 Drilling of Boreholes 9 2.6 Borehole Location 9 2.7 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) 10 2.8 Cone Penetration Test 10 2.1 Electrical Resistivity Measurement 10 2.10 Sampling 10 2.10.1 Sealing and Numbering of Samples 10 2.10.2 Labelling of Samples 11 2.10.3 Transporting and Storing of Samples 11 2.11 Backfilling of Boreholes 11 2.12 PPE Requirements 12 2.13 Laboratory Testing 12 2.13.1 Laboratory tests on soil samples 13 2.13.2 Laboratory tests on groundwater samples 13 2.13.3 Moisture Content 14 2.13.4 Atterberg Limits 14 2.13.5 Liquid Limits 14 2.13.6 Plastic Limits 15 2.13.7 Plasticity Index 15 vi 2.13.8 Unit Weight 15 2.13.9 Particle Size Analysis 16 2.13.10 Undrained Shear Strength 17 2.13.11 Consolidation Test-One-dimension Odometer test 17 2.13.12 Chemical Test 18 2.13.13 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) 19 2.14 Project Scheduling 20 2.15 Reporting 20 2.16 Equipment Listings 21 2.17 Personnel Resources 22 2.18 Project Organizational Chart 23 2.19 Report 23 2.19.1 General 23 2.19.2 Borehole logs 24 2.19.3 Test Results 24 2.19.4 Physical Characteristics of the Soil 24 CHAPTER 3 NEW SKILLS ACQUIRED AND CHALLENGES 25 3.1 25 NEW SKILL ACQUIRED 3.2 Challenges encountered 27 CHAPTER 4 29 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 4.1 Conclusion 29 vii 4.2 Recommendation 29 REFERENCES 30 viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose for the Establishment of Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) The student industrial work experience scheme was introduced to help students acquire skill in the industry. The student industrial training was introduced also to expose students to work method and techniques in the use of machinery and useful equipment. The scheme bridges the gap existing between theory and practice of engineering and technology, science, agriculture, medical, environmental science, technical and education and other professional educational programs in Nigeria tertiary institutions. It is aimed at exposing students to machines and equipment, professional work methods and ways of safe guarding the work areas and workers in industries and other organization. The minimum duration for SIWES is 24 weeks (6months). SIWES is a tripartite program involving the student, university and the industry. The program was established by the federal government of Nigeria in the year 1973 and is jointly coordinated by the Industrial training fund (ITF) and the National university commissions (NUC) 1.2 Relevance of Industrial Training Industrial training is a key factor in enhancing the effective and expertise of the work force. It enables the student understand the theoretical principles better and apply them in solving the problems facing the society. Industrial training enables the student to be familiar with human relationships and core occupational human behavioral science in a way, and creates job opportunities for students after graduation as some will be re-employed by the organization that trained them. 1 1.3 Objectives of SIWES The objectives of SIWES are highlighted as follows: 1. Employment after graduation -SIWES provides an avenue for students in institutions of higher learning to acquire industrial skill and experience in their course of study which makes them employable. 2. To prepare students for the industrial work situations they are to meet after graduation 3. To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that may not be available in their institutions 4. To make transitions from school to the world of work easier, and enhance students contacts for later job placement 5. To provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real work situation thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice 1.4 Bodies Involved in the Management of SIWES Program 1. Institutions of higher learning 2. The industrial training fund (ITF) 3. National board for technical education (NBTE) 4. National commission of colleges of education (NCCE) 5. National universities commission (NUC) 6. The federal government of Nigeria 7. The employers of labour 2 1.5 Company Profile Groundscan Services Nigeria Limited is a firm of construction and consulting engineers and Earth scientists whose area of core specialization are in water resources, civil/geotechnical and environmental engineering. It was incorporated in Nigeria on the 11th of May 1992 under the Companies Act 1968 as a limited liability company with 100% shareholding by Nigerians and technical co-operation arrangements with some Dutch, American and British Engineering and Engineering products manufacturing companies. It went straight into active business specializing mainly in the fields of: 1. Water Resources Investigation, Development and Management 2. Civil / Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering and Management 3. Waste Management At present, about 11 people mainly earth scientists and engineers are on the permanent staff list of Groundscan Services Nigeria Limited, Other categories of staff are recruited on "as and when needed" basis. With a sound organizational frame of its specialist staff whose skills have been proven outstanding in their various fields, Groundscan Services Nigeria Limited is well equipped with the most up-to-date training, experience and equipment to tackle various aspects of water supply, engineering and environmental problems pertinent in the tropical sub-region. Groundscan Services Nigeria Limited is fully aware of Nigeria's peculiar problem on natural phenomena. The peculiar circumstance of the Niger delta sub-region is of particular note. The coastal location of the riverine communities makes saltwater intrusion into fresh water aquifers a common problem. Accessibility to water drilling contractors is hindered by swampy terrain criss-crossed by numerous lakes and rivers. Naturally, the swamp provides an active area of high redox activities resulting in high occurrence of ferrous iron in the groundwater. The environmental degradation occasioned by oil and gas activities for the past over 5 decades