Part 1: Job Particulars Page 1 of _____ JOB TITLE / AIM: JSA For Manual Bolt Tightening Phase II JSA DATE: 29/09/2007 JSA NO./ REVISION: DEL – 003 C SUPERVISOR/ JSA LEADER: Arshad Ali SCRIBE: Asad Nadeem / Nouman Liaqat PARTICIPANTS: Maqbool, Furqan , LIST ASSOCIATED PROCEDURES/WORK INSTRUCTIONS OR TEMPORARY WIs: .Attached document for Positioning of crane, Equipment specifications, Checklist, Certificates Part 2: Job Safety Analysis Job Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mobilization of Workers and Tool Working at Heights Erection of scaffold Removal of cladding sheet Bolt tightening Dismantling of scaffold Demobilization Alternatives Considered: N/A Equipment: Hand Tools Now undertake the JSA and record in the table below. Use prompts on JSA Prompt Sheet and Hazard Checklist PA-HSEC-02-040-002-F03. Part 3: Contingency Plans. Standard PPE,S First aid kit must be present at the area and the Hse personnel is the first response in case of emergency Pakistan Asset Team BHP Billiton Approved: AHMED HASEEB Checked: NAJEEB MALIK Originator: SYED FAHEEM Part 1: Job Particulars Attached to: PA-HSEC-02-040-002-P Rev: 1 Issue: 13/05/05 Page 1 of 9 Part 4: Review. After the job has been completed, JSA leader should note: any hazards, which were identified in the original JSA? Any practices that need to be captured in the OMS? List action items, changes, and transfer any changes to the Change Management system. File: 10.30 JSA No: JOB TITLE: Step Describe Job Step No (Copy from part 2 of form) 1 Mobilization of workers & equipment Pakistan Asset Team BHP Billiton Potential Hazards (Use Hazard Checklist) Hazard Controls Unauthorized tools brought out to site Before mobilization any tools make sure that the tools are inspected and colour coded from BHP and DEL E&P Department. Unskilled and un inducted personal starting the job Ensure that all personal prior to start the work should be inducted and oriented about the hazards in the job site and must be oriented from BHP operations. Workers starting the job unfit to work All persons not fit to work shall not be allowed to work at the project site. Starting Job with out tool box talk Before starting of the job a comprehensive tool box talk shall be delivered to all of work force and they will sign on the back side of the JSA. Starting Job Without Permit Ensure that Permit is in place prior to starting of Job. By Passing Permit Requirements Ensure that any other Safety requirements / Precautions mentioned in the Permit shall also be fulfilled. Damage to Existing Equipments & Instruments Take care of already existing equipments and instruments. Part 1: Job Particulars Page 2 of 9 JSA No: JOB TITLE: Step Describe Job Step No (Copy from part 2 of form) 2. Working at Heights Potential Hazards (Use Hazard Checklist) Workers not trained for working at Height Performing the job Ensure that all workers who have to perform job at height must be trained for work at height and all workers will display cards. High Wind Speeds If wind starts blowing at speed more then 12 knots / hour or 25 kilometer / hour all work at height shall be stopped Make sure that all the Scaffold structure are inspected and follow following procedures Green Tag : Can go up and perform their job with normal PPE’s Yellow Tag : Safety Harness must be used and tied off 100 % Red Tag / No Tag: Not allowed to go up , cannot perform any Job. If different activities are going on in the same area then coordinate with the supervisors of other activities. Working on Un Inspected Scaffold Plat Forms SIMOPS Manual hauling of materials Pakistan Asset Team BHP Billiton Hazard Controls Neglecting Drop Zone Make / Mark a clear drop zone and depute a spotter at drop zone Exposure of workers to various hazard like hand injury, dust, eye injury Ensure workers are complying with the min. PPE req. Safety shoes, helmet, safety glass, Cotton gloves. Heat Stress/Exhaustion Ensure potable water/sufficient shelter is available each area where workers are doing the job. Proper rest shall be provided to workers performing the job. Part 1: Job Particulars Page 3 of 9 JSA No: JOB TITLE: Step Describe Job Step No (Copy from part 2 of form) Pakistan Asset Team BHP Billiton Potential Hazards (Use Hazard Checklist) Hazard Controls Back injury Workers will be oriented about the proper posture and positioning during the execution of the job. Unskilled and un inducted personnel starting the job Ensure that toolbox meeting was regularly conducted and people are aware of the job and the hazard enclosed in the job they are performing. JSA was discussed and signed at the back Personnel and equipment interface Ensure that during unloading of materials it will be unloaded at the safe side not in traffic side. A watchman must be available during unloading Fall of materials to worker Materials should not be thrown down during unloading instead there will be two person at the trolley and three person shall stand down receiving the rebar’s at a time and place at the ground. Hand injury Ensure workers are wearing the hand gloves of Cotton. Trips Ensure materials are properly stack and all walk ways will be kept clear. Part 1: Job Particulars Page 4 of 9 JSA No: JOB TITLE: Step Describe Job Step No (Copy from part 2 of form) 4 Removal of insulation sheet