has made even more relevant the need for proper planning and execution of water supply and engineering projects in the sub-region. The composite staff of Groundscan Services Nigeria Limited has successfully handled various similar 3 difficult problems requiring engineering solutions in various capacities both locally and abroad. Much of the provisions at the local level had been built up from local and cheaper alternative sources of materials which are the results of recent fundamental and advanced research works. With composite units of Applied Hydrogeologists, Geophysicists, Drilling Engineers, Environmental Scientists, Civil & Water Resources Engineers etc. Groundscan Services provides Investigation, Development, Contracting and Consultancy services in the broad areas of Water Resources (emphasis on groundwater development and management and conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources), Civil/ geotechnical and Environmental engineering and Industrial & Urban Water Management. The multi-disciplinary nature of the organization deepens and enriches its specialization in many fields of services and makes possible the viewing of Water Resources, Civil and Environmental Engineering problems from wide spectrum of angles which converge in approaching them with deep and broad technical understanding. The concentration of skill, knowledge and experience of a diversified and yet highly inter-related staff of the nature found in Groundscan Services to handle an assignment is of particular relevance to a developing economy where goals and constraints are often highly inter-related. The overall objective of the company is to contribute in building, maintaining and sustaining the Nigerian environment in the chosen areas using a combination of modern technology, advanced and proven skills and a proper knowledge and understanding of the environment. 4 CHAPTER 2 INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE 2.0 Introduction SEPLAT intends to carry out structural integrity assessment of the facility and to provide costeffective design solution and specifications primarily for the protection of the river banks, as well as upgrade and repairs of all defective infrastructure Following this, Groundscan Services Nigeria Limited(GSNL), with wide range of experience in Geotechnical Soil Investigation, Soil Resistivity and Laboratory Testing Services, Geophysical Survey and investigation, Land and Marine Surveys and Environmental Studies for oil & Gas facilities across the country and in West African sub region was contracted to carry out the project. The objective of the investigation was to provide adequate information on subsurface conditions for the purpose of safe and economical design of shore protection and foundation of structures via borehole sampling and in situ testing. The geotechnical investigation at the sites ranges from the field work to the laboratory analysis and strong engineering recommendation. The geotechnical investigation activities were by means of the Percussion Rig (ten (10) Nos. Boreholes to a depth of 45m at the proposed Location, five on land and five on river bed), Ten (10) Nos 20T Dutch Cone Penetration Test to a depth of refusal in correlation with the Boreholes) and eight (8) No. Vertical Electrical Sounding. All Test points were coordinated using a handheld GPS. 2.1 Project Aim and Objectives The aim of the project was to provide detailed geotechnical engineering analysis of the Sapele West jetty using best engineering principles. The objectives of the project include but not limited to: 1. Acquiring necessary field data via boring 5 2. Determine the lithology and the soil condition through Boring and CPT investigations. 3. Provide laboratory analysis of the soil samples from the site. 4. Produce a report and foundation recommendation 2.1 Scope of Work The works executed under this project consist of all work activities required for successful provision of Geotechnical Investigation for the Sapele West jetty. Groundscan scope of work for this pre-engineering survey includes Boring, Cone Penetration Test and Vertical Electrical Sounding which was aimed at collecting data for the Sapele West jetty. The following were carried out on the Sapele West jetty. 1. Execution of Ten (10) Nos. Boreholes, 45m depth by percussion method (five on land and five on river bed). Samples were taken at an interval of 1.0m in depth during drilling or change in soil strata. While SPT were executed every 1.5m. 2. Execution of Ten (10) Nos. Electrical CPT, taking continuous readings all through the depth to refusal to correlate the Borehole. 3. Execution of eight (8) No. Vertical Electrical Sounding using the Werner method with electrodes spacing of 1.5m, 3m, 6m & 10m. 4. Laboratory Analysis of All Samples 5. Submission of Report 6. Pre-Execution Activities 2.2 Community Engagement Groundscan worked with the existing Seplat community Affairs plan. Mobilization were after signing of the FTO agreement and payment of entry fee and close out of community engagement. 6 2.3 Mobilization All equipment was inspected and certified ok by Seplat before mobilization to site. The following Equipment were premob and transported to site by selfloader and company vehicle. 1. Barge 2. 20Tons CPT Machine 3. ABEM Terameter 4. Dando Rig 5. Hand Rig 6. Welding Machine 7. The following safety precaution was adhered to while transporting the equipment. 8. The Vehicle was in working condition 9. A competent driver was used 10. Proper journey management (Journey was between 7am to 6pm) 11. Proper Loading of the equipment 12. Proper packaging of the sensitive equipment to cushion vibration effect. 2.4 Detailed Work Breakdown S/N 1. Task Mobilization Description Competent human and equipment resources were deployed for this project 2. Setting out drilling points All test points were designed and set out by the GSNL Surveyor in liaison with SEPLAT geomatics. 3. Preparation of drilling and The drilling and CPT points were cleared from CPT points. obstructions for access 7 Cable percussion rig were set up at the prepared borehole 4. Setting up the percussion Rig location. 5. Drilling of boreholes Drillers commenced drilling of 10 nos. of borehole to client specified depth. The drilling on the river bed were carried out on top of a barge at specified depth and location. 6. Soil Sampling Soil samples from the boreholes were sampled and logged by the site geologist. Water Table of the Boreholes were measured using the 7. Water Table Measurement Standpipe Piezometer. Water levels were monitored during the duration of the site activities 8. Rigging up of CPT The CPT machine was rigged up few meters away from the borehole position 9. Cone Penetration Test The CPT were conducted at location specified by client to a point of refusal. Vertical Electrical Sounding were carried at the proposed 10. Vertical Electrical Sounding location Area by means of the Wenner configuration methods. The layout of the electrodes was selected in order to measure the apparent resistivity at depths of 1.5, 3, 6 and 10 m At the end of the geotechnical investigation, the open 11. Backfilling holes were properly backfilled and other waste material was properly carted away. 12. Demobilization Demobilisation of Personnel and equipment from site. 8 2.5 Boring 2.5.1 Setting Out GSNL surveyor for the project set out all test point on ground according to the site map provided by the client or as directed by the client. Ten (10) nos. of borehole points, ten (10) nos. of Cone penetration test points and eight (8) nos. Vertical Electrical Sounding points will be set out at the proposed Sapele West jetty area and coordinated using the handheld GPS. 2.5.2 Setting up of the Rig The two (2) cable percussion rigs were set up at staked out work points, one on land and the other on top of the barge on the river bed to work simultaneously, after which they are moved to the next work point. 2.5.3 Drilling of Boreholes The rigs were deployed in the drilling of the respective boreholes. All the samples recovered were visually described, properly labeled, sealed on the site and transported to the laboratory for testing. Tests were conducted on the representative samples. Disturbed sampling was carried out on cohesive soils at intervals of 0.75m and for non-cohesive at 1.0m while standard penetration tests were carried out at 1.5m intervals on granular material only. Undisturbed sampling was carried out on cohesive soils at intervals of 2m. 2.6 Borehole Location The borehole coordinates were provided by Seplat Geomatics and defined on site by our surveyor as approved by Seplat Geomatics; considering the position of critical equipment. The coordinate of the boreholes was noted in the report and was related to the jetty location. The boreholes were located using extracted coordinate from the clients approved matrix or contractor advised matrix. 9 2.7 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Groundscan carried out standard penetration test at 1.5m depth intervals and at every noticeable change of soil formation and as per the standard procedure unless directed otherwise by the Engineerin-Charge. SPT and UDS were conducted alternatively at 1.5m interval, unless other test is specified by the Engineer-in- Charge at that location. 2.8 Cone Penetration Test At locations and to depths indicated or as instructed by Engineer-in Charge, static and seismic cone penetration tests were conducted with an apparatus of capacity not less than 100-200KN. All static cone penetration tests were conducted up to refusal at the proposed Location at Sapele West jetty. 2.1 Electrical Resistivity Measurement Electrical resistivity measurements were carried at the proposed access road and location area specified by means of the Wenner configuration methods. The layout of the electrodes was selected in order to measure the apparent resistivity at depths of 1.5, 3, 6 and 10 m. 2.10 Sampling The general sequence of sampling adopted were be such as to obtain alternatively undisturbed (UDS) and disturbed (standard penetration tests, SPT) samples at every 2.0 m intervals and 1.0m interval respectively and at every significant change of stratum. UDS were replaced by SPT in cohesionless strata. Even in highly weathered/disintegrated rock where core recovery is poor, SPT were be conducted. 2.10.1 Sealing and Numbering of Samples Immediately after taking an undisturbed sample in a tube, the cutting shoe and the adapter head were removed along with the disturbed material which they contain. The visible ends of the sample were trimmed off from wet disturbed soil. The ends were then coated alternately with four layers of just molten microcrystalline wax or other similar material approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. More 10 molten wax was added to give a total thickness of not less than 25mm. Any space remaining at the ends of the sample tube were solidly filled with damp sawdust or other material approved by Engineerin Charge and ends of the sample tube were covered with tight fitting caps preferably screw caps. Block samples were also coated with a succession of layers of microcrystalline wax which would be reinforced with layers of porous fabric. These samples were packed in a suitable material and placed in a strong case. Large samples were provided with a tight-fitting formwork or packed in a rigid cement or resin so as to prevent fissures opening up under the self-weight of the sample. Groundscan assigned a reference number to each soil and water sample taken from the borehole. This number is unique for that borehole and were in order of depth below the ground level. 2.10.2 Labelling of Samples All samples were clearly labelled indicating the job number, borehole number, sample number, date of sampling, brief description of sample, type of sample, elevation of sample etc. and in case of undisturbed samples, the top and bottom of samples were also clearly labelled. Each such label was pasted on the container and was also included in the container. 