Pakistan Asset Team BHP Billiton Potential Hazards (Use Hazard Checklist) Hazard Controls SIMOPS Take care of other activities in progress in the same area and make a proper drop zone and depute a spotter around barricaded area. If some other activities are going on in the Same area, supervisor shall be coordinated. Using of Medicines If Someone is using any Medicine he will consult HSE department so we may sure that Medicine he is using is free from any Drugs that may cause reduce the efficiency of Workers or cause drowsiness to workers. Starting job with out proper barrication and caution tape. Ensure that area is properly barricaded with the caution tape. Hand Injury Leather gloves / Cotton gloves must be worn along with other mandatory PPE’s. Non availability of MSDS Ensure that MSDS shall be available at DEL Clinic and all precautionary measures mentioned in MSDS shall be followed. Fall of sheet Ensure that lifting of Sheet should be properly secured while lifting. And at he height all sheets will be secured properly so that sheet may not fall Loose Material While executions of the Job make sure only required material is present with the workers Part 1: Job Particulars Page 5 of 9 JSA No: JOB TITLE: Step Describe Job Step No (Copy from part 2 of form) 5 Bolt Tightening / Manually Pakistan Asset Team BHP Billiton Potential Hazards (Use Hazard Checklist) Hazard Controls Damage to Existing Equipments & Instruments Take care of already installed Equipments and instruments. Irritation Ensure that all PPE’s shall be worn during the activity Coveralls, Safety Shoes, Hard Hats, Safety Goggles, Dust Masks, and Leather Gloves. Eye Irritation Ensure that workers shall wear Safety Goggles. Ensure that Sufficient amount of water is readily available for Eye Wash. Loose Insulation Ensure that no loose material shall be present at site all the material that is no more required will be removed on daily basis. Hand Injury Make Sure that proper mandatory PPE’s Should be used during the Job Hard Hats, Cover alls, Safety Goggles, Leather Gloves. Back injury Proper posture shall be maintained. Un inspected damaged bolts Ensure that the bolts are inspected and physically checked before tightening. Unskilled / Untrained persons Bolt tightening shall be done with care and only qualified and experience personals shall perform the job. Part 1: Job Particulars Page 6 of 9 JSA No: JOB TITLE: Step Describe Job Step No (Copy from part 2 of form) 6 Dismantling of scaffold Pakistan Asset Team BHP Billiton Potential Hazards (Use Hazard Checklist) Hazard Controls Pinch Points All workers performing the job will clearly demonstrate about all pinch points. Unauthorized hand tools All hand tools shall be color coded prior to mobilization to site. Heat Exertion Due to hot and humid weather conditions make sure that sufficient amount of water is available at site and proper shelter should be there for rest and during the job workers will take proper rest. Fall of Workers Ensure workers are wearing appropriate full body harness and tie-off 100%.. Throwing of joints, Material No throwing of materials at elevated use rope or bags for hauling up or down of material. Work With out Supervision Works on scaffold must be supervised at all times Storing of Extra Materials on Scaffolding No equipment and tools will be stored on the scaffold. Un trained Workers All persons working on scaffold must be trained on working at heights Un inspected Harness All harness must be checked daily by a competent person and inspected harnesses. monthly and logged Part 1: Job Particulars Page 7 of 9 JSA No: JOB TITLE: Step Describe Job Step No (Copy from part 2 of form) Potential Hazards (Use Hazard Checklist) Stationed on scaffold tube during dismantling Ensure that scaffolder must be used foot planks and planks shall secured. Unsecured anchored point Ensure that scaffolder should know strength anchored point during removal ledger and standard. Back injury Ensure workers properly inducted about the proper positioning Ensure workers are complying with the min. PPE req..Safety shoes, helmet, safety glass, dust mask. Ensure before start dismantling underneath plant equipment must be protect and safe. Damage of plant equipment Pakistan Asset Team BHP Billiton Hazard Controls SIMOPS Take care of other activities in progress in the same area and make a proper drop zone and depute a spotter around barricaded area. If some other activities are in progress then make a coordination meeting with supervisors of those activities prior to starting of job. Starting job with out proper barrication and caution tape. Ensure that area is properly barricaded with the caution tape. Worker using medicines If some one is using any type of medicine he will inform BHP HSE advisor as some medicines may cause drowsiness. Part 1: Job Particulars Page 8 of 9 JSA No: JOB TITLE: Step Describe Job Step No (Copy from part 2 of form) 7 Demobilization Pakistan Asset Team BHP Billiton Potential Hazards (Use Hazard Checklist) Hazard Controls Leaving scaffold tube at edge of platform or top of mid rail or top rail. Ensure that must not left any scaffold tube edge platform and mid / top rail. Poor House Keeping Ensure that working area shall be left clean and tidy before leaving the Site Part 1: Job Particulars Page 9 of 9