2.10.3 Transporting and Storing of Samples Groundscan properly stored all the samples at site till they are transported to the laboratory for testing. Sampling tubes containing undisturbed soil samples were not exposed to direct sun and were kept in a shade covered with wet gunny bags. These tubes were transported in specially fabricated wooden boxes with hinged covers. To minimize disturbance during transportation, saw-dust or similar other resilient material were used while packing into the wooden boxes. Groundscan transported all samples to his testing laboratory as quickly as possible and test the samples. All unused and excess samples after testing was retained and properly stored for three months after the end of submission of the report. 2.11 Backfilling of Boreholes All boreholes on land were backfilled immediately after all drilling works is completed. This were 11 executed by backfilling the borehole with adequate soil material available in the vicinity of the site to prevent hazards to persons or animals and also prevent water movement or collapse. 2.12 PPE Requirements The PPE used includes hand gloves, safety boots, coverall, eye goggles (where necessary) and Safety helmet and any other, as the work environment may require. 2.13 Laboratory Testing All the laboratory testing was performed by qualified and experienced personnel, familiar with and having access to equipment and facilities for the accurate determination of data necessary, for requirements under this specification. The following classes of laboratory tests were performed on the selected soil and water samples recovered from the boreholes: All tests were carried out in accordance with BS EN (1997) Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes. The test to be carried out were in accordance with the approved scope of work and were include but not limited to the following: 1. Soil Classification tests: These tests were carried out on the disturbed samples and they include the determination of moisture contents, Atterberg limits, bulk density, hydrometer & sieve analysis. 2. Soil strength tests: These were carried out to determine the relevant strength parameters of undisturbed cohesive samples via the Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) triaxial compression tests, unconfined compression tests (CU). 3. Soil deformation tests: These were carried out to determine the consolidation (settlement) characteristics through the one-dimensional consolidation (Oedometer) test. 4. Soil chemical analysis: These include pH, soluble chloride content and soluble sulphate content tests. 5. Soil compaction tests 6. Soil resistivity tests 12 2.13.1 Laboratory tests on soil samples: Groundscan carried out the following laboratory tests on samples collected from the boreholes based on the below Client’s preferred codes and standards for testing: Laboratory Test Type Codes / Standards Particle Size Distribution BS EN ISO 17892-4:2016 Atterberg Limit BS EN ISO 17892-12:2018 Bulk Density BS EN ISO 17892-2:2014 Particle Density BS ISO 7892-3:2015 Consolidation Test BS EN ISO Undrained Triaxial Test BS EN ISO 17892-8:2018 Shear Box Test BS EN ISO 17892-5:2017 Unconsolidated 17892-10:2018 Unconfined Compression Test BS EN ISO 17892-7:2017 Compaction Test AASHTO T 180 or ASTM D1557 2.13.2 Laboratory tests on groundwater samples: Water chemical analysis on steel and concrete aggressiveness, determination of: 1. chloride (Cl-) content (mol per m³) 2. sulphate (SO42-) content (mol per m³ and mg per l) 3. acid capacity (up to pH 4.3) (mol per m³) 4. calcium (Ca²+) content (mol per m³) 5. lime-dissolving carbonic acid (CO2) (mg per l) 6. ammonium (NH4+) content (mg per l) 13 7. magnesium (Mg2+) content (mg per l) 8. Determination of pH value. 2.13.3 Moisture Content The moisture content, w, of a soil is the amount of water, expressed as a proportion by mass of the dry solid particles. A clean metal container is weighed to the nearest 0.01g (M1) on a weighing balance. About 30g of the soil specimen is placed on the container and weighed again, (M2). The container and content are placed in the drying oven and dried at 105oC (+ 5oC) for at least 24hours. After drying, the container and contents are removed from the drying oven and weighed again (M3) after cooling in a desiccator. The moisture content (w) of the soil is calculated as w = [(M2 - M1) / (M3 - M1)] x 100% 2.13.4 Atterberg Limits The Atterberg Limits of the soil is the amount of water, expressed as a proportion by mass of the dry solid particles as the soil moves from liquid to plastic state and from plastic state to the shrinkage state. Primarily, two limits are of importance to the soil engineer. The liquid limit and the plastic limit. 2.13.5 Liquid Limits The Liquid Limits (LL) is the empirically established moisture content at which the soil passes from the liquid state to the plastic state. About 500g is taken from a soil in the undisturbed or disturbed state, containing little or no material retained in the 425 microns test sieve. A sample of oil, about 300g is taken and placed on a glass plate. The paste is thoroughly mixed with distilled water using two (2) palette knives with the cup of the apparatus resting on the base and a portion of the mixed soil in the cup without entrapping some air is levelled off the top of the soil surface parallel to the base. The grooving tool is used to divide the soil into two equal parts by drawing the tool from the hinge towards the front in a continuous circular movement. The grooving tool is held normal to the surface of the cup, with the chamfered edge facing the direction of movement. The crank handle of the Cassangrande cup is turned at the rate of 2rev/s so that the cup is lifted and dropped counting the number of blows. 14 This process is continued until the two parts of the soil come into contact at the bottom of the groove along a distance of 13mm, then the number of blows is recorded. some soil is removed from the cup and place in a suitable container to determine the moisture content. The number of all the recorded blows were be between 15 and 35. The number of blows is plotted against the moisture content on a semi-log scale. The point where the curve intersects the 25number blows were be taken as the liquid limit of the soil. The liquid limited recorded 54.6%, 45.5%, 55.5% and 39.7% from the soil sample taken for laboratory test. 2.13.6 Plastic Limits The Plastic Limits, PL, of the soil is the empirically established moisture content at which the soil becomes too dry to be plastic. It is used together with the liquid limits to determine the plasticity index which when plotted against the liquid limit on the plasticity chart provide a means of classifying cohesive soils. Samples for the test are prepared as in the liquid limits and spread on the glass plate. The sample were not be allowed to become dry before testing. The soil is mould in the fingers to equalize the distribution of moisture, and then form the soil into threads about 6mm diameter. The threads are rolled to 3mm diameter on the surface of the glass rolling plate until the soils shears both longitudinally and transversely when it has been rolled to this diameter. All the rolled soils and their crumbled soil threads are placed into a container and the moisture content determined. The plastic limited recorded 19.9%, 19.3%, 22.0% and 15.6% from the soil sample were be taken for laboratory test. 2.13.7 Plasticity Index The Plasticity Index, PI, of the soil is the difference between the Liquid Limits and the Plastic Limits. PI = LL – PL 2.13.8 Unit Weight The dry density was determined from measurements of mass and volume of the soil. For cohesive soils, a specimen is generally obtained from a standard steel cylinder with cutting edge, which is 15 pushed manually into the extruded soil sample. Preference is given to a 100 ml cylinder (area ratio of 12%), but a volume of 33.3 ml (area ratio of 21%) may be used when insufficient homogenous sample is available. Specimens of non-cohesive soils are obtained by selecting a part of a cylindrical soil sample, trimming the surfaces, and measuring the height and diameter. The latter method is also applied to (cohesive) specimens selected for triaxial and oedometer tests. The wet density ρ wet (kg/m3) refers to the wet density of the soil at the sampled water content. The wet density multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity gives the bulk unit weight of the soil. The dry density ρ d, is determined from the mass of oven-dried soil and the initial volume. The dry density multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity gives us the dry unit weight of the soil. Reference test standard: BS 1377: Part 2 2.13.9 Particle Size Analysis The particle size analysis was performed by means of drying and sieving and by hydrometer analysis. Sieving were carried out for particles that are retained on a 0.063mm sieve. The sieve was carried out by passing the soil sample over a set of standard sieve size and the entire units of sieves are shaken vigorously for few minutes. The hydrometer analysis allows measurement of the density of a suspension consisting of fine-grained soil particles and distilled water, to which a dispersion agent is added. This suspension is mixed using a high-speed stirrer. Testing is performed in a thermostatically controlled water bath (25 0C, 0.5 0C). The particle size is calculated according to Stokes’ Law for a single sphere, on the basis that particles of a particular diameter is at the surface of the suspension at the beginning of sedimentation and had settled to the level at which the hydrometer is measuring the density of the suspension. A value of 2.65 t/m is assumed. The hydrometer results for selected particle sizes are presented as a percentage of the total mass of the soil sample. Particle size is presented on a logarithmic scale so that two (2) soil samples having the same degree of uniformity are represented by curves of the same shape regardless of their positions on the particle size distribution plot. The general slope of the distribution curve may be described by the coefficient of uniformity, Cu and the 16 coefficient of curvature, Cc. The coefficient of uniformity Cu = D60/D10 while the coefficient of curvature, Cc = (D30)2/D10 x D60. D10, D30 and D60 are the particle sizes indicating that 10%, 30% and 60% of the particles of the sand sample by weight. 2.13.10 Undrained Shear Strength This type of test is usually performed on undisturbed samples of cohesive soils. Depending on the consistency of the cohesive material, the test specimen is prepared by trimming the sample or by pushing a mould into the sample. A latex membrane with thickness of approximately 0.2mm is placed around the specimen. A lateral confining pressure of 44kPa to 68 kPa is maintained during axial compression loading of the specimen. Consolidation and drainage of pore water during testing is not allowed. The test is deformation controlled (strain rate of 57.8- 59.8%/h) and stopped when axial strain between 0.3% -1.1%) is achieved. The deviator stress is calculated from the measured load assuming that the specimen deforms as a right cylinder. The presentation of test results includes a plot of a Mohr circle. The undrained shear strength, Cu, is taken as the point of intercession of a common tangent to the semi-circles and the ordinate of the chart. 2.13.11 Consolidation Test-One-dimension Odometer test This method covers the determination of the magnitude and the rate of the consolidation of a saturated or near-saturated soil specimen in the form of a disc confined laterally, subjected to vertical axial pressure, and allowed to drain freely from the top and bottom surfaces. In the test the soil specimen is loaded axially in increments of applied stress. Each stress increment is held constant until the primary consolidation has ceased. During the process water drains out of the specimen, resulting in a decrease in height which is measured at suitable intervals, by means of a dial gauge. These measurements are used for the determination of the relationship between void ratio and effective stress, and for the calculation of parameters which describe the amount of compression and rate at which it takes place. 17 2.13.12 Chemical Test For soil, a sample of the soil whose pH is to be measured is taken (about 100g). The soil sample is dried to a constant mass in an oven at 110 0 5 0C and cool in a desiccator. The sample is crushed with pestle and mortal. About 20g of the soil sample is weighed and placed in a 100ml beaker. 50ml of distilled water is then added to the beaker, stirr the suspension for a few minutes and allow it to stand for 24 hours. The sample is then filtered using a funnel and Whatman filter paper (110mm) into a beaker, then immersed the calibrated pH electrode into the filtrate in the beaker. The pH reading displayed on the meter is recorded. The final pH is taken from the average of 2 to 3 readings of the filtrate with brief stirring between each reading. Chloride – This test measures the degree of saltiness of soil or water. A sample of the soil whose chloride is to be measured (300g) is taken and placed in a container. The container with the soil specimen is placed in the dry oven at 110 0 5 0C and dried to a constant weight for at least 12 hours and cooled in a desiccator. The sample is crushed with pestle and mortal. A 100g mass of the sample is weighed into an evaporating dish which mass is known. 200ml of distilled water is added and placed on the hot plate and allowed to boil while stirring continuously. The sample is removed from the hot plate and immediately transferred to a weighing balance to determine the weight. The weight loss, V1 is recorded. The sample is filtered using a vacuum pump. The filtrate is collected and the volume recorded. 50ml of the filtrate is measured into a beaker, V2 and 3 to 4 drops of potassium chromate is added. Filtrate is titrated with 0.1N silver nitrate solution to reddish brown end point and the volume of silver nitrate solution used is recorded as V3. The Chloride content is calculated as: Chloride (mg/L) = (V3 x N x MM x V1 x 1000) / (V2 x M1) Where N = Normality MM = Molar mass of silver nitrate M1 = Mass of sample V1, V2 & V3 as given in the above procedure. Sulphate - A sample of the soil whose sulphate is to be measured is taken (300g) and placed in a 18 container. The container with the soil specimen is dried in the oven at 110 5 C to a constant weight for 12 hours and then cooled in a desiccator. The sample is crushed with pestle and mortal and a known quantity (100g) weighed into an evaporating dish. 200ml of distilled water is added and then placed on the hot plate and allowed it to boil while stirring continuously. The sample is removed from the hot plate and immediately transferred to a weighing balance to determine the weight. The weight loss, V1, is recorded. The sample is filtered using a vacuum pump; collected the filtrate and recorded the volume. Then, 50ml of the filtrate is measured into a beaker, V2 and 2 to 3 drops of 0.1M HCl added. The colour changes to pink. The sample is then placed on a hot plate allowed to boil. While hot 10ml of 5% Barium Chloride is added and allowed to stand for about 2 minutes. The sample is then removed, covered and left overnight. The sample is filtered with vacuum pump, residue collected and placed in a weighed crucible. The sample is burnt at 8000C with furnace and allowed to cool for 15 minutes in the furnace. It is then transferred to a desiccator and the weight recorded of crucible and the burnt residue. The Sulphate content is calculated thus: Sulphate (mg/kg) = (1000 x d x 0.343 x V1 x 1000) / (V2 x M1) Where V1 = Volume of water remaining after boiling V2 = Volume of pipette d = Mass of residue M1 = Mass of sample. 2.13.13 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were be carried out on clays, silts and sands on all routes for permanent access roads and tracks. The CBR test were be performed interpreted and document according to the ASTM D4429 “Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Soils in Place”. California Bearing Ratio test provides the load penetration resistance of soil. CBR value is obtained by measuring the relationship between force and penetration when a cylindrical plunger is made to penetrate the soil at a standard rate. The CBR test is used for the evaluation of subgrade strength of roads and pavements. The CBR value obtained by this test is used with the empirical curves to determine the thickness of pavement and its component layers. This is the most widely used method 19 for the design of flexible pavement. Even though provision of subsoil drains reduces the effect of water on subgrade, fully soaked CBR tests were be considered to be appropriate for road construction projects. 2.14 Project Scheduling The entire scope of work including preparation and submission of report were successfully completed within Seven weeks. The estimatated duration for completion of each work element was as follows: 2.15 Reporting The logs of the Boreholes were provided daily (even if in part hand-written), in order to allow client to define possible modifications of the investigation, if necessary. After the field and laboratory activities, a final report will contain but not limited to the following information: 20 1. Interim factual report including borehole logs on the basis of samples collected, 2. The final number and type of laboratory tests performed. 2.16 Equipment Listings S/N EQUIPMENT QTY CAPACITY 1. Percussion drilling rig with accessories 2 Boring 2. Total station and accessories 1 Survey 3. GPS 1 Positioning 4. 100 - 200KN CPTE Machine 1 Filed Test 5. Drilling casings 6. Earth Resistivity Meter 1 Field Test 7. Bailers 2 Soil Sampling 8. Core catcher 2 Core recovery 9. Sinker bars 2 Soil Sampling 10. Core boxes 2 Borehole core storage 11. Measuring tape 12. Garmin handheld GPS 1 Point coordination 13. Sony Camera 1 Photo documentation 22 150m 21 Soil Sampling Distance measurement 2.17 Personnel Resources List of project personnel resources required for the scope of work were includes: S/N NAME DESIGNATION QUALIFICATION 1. Kingdom Abam Project Sponsor PhD Nigerian 2. Udota Benjamin Project manager M.Sc Geophysics Nigerian 3. Dateme Abam Geotechnical M.Sc Nigerian Engineer Engineering, COREN Geotechnical NATIONALITY 4. Fortune Besidone HSE manager HSE Level 3 Nigerian 5. David Gilbert Geologist M.Sc Geology Nigerian 6. Favour Okere Geophysicist B.Sc Physics (Geophysics Nigerian option) in view 7. Ibibia Godspower Chief Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 8. Ukeme Uko Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 9. Gabriel Amos Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 10. Biobele James Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 11. Williams Katomba Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 12. Tonye Sokari Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 12. Dickson Eraiyoma CPT Operator Drilling Certification Nigerian 13. Austin Perry CPT Operator Drilling Certification Nigerian 14. Ikechukwu Ukonu Chief Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 15. Etim Nsikak Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 16. Wariboko Wari Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 17. Taylor birikon Driller Drilling Certification Nigerian 22 2.18 Project Organizational Chart PROJECT MANAGER HSE PROJECT QUALITY MANAGER COORDINATOR MANAGER SAFETY GEOTECHNICAL GEOLOGIS SITE SURVEYO QA/Q OFFICER ENGR. T ENGINEER R C CHIEF DRILLER LAB NOL TECH O CPT DATA ENGINEER PROCESSING GIS T 2.19 Report 2.19.1 General Groundscan submitted a comprehensive report containing the geological history of the site, summarized test data, observations, conclusions and recommendations. The report also include appendix containing actual field and laboratory observations, calculations of test results, supporting calculations for the recommendations. A plot plan showing location / RL of all boreholes, trial pits, plate load tests, static and dynamic cone penetration tests, etc., properly drawn and dimensioned with reference to the established grid lines, were be presented in the report. The report includes computations of soil bearing capacities for shallow foundations and deep foundations and the summary tables, as well as settlement Analysis. Calculations of soil bearing capacities, results and recommendations were in accordance with the following codes/standards:BS EN 1997(part 1); to BS 23 EN 1997 (part 1); BS EN 1997 (part 2). 2.19.2 Borehole logs A true cross-section of all boreholes, trial pits showing thickness, position and classification of each soil stratum found between top surface and bottom of the hole were be shown. The various tests conducted and samples recovered from every soil and rock stratum were be clearly shown against the stratum. Observations for water table and certain peculiar conditions such as artesian condition, sand blow etc. were be noted in the "Remarks" column. Also, a record of incomplete pits or boring with appropriate explanation were be reported in the same manner as the completed pits or boreholes, along with the appropriate explanation for abandoning further investigation. Generalized subsoil/rock profiles along various sections, which may or may not be coinciding with grid lines, were be drawn to obtain realistic idea about the stratigraphy and consistency. Values obtained from SPT and other sounding tests were also indicated on these profiles. 2.19.3 Test Results Results of tests, field as well as laboratory, were summarized separately test wise and also in a combined form on a typical sheet. All relevant graphs, charts, diagrams were submitted along with the report. 2.19.4 Physical Characteristics of the Soil The following information were furnished in the soil report for various soil layers as a minimum: 1. Dry and moist unit weight of soil. 2. Angle of repose 3. Modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, material damping, dynamic shear modulus 4. Shear strength of the soil and results of standard penetration tests 5. Coefficient of sliding friction of concrete against soil 24 CHAPTER 3 NEW SKILLS ACQUIRED AND CHALLENGES 3.1 NEW SKILL ACQUIRED The SIWES is the best thing that have happen in my education. A lot has been learnt and acquired in the past six months through the SIWES. The SIWES gave me an opportunity to work for the first time in my life, integrating me to the working life. Working at Groundscan services got me expose to the world of Geoscience. The following new skilled was acquired 1. I was trained and now have advanced knowledge in Microsoft word and Microsoft excel which is a package I used every day during my SIWES 2. I was trained in geophysical software like Sufer, Strata, IP2WIN QGIS, CPT task though I have a beginner’s knowledge because it was not used by me every day and the company did not install them on my personal computer citing the high cost to acquire the software. 3. I have learnt how to carried out the following geotechnical and geophysical test i. Standard Penetration test: The Standard Penetration Test, known as the SPT, is commonly used in subsurface investigations for foundation and geotechnical designs. It is one of the most broadly used tests world-wide to characterize in-situ soil strength. While other in-situ tests are available, CPT, CPTU and dilatometer to mention a few, only the SPT test enables the drill crew to retrieve soil samples. The SPT test is made by dropping a free-falling hammer weighing 140 lb onto the drill rods from a height of 30 inches to achieve the penetration of a standard sample tube 18 inches into the soil. The number of blows required to penetrate each 6-inch increment is recorded and the number of blows required to penetrate the last foot is summed together and recorded as the N value. The first 6 inches of penetration tends to reflect disturbed material remaining in the hole from the removal of the drill and insertion of the sampler, 25 therefore the blows corresponding to the first 6 inches of penetration are recorded but are not ordinarily included in the N value. One advantage of the SPT tests is that the drillers can collect samples for further classification and laboratory testing. ii. Cone Penetration test: The cone penetration or cone penetrometer test (CPT) is a method used to determine the geotechnical engineering properties of soils and delineating soil stratigraphy. It was initially developed in the 1950s at the Dutch Laboratory for Soil Mechanics in Delft to investigate soft soils. Based on this history it has also been called the "Dutch cone test". Today, the CPT is one of the most used and accepted soil methods for soil investigation worldwide. The test method consists of pushing an instrumented cone, with the tip facing down, into the ground at a controlled rate (controlled between 1.5 -2.5 cm/s accepted). The resolution of the CPT in delineating stratigraphic layers is related to the size of the cone tip, with typical cone tips having a cross-sectional area of either 10 or 15 cm², corresponding to diameters of 3.6 and 4.4 cm. The CPT measures the cone resistance (qc) and the sleeve friction (fs) from which the friction ratio FR can be determined. FR is the ratio between the local sleeve friction and the cone resistance, expressed as a percentage (fs/qc). One important objective of the CPT investigations in connection with soil compaction is to obtain information concerning soil stratification and variation in soil properties both in horizontal and vertical directions. The friction ratio is often used as an indicator of soil type (grain size) and can provide valuable information when evaluating alternative compaction methods. iii. Vertical Electrical Sounding: Vertical electrical sounding (VES), as referred to as ‘electrical drilling’ or ‘expanding probe’, is used mainly in the study of horizontal or near-horizontal interfaces (Kearey et al., 2002). Vertical Electrical Sounding is a common tool used to investigate variations in resistivity as a function of depth (Keller 26 and Frischnecht, 1966). It is quite effective in estimating aquiferous zones in groundwater surveys as well as other geotechnical and engineering activities. The depth of at which it probs the subsurface is dependent on how far apart the two current electrodes are placed (Kearey et al., 2002). In resistivity measurement, current flow tends to occur close to the surface. Current penetration can be increased by increasing separation of current electrodes. An electrode array is a configuration of electrodes used for measuring either an electric current or voltage. There are a number of ways of setting up of current and potential electrodes, in subsurface studies by electrical resistivity methods. The choice of an array and the distance between the electrodes is very important for obtaining the best possible information of the subsurface geology of a given area. The target of vertical electrical sounding especially when carried out with the expanding electrode array is to obtain sufficient data where the results are easily represented as a series of curves that express the variation of apparent resistivity with increasing separation of electrodes. The curve obtained gives a quantitative representation of the variations of resistivity with depth. 4. I have been exposed to laboratory analysis in which I can boost to be able to carry out some lab test 5. I was trained on HSE 1 and 2 which has improved my safety knowledge. 3.2 Challenges encountered Challenges encountered are: 1. Lack of Payment. I was not paid stipend during my SIWES even though I spent money on transportation every day to work. 2. Gender Inequality: There were discrimination because I am a female. I was not allowed to go to some field work citing my gender as an issue. 27 3. I was not allowed to handle some equipment even after being taught on how to use it because of fear of damage. 4. Most software that I was exposed and taught were not installed on my personal computer citing the fact that I am not a staff and it hindered my knowledge on the software’s 5. Difficulty in getting an I.T placement. 6. I was excluded from some training because I was an I.T student which could have added to my knowledge of the Discipline of Geophysics. 28 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 4.1 Conclusion Industrial training is not just to acquire field experience on your area of academic discipline, it goes far beyond that as it exposes one to more working relationship and other working environment. I now have understanding on why SIWES program is very important in the life of a student. I had real hand experiences on field work and laboratory analysis using some of the equipment that I see on textbook and the internet, I was trained, I worked and even represented the company as a geophysicist in job kick-off meeting. The SIWES program was a success and very impactful. 4.2 Recommendation In other for the SIWES program to continue serving as an important practical gap building and skill acquisition program for undergraduates, I suggest the following for adoption. 1. The university should create a mutual relationship with employers as to secure space for students. 2. The government should enforce a law that compels industries to absorb students for SIWES. 3. I recommend that we are taught our core courses before embarking on SIWES as most of the geophysics question I asked my supervisor, his response was that I will be taught in my final year. 4. I also recommend that higher institutions should revise their curricula so as to introduce more courses to meet the needs of employers in the public and private sector. 5. The school should make proper arrangements to visit her SIWES students to know what they are doing. 29 REFERENCES Industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) handbook. Gascoyne, J.K.and Eriksen, A.S. (2005). "ENGINEERING GEOLOGY / Geophysics", Elsevier BV. https://groundscan.org/ Kearey, P., Brooks, M., and Hill, I., 2002: An introduction to geophysical exploration, 3rd ed. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom, 262 pp. Keller, G.V. and Frischknecht, F.C., 1966, Electrical methods in geophysical prospecting: Pergamon Press, New York, 517 p. 30 APPENDICES IMAGES FROM FIELD AND LABORATORY WORK 31 